After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 346: Two new classmates, look for Liu Sisi (one more)

  Chapter 346 Two new classmates, looking for Liu Sisi (one more)

  The boy is very tall and wears a limited black T from the H family. The peaked cap covers most of his face, only revealing a white chin. There is a platinum chain on his chest. The pendant is a skull.

   is very trendy, very drag, and very hiphop at first glance.

  In comparison, the girls are very well-behaved. Zhou Zhou’s high ponytail reveals a smooth forehead, a white dress with straight and well-proportioned calves. At the moment, she faces the audience with a smile, pure and generous.

  Xu Jing: "We have two new students in our class this semester, please introduce yourself."

  The boy did not speak up.

  The girl glanced at him, and she came first: "Hello everyone, my name is Yu Kaixin, I am from the Imperial Capital, and I am very happy to be classmates with you. This is my brother, he doesn't like to talk, I hope you can forgive me."

  Sweet voice, bright smile, and still a little beauty, the next thing was boiling in an instant——

   "She is so good!"

   "Like a candy."

   "It looks like a bully."

  "Do innocent ladies like to wear white?"

  "Emperor Capital's educational resources are so good, why transfer to Linhuai?"

  "Are they brothers and sisters?"


   Talking and chatting, twittering.

  Until Xu Jing coughed slightly to signal everyone to be quiet, the discussion slowly subsided.

  Next, it's my brother's turn to introduce himself.

   "Yu Jiaze."

  Then...there is no more.

  Xu Jing was also a little stunned, but quickly reacted and arranged for the brothers and sisters to sit down.

   "This Yu Jiaze has a character."

   "That's proud-look down on us."

   “It’s not surprising that a boy who wears a joint collection of sneakers on his feet is arrogant.”

   "Why is he wearing a hat all the time?"

   "Pretend to be cool."

   "I want to see what he looks like."

   "I'll find out in class in a while."

  The No. 1 High School regulations prohibit students from wearing hats in class.

  Sure enough--

  The bell rang the second time, and when Xu Jing was about to go to class, he directly asked Yu Jiaze to take off his hat.

  The boy didn't play cool again this time, and the moment his hat was taken off, he showed a very shallow board inch.

   Hard and wild.

  Many girls gasped, including Wan Xiutong.

   "Jiang Jiang, the new classmate seems to be very personal..."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, looked away from the test paper in her hand, and turned to the boy not far away.

The inch head was very conspicuous. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and turned his head to look at Jiang Fuyue.

  The latter did not dodge or hide, paused for two seconds, and then calmly looked away.

  I just checked in today. As the head teacher, Xu Jing was not in a hurry to give everyone a math class, but first inspired everyone.

What    said is nothing more than that, what is the third year of high school, the college entrance examination is imminent, there is no time to splurge, everyone must fight every second balabala...

   Evening self-study will start tomorrow, so school will be over at six o'clock.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng looked around at the gate of Sanban ten minutes ago——

   "Sister Han, let it go!"

  The two waited for Jiang Fuyue to come out, a little anxiousness appeared between the eyebrows and eyes.

   "Sister Yue——"

  Jiang Fuyue took a meal: "Why are you here?"

  The three people went to the corner.

  Jiang Han: "Sister Yue, do you know where Liu Sisi is?"

   "Liu Sisi?"

  Ge Meng: "She didn't come to report today! The teacher called her parents and no one answered them. Could something happen?"

  Last time they provoked Wei San and almost died. It was Jiang Fuyue who arrived in time to rescue them.

After   , it was calm, Wei San was like the world has evaporated, let alone revenge against them, but he hasn't even shown his face.

  Jiang Han spent some money to inquire, the news came back that Wei San was dead, and he didn’t know if it was true or not.

   Originally thought that the matter was over like this, but after a while Liu Sisi couldn't find anyone at all. If it weren't for a regular phone call every week to inform them of safety, she and Ge Meng would almost call the police.

  The two are just as Liu Sisi looking for a new part-time job, but they don’t know that she is training at Camp A under Yufeng.

  A week ago, Jiang Fuyue returned to Linhuai from the imperial capital, and when she went to Yufeng Kitchen the next day, Liu Jinzhong reported that Liu Sisi would take two days off to do business.

  She got it right.

   "Sister Yue, you definitely have a way to find her, right? Tie Zhu said that if you don’t report for more than three days and the parents can’t provide specific reasons, it will be deemed to have dropped out of school."

  Jiang Fuyue did not respond, and only said: "Let me make a call."

   Then turned his back, walked to the handrail, and called Liu Jinzhong: "Uncle Liu, did Liu Sisi go back?"

  The rustling on the other end seems to be confirming, "...nothing."

   "How many days have you been away?"

   "Plus today, a total of six days."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes dazzled: "Check her address."


  Liu Jinzhong was very efficient, and soon a list of addresses was sent to Jiang Fuyue’s mobile phone.

   "Let's go." She turned back and called the two.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng looked at each other, "Where to go?"

   "Look for Liu Sisi."

  The two are too busy to keep up.


  Sanliu Street.

   is also dubbed "Sanliu Street" by the locals in Linhuai.

  But I heard it was one thing, but seeing it was another.

  Jiang Han stepped into a puddle, and the water splashed all over the trouser legs, and there were sticky things on the soles of the shoes.

  She looked up, her face was pale, and she screamed: "Blood! There is blood!"

  Ge Meng was also taken aback, and when he took a closer look, there was a puddle in the place where he had just walked. It was clearly a blood pit, with shining things like scales floating in it.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, her nose moved lightly: "This should be a fish stall, there are fish innards in that pit..."


   Jiang Han almost vomited.

  Ge Meng's face was also pale, and the gaze around him became vigilant.

   "I only heard that Sanliu Street was chaotic before, but I don't know the specific chaos. Now he finally realizes that it is also gloomy during the day. Why does Sisi live in such a place?"

  Jiang Han stomped off the sticky things on the soles of his feet, and quickly walked around two steps away, "The rent here is cheap."

  Because it is cheap, the poor are all here.

  As the so-called "extremely vicious", it does not mean that being poor is necessarily a bad person, but poverty breeds evil, which cannot be refuted.

  The chaos just started.

  The three of them have been friends since the first year of high school, but Jiang Han and Ge Meng didn’t know where Liu Si would live until now.

  "I asked before, but Sisi refused to say."

  Thinking of the girl's silence and bowing her head at the time, and the sheer unavoidability of being asked, Jiang Han felt very uncomfortable.

   "Why didn't she say earlier, I can arrange a place to live for her!"

  Ge Meng: "Sisi is very stubborn. You forgot, we usually ask her to eat fifty yuan, and she will definitely pay us sixty yuan that month!"

  The rest of the time, I drank porridge or nibble on bread, and said I was losing weight.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng didn’t think much about it at the time, they really thought she was losing weight!

   "Grass——" Jiang Han cursed, "Blame me, I didn't find out earlier."

  Jiang Fuyue looked up at the sky, then looked down at the time: "Go up first, and leave before dark as soon as possible. It is not safe here after nightfall."

  The last sentence made the two of them feel cold, and immediately followed.

  This is an old building with more than ten rooms on the first floor, a chase corridor, a communal kitchen and toilets.

  Ge Meng tried his best to endure it, but still couldn’t hold it back: "Oh my God! I only saw this kind of house in movies about the last century."

  The more Jiang Han walked in, the tighter his eyebrows tightened.

  She learned a lot of dry stuff from the old man this summer, what kind of house to rent at what price, how to manage it, how to urge the rent, she probably knows.

  Like this kind of house, a room is often crowded with a family of three or even a family of four. It can be said that there is no privacy at all. Of course, the rent is really cheap, up to 300 yuan a month.

  The landlord doesn’t care much, and the house is built at will. As long as the monthly rent is paid, the rest is ignored.

  Some red light districts are even quietly set up here. They provide low-cost services. You can spend a few tens of dollars a night. Old, middle-aged and young people will not refuse.

  Jiang Fuyue stopped in front of a wooden door. At this time, the setting sun had already set half of her face, and only half of her face was still shining.

  Half of the sky will be dark, and there is a dusky atmosphere, suppressing death.


  Meowing came from nowhere.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng got closer to each other, and each other was bold, but their backs were still chilling.

  At this moment, Jiang Fuyue knocked on the door...


  No one responded.

  She raised her hand and was about to knock on the door again, but when she heard a creak, the door opened by herself, and a stench came on her face...

    One more, three thousand words.

     two more twelve o'clock



  (End of this chapter)

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