After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 301: The secret of pen pals, scolding with arms akimbo (three shifts)

  Chapter 301 The Secret of Pen pals, scolding with arms akimbo (three shifts)

The sound of    shocked the two who were making each other.

   "Who?" Frank said grumpily.

  Huo Fanjin took a deep breath, carried the skirt, and appeared in front of them gracefully and calmly: "I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just about to leave and I accidentally kicked the flowerpot."

  Not far away, there is indeed a lying flowerpot, and soil is scattered all over the ground.

  After speaking, she left with a gesture.

   "Wait." Frank said suddenly.

  Huo Fanjin turned around and asked.

  He let go of the girl and walked towards Huo Fanjin with a smile.

  The man has a pair of talking eyes, and the blue ripples shine with gentle light. When he stares at you, he can't be more affectionate.

  Unfortunately, they are all fake.

   "You are beautiful today." He praised emotionally, in English.

  "You don't have an accent?!" Huo Fanjin only noticed this. She looked at the other person in amazement, unfamiliarity and suspicion in her eyes.

  In the end, all emotions turned cold, and she asked: "Why lie to me?"

  "Hey, I didn't lie to you," he picked up a bunch of Huo Fanjin's hair, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly, "It's so fragrant! There is someone else who lied to you."

  Huo Fanjin suppressed the goose bumps all over, "What do you mean?"

  He avoided answering: "After tonight, we will return to China tomorrow. Why don't we do something that can create memories?"


   "For example, go back to the hotel now and open a new room, only you and me."

  Huo Fanjin regained his hair abruptly, took two steps back, and distanced him with disgust: "What disgusting thing? I have been a pen pal with someone like you for a few years. It's incredible!"

  Frank's smile narrowed: "Don't be ignorant!"

   "Heh, which green onion are you? Don't take a pee to see, your own smelly, self-righteous idiot! Isn't it silly?"

   "You!" Frank became angry from embarrassment.

  He didn't expect that a girl who looked quiet and quiet would be so effective in scolding people.

  That **** is a blend of Chinese and Western without repetition.

   "You **** don't deserve to be my pen pal at all, let alone stand here and talk to me, **** off——"

  Frank laughed angrily, and a bad light flashed in his eyes: "Oh, it seems like who is rare to be your pen pal?"

  Huo Fanjin frowned.

   "Let’s be honest with you, I’m Frank, but I’m not your pen pal. Now there are chat software and social networking sites, who still writes letters? It’s just crazy!"

  Huo Fanjin's pupils shrank: "You are not Frank?! Who is Frank?! Where is he?!"

  "Can’t understand? I’m Frank, your pen pal stealing my name, stealing my photos, he is lying to you, idiot!"

   " lied..."

Frank sneered, "Oh, yes, he told me everything between you, every e-mail, every detail, how can I lie to you? Oh, it’s so pitiful, Lie, time and time again..."

  "Shut up!" Huo Fanjin's eyes were red, but he gritted his teeth to prevent the tears from rolling down.

  Frank will certainly not listen: "Speaking of which, you have seen him."


"That's the one--"

  Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of the bushes nearby and knocked down Frank with a punch.

   "Damn! Are you crazy, Joe?!" He licked the bleeding corner of his mouth, cursing.

  "Don't bully her! You broke your promise to me, Frank! You are a little man who doesn't believe in words!" The short and fat Jonas stood there and roared frantically.

  Because the movement of the fist was too hard and his emotions were on the verge of losing control, he trembled uncontrollably.

  It is a physiological reaction that only occurs when anger is extreme.

  "Who are you?" The girl's puzzled voice came from behind.

  Jonas was stiff, not shaking anymore, stuck in place like a log, unable to move.

"I've seen you," Huo Fanjin said, "The second day I came to Hepa, I sent an email to Jove... well, this scumbag met, and you ran over to tell us that he has something to do and is not coming, right? "

  He dare not speak, dare not respond, and dare not look back.

   "Your name is... John? No, no, Jonas! Your name is Jonas, right?"

   still did not get an answer.

Frank, who fell on the ground, suddenly laughed: "Beautiful Oriental doll, do you know who your real pen pal is? Ah, that's the ugly and fat short guy standing in front of you. Look at him, how embarrassing, how Cowardly, I don’t even dare to turn around and say something to you. Oh, this is so stupid! He is the same as you!"

   "Shut up, you stupid pig!" Huo Fanjin walked to Jonas, stood side by side with him, and looked down at Frank on the ground.

  Hands on hips: "Thank God, he is better than you as my pen pal."

  Frank was taken aback: "Huh? What **** are you talking about? That's the ugly monster? Better than me?!"

  Jonas became more stiff, and he wanted to bury his head in the ground.

  Suddenly, he ran away, as if there was something terrible here, he had to think that he should stay away as fast as possible...

    Three shifts, two thousand words.

     Sister Yue will return to China tomorrow! What do you want to see next? Try to be satisfied~



  (End of this chapter)

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