After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 393: The lion speaks, she is still bull (second more)

  Chapter 393 The lion speaks, but she is still bull (two more)

  Manager He, whose name is He Yongjing, after talking with Fang Ye that afternoon, he flew to Linhuai with the temporarily formed project team in the evening.

  The next day, he stayed in the hotel to deal with work. First, let his staff find out the basic situation of Bronze Street. It is best to get a list of the landlord and contact information.

  Before that, what he needs to consider is how to acquire these old houses at the lowest price.

  The movement must not be too big, lest the homeowners unite and drive up the price.

  But it can’t be too small. If you don’t show your style, who will buy it?

  Wait for him to figure out exactly what he should do, the people sent out came back.

   earlier than he thought.

  He Yongjing frowned, "Is everything done?"

   "He, the situation may be different from what we expected..."

   "What do you mean?" He Yongjing's eyelids twitched, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

   "The old houses on Bronze Street have been sold!"

  In fact, this news is not difficult to inquire, just call a few homeowners, and you will know everything as soon as you ask.

  It’s okay to sell a house, but ten out of ten say that the house is sold, then the problem is big.

  "Check it out for me! Who would dare to intercept Lou's Hu!"

  The results came out very quickly.

  In fact, there is no need to check, because the other party did not intend to hide it at all.

  In Jiang Fuyue’s original words: “If you don’t tell them, what else will you talk about next?”

  Yi Hansheng: "..."

  Ling Qingzhou: "..."

  "Yufeng Real Estate?" He Yongjing looked at the results of the investigation, his brain was running quickly, but there was no memory of the company.

   "Have you heard of it?" He turned his head and asked the man under his hand.

  Everyone shook their heads.

   "It can't be a new company..."

  Facts have proved that this is indeed a new company that cannot be renewed.

  He Yongjing: "Ask the person in charge of this company to meet, I want to see what is sacred!"

   Soon, the person under his hand reported: "It's an appointment. At noon tomorrow, the restaurant will be in Xilun."

  He Yongjing sneered, his eyes flashed with contempt.

  I thought it was a great man, but that was all I wanted.

  The next day, He Yongjing went to a banquet in a suit and leather shoes.

  The other party is a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s, with a beer belly, and he looks like a nouveau riche.

  He Yongjing was even more contemptuous in his heart. Several linguistic machine fronts told him to take advantage, and he thought that he would take the opponent.

   was no longer polite: "Then be blunt, straight to the point, let's talk, at what price do you plan to sell the old house on Bronze Street?"

  The other party smiled and was about to speak.

  He Yongjing couldn’t help reminding: “You should know that if I can ask this, it’s on behalf of the Lou's. And what Lou's is in the real estate business, I don’t think I need to say more, you also know very well."

   "It's very clear," the man nodded, still smiling on his seemingly honest face, "but no matter how good Lou's is, you have to pay for things, right?"

  He Yongjing smiled slightly.

   Then he heard the man continue: "The old house on the whole street, including the pavement on the first floor, has a package price of 2 billion."

   "How much?!" He Yongjing couldn't believe his ears.

   "2 billion." Calmly, "A little less will not work."

   "You, this is blackmail!"

   "Anyway, I have brought the price, you might as well go back to ask your boss, I will also go back to report to the work, we are both right, we will find each owner."

   "Wait...what's the reporting job?" He Yongjing was stunned, "Aren't you the boss of Yufeng Real Estate?"

   "Huh?" The man exaggerated, "How could I be the boss? You don't think that with your position and status, the president of Yufeng can spend a meal time to meet in person?"

  He Yongjing's face was blue and red.

  "Which teapot goes with what lid, you want to be beautiful, the key is that you match it?"


  After a meal, He Yongjing almost vomited blood with anger.

  Clearly before he came, he was so high-spirited and unbelievable, and he felt that the other party’s boss was superficial and contemptuous, and he had no city government.


  The other party really didn't see him in his eyes, and randomly found someone from the bottom to spread the word. It was ridiculous that he was serious, singing and playing, but he was just a clown.

   "Mr. He, I have already brought it, 2 billion. You can't get an idea if you want to, so you should go back and ask someone who can make a decision as soon as possible. Thank you for the hospitality today, then I will go one step ahead."

  After speaking, get up and leave.

Leaving the restaurant and getting in the car, the man took out his cell phone: "Mr. Yi, everything is done as you said. The other party thought that I was the boss, and used to force the tune when speaking, and finally realized that I was just a messenger, with an expression. It's wonderful."

   "Really? Did you bring the words?"

   "Bring it! Bring it! 2 billion or less will not work, I remember it!"

   Yi Hansheng on the other end was startled, and his tone rose suddenly: "How much?!"

   "Two or two billion? What's wrong? The price is on the email I received, don’t you know?"

  "Ah? Hahaha..." After a concealed laughter, Yi Hansheng was stern: "Of course I know! How can I not know what I asked you to do? I know too much!"

  That's weird!

  The email was sent by him, but the content was made by Jiang Fuyue.

  Yi Hansheng didn't read it at all, so he forwarded it directly.

   is actually two billion!

  After finishing the call, Yi Hansheng bowed his head to Jiang Fuyue who was drinking tea on the opposite side of the case and gave a thumbs up: "If you say cow, you are still the best."

  Jiang Fuyue slowly raised her eyes...

    Two more, two thousand words.

     The third is about eleven o'clock~



  (End of this chapter)

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