After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 311: For Qing's defeat, the function shows love (one more)

  Chapter 311 is defeated by Qing, function shows love (one more)

  The troubleshooting time is five minutes.

   Now three minutes and 27 seconds have passed, and there is still no movement on the other side.

  As long as the time limit expires and the other party has not cleared the bug, then it will be lost.

  The last sixty seconds left...just enough for her to receive a glass of water.

  Jiang Fuyue got up.

  On the other side, Xie Dingyuan's breathing was sluggish.

  The girl stood up and left the seat. Although her face was invisible, her whole figure was exposed to the camera.

  She wears a nightdress, which is not a bold style, but it is definitely not conservative.

  The slightly open neckline reveals the delicate collarbone, and the long neck is snow-white up, with long hair draped behind him, and his back is slim.

  The two lower legs of the skirt are straight and thin, and they are shiny and translucent.

  The water dispenser is placed directly opposite the camera, and as she bends over, the neckline also opens up...

  Xie Dingyuan looked away in embarrassment, breathing slightly.

  And the finger that was about to hit the Enter key was also retracted. It only took a second, and if you press it down, both bugs and viruses will be cleared one by one.

  When the opponent ran out of three obstacle setting opportunities, the general situation was gone, and the sniper failed.

  He is still the one [Xie] who is firmly ranked first and has a record of 0 being sniped!

  But at that moment, Xie Dingyuan was in a panic.

  He thought, if this is a beauty trick, then she succeeded.


time up!

  Jiang Fuyue happily put down the water glass and sat back in front of the computer.


  Check the sniper killing record, the third time the failure result shows that the other party "test run bug not ruled out".

  At the same time, [Xie], who is firmly on the top of the Tp list, originally displayed "Number of sniped: 0" in the data column under the ID suddenly changed to "Number of sniped: 1"!

  Then the Topcoder website forum exploded.

  Original owner: Who will pick up the **** who caught [Xie]!

  As we all know, since the birth of Topcoder, [Xie] has been the first **** on the Tp list. He has never fallen into the world for so many years. It has 0 failures and 0 snipers, which can be called the gospel for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  Duang! Here comes the point. Just five minutes ago, [Xie]'s number of snipers changed from 0 to 1.

  2nd floor: Wow! Ye Qingjie!

  3rd floor: Seeking to pick up, curiosity to the giant of [Xie].

  4th floor: To be honest, I can't believe it.

  5th floor: I just came up with the great event that made history, chicken jelly! Waiting to eat melon.


  199th floor: I feel [Xie] is not so easy to lose.

  200th floor: I have a bold idea.

  201F: I also have one.


  369th floor: Maybe [Xie] God has a sudden stomachache and wants to go to the bathroom.

  370th floor: Maybe the baby is crying and busy to breastfeed.

  371 floor: Maybe the wife is urging, [Xie] God is going to coax people.

  372nd floor: How do you know that you are not called to kneel on the washboard?


  400th floor: Don’t you guys make a spoof? [Xie] The gods are all broken by you.

   401 floor: What's the use of guessing? Just send a message and ask me!

  402 floor: Upstairs must be a newcomer, even [Xie] God refused to accept private messages.


  Andre likes to mix forums when he is fine, so he saw the post as soon as it was posted.

  He gave a chuckle in my heart, wouldn’t it be so coincidental, would it?

  He hurriedly popped up a dialog box to "Yue", five messages in a row——

  【Don't tell me it's you. 】

  【Really you? 】

  【Is it you? 】

  【Is Xie good? 】

  【Hello? you are still alive? 】

  Unfortunately, there is no response.

  At this moment, it is Jiang Fuyue's turn to be snipe.

  She is ready to be made difficult by the other party. After all, she always has to pay back when she comes out.

  She just cheated someone, and now it's the other party's turn to collect the debt.

  But reality is--

  The first time the obstacle was set up, the other party only gave a common number, and the test run was 0.5 seconds, and the display was successful.

  The second time the fault was set up, the other party replaced it with alphabetic parameters, and the trial run for one second, and it was successful again.

  For the third time, the opponent uses the formula r=a(1-sinθ).

  Jiang Fuyue paused, Descartes' heart-shaped function?

  Is the other party here to be funny?

  Xie Dingyuan is of course not funny. After he sent out the formula, he felt regretful and expectant.

  He turned on the private messaging function, hoping to receive messages from the ID [Month].

  Even one.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue’s is not there, but a bunch of others who don’t know come up.

  He is too lazy to watch, click "Ignore All".

On the other side, Jiang Fuyue has successfully eliminated the bug, and the third trial run has been completed.

  Next, everyone saw another magical scene——

  I saw the data column of [Xie] "Sniper rate: 100%" changed to "Sniper rate: 99.9%"!


  1026 floor: It has changed! It's changed again! [Xie] Failed to kill with sniper [Screenshot]

  1027 floor: God! [Xie] God won't really be punished to kneel on the washboard and kneel and stupid?

  1028 floor: From the unsuccessful [Xie] god, which little fairy fascinated your soul?

  1029 floor: Tsk tsk, witness the history.

  1030 floor: Witness the history +1


  The forum is lively and lively, and the suites are deserted.

  Xie Dingyuan guarded the private message dialog, but still did not wait for Jiang Fuyue's words.

  Maybe...she doesn’t know r=a(1-sinθ)?

  Or, didn’t you pay attention?

Um! It must be so.

  Since this is the case, then he...take the initiative?

  Open the add friend page, send the application, and the verification message is automatically generated: I’m [Xie]...

  He thought it was too simple and not sincere enough, so he thought about it and deleted it.

   changed to: "Hello, make a friend?"

   seems to be a bit frivolous and not serious enough, so I deleted it again.

   changed to: "You are great, we Bibi?"

  Provocative means too strong and not friendly enough, so delete it again.

  "I am a good person, and I have no intentions. Can I add you as a friend?"

   looks too popular and lacks aesthetics.

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head and deleted it again.

  How is it more difficult than writing a paper?

  It's really bald!


  The game is over, Jiang Fuyue returns to the main interface.

On the   Tp list, [Xie] still ranks first, unshakable, but the sniper rate and the number of snipers have changed in the lower display column.

  Looking at his ranking again, he has jumped from seventh to fourth, with a killing rate of 100% and a number of snipers being 0.

  She curled her lips and smiled.

   Reply to Andre——

【it's me. 】

【do you have any opinion? 】

   is wild and wild.

  Andre screamed with a screen-swiping chicken--

  【Month, I declare that from now on, you will be my goddess. 】

  【The only kind. 】

  【How did you snipe Xie? Is there a video? This great moment needs to be remembered. 】

【what! If you also participate in IOI, you will definitely get the first place. 】

  Jiang Fuyue grabbed the key words in his words-too?

  【Are you in Kos? 】

  Andre: [Oh! Oh my god! Are you peeping at me? ! 】

  Jiang Fuyue: [I am at the Suweiqi Hotel. 】

  Andre: [Huh? Why are you here? 】

  Jiang Fuyue: [Participate in IOI. 】

  The other end was dull for two seconds before reacting, inevitably, another rooster barked.

  Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched wildly, and the mouse wheel slipped, and he swiped away the "Ahhhhh".

  Andre happily asked her to meet.

  Jiang Fuyue agreed.

  The two are about to meet in the hotel’s No. 3 restaurant tomorrow evening.

  Andre: [Let me tell you, this steak is very delicious! 】

  The chat was over, Jiang Fuyue was about to go offline, and suddenly received a friend request.

  The applicant is......Xie?

  She has a weird expression. Could this person lose the game and still want revenge?

  She directly clicked Ignore, who knew it was a bit crooked, and the application popped up on the page, and the additional verification message was also greeted by her——

  "Meeting Qingchu is like returning home."

  Jiang Fuyue's first reaction-is there a problem with his brain?

  Second reaction-How about the first on the Tp list. If there is a problem with your brain, isn't it an insult to yourself?

  No problem, how can you write such acid poems?

  The sourness made her teeth almost fall out.


On the    side, Xie Dingyuan stared at the message bar without turning his eyes away. During the period, he was anxious to press the button, and at this time he had gradually become anxious.

  Why haven't reply yet?

  The system swallows messages? Didn't send it?

  Or she didn’t see it? But the avatar is on, indicating that it is online...

  After some struggle, he decided to post it again.

  The verifiable information made him bald again.

   can't always be the same as the previous one, right? You have to be polite and affectionate, but not frivolous and not serious.

  Where can I find another poem?


   Just when Jiang Fuyue was silently complaining, she received the second verification message——

  "Hello, make a friend?"

  Xie Dingyuan thought, replacing "you" with "you", is this serious enough?

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

you? Is she so old?

  Who is this? Is there a wink?

Refuse! Must refuse!

  At this moment, the local defense system suddenly popped up a red warning, indicating that the CPU was invaded by a Trojan horse.

  Jiang Fuyue stared sharply, and immediately covered the camera with a napkin.

  Next, she began to clean up the virus. In the process, she found the culprit...

    Yue Jie: This person is miserable.

     The world is sad and thankful 99 crying.

     One watch, three thousand words, full of rival dramas~

     Two is twelve o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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