After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 369: It used to be, a rich second generation (two or three more)

  Chapter 369 used to be too, a rich second generation (two or three more)

  Since then, Cao Ji no longer sells rice noodles or stir-fries, only pancakes.

   And Jiang Da also started from the back kitchen and was officially promoted to master chef, with a fixed salary of 3,000 yuan a month, including food and housing, plus a commission.

  In just one week, the business in the store revived, and a month later, the guests were full.

  In half a year, the joint loss of rent was recovered.

  Cao Dayong is full of spirits, but he knows better than anyone how this situation came about today-it was Jiang Da's skill in pancakes that made this shop alive.

  He tried to follow Jiang Da's steps to restore one by one, but the pancakes he made were not that tasteful, and he always felt almost something.

  He knew that this apprentice must stay!

  So the couple treated Jiang Da twice, and they often gave the Jiang family money.

The Jiang family was really satisfied. They didn’t mention making Jiang Da a teacher. Jiang Da didn’t understand at all. He felt that 3,000 yuan a month was a lot. Not only could he get enough food and clothing, but he could also afford his younger brothers and sisters to go to school. Help the family.

  In the second year, Cao Ji opened his first branch, still selling pancakes.

  In the same year, the second branch opened to a neighboring city.

As the "first apprentice" of Cao Ji, Jiang Da often ran back and forth in several shops, training new chefs, and instructing pancake techniques. Although the young apprentices made them almost tasted compared with him, they were almost the same, not the old gluttons. Does not come out.

  Cao Dayong saw the possibility of quantitative production.

  He had a vague plan in his mind, but he was almost courageous before putting it into practice.

  At this time, he met the businessman who had pointed him before.

  The other party actually comes from the famous "Huizhou merchants". Compared with the pioneering and innovative "Zhejiang merchants" and the "Shanxi merchants", the "Huizhou merchants" are based on the idea of ​​making small businesses bigger and stronger and operating with integrity.

  Cao Dayong was inspired and decided to give it another try.

  Two years later, Cao Ji has sprung up in City F like bamboo shoots after a rain, and gradually has the embryonic form of the current chain brand.

  At that time, Jiang Da was nineteen and Cao Dayong was almost forty.

  He never gave up his plan to have a child and inherit the mantle, but his wife just couldn't get pregnant.

  The two went to the hospital for an examination and found that it was Cao Dayong’s problem.

  As a middle-aged person, his business is booming, and his wealth is accumulating more and more, but God has cut off his incense, even if he is a daughter!

  Cao Dayong was once decadent.

  At this time, Jiang Da caught his eye.

  First of all, this kid is honest, kind and kind.

  Secondly, others don’t know, but Cao Dayong knows very well that the craft of pancakes is actually Jiang Da’s original.

  Finally, and the most important point, Jiang Da is filial. Over the years, he and his wife have regarded him as a half son, and they have long been in love.

  Since they are all half sons, why can't they become the children of his Cao family?

   After discussing with his wife, Cao Dayong and his wife found it feasible, so they told Jiang Da.

  A 19-year-old kid doesn’t know what this means, but Mrs. Jiang knows!

At that time, I couldn’t be called "Mrs. Jiang." Qiu Shufen, who was under forty years old, relied on the money sent back by her eldest son every month. The waist is fat, round and radiant.

  She has long coveted the wealth of the Cao family, and she usually instructs Jiang Da to go to Cao Dayong for a salary increase, but Jiang Da has never opened this mouth before, and she did not expect that one day she would be able to enjoy such a good thing!

  If the boss becomes the son of the Cao family, won’t the Cao family’s money all come from their Jiang family? !

  The more she wanted to be more beautiful, Qiu Shufen was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night, and the next day she gave Cao Dayong and his wife quasi-Xiner——

  She agreed to this matter!

  In the future, Jiang Da will be the child of their old Cao family.

  Cao Dayong and his wife were very happy. They immediately transferred 200,000 yuan to Qiu Shufen. Qiu Shufen took the money to buy real estate in the city. Instead of buying a new house, he bought two second-hand houses in one go.

  She has a very clear plan, the second child is the same, the third child is the same, and they are all alive!

  I don’t know if it was her luck or the foresight that the two dilapidated houses were demolished within two years, and Qiu Shufen received a huge amount of compensation.

  In addition, Jiang Hua and Jiang Teng were also quite competitive, and the Jiang family took off in no time.

  Until now, the old lady is still holding this huge amount of demolition money in her hand, otherwise Jiang Hua and Jiang Teng can hold her like this?

Speaking of the adopted Jiang Da, his mother did not buy a house for him, and his monthly salary had to be sent home on time. After so many years of apprenticeship and art, he had no savings at all, and he was inexplicably kicked out of the house and became a master. And the son of Shi Niang.

  Fortunately, Jiang Da has a lot of affection for the Cao family. Knowing that the master can't have children, he is also willing to be filial to the two elders, and soon accepted the new identity.

  It’s just that the title has not been changed.

   Until the age of 22, Cao Dayong had always trained Jiang Da as his son. Not only did he learn to manage the store, he also taught him Cao’s cooking.

Jiang Da also lived up to his expectations. He was extremely talented in cooking. In the end, he even surpassed the blue from the blue. Not only did he improve the Cao’s family’s cuisine, he also carried out exclusive innovations and added 32 new recipes to the Cao’s family’s recipes. Dishes.

  Brother Jiang listened with gusto, and asked: "What happened later?"

  Han Yunru also looked at her husband, showing curiosity.

  When she married Jiang Da, Jiang Da was no longer in Cao’s house. After the marriage, the man did not take the initiative to mention it, so she also knew.

  Jiang Fuyue: "If Dad is still in Cao's family, should Chen Xing and I both be named Cao? Properly rich three generations?"

  Jiangda glanced at his daughter, his face was helpless, as if to say: You want to be beautiful! I didn't even become the rich second generation, you want to be rich third generation?

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged: "Just think about it, and it's not illegal."

  Jiangda's eyes were empty, and he fell into memory again: "I remember that year when I was 23 years old, and just after my birthday, my wife was diagnosed with cancer..."

  Cao Dayong spent a lot of money to treat his wife, but unfortunately, she still could not keep her life.

  Before dying, the sister-in-law was lying on the hospital bed, holding the hands of the father and son, and first told her husband: "Dayong, Ada is our son, my son! You must train him well! Let him inherit everything from us in the future."

  Cao Dayong nodded in tears.

   Then, she told Jiang Da: "You are a good boy. Although you have always called me a teacher, I know that you have regarded me as a mother in your mind."

  Yes, in Jiang Da's heart, Shi Niang is his second mother.

"Your master has a bad temper and an impulsive personality. You should stare more and don't let him smoke and drink anymore and hurt his body. In the future, when he gets old, when he is ready to come down to accompany me, you have to stay in front of his bed and don't let him. A person walks alone."

   Jiang Da nodded heavily.

After the mother of    left, Cao Dayong put more energy on the management of "Cao Ji". In the same year, the Cao Ji chain blossomed everywhere, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a daily gain.

  Next, Cao Dayong began to recruit apprentices, and also cultivated a team of trusted followers for Jiang Da, so that he could take over Cao Ji in the future.

  San Fatty, Fu Man, Da Zhuang, A Biao, Xiang Qing, Xiao Douzi were brought back to Cao’s house at that time.

  The six people are all orphans, and Cao Dayong gave their names and unified the surname Cao.

  In the next few years, Jiang Da and six people learned to cook together and lived together, and the relationship became deeper and deeper.

  Originally everything went smoothly, but the accident was overwhelming.

  Yu Shangmei was the accident.

  When she met Cao Dayong, she was under thirty years old, she had just divorced, and she took a son. She was beautiful and plump. To describe it in popular terms, she was "peach in the world"!

  With excellent appearance conditions and a clever mouth, she successfully applied for the job and was sent to a branch in Cao Ji as the lobby manager.

  At a work meeting, she and Cao Dayong looked right.

  Three months later, Cao Dayong announced that the two got married with a certificate.

  Yu Shangmei officially moved into the Cao family.

  Before this, Jiang Da knew nothing.

  He thought of his wife who had been busy in her life and had not enjoyed the blessing for a few days. He felt uncomfortable, but it was not easy to interfere too much in this matter.

  After all, he is not his own, and many things are separated by a layer.

  Jiangda also comforted himself that the Master has been there for so many years, it is good that Master can come out.

  I didn’t expect that there would be a "post-master" with a "post-senior mother".

The relationship between Jiang Da and Cao Dayong became more and more estranged under the blow of the pillow wind from the newlyweds. Cao Dayong didn’t know who he believed. He believed that Jiang Da coveted his property and had bad intentions, so he dropped the river bit by bit. Da's real power was taken back to his own hands.

   was then coaxed by Yu Shangmei to hand over these powers to her biological son.

  In the next two years, Jiang Da was completely saddened by Cao Dayong. He didn't fight or grabbed him. He stayed in the back kitchen and did what he was best at. He received a fixed salary every month, which was satisfying.

  But this calm did not last long before it was broken by a sudden accident...

    Two changes together, three thousand words.

     Did you chop your hands on Double Eleven? Today, I don’t ask for a ticket. I beg everyone to keep the tickets in your hands. Hey~ Wait until the day of the update, I think I’m worthy~



  (End of this chapter)

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