After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 367: Unmoved, surprised and shocked (two or three more)

  Chapter 367 Unmoved, surprised and shocked (two or three more)

   "Ha ha..." Jiang Da smiled.

   Very proud.

Brother   Jiang blinked and put down the plate. He had eaten the ribs. He was staring at the plate of salt-fried meat on the table and drooling.

   "Dad, can I eat?" he asked Jiang Da.

  In the end, he was born with him. Jiang Da served him rice again. “Salt-fried meat must be served with white rice.”

  Jiang raised his eyebrows happily. He didn't forget Jiang Fuyue when he was happy. He put a piece of meat in a bowl for her first, and then started by himself.

  It turns out to be better with white rice!

  Sanpang looked at the two siblings, and then at the big brother whom he hadn’t seen for more than 20 years: "This is..."

  Jiangda: "My daughter and son."

   "I'm a good boy! The two brothers and sisters were born too beautiful!"

  Jiangda continued to hesitate and fainted: "You look like your mother. Yueyue, Chen Xing, call people. These are your three fat uncles."

  Jiang's younger brother is crisply born: "Three fat uncles."

  Jiang Fuyue’s words are concise and concise: "Uncle."

   "Hey! Really good!" While nodding, he reached out and took out two thousand dollars from the inner lining of the clothes, which was divided into two and passed to the brothers and sisters.

  "When I met for the first time, my uncle didn’t have any preparations, and there were no red envelopes...but it doesn’t matter, the shells are all imaginary, and the money is the most practical. Use it to buy some school supplies or eat some delicious food."

  Jiang didn't answer, so he cast his inquiring eyes on Jiang Da.

  The latter shook his head quickly and stopped: "San Fat, what are you doing? What money are the kids giving?"

  "I would like to give it to my nephew and niece. Come, you two take it—"

  Brother Jiang didn't dare to ask for it.

   "Big Brother," San Pang's face sank, "You just look down on me if you don't let the children take it away. That's boring!"

  Jiangda couldn't, so he could only ask the brothers and sisters to collect the money.

  Brother Jiang: "Thank you, San Fat Uncle!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Thank you."

  The two cunning looks made the man laugh.

  San Fatty started, and other people couldn’t help but say, and then it became a large-scale money-giving scene.

  The six uncles took turns to pay for the money, and the two brothers and sisters only paid——

   "I am Fuman, you call me Uncle Fuman!"

  Jiang Brother & Jiang Fuyue: "Uncle Fu Man."

   "I am Da Zhuang, you Da Zhuang uncle."

   "I am Uncle Biao."

   "I am Uncle Xiangqing."

   "I'm Douzi, you should call me uncle in terms of seniority, but this name seems a bit old... or else you call me Douge? Anyway, the chef calls me like that."

  Jiang: "Brother Doudou!"

   "Huh? It's Doudou, not Doudou!"

  Jiang: "Brother Doudou!"

   "Forget it, whatever..." You are so cute, beautiful, well-behaved and clever.

   Then he took out his share, and there was a red envelope with money inside!

  San Fatty's eyes widened in an instant: "Xiaodou, you're really good! You're ready by rubbing it in secret, and I won't remind everyone!"

  Cao Dou: "Hey, I forgot."

  San Fatty: "..." Believe in you, I am not a human being.

  The two brothers and sisters received the money, and were full again, and said hello to leave decisively.

  On the table, Jiang Da and his six younger brothers were left.

   "Three fat children, the two children are gone, and your sister-in-law is also staying in the back kitchen. There are no outsiders here, so let's just say something."

  Jiangda is naive, but not stupid.

  The six people are staying in City F. Now they are coming to Linhuai in groups. If they are just for renewing the past, there is no need for this.

  The master of Cao Ji has a five-figure income a day. How can he come to him in free time?

  Sure enough, the three fat children sighed in a deep voice——

   "Knowing that I can't hide it from you, I didn't want to hide it, just don't know how to speak."

   Jiang Da stern: "You say it."

   "A few of our brothers," Sanpang rubbed Xiaofei's hands, "I want you to go back and preside over the overall situation."

  Jiangda's face suddenly stern, and his eyes are firm: "Impossible. You put this idea away as soon as possible."

"Brother, you shouldn't leave back then! Master's will is clearly written, Cao Ji was passed on to you, but was snatched away by the black-hearted mother and son, otherwise you are now a billion-dollar boss. NS!"

  Jiangda was unmoved: "If the boss is not the boss, I am a chef."

  "Master, don’t you want to take back what should belong to you?"

  Jiangda shook his head, always sober: "Cao Ji is not mine."

   "That's not their mother and son either!"

   "Three fats, don't speak so aggressively, anyhow the teacher is an elder." Jiang Da's eyes showed disapproval.

  "Brother, you--"

   "Okay, don't persuade, I am fine now."

"not me……"

  Jiangda: "I'm going to get busy here soon. It's rare for you to come to Linhuai. Go stroll around, or you can stay and help me."

  Finally, three fat children and a group of six decided to stay.

  Unsuccessful persuasion for the first time, then come a few more times, and you will have a chance if you stay.

  As for hitting hands, just such a small shop, how many things can there be?

  They are six of them!

  Only Cao Dou had a clear look, but he had seen the store’s business so hot in the video that it was full of heads, so he didn’t dare to look down upon it at all.

One p.m.

There was already a long line at the gate of Jiang Ji, and he couldn't see his head at a glance.

  Most of them are tourists who come to Huai for fun or business trips. Most of them are young people, and they are generally of high quality. They don’t push or push or make noise when queuing, and occasionally they can chat with Jiang Da for a long time.

   "Uncle Jiang, can we see the moon **** today Saturday?"

  At first, the customer said "Moon God" he hadn't reacted yet, and then he got used to it.

   "Yueyue is here, after lunch, I went back."

   "Huh? What a coincidence?"

   Jiang Da smiled apologetically.

   "Uncle Jiang, what does Luna usually do at home on weekends?"

  "Well...she will do the test papers first, exercise after finishing, and then tutor her brother homework, then eat, watch TV, play on the phone, or make an appointment with her friends to go out. It’s similar to everyone, nothing special."

   "Isn't this special?! I thought the goddess was so powerful, she kept at home to study every day!"

  "In my impression, she doesn't spend much time reading and doing questions, anyway, less time than going out."

   "Huh? Then why is she doing so well?"

  Jiangda turned the pancake over, put it into a paper bag neatly, and handed it out: "Okay, eat it while it's hot."

  "Uncle Jiang..." I want an answer.

   "Actually, I don't know. Her mother and I don't care about it."

"……"what! I fell! Was dizzy by the halo of genius.

  Soon it will be the next one.

  Jiangda's hand is fast, and the pancakes that are spread out taste good. Everyone one after another. It is reasonable to say that the speed is quite fast, but this team still can't see the swelling of the head. Is it fat?

  San Fat Er and Fu Man looked at each other: "?"

  Xiaodouzi: Well, the video is not deceiving.

  In addition to the people lining up to buy pancakes, there are also people who take away Han Yunru’s special signature desserts.

  In addition to the first few things, Han Yunru also updated the dessert list from time to time according to seasonal changes, pondered new tricks, and took particularly nice names, such as——

  Shuangpi milk is called "Baiyang Sweet"; sesame glutinous rice **** are called "Black Heart Beauty"; sweet-scented osmanthus ice powder is called "Jingui Mantian" and so on.

  Poke the literary string in the hearts of young people every minute.

  Of course, a good name can only be considered the icing on the cake, the most important thing is the taste!

  Sweet but not greasy, fresh ingredients, all handmade, healthy beauty, these are high-frequency words left by guests who have eaten Han Yunru desserts on major food review software.

  It can be said that a person is of poor taste, and a group of people is expected to find it, but almost everyone agrees that the credibility is high.

  Of course, there is no shortage of competitors making strange things in it, but the traffic is too large, those black and black comments quickly sink to the bottom, and the falling scores are instantly pulled back.

   "Three fat brothers! Please collect the money."

   "Brother Fuman, you clean the table, and the seventh round guests will enter the shop immediately."

  "Xiaodouzi, you have a good image. Help my sister-in-law go to the door to welcome the beautiful lady."



  Six people were commanded to go round and round.

  I couldn’t stop at this turn, San Fatty’s sweat kept pattering, Xiaodouzi’s feet were all standing painful, Fuman trembled, and Abiao’s noodles were like a dish...

  I originally thought that Cao Ji was busy and tired enough, but I didn’t expect that the big brother’s shop was equivalent to the size of the guests of ten Cao Jis—it was too scary.

  Until the sun went down, the long line finally met.

  Having finally waited until the last one: "Troubleshoot 50 family portraits, 50 bacon floss, 50 vegetables, and another 60 desserts, of any kind."

  Three fat children: "?"

  Abiao: "?"

  Little Bean: "!"

    Two changes together, three thousand words.

     The latest update time is relatively late, because the manuscript is being saved for the explosive update.

     will be updated in the second half of this month, the specific day will be a digression to inform you! Meme~



  (End of this chapter)

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