After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 364: Mr. Yi found out that Ling's family style (one more)

  Chapter 364 President Yi found out that the Ling family style (one more)

  Yi Ci Leng is the supervisor of Zhong Ziang finishing homework, putting it away in his schoolbag.

  The beautiful name says: "I will help you bring it to the teacher tomorrow. I won’t be able to get away with a praise, so keep working hard!"

  Zhong Ziang: "...Fuck off!"

  Yi Ci left, stepping on the steps that the six relatives did not recognize, very arrogant.

   Back home, it was getting late, and the babysitter stood at the door: "Master is back."


   "I can eat soon."

   "I'll go upstairs and change my clothes."

When    came down, Yi Hansheng was already sitting in the dining room, looking like he was waiting for him.

  Yi Ci took a meal: "Rare."

  I usually eat, and I can’t see others at all.

  Yi Hansheng said with a stern expression: "Smelly boy, what are you talking about?"

  Yi Ci pulled the chair and sat down, grabbed the chopsticks and put a chicken leg into his mouth, "Fragrant--"

  Yi Hansheng: "..."

  The nanny brought the last dish: "Sir, it’s time to eat."


  She consciously returned to the kitchen, leaving only the father and son in the huge dining room.

   "Ah... why are you back so late today?"

   Yi Ci gave him a sideways look: "Do you know when I usually come back?"


   "If you don't know, just say ‘late’? Are the CEOs as rigorous as you?"

   Yi Hansheng brushed his face and turned black completely: "Smelly boy, are you good at your upper body?"

  Yi Ci gnawed on the drumsticks, and flew to his father a "just you know, don't mess with me" eyes.


  After a while, Yi Hansheng sullenly said, "I heard that you resigned the tutor?"


   "You are so--"

   Yi Ci: "It’s the last semester, why are you asking now? I thought you acquiesced in not expressing your position."


   "Okay, I'm done, you use it slowly." After speaking, he took a paper towel and wiped his mouth, ready to leave.


  Easy speech: "?"

  Yi Hansheng coughed slightly: "...sit down."


   "We father and son haven't talked for a long time, sit down and talk."

  Yi Ci stared at him like a ghost: "Have we ever chatted?"

   "..." The gentle and loving father collapsed in a second.

   "Old man, are you okay?" Yi Ci stepped forward and looked carefully. That's right, it was his father Yi Hansheng, could it be...

   "You were pierced by a human soul?!"


   "Easy to say! What are you talking about to Lao Tzu!"

   "Oh, it looks like there is no soul to wear." Yi Ci sat back, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter? It's all around me, except to find my stepmother, everything else is easy to discuss."

  Yi Hansheng muttered: "No big or small..."

   Straighten up: "Is the daughter of the owner of Jiangji Pancake Shop the same grade as you?"

   Yi Ci's expression is weird: "What do you ask this for?"

  Did he like Jiang Fuyue discovered by his old man? Ready to salute first and then pawn, come with a stick to beat the mandarin ducks? !

  It doesn’t make sense, doesn’t he care about this?

  Yi Hansheng remembered the survey data he got this afternoon: "Her name is Jiang Fuyue?"

  Yi Ci's face changed slightly, and his tone became cold and hard: "Are you investigating me?"

   Yi Hansheng's eyes were dumbfounded: "Check you?"

  He wants to check it is also Cha Jiang Fuyue, what is his son doing?

  Yi Ci did not help him: "You are enough. You can show your father's love, please use some normal means, thank you."

  After finishing speaking, we left.

  Yi Hansheng: "?" Just, very dazed.

  The last time he asked him to check the advertising company, he found nothing. Later, he remembered that Jiang Da said that his daughter had obtained this sign, and Yi Hansheng asked him to check the boss’s daughter.

  I didn’t expect to find out something.

  The boss’s daughter is Jiang Fuyue. She studies in a high school and is in a different class at the same level as Yi Ci. She has recently performed well in two subject competitions.

   But other than that, there is no direct relationship between her and the four characters on the signboard.

  Yi Hansheng originally wanted to take this opportunity to ask his son if he knew Jiang Fuyue, but he didn't expect him to react so much.

   "Eat dynamite?"

  Yi Ci returned to the room, the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became.

  What does the old man mean when he mentioned Jiang Fuyue suddenly?

  But I have never been chasing and asking questions, as if it was really just a casual question.

What about Yi Hansheng?

  After Yi Ci left the dining room, he had no appetite anymore.

   got up and went back to the study.

  Since the son couldn’t ask anything, he didn’t plan to ask any more. He only told the other side: “Check it deeper! Be sure to figure out the origin of this sign first.”

  On the other side: "If you really want to figure it out, why not ask her directly?"

  Yi Hansheng: "Don’t worry, I don’t have much information at hand. Even if I ask, I can’t judge whether the answer is true or false. Even if I have to ask in person, I have to wait..."

  Wait for him to get enough information and get enough information to accurately screen and make rational judgments.

  If that person is still alive...

  Yi Hansheng closed his eyes, shutting down the blazing heat and scalding heat: It's been twenty years, you must be alive!

  Since God let him see those four words and see hope, please be kind to the end, and don’t push him into the abyss of despair when the dawn is about to be seen.


  Ling's family under the same moonlight.

   "Axuan, drink milk."

   "Thank you mom." Ling Xuan took it and put it aside, not in a hurry to drink.

   "Still studying?" Zhou Qin glanced at his desk. It was not an examination paper or a workbook, and there was also a computer that was always on for easy access to information.

   "Well, it's still early, you can do another set of test papers."

  Zhou Qin: "Aren't the competitions all over? You should also relax appropriately and don't push yourself too tight."

  Ling Xuan: "The competition is over, but the Olympics has just begun."

   "You..." Zhou Qin looked helpless, "I don't know who I am competing with, so desperately."

  Ling Xuan's eyes were stunned, and Jiang Fuyue's face flashed in his mind for the first time.


  He just didn’t want to leave her too far.

   "By the way, A Xuan, I received a call from the school this morning, saying that your admission notice has come down. It is the Q University of Physics College, the major is optional. What do you think?"

  Ling Xuan did not speak.

  Zhou Qin pursed his lips, he wanted to speak but stopped.

   "Mom, what do you think?" He suddenly raised his eyes.

  Zhou Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and a little guilty: "Q is a very good school, but physics major..."

  She paused: "I didn't mean to interfere with you, but Axuan, I hope you think carefully before making a decision whether this major is really suitable for you, and what your plans for the future are."

  "If you are interested in physics and plan to go on this road for a long time, then my mother absolutely supports it. But if you are not really passionate, then consider carefully and don't stop just because you are going to be sent."

  "A family like ours, no matter what your college entrance examination score is, there are ways to get you the best education, so don't put too much pressure on yourself."

   Zhou Qin has this confidence, and so does the Ling family.

  If you do well in the exam, stay in China, go to a first-class university, and then go abroad for gilding; if you don't do well in the exam, it's easy to go abroad directly, and you can do it in one step.

   "Mom, do you want me to study business?" Ling Xuan's eyes flashed.

   Zhou Qin did not hide it, and generously admitted: "Your dad and I have this plan. After all, you are the only son, and the Ling family cannot have an heir. However, we also respect your meaning. It would be better if both parties can reach an agreement."

  Ling Xuan half-closed his eyelids, and said softly, "I will seriously consider it."

  "Then take a rest early after you finish, and Mom will go out first. Remember to drink milk."


  Zhou Qin exited the room and gently closed the door.

  Nanny: "Madam, the tea is cold."

   "Okay, I will come right away."

   Zhou Qin sent the nanny to rest, poured the cold tea into the glass, and then carried it into the bedroom.

  Ling Qingzhou was wearing a nightgown, leaning on the head of the bed and flipping through the papers. The wall lamp hit his handsome side face. There was a dim sense of abstinence. The gold-rimmed glasses added gentleness.

   Zhou Qin was stunned for a moment.

  Years seem to treat this man exceptionally, and he is almost the same as he was 20 years ago.

   The same handsome, the same serious, and the same clear and cold, neither warm nor warm.

   "Husband." Zhou Qin raised a smile.

   Ling Qingzhou raised his eyes and looked at her, "I'm back. What did Ling Xuan say?"

   "Don't worry, our son, are you still worried? He will consider it carefully."


   "Come on, drink tea, it just let it cool."

  Ling Qingzhou waved his hand: "Let it go, I won’t be thirsty for now."

  After speaking, he continued to look through the file, suddenly his eyes paused, and he raised his eyes again: "Ling Xuan, you should watch more. Q is good, but the physics not suitable."

   "Okay." Zhou Qin put the cup on the bedside table and sealed the cup with a lid to avoid dust.

   Then he opened the quilt and lay down beside the man...

    One more, three thousand words.

     has two more changes.



  (End of this chapter)

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