After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 380: Xie Gou invited and eat his cake (one more)

  Chapter 380 Thanks for the dog’s invitation and eat his cake (one more)

  Xie Dingyuan: "Okay."

  He wants it?

  He actually wanted it? !

  Zhong Ziang watched as the cake in front of him was delivered to his old uncle along with the packing box.

  It was Jiang Fuyue who held it personally.

   "It's not... I..." I didn't say that I must not!

   "Huh?" Jiang Fuyue cast her inquiring gaze.

  Zhong Ziang reluctantly kept smiling: "Nothing..."

  When she was depressed, she heard Jiang Fuyue say again: "There is another thing."

  He brushed his eyes and raised his eyes: "What else?"

  I dare not say no more now.

  Jiang Fuyue took it out of her bag: "Homework."

  Zhong Ziang: "?"

  "I asked Yi Ci, the language is two classical Chinese translations, one composition; one math test paper; biology and chemistry are both exercise books; two physics test papers; in addition, this semester I have applied for a postponement exam for you."

  Zhong Ziang: "?" I'm deaf and can't hear me.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at him with dumbfounded eyes, and asked thoughtfully: "Do you need to repeat it?"

   "...No, no need."

   "Okay, let's start then."

   "Start, what do you start?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Do your homework! I heard Yi Ci say that he just stares at you before leaving."

"……"Depend on! The dog is forced to change words!

  "Do math or physics first?" Both subjects are test papers.

   Thinking of the fear of being dominated by the Moon God in the table tennis court, Zhong Zi raised his heart to coldness.

   "Oh-my feet hurt!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

   "Suddenly, it started suddenly, without any preparation, and I don't know what's going on!" After speaking, he started to hug his knees and shouted.

  Aside, Xie Dingyuan said in a cool tone: "It's pretending."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Zhong Ziang: "..."

  Finally, Zhong Ziang still bite the bullet and completed a math test paper before Jiang Fuyue proposed to leave.

   "Huh? Leaving so soon?"

   "Then I won't go, you take out the physics test paper and continue to do it."

   "Ah! It turns out it's almost six o'clock," Zhong Ziang pretended to look at his watch, "The sun is starting to go down. It is safer for you to go home as a girl."

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  At this time, Xie Dingyuan got up, "I will send you."

  The words of refusal have already reached his lips, but the man has already passed her and walked straight ahead. Seeing that she hadn’t followed, he couldn’t help but turn back: "Don’t you go?"

  Jiang Fuyue just kept up.

  She found that Xie Dingyuan had put on a coat specially, and the broad suit could not see the slightest wrinkles on him, and the buttons were neatly tied.

   There is an old-school decent, gentle, glamorous, gentleman in this man.

   "You don't have to send me specially." Jiang Fuyue said.

   "It should be," he said.

  The two were silent all the way.

  Out of the inpatient building, the setting sun slanted on the boulevard, stretching the figure of a man and a woman walking side by side.

   "Thank you for coming to see Zhong Ziang."

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "I don't think he misses me very much."

  Xie Dingyuan: "He doesn't want to do homework."

  There was another silence, the wind passed the branches, and there was a whisper.

  Suddenly, "I have an experimental project. I wonder if you are interested?"

  "Me?" Jiang Fuyue was slightly surprised.

  With Xie Dingyuan’s scientific research status in the country, once he sends out the signal, someone will definitely break his head.

  But judging from his previous papers, there is almost no second author, which shows that he is accustomed to independent research and does not often use the mode of cooperation.

   Then why stretch out an olive branch to yourself?

The man did not ignore the question in her eyes: "My research field is in biochemistry, occasionally involving mathematics and computer, but rarely involved in physics, I need an assistant, he must have a strong reserve of physics knowledge, and creative physical thinking. "

  What kind of research needs to involve the fields of biochemistry and physics at the same time?

  Jiang Fuyue is a little curious.

  But reason still has the upper hand: "If Professor Xie needs an assistant, I think many bigwigs in the physics world will be willing to help. Why did you choose me?"

  Xie Dingyuan analyzed it to her——

"First of all, during the period of borrowing the laboratory, when I saw the prototype of your paper, I knew that I had this ability, and your subsequent wonderful performance on the IPhO field also proved this. What is even more rare is that you are there. The interdisciplinary thinking embodied in the combination of biology and physics in this paper is very rare, and it is a height that many people in the physics community have already achieved."

   "So, I think you are very suitable for this project."

"Another point is that a lot of modeling is needed in the research process. Although there are professional modelers, the simulation results are relayed and then transferred to the modelers. The finished product is likely to be far from the imagination. Modeling is of course the best. And you can do all this with your computer skills."

  Jiang Fuyue Qingjiao: "You seem to have more confidence in yourself than I do?"

  He thought for a while, and said with a serious face: "This may be...the authorities are fans, and the bystanders are clear?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Does the project result need to be published?"

   "Yeah." The man nodded.

  "Then I want the right to sign, the second author."


  Jiang Fuyue was really surprised now.

  Originally, she just mentioned it casually and explored the bottom line of the other party, but Xie Dingyuan did not expect Xie Dingyuan to agree.

  You should know that a bad street paper published by a general university professor will not easily give the right of signature, let alone Xie Dingyuan, a big boss, every paper is real material.

  Maybe it can be listed in a magazine of the level of nature or science.

  He actually let her be the second author? !

  Xie Dingyuan showed joy in his eyes: "Then I will be when you agree."

   "It's not... I'm a high school student, are you really relieved?"

  "Your knowledge reserve and thinking ability are far beyond the level of high school students. I don't look at academic qualifications, but only believe in my own eyes."

   "But I want to participate in the Olympiad training camp recently, the follow-up national league, CMO, IMO may not have time."

"The national league is easy and easy for you. As for the CMO... If I remember correctly, the winter camp is during the winter vacation, and the IMO is next March. You just have to make sure that you can be free after the league is over. problem."

   "Of course, it may delay your daily class and study, but I believe that it makes no difference to you whether you learn or not."

  He has considered all aspects, so what else can Jiang Fuyue say?

  The key is that research, she is really curious.

   But to be on the safe side, she still didn’t say anything to her death——

"I try my best."

   "Okay." He no longer presses harder and he can handle it perfectly.

  The time to speak, the two have already walked to the door of the hospital.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Just get here, you can go back."

"Not urgent."

  Until she got in the taxi and looked back through the mirror, the man was still standing there, until the distance was too far, and the long figure turned into a small black spot, Jiang Fuyue retracted her gaze.

  At the same time, Xie Dingyuan also turned back.

  The upturned corners of his mouth revealed his rare good mood at the moment.

  This kind of joy continued until he opened the door of the ward and saw Zhong Ziang eating cake with contentment.

   "Old uncle, you're back! Why is it so long? Has Jiang Fuyue gone? Did you put her in the car?" asked while eating.

   "Who let you eat it?"

   "Huh?" Zhong Ziang shook his fork, "You mean cake?"

  Xie Dingyuan's face was darkened: "That's right."

  "If I don’t eat, can’t you eat it? Don’t you not love these sweet and greasy things? That’s right, I will solve it for you!"

   "How did you get it?" He obviously put it on the short table next to the sofa. Zhong Ziang couldn't get out of bed. It stands to reason that he couldn't reach it.

   "Isn't it easy?" The boy smiled heartlessly, "The caregiver came just now, and I asked him to help."


   "Don't say this cake is delicious. Although it is the birthday cake of the guy Yi Ci, it may be because Jiang Fuyue sent it. It is very fragrant!"


   "Uncle, why is your face so dark? Who provoke you?"

"……To shut up!"

   "It's not...what did someone provoke you and be cruel to me? I'm still a sick person!"

  Xie Dingyuan didn't want to say a word to him.

   "No way, you are angry that you didn't eat the cake? Hahaha...just kidding! Why would you eat this kind of food? Obviously you dislike it the most."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." I felt bitter.

   "By the way, I'll take a photo of Yi Cinae and send it over, let him guess who brought it, hehe...I'm so jealous of him!"

  Xie Dingyuan left a sentence: "You have a good rest, I'm leaving."

  "Wait, my uncle, the doctor said it's time to pay."

   "..." He may have done a sin in his previous life, and he just went to this nephew.

    One more, three thousand words.

     Two or three more tomorrow morning! ~

     Thank you dog: He eats my cake? He actually eats my cake? ! Do I have to pay him for medical expenses? !



  (End of this chapter)

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