After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 275: Theoretical exams, God-level betting questions (one more)

  Chapter 275 Theoretical Examination, God-level Betting Questions (one more)

  Huo Fanjin looked back in surprise: "Frank..."

  The next second, the smile freezes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  I saw people with five short statures, short and round, not to mention that among Europeans and Americans who are generally superior in height, even among Chinese men, they can only be regarded as short.

  The skin is very white, and the cyan capillary walls can be seen, but because of this, the red and swollen pimples on the face become more and more terrifying.

  To say that the only thing that is desirable, it should be the dense and soft blonde hair, like a sunny beach.

  "Hello? Who are you?" Huo Fanjin asked in English.

  The boy was taken aback: "H, Hello..." with a heavy D accent.

  Huo Fanjin was stunned, his eyes flashed in disbelief: "Oh, my God! Don't tell me you are Frank, then I will collapse on the spot!"

   "No, no, I am not," the boy quickly denied, shook his head quickly, "I am Frank's teammate, he has something to do now and can't go away, so let me come over and tell you."

  Huo Fanjin breathed a sigh of relief, and the loss followed: "So...when will he be free? I can wait for him."

   "Sorry, I don't know either."

   "Okay," Huo Fanjin quickly adjusted his mood, "Anyway, there are still so many days, I can always see you, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"What's your name?"


  Jonas is gone, it seems that he is really just here for a letter.

  Huo Fanjin grabbed a small flower in his hand, turned around to complain to Jiang Fuyue, "Good risk! Almost scared to pee."


   "Fortunately Frank is not like that," Huo Fanjin mumbled, looking at the direction Jonas was leaving, "He is not as tall as I am..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "The teacher has taught us since we were young, not to judge people by their appearance."

  Huo Fanjin stuck out his tongue: "I didn't despise him, I just like handsome guys more. Don't you like it?"

   "General." After speaking, he turned and walked inward.

   "Hey," Huo Fanjin chased up, "What is ‘general’? Do you like it or not, please make it clear..."

  The next day also passed calmly.

  On the third day at 7:40 in the morning, contestants from various countries entered the stadium one after another.

  At eight o'clock, the theory test officially started. A total of five hours, the proctoring environment is relatively relaxed, you can go to the bathroom, you can also relax in the rest area, and there are drinks and snacks.

  But except for the toilet, every corner is included in the monitoring range.

  Three theoretical questions, Jiang Fuyue didn't start immediately after getting it. It's still the old rules, and read them all first.

  This process took her ten minutes, far more than usual.

  After reading, Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but squeak.

  It can only be said that country D is worthy of country D, and the difficulty of these three topics is death-level.

  Probably because of being the host country this year, the arrogance is not concealed——

  You said it’s hard for me, right? OK, then I will completely shake off my arms and do it.

  There is no hardest, only harder!

  Ling Xuan has also developed the habit of looking at the questions first, and then starting. When all three questions have been browsed, his heart will sink to the bottom.


  His eyes flashed, and after careful discrimination, he found that it was not impossible to do it. Two of the three questions were very familiar.

  Although the given materials have different backgrounds, the ideas are ready to emerge.

  Ling Xuan's eyes suddenly dazzled, he remembered!

Two similar questions appeared in the IPhO question summary compiled by Jiang Fuyue over the years.

  At that time, he and Lin Shumo both did it, because the answers were different, and they had a long dispute.

  Until Jiang Fuyue came back from Linhuai, "It's not right."

  Two big bright red forks.

  Ling Xuan still remembers how Lin Shumo was shocked and unbelievable.

  Before this, he was so sure that his answer was absolutely correct.


  Next, Jiang Fuyue finished her thoughts and methods, and pointed out where they made mistakes.

  Lin Shumo is convinced orally.

  As for Ling Xuan...

  Before this, he had already taken it.

  Now, he is sitting in the IPhO international examination room, looking at two familiar questions, even the trap settings are similar, and his expression is immediately complicated.

  Also complicated is Lin Shumo. When he saw these two questions, he immediately remembered it, and didn't need to think about it.

  On that day, when Jiang Fuyue got off the plane, they received someone, and Q directly found a classroom and started to talk about the topic. They finished 12 courses in one go without a break in between.

  Lin Shumo was rewarded with a few red crosses, and received several consecutive wrong evaluations of "wrong, wrong, wrong". While he was shocked to doubt his life, his admiration for the **** the podium also spontaneously emerged.

  That was the first time he admired a peer from the heart in his best field.

  And this peer is still a girl.

  Thinking about it afterwards, he was in a delicate mood.

   Originally thought that this kind of emotion would slowly fade over time, but in fact it did fade a lot. After all, Jiang Fuyue’s crushing genius attribute did not explode all the time.

  But at this moment, looking at the two familiar questions, Lin Shumo surrendered and couldn't fade away. Every piece of it reminded him how awesome Jiang Fuyue was.

  Fang Canyang silently read the phrase "Yue Jie Sai Gao" and began to concentrate on the question.

  Huo Fanjin's eyes widened, staring at the two questions and swallowing wildly, because the movement was too loud, it also attracted the attention of the invigilators.

   "Hey, this candidate, do you need help?"

   "Yes, I need it, please pinch me."


  "Beautiful lady, you heard me right, just pinch me, can you? Thank you."

   "Oh, if this is what you want, then I must cooperate, although I don't know why you want to do this. Ifyousoreorfeelpain, please tellme. (If you feel pain, please tell me.

  The next second, "Ouch!" Huo Fanjin screamed.

   "Okay, it seems that you have already felt the pain." The other party let go and smiled apologetically.

  Huo Fanjin hurriedly thanked him, and then mumbled in Chinese: "It's not a dream..."

  Ling Xuan curled his lips in disgust when he saw this.

   Lin Shumo: "Silly X."

  Jiang Fuyue didn't know how the other four people were. At this moment, she was answering the questions quickly, without distraction.

  Ling Xuan and Lin Shumo have just started, and she has finished writing the first question.

  Next, I can easily overcome the second question. I have practiced it. There are no obstacles in my thinking, but the amount of calculation has doubled.

   But for her, it doesn’t make much difference.

  The third question is left.

  According to the habit of IPhO over the years, the last question is usually the finale question.

   is also more difficult than the first two.

  Ke Jiang Fuyue finished reading, but did not find the difficulty.

  First of all, this question examines Zero-length springs andslinkycoils zero-length springs and spring coils.

   is not a tall thing, on the contrary, it is very common.

  It can be said that the spring problem is something that will appear in every country’s IPhO training course, which reflects only the entry-level level.

  Looking at the questions again, it is also very regular——


  Zero effective length spring (ZLS) is a spring whose reaction force is proportional to its length...

  Then combine the knowledge of seismology——AZLSisusefulinseismographyandallowsveryaccuratemeasurementofchangesinthegravitationalacceleration...

  The first question, Jiang Fuyue directly answered: TheforcecausesthespringtochangeitslengthfromL0toL...weget...

  It's done.

  The second question is also very easy, but the amount of calculation is too large to be normal.

  The third question, Jiang Fuyue is ready to use a calculator. Didn’t expect it to be a proof question? !

"what the hell?"

  At this time, only twenty-five minutes have passed since the test started.

  Jiang Fuyue stared at the third question, as if the old monk had entered concentration, and the pen was still stuck.

  Five minutes later, she replayed the steps of the first two short questions in her mind.

  She was pretty sure that there was no problem, no matter the idea or calculation.

  But why the third question is a proof question?

   does not make any sense!

  The conclusion that the title requires to be proved is used in the first two small questions. To prove it again is nothing short of superfluous.

Just when Jiang Fuyue was about to "add a snake to superfluous" according to the title's requirements, her eyes suddenly stopped. She glanced at the second question, then went back to the first question, and finally turned back to the question, carefully and carefully. Read it again.

  Suddenly, her eyes stopped on a certain line, something suddenly flashed in her mind, she understood!

  The next second, Jiang Fuyue rang the bell and called the invigilator: "Please give me a brand new answer sheet, thank you."

   Then, Jiang Fuyue directly swiped on the original answer sheet, and crossed out all the answers to the first and second questions of the third question.

  This move stunned the invigilator: "Oh! God! What are you doing?"

    One more, three thousand words.

     two more twelve o'clock~



  (End of this chapter)

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