After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 354: Brothers and sisters of the Yu family, compulsorily do the questions (one more)

  Chapter 354 Brothers and Sisters of the Yu Family, Compulsory Questions (one more)

  In the morning, Jiang Fuyue had just gone to the principal’s office. In the afternoon, the news that she refused to be sent spread throughout the grade.

   Regardless of Xu Jing, Meng Zhijian, plus a Yu Wenzhou gritted his teeth in the office, the shock to the class alone is quite terrifying——

   "Assi! Niu X is not enough to describe my luna."

   "Would you like to pull it like this? Q and B mostly refused. Jiang Fuyue intends to go to college on an alien planet, right?"

   "If you don't understand, don't beep. Sister Yue wants to compete fairly with us, so she refused to send her and take the college entrance examination."

   "Hey-stop teasing, just your IQ, and fair competition? Not on the same level, okay?"

   "...Although this is true, do you want to be so blunt?"

  "In a word, Yue Jie Sai Gao——"

   "That's Q big and B big! Don't you want sister Yue to reward me?"

   "The acid turns into a giant lemon."


  Jiang Fuyue just returned to the classroom to sit down, and met the surprised gaze from the same table.


  Wan Xiutong brushed her blush, and moved up softly: "Jiang Jiang..."


   "Everyone is discussing your refusal to pass."

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged, it didn't matter.

  Wan Xiutong has a look of fanciful worship.

  嘤! It's another day to put the knees on the table for the gods!

   Suddenly, a peeping gaze fell on her body, too strong to be ignored, Jiang Fuyue suddenly turned her head, just to meet the boy's unconcealed look.

  Yu Jiaze!

  The dark pupils are bottomless, like two whirlpools, sweeping a trace of mystery.

  Jiang Fuyue faintly retracted her gaze, in an inattentive manner, she did not put anyone in her eyes at all.

  Yu Jiaze lowered his head and chuckled.

  At this time, Yu Kaixin suddenly said: "Why did she refuse to be sent?"

  The clear eyes flashed with blurred light, and she looked well-behaved and innocent.

  Yu Jiaze didn't give her a look, and naturally he wouldn't answer the conversation. His cold, unruly side face was impersonal and cold.

  The girl was not angry, and even smiled at him, "Don’t you think Jiang Fuyue is funny? No wonder we will switch to Class 3 instead of Class 7."

  Yu Jiaze got up directly, the foot of the chair scratched the ground, making a harsh sound, and he strode out of the seat.

  Yu Kaixin's smile did not change, and slowly took out the books for the next class.

  At this time, the boy at the front desk turned his head and looked at her a little shyly, his ears turned red unconsciously, "Student Yu, please eat!"

  After finishing speaking, he quickly put down a chubby orange, then turned back, his back was stretched, and his eyes were tense.

   "Thank you." The girl's sweet voice came from behind.

  The boy's cheeks burst red: "'re welcome..."

   Even so, the back is even more stiff.

  Yu Kaixin peeled off the orange peel, and a sour fragrance filled her. She took out a petal and put it in her mouth, "Well, it's so sweet!"

   "You, just like it!"

  Yu Kaixin has a sweet smile.


   After school in the afternoon, Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi went to the playground together. Jiang Han and Ge Meng had already taken out their homework and waited by the table tennis table.

   "Sister Yue——"

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue put her hands in her pockets: "Have you finished your homework?"

   Jiang Han said loudly: "It's finished!"

  Ge Meng also nodded.

  The two obviously worked hard this summer. Apart from going out with his father to collect rent, Jiang Han stayed at home to participate in online tutoring classes the rest of the time.

  Ge Meng hired a college student as a tutor, so he could make up for the lack.

  The progress of the two is visible to the naked eye, and it is easy to complete homework.

   "Where are you?" Jiang Fuyue suddenly turned her head and looked at Liu Sisi.

  The latter confessed: “I will do what I can, and I’m still empty if I don’t.”

  Jiang Fuyue pondered for a moment, took out two test papers, and handed them to Jiang Han and Ge Meng: "Forty minutes, you can do as much as you can."

   Then he asked Liu Sisi to take out the homework: "Which questions do not?"

  The latter was taken aback, and pursed his lips: "...a lot."

   "Come one by one."

   Liu Si Simulu tangled: "I am not that piece of material, or else..." Forget it.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng are talented, and they are willing to work hard now, and they will naturally make rapid progress.

  But Liu Sisi is very clear that her grades cannot be improved by hard work alone. Instead of wasting time, it is better to learn other things, such as fighting, boxing, firearms...

  Jiang Fuyue faintly raised her eyes: "No matter what you do in the future, you must have basic cultural knowledge."

   Liu Sisi: "Okay, I will try my best."


  Yi Ci came to the playground with a basketball as usual, prepared to go home for two hours before going home, unexpectedly seeing the man in front of the ping-pong table, with slender waist and long legs, even wearing a bad street school uniform, he can stand out and let people see at a glance.

  He patted the basketball and walked over, calling Jiang Fuyue: "Come on?"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at him up and down, and died and asked: "Did you finish your homework?"


   "...Why are you asking this?" The young man hesitated, his eyes dodged.

Jiang Fuyue understood in seconds: "Oh, I didn't do it."

"I did!"

   "Oh," Jiang Fuyue nodded, expressing understanding, "Done, but not finished."

  Easy speech: "..." Knock!

  Five minutes later, Yi Ci lay on the ping-pong table with a pen in his hand, a math exercise book spread out in front of him, and a basketball at his feet.

  There is a word in her mouth: "cos(x+y) is equal to... what is it? How is this calculated?"

Next to    was Liu Sisi who also scratched her head: "I know sin(2x)=2sinx*cosx, but why is it equal to 2/(tanx+cotx)?"

  The two raised their eyes at the same time, looking at the opposite Jiang Fuyue, the same paragraph was written on their faces confused.

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  After a while, Zhong Ziang also came over.

  Since he saw that scene at the school gate on the day of registration, he has been guarding against this guy.

  The first two days were still quite the rule, but today one inadvertently let him slip away.

  Sure enough, I came to Jiang Fuyue, huh!

   "Coincidentally, what are you doing?" He smiled and leaned forward.

   Yi Ci glared his eyes and said loudly, "He didn't do it either!"

  Zhong Ziang: "?" What do you do?

  Jiang Fuyue said quietly: "In that case, take it out."

  Zhong Ziang suddenly had a very bad premonition: "Take, take what?"


  "?" My friend, do you have a lot of question marks?

  Five minutes later, there was another person beside the ping-pong table. Zhong Ziang looked at the clean workbook in front of him, his eyes stunned.

  Yi Ci gave him an elbow, smiled and said, "Brother, write."

   "...Grass! Are you cheating me?!" He finally reacted, but unfortunately, it was too late.

   "Who asked you to follow? Deserve it!"

  Zhong Ziang gritted his teeth: "You wait for me, neng is not dead, you and my surname Zhong!"

  "Hey, neng, before I die, you still think about how to finish the problem." After speaking, start to solve the problem according to Jiang Fuyue's method, step by step, eh? It's pretty smooth...

  Zhong Ziang was miserable, looking at a bunch of sin, cos, and tan had a terrible headache.

  You knew what he was doing with him?

   Is it not fragrant to go home and lie on the sofa to watch TV? Or is it not fun to team up in black?

  Now facing the two-page math problem, his intestines are regretful.

  At this time, Yi Ci just finished writing a big topic, and he asked Jiang Fuyue to help it.

   "Is it right?" He swallowed, looking expectant.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yeah."

  "Yes!" Yi Ci suddenly discovered that these questions didn't seem so ugly.

  Zhong Ziang saw this, "Ah... let me have a look."

   Yi Ci immediately covered the answer: "Think beautiful!"


   "Isn't Shao Zhong very good? Do it yourself, hehe."

   "I warn you, don't be proud!"

  Easy speech: "I am proud."

  "..." Knock!

  Zhong Ziang wanted to slip, but Jiang Fuyue came over with a light look, and pinned him to the spot, unable to move.

too difficult.

  It’s too hard to chase the goddess.

  It’s really hard to chase after a schoolmaster goddess!

  Suddenly, "Which way are you not?"

  Zhong Zi Ang Nene raised her head and looked at Jiang Fuyue who had already walked to him: "You..."

  Guoo! He swallowed unconvincingly: "What did you say?"

   "I ask you which question you won't know."

   "Oh," he blushed, and pointed to the two blank pages of the exercise book, "All."

  Easy speech: "..." fool.

   Liu Sisi: "..." Don't worry, there is finally one that is more useless than me.

  Jiang Han and Ge Meng: Is it swollen and fat to suddenly feel that you have become better?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then start with the first question, because sin^2(x)+cos^2(x)=1..."

   "Wait, wait a minute."


  Zhong Ziang: "Why is sin^2(x)+cos^2(x)=1?"

  "This is the basic relational expression of trigonometric functions with the same angle."


   Jiang Fuyue jumped on the blue veins on his forehead: "Don't need to why, just remember."


  Half an hour later, Jiang Han and Ge Meng successfully completed the test papers and left happily.

   Then Liu Sisi also finished her homework, "I'm going back first."

  She now lives in the dormitory of Camp A, and her food and clothing are all arranged by Liu Jinzhong.

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue nodded.

  In the end, only Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang are left, with big eyes to big eyes, like a cockfight.

    One more, three thousand words.

     Two more, twelve o'clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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