After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 334: Sister Yue shots, wakes up to Xie Gou (three or four more)

  Chapter 334 Sister Yue shots, wakes up to see Xie Gou (three or four more)

  Back to the room, Han Yunru took her pajamas and was about to take a bath.

  Jiangda immediately followed up anxiously, and said to please: "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard, I wanted to help, but Chunni is a woman, and it’s not nice for me to enter her room, so..."

   "Hmm. I know." After speaking, he closed the bathroom door with a bang.

  Jiangda was stunned in place, stunned.

  He knew there must be something wrong, but he was at a loss as to where the problem was, completely confused.

   Soon, Han Yunru came out of the shower.

  Jiangda was about to talk to her, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he could only open the door first.



   "Where's mom?" Jiang Fuyue reached for her head and looked in.

   "In there, come in."

  Jiangda stepped aside, and after Jiang Fuyue came in, she closed the door silently.

  Han Yunru looked at the paper bag in front of him, and asked, "This is?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I went to visit the teachers this afternoon and brought them some gifts. This bottle of fairy water was given to you by Master Xu."

  "Give it to me?" Han Yunru was a little surprised.

   "Well, my age is not suitable for use..."

  Han Yunru understands, her daughter went to see the teacher, and her mother gave her skin care products, but considering that she didn’t need it at her age, she said she would give it to herself.

   "Then I picked up a big bargain?" Such a bottle costs several thousand yuan.

  Jiang Fuyue corrected: "It's Dengguang."

  Han Yunru laughed: "Yeah, in the light of my daughter..."

   "Then I'm going back, you guys rest early."


  Han Yunru sent her daughter away, closed the door, turned around, and saw Jiang Da's face in front of him.

  She stepped back and frowned: "What are you doing?"

   "Wife, let's talk."

   "I'm sleepy." As he said, he walked to the bed, opened the quilt, and lay down.

  Jiang Da pursed his lips, and the tall and strong figure stood still, for a long while—

   "Wife, are you honest, do you have an opinion on me?"


  "I’m a person slow to react, and my brain is not smart. If there is, you tell me, I will correct it."


   "Daughter-in-law, stop being angry, okay? You didn't talk to me much today."

  Jiangda touched the bed, hoping to get some response, but saw that Han Yunru was breathing smoothly and fell asleep.

  He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. What's wrong?

  It seems that after mom came, the atmosphere at home became very strange.

  Jiangda vaguely knows where the problem is, but...

  What can he do?

  At this time, Han Yunru, who was already asleep, quivered her eyelashes twice.

  I remembered Jiang Da’s phrase "If there is one, you can say it"...

  She felt miserable.

  If you could tell, she would have said it a long time ago, but there are some things that you can’t talk too much while standing in her place.

  Only Jiang Da wanted to understand.


  The next day, Jiang Da and Han Yunru still opened stores as usual.

  Jiang Fuyue also left early.

  Chunni pushed the old lady to wander around in the community, and went to the free buffet area, eating and wrapping, and other people there stared at her like monsters.

  The old lady's face suddenly became hot: "Chunni! Go away!"

  "Auntie Fen, don’t panic! There are so many delicious ones here, so delicious! I have never had such a delicious cake! Wait a minute, I will put two more bags..."

  Speaking, he has already started to install.

   "Gosh! Where is this stuffed bun!"

   "Whose babysitter? But it's too shabby to ask a babysitter like this..."

  "I saw them coming out of the A3 single-family villa in the morning."

   "Hiss...A3 actually lives this kind of person? Where are the nouveau riche? No, this dressing can't even reach the nouveau riche. Don't you just pry the door?"


  There was a lot of discussion, but Chun Ni turned a deaf ear to the food in front of her, wishing to take it all away.

  The old lady was so angry that her cheeks flushed, and her voice became hoarse when she called her, but Chunni actually ignored her? !

  A babysitter, actually has a face? !

  The old lady was furious, but Chunni is not like any of her daughter-in-laws. Just a few words can make them embarrassed and dare not talk back. Chunni is just a mallet!

  Don’t listen to people around you, and don’t listen to her.

  Finally, the old lady’s lungs were almost exploding, and Chun Ni was still eager to pick up the packing bag: “Auntie Fen, I’m finished, let’s go.”

   "You—you—" Her fingers were shaking.

  Chunni showed concern: "What's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

   "...Push me back! Fool!"

  Chunni can’t understand anything else, but "idiot" can still understand, "No... Aunt Fen, how can you scold me for no reason? Where am I stupid?"

  "Push me back! Don't understand?!" The old lady's face was already turning purple.

  Chunni curled her mouth, she didn't dare to resist. One hand was carrying a large bag and the other was pushing the wheelchair with difficulty. The road was very bumpy.

  When I got home, the old lady was speechless.

  Chunni didn’t know to pour her a glass of water, she went to the kitchen directly with the bag, took the things out with a plate, and started eating.

  Lunch, Chunni didn't make it, but she ate all kinds of cakes that she packed back in the morning.

  Old lady: "I want to eat!"

   "Auntie Fen, why are you so stupid? How delicious is this cake? What else to eat? Come on, give you a taste, this one is really fragrant."

  Old lady: "..."? !

  I was so hungry in the afternoon, she called Chunni, but couldn't say anything, just thinking about calling her younger son and asking Jiang Teng to come and clean up this ignorant idiot.

  But I couldn’t find the phone after searching for a long time, "Chunni! Where’s my phone?"

   "Oh, I'm using it! Video with my aunt, and I will pay you back later!"

  The old lady choked on her breath.

  I waited for a long time, but the phone didn’t come back, but Chunni had already strolled upstairs.

  She quietly unscrewed the door of Jiang Da and Han Yunru’s room...

  The old lady was really hungry. Just at this moment, the younger brother Jiang came down from the upper floor and said, "You—come here!"

   "Grandma?" Young brother Jiang was taken aback, but still obediently stepped forward.

   "I'm hungry, you go cook."


  In the evening, as soon as Jiang Fuyue arrived home, she heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

  While the old lady was weak while leaning on the wheelchair, Chun Ni took the remote control and sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating fruit.

  Jiang Fuyue got cold, and went straight into the kitchen, and saw Brother Jiang strenuously holding up the pan, and then pouring the hot pot water into the trough.

  The kitchen of the villa is not like the previous unit building. The marble counter is built high. Brother Jiang is not tall enough, so he can only pull his neck strenuously.

  Jiang Fuyue's fire that was originally in her heart exploded in an instant.

"lay down."

  Young brother Jiang looked back in surprise: "Sister, you are back!"

  "Put down the pot and take off the apron."

   "Ah? Oh." The young boy found that his sister's eyes suddenly became calm and quiet, like the sky in the future of a rainstorm, making people panic.

"elder sister…"

  He yelled anxiously.

  Jiang Fuyue touched his head to comfort him, "Go, follow me out."

  "But the dishes..." hasn't been cooked yet.

  Under the cold gaze of his sister, he obediently shut his mouth and followed quietly next to him.

living room.

  Chunni was still staring at the TV intently, and was reaching out to fork the fruit. Suddenly the plate in front of her was overturned and hit the floor with a bang.


  She was frightened, but when she raised her head, she saw Jiang Fuyue staring at her condescendingly, her eyes seeming to eat people.


  "Is my cousin here to take care of others, or to be taken care of?"

   "When, of course, I am taking care of Aunt Fen..."

  It happened that the old lady was also awakened by this movement. She watched the scene before her, but she didn't even speak to Chunni again.

  Only a sneer is left at the corner of the mouth-deserve it!

   "This is how you look after you? Let my brother cook and serve you?"

  She used "you", not "you".

  The old lady had a guilty conscience.

  Chunni was frightened by Jiang Fuyue's cold look and her legs trembled. She didn't know why a girl could have such a strong aura, even more majestic than the village chief.

   "I...I don't... It's Aunt Fen and she let your brother..."

   "Shut up!" The old lady said fiercely, "Chunni, you really let me down!"

   Chunni: "?"

  Jiang Fuyue took a deep look at the old lady and smiled swiftly: "Grandma, I don't think my cousin is suitable for staying at home, what do you think?"

  The old lady only felt that her throat was pinched by an invisible hand, and she felt suffocated.

  Her brain is blank, she has forgotten all about her face, status, and who is the owner of the house, only the dark and cold eyes of the girl in front of her.

   "I... I think so too..."

   "Okay, then I'll take the initiative and send the cousin away."

  Chunni didn’t understand why it suddenly became like this: "No, I won’t leave! I just came! I have to take care of Aunt Fen..."

  She rushed over and hugged the old lady’s leg: “Auntie Fen, obviously you let Chen Xing cook. What’s up with me? You can’t drive me away.”

  She hasn't had a good enough life yet, how can she be willing to leave?

  The old lady was pierced, and she suddenly looked at Shang Jiang Fuyue's sarcasm, as if she had known it a long time ago...

  This made her old face fierce, and immediately became angry. She opened Chunni to say that she was sick, but her strength was so great that she directly overturned people—

   "Go away! Just take care of me like you are so lazy? It's fine if I don't die!"

   "Auntie Fen, you called me! I will be driven away only one day, I am not convinced!"

  The old lady trembled with anger: "You, are you still not convinced?!"

   "I just don't accept it!"

  Jiang Fuyue sneered, now you know what it means to ask God to be easy to send to God, right?

  Until the old lady turned her eyes white and almost passed her back in one breath, Jiang Fuyue said leisurely, "If you don't leave, I will call the police."

   "Call the police?! What police did you call?!" Chun Ni's eyes were blank.

   "You stole a bottle of my mom's face-wiping water. That bottle of water is still new, worth more than five thousand. This amount is enough to file a case."

   "What nonsense are you talking about?! I didn't steal it!" Chun Ni was like a cat with her tail trampled on.

  Jiang Fuyue is not fast or slow: "I have video."

  The woman was limp to the ground.

   "I... I don't know how expensive it is... I thought it was just a few dollars for the face..."

  Finally, how did Chunni come, and how did she leave.

   also took away her pile of smelly bags.

  A farce came to an end. The old lady looked at Jiang Fuyue, who was sitting on the sofa and eating fruit calmly, and the little brother Jiang who was watching cartoons next to her. Suddenly her spine became cold...

  In the evening Jiang Da and Han Yunru came back, Jiang Fuyue told them that his cousin had left.

  Janda was surprised.

  Han Yunru is not strange at all.

  Her daughter naturally follows her, and she doesn’t have so many worries yet, she won’t be constrained in doing things...

  Now Chunni is cleaned up, and in the end there is only...

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the old lady who had a straight back in the wheelchair, and smiled slightly.

  Leave it to Han Yunru to solve it, she can't break the game set by her mother.


Before going to bed, Jiang Fuyue received a goodnight kiss from brother Jiang.

   "Sister, you are so amazing."

  Jiang Fuyue asked him: "Have you learned it?"

  The little guy has bright eyes: "Hmm! I learned it!"

   "That's good. Go to bed."

   "Good night sister."

"Good night."

  Jiang Fuyue spent the entire day in Camp A today, loosening her muscles, and hitting a few more targets. She was already tired.

  This sleep was particularly sweet, but the way of waking up was not so wonderful.

  Because she was dragged from the bed.

  Yes, it’s just drag.

   "Jiang Fuyue! Wake up!"

  She frowned, and the next second, she opened her eyes suddenly, and then she struck blankly.

  Jiang Fuyue never thought that when she woke up one morning, the first thing she saw was—

  Xie Dingyuan!

  The balcony door is wide open, the breeze enters the room, very good, this guy turned in.

  "You better explain to me!" She gritted her teeth.

   "Yes, give you five minutes to get dressed and follow me. Talk to you slowly on the road." The man was serious and his eyes were solemn.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at him for five seconds.

  Xie Dingyuan did not dodge and stared at her.


  She agreed and got dressed as quickly as possible.

  The two did not go to the main entrance, but turned directly down the balcony, and hurried all the way to the back entrance of Yutianhua Mansion. A black Buick was waiting quietly by the roadside.

  The two got into the car and sat side by side in the back seat.

  The driver starts the engine and presses the accelerator to the end.

  Xie Dingyuan reminded her: "Put on your seat belt."

  Jiang Fuyue did, "What the **** is going on?"

  It is worth mentioning that Professor Xie went straight into her bedroom without saying hello.

  The corners of the man's mouth were drawn in a straight line, and his brows were tightened. Obviously, he was in trouble.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't ask, but after that sentence, she stopped talking.

  Suddenly, "Do you know the connection principle of domestic LAN?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows. This is the most basic part of a computer network. Anyone who learns computer should know it, right?

   "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

   "The customs searched a batch of contraband, and there were some omissions in the inspection process."

  Jiang Fuyue did not understand, "What does this have to do with the principle of LAN connection?"

  Last night, the Customs Intelligence Section intercepted a hacker's instruction. After cracking the encryption, they got a string of inexplicable Arabic numerals, a total of 49 digits, which was initially suspected to be related to the smuggling of contraband.

  But until this morning, the true meaning of that string of numbers has not been deciphered.

  "...The above suspected that the item had been shipped in, but it was not found. The specific clearance time and the current location of the item should be in this series of numbers."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Very tricky?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Big case."

   "Do you want me to decipher that string of numbers?"


  Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but smile, "Why do you think I will?"

   "I have seen your programming ideas, you are a hacker." He paused every word, his tone conclusive.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were slightly cold.

   "Don't worry, I will not reveal your identity."

  Xie Dingyuan himself is also a computer expert, and his achievements are not low, but he has never been a hacker, and he does not know the established rules of this hidden world, which is of great importance. He cannot bet with the mentality of giving it a try.

  At the critical moment, all he can think of is Jiang Fuyue.

"where are we going?"

  Xie Dingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had agreed: "Customs Intelligence Division."

   "I owed you favors before, but after this time, I won't owe you any more."

  The man smiled bitterly: "...OK."

  Soon, Buick stopped in front of a building.

  Mengang saw the two of them, but didn't make any interrogation, so they let them go.

  A short, fat man waited at the entrance of the information center, and when he saw the car arrived, he greeted him profusely.

   "Finally here!"

  Xie Dingyuan nodded slightly at him, then walked around to the co-pilot, and personally opened the door for Jiang Fuyue.

  This action surprised the short fat man. Not many people can let Xie Dingyuan drive the door by himself...

  Which old Taishan is it?

  The pudgy man immediately straightened his clothes and checked his image.

  But the next second, he stared wide-eyed in surprise—

  A young girl appeared in front of her eyes, her hair was a bit messy, her coat was open and unbuttoned, but her beauty was not compromised in the slightest.

  Snow white skin, long legs straight, a pair of peach blossom eyes looking at the building in front of him, sparkling waves.

   "Old Zheng, take us in."

   "This is?" He grabbed the surprise and surprise, and immediately became serious.

  Xie Dingyuan: "The foreign aid I asked for," paused, then added, "High-achieving students."

   "Oh," Old Zheng nodded, "Come with me."

   Swipe the card to enter the door, and then walked through the corridor. Finally, Old Zheng took the two to a large central control room.

  All the computers spread out inside are all top-of-the-line.

  Xie Dingyuan walked to the main console and called up an encrypted file, "This is the original command, the number after the cracking is here..."

  Jiang Fuyue swept across the screen, her eyes moved slightly.

  Xie Dingyuan retreated suddenly, letting out the position of the master controller, and signaled Jiang Fuyue: "You go."

  The girl was taken aback.

  Now, Lao Zheng was not only surprised, but also jumped on the spot: "What are you doing?!"

  Xie Dingyuan told the truth: "Let her take control."

   "No... can she be a college student?"

When    just introduced, Xie Dingyuan said that she was a "high-achieving student", and Lao Zheng preconceived her as a college student.

  If you know that Jiang Fuyue has not graduated from high school at this time, it is estimated that you will not jump your feet, but jump directly into the sea.

  Xie Dingyuan replied affirmatively: "Okay."

Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but be surprised at such a swearing oath so eloquently.

  Old Zheng and him stared at him: "Are you sure?!"

   "OK." The gentle tone made a heavy guarantee.

   "Hey—" Jiang Fuyue called to him, "I will be under pressure like you."

  Xie Dingyuan turned his head to look at her, and made a quick smile: "I am very pleased that your pressure comes from me, not from the series of numbers."

  This shows that Jiang Fuyue will understand.

   And I have a rough idea.

   "Old Zheng, make a decision."

   "You—this is forcing me—"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Time waits for no one. In case there is any contraband such as gunpowder, you know the consequences..."

   Lao Zheng bit his posterior teeth: "Okay! But you are also staring at the side, otherwise I don’t worry..."

  Although the little girl is pretty, she can’t do it just because she is pretty! You need technology! The kind of superb!

  However, he still believes in Xie Dingyuan’s judgment, and the recommended person can think of nothing wrong.

that is…

Oh shit! too young!

   "That's right." Xie Dingyuan patted him on the shoulder.

  Old Zheng: "..." I want to vomit blood.

  In that room, Jiang Fuyue had already sat in front of the main console, "Xie Dingyuan, come here."

  "What did you find?" The man's expression suddenly stern.

  Jiang Fuyue pointed to the number on the screen: "I need the original hacker instruction, can I find a way to call it out?"

  "Do you mean the one that needs to be deciphered for the first time?"


  Xie Dingyuan immediately looked back at Old Zheng.

  Lao Zheng received the signal and turned his eyes to look at the operator next to him.

  The operator stepped out and stood upright like loose: "Report to Zheng Ke. The original command has a one-time self-destruct setting. After we decipher the number string, it will automatically disappear."

  Jiang Fuyue frowned.

  Xie Dingyuan asked: "Is it influential?"

  She nodded.

  Old Zheng was confused, "It's not that the numbers have been deciphered, why do we need the original instructions?"

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at him, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly: "Because this string of numbers is meaningless. The really useful information is attached to the transmission path of the command itself. This is the most basic hacking method of hacker intrusion. You are almost..."

  In view of the wrong occasion, Jiang Fuyue omitted the following words.

  Well, someone else’s site should give people some face at any rate.

  Xie Dingyuan pondered for a moment: "Can you recover?"

  Jiang Fuyue pursed her lips, "You can try, but it is not guaranteed to succeed." It depends on whether the other party's self-destruct setting has loopholes. If it is perfect to the extreme, there will be no chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

"What do you need me to do?"

  "Do you know how to computer?" Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It's okay, but I don't know how to hack."

  She understands, this person’s “okay” level should be beyond the reach of ordinary people, but he is not good at hacking, so he found herself.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then you come to decipher this string of numbers. If it is related to contraband, I think it should be suggesting the arrival time."

  Then the information that comes with the route should be the delivery location!

   "Okay." Xie Dingyuan dragged the chair and sat down on the assistant console next to him and her.

  The two moved separately. For a while, the huge room only listened to the sound of the keyboard's rapid tapping.

  Old Zheng's face was heavy, and he couldn't understand it, so he could only be anxious beside him.

five minutes later.

  Jiang Fuyue: "How is your situation there?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Twenty-eight methods of code breaking have been tried."

   "No way?" The girl frowned.


  "You try the second code information deciphering method of the Bill Cipher." If Jiang Fuyue remembers correctly, it is also a forty-nine digit cipher.

  "The second piece of coded information?!" Without waiting for Xie Dingyuan to speak, the operator on the side screamed first, "Isn't that already recognized as a prank?!"

In 1885, James B. Ward published a booklet called "Bill's Proof", which contained three pieces of encoded information, and claimed that after the information was decrypted, it would be obtained from the Mysterious Treasure of Bedford County, Virginia. Specific location.

  One of the messages has been deciphered in the booklet. The message details the considerable amount of gold and silver jewelry. You can find it by deciphering the other two.

  In 1980, someone tried to use a computer to crack the remaining two passwords. When he discovered some abnormal phenomena that were not in line with the norm, he asserted that this was "a boring prank". Everyone thinks so.

  But few people know that the second password can actually be cracked, and the third is a prank.

  Obviously, Jiang Fuyue is among the “minorities”.

  There was no extra time to solve the operator's confusion, Jiang Fuyue directly let Xie Dingyuan get started.

  I don’t know if he is also one of the “few people”, anyway, Xie Dingyuan did, typing on the keyboard at a faster speed.

  Jiang Fuyue continued her recovery action.

  Five minutes passed...

  Xie Dingyuan stopped, and the keyboard sound stopped suddenly: "Yes."

  Jiang Fuyue and Lao Zheng leaned forward at the same time.

   "What is written?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "August 27th, nine ten in the morning."

  Old Zheng murmured: "It's really time..."

  Xie Dingyuan raised his wrist to look at his watch: "Now at ten twenty, things have passed the test."

  All guesses before then were correct.

  The complexion of everyone changed slightly. Among them, Lao Zheng was the most serious, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down: "Intercept! It must be intercepted! Otherwise, it will be finished..."

  Operator: “Now only if you know where the thing will be sent after passing the customs, can you stop it, otherwise...”

  Things toss and turn several times, even if they circulate in the city, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, and there is no way to find out.

  And the address is attached to the transmission path of the command itself, now only to see if Jiang Fuyue can recover...

  Xie Dingyuan frowned, except for waiting for Jiang Fuyue’s result, no one else could sit still.

   "Old Zheng, what do you think?"

  Old Zheng took a deep breath, calmed down quickly, and his mind began to function normally: "...I think that since the hacker was willing to pass the message to the customs, it should be without malicious intent."

  Xie Dingyuan nodded: "I will choose to send it at the time last night. Obviously, it has left us time to decipher. There should be hope."

  Xie Dingyuan asked people to take the building drawings around Linhuai Customs, as large as a district, as small as every street, to measure the distance one by one, and then eliminate the impossible options.

  Jiang Fuyue Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the speed of the man’s pen writing. Hey, the speed is comparable to her...

  Ten minutes later, Xie Dingyuan circled a few suspicious places and rigorously marked the probability that the prohibited items might be delivered.

  According to the probability, the police will be deployed again.

  Lao Zheng immediately ordered: "Start the yellow warning, and all departments are on standby at any time! In addition, the city’s stations and airports have strengthened safety inspections and notified all parties for assistance. If suspicious, they will be reported immediately."


  All departments acted immediately.

  The originally quiet room suddenly became hustle and bustle.

  Only Jiang Fuyue was still sitting in front of the computer, his fingers flicking, his expression focused.

  Xie Dingyuan looked at her, but did not urge.

  It seems that since he came to find himself, until now, this man has maintained a high degree of trust in her.

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t understand, she wanted to ask why, but the words came to her lips and they became—

   "It's ready right away, give me two more minutes."

  The man’s brows and eyes gathered light, suddenly bright: "Okay."

  Xie Dingyuan retreated, leaving an independent space for her.

   "Starting to act—" Lao Zheng reminded the two.

at this time-

   "The location was successfully deciphered." Jiang Fuyue's warm but not irritable voice came, just like a heaven!

    three or four more, seven thousand words.

     I don’t know if you still remember the stalk of the Bill’s password. In the last book, "Daughter-in-law," Tan Xi also used it, and it was also used to decipher the extended digital password.

     Hacker—in the author’s eyes, it is synonymous with "niu X". I thought about the reason. It may be that the author himself does not know how to do so, so I think the heroine must be! Hahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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