After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 430: This man's heart, have lunch together (one more)

  Chapter 430 This man's heart, have lunch together (one more)

  On the second day of the leave, Jiang Fuyue joined Xie Dingyuan’s research team.

  In addition to her, there are five people, all male, three Q doctors, one B postdoc, and one high-achieving student from Penn University.

  They are all over 30, tall, short, fat and thin. To say that the only two things in common are their high IQ and unsharpness.

  All plaid shirts, casual pants, and the same brand and the same series are worn by the watch, and those who don’t know think they do wholesale.

   "It's wholesale!" One of them generously affirmed Jiang Fuyue's guess, "Double Eleven, there are activities, which saves a lot of money."

  Everyone nodded.

   "I am responsible for mass selection and preliminary screening."

   "I mainly analyze the gameplay and calculate discounts, and by the way, I will try to find hidden coupons."

   "I consider everyone's opinions to make the best choice, and then pay at the point, pick up the goods and open the box."

  The division of labor is meticulous, and the output is streamlined.

  In response, Jiang Fuyue said: "..."

   "Speaking of kids, what grade are you in? Did the teacher organize a historical tour? Why are you alone?"

   "You won't get lost, will you?"

   "We have some laboratories here that can't be rushed, because rushing will cause accidents."

  This is true, bacteria and poisonous gas are not a joke.

  "Hurry up and call your teacher and ask him to come and pick you up."

   "Forget it, just ask Xiao Liu to take people out."

  You just said something, and I decided Jiang Fuyue's stay in a blink of an eye.

  She was about to explain, but saw Xie Dingyuan walk in after changing his lab robe, still carrying one in his hand.

  He changed hands and threw it to Jiang Fuyue: "New one, I didn't pass it through."

   "Thank you." She gestured on her chest, the size was just right.

  The other five people were obviously stunned--

   "Professor Xie, who is she?"

  Xie Dingyuan walked to Jiang Fuyue's side and stood side by side with her: "Formally introduce, Jiang Fuyue, a new member of the X-tree project, she will be responsible for modeling and tree data analysis."

  Everyone gasped: "This, this kid is a new member?! She, she... are they grown up?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Children?"

   "Yes, isn't she a student who came to visit historical biology?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "First of all, I am not a child, I am an adult; second, I am a student, but I am not here to visit. You didn't give me a chance to explain, So, can’t blame me for not being clear."

  It’s okay if she doesn’t explain, this opening is even more surprising.

  "How many years did you study for a Ph.D.? Which school? What field do you specialize in? Who is your tutor?"

  "Which journals and magazines have you published?"

  "How many research institutes have you stayed in?"

  Everyone is talking and enthusiastic.

  These questions are not malicious, just want to know the personal information of new partners.

  There is no meaning to disarm or embarrass people. After all, to be invited by Xie Dingyuan personally and independently responsible for modeling work, then these hardware conditions must be perfect.

   But in fact--

  Jiang Fuyue tilted her head and smiled at everyone: "I am a third year in high school this year."

   Two seconds of silence.

   "Hahaha... are young girls now as humorous as you?"

   "The eighteen-year-old stalk is no longer popular? Change to this year's third year of high school?"

   "If you are in the third year of high school, then I just graduated from elementary school! There is a saying on the Internet to say? Yes, they are still a baby!"

   "Hahaha, Lao Bai, don't be tender, can you? Give it back to the baby, I think you have a bag in your brain!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

   "Xiao Jiang, don't be humble, and give a formal introduction. Maybe you still have your brother among us!"

  "Yes, yes, there is a big Q and a big B."

   "Hey! Penn's is still here, not dead, don't bully me because of the crowd."

   "Aren't you too niche, if Xiao Jiang didn't go abroad, the probability of Q and B is still high."

  Everyone is exploring, and they are all waiting for Jiang Fuyue to go to the bottom.

  She smiled unabatedly: “I did go to the third year of high school, Linnan No. 1 Middle School, and I just handed in the fake slip yesterday. If you don’t believe me, ask Xie Dingyuan.”

  Everyone stopped laughing, their eyes all turned towards the person next to the girl.

  Xie Dingyuan nodded honestly: "I asked her for the fake."


  The sky is falling.

  Next, Jiang Fuyue became the object of onlookers, and the five big men looked at her from head to toe, and from toe to head, back and forth like looking at some rare species.

  Fortunately, their gaze is purely curious, and they don’t overstep the rules.

   "Little sister, do you have any specialties?"

   Before Jiang Fuyue could answer, another man rushed to say, "She has very long hair."

   "Hehe, can you temporarily put away your cold humor?"


   "Alright," Xie Dingyuan finally said, "You still have a lot of opportunities to be familiar with each other. Don't worry about it at this time and a half, prepare for it, and enter S1 at ten o'clock."

  S1 refers to the S1 laboratory, which has the highest level of confidentiality, and is also the main place for this X-tree project.

  Jiang Fuyue changed her clothes and went to the preparation room with a few people for disinfection.

During   , she was asked by twitter again.

  Everyone is very curious about what she is capable of, and she can actually let Professor Xie lower her body and invite her in person.

  Jiang Fuyue can't explain clearly, of course she really doesn't know why Xie Dingyuan chose herself?

   There will be so many tomorrow, and there will be a lot of capable research scholars. He doesn't use these convenient resources, but is willing to take the risk to ask her as a high school student to join?

  啧, I can only say that a man's heart is under the sea needle.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, the preparatory work is over.

  Xie Dingyuan led a group of seven people into the S1 laboratory.

  Enter fingerprint information for each person first. It is required to punch in and out, and one less time will not work.

  Jiang Fuyue knows that many confidential laboratories have quite strict rules. She has been mentally prepared for a long time, so she doesn't feel surprised, let alone disagrees.

  This performance fell in the eyes of the other five people, and it became synonymous with "easy" and "calm", and she felt more and more unfathomable.

  After completing the established process, the next few people gathered together to have a clear plan for the initial stage of the experiment.

  Finally, Xie Dingyuan arranged the division of labor.

   During the whole process, Jiang Fuyue was mostly listening and didn't say much.

  As soon as she came, she was not familiar enough with the project. Instead of speaking rashly, she might as well watch and listen more.

  Secondly, each of these people is better than the other, and the thinking is also active. She just arrived here, and she just took the opportunity to get to know the colleagues who will get along with each other in the coming month.

  Everyone’s temperament and character are fully demonstrated in the discussion and speech.

  Jiang Fuyue was assigned to modeling work unexpectedly.

  "The amount of data this time is not so big, can she be alone?"

  Xie Dingyuan did not have any doubts: "Okay."

  This decisive, utterly sounding appearance was not only amazed by everyone, but even Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but glance at him more.

  The division of labor is completed, and each does its own thing.

  Jiang Fuyue sat in front of the computer, because the project had just started and there was a lack of data, she decided to build the framework first.

  Xie Dingyuan came over and put a hand on her chair. Jiang Fuyue did not notice this action.

   "Try the computer before you take advantage of it? Tell me if you have any questions."

   "Okay." Jiang Fuyue responded generously, but she soon discovered that it was unnecessary.

  Because this computer is almost perfect in terms of configuration, performance, and feel.

   Soon, the first wave of data came out.

  And Jiang Fuyue had set up the frame an hour ago. At this time, she had walked around the laboratory several times. It was as large as the window facing to the corner of the wall, and she could clearly feel it.

   "Little sister, the first wave of data has been sent to you."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Okay."

  The busy morning just passed, and it was a meal in a blink of an eye.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Everyone, take a break and go to lunch first."

  Historical creatures have their own canteens, and there are still two, on the third and thirteenth floors of the building.

  Xie Dingyuan took Jiang Fuyue directly to the 13th floor.

  Because-few people, quiet, not far away.

  "You don't care about me, I can."

  Xie Dingyuan: "Do you have a meal card?"


   "I don't care about you, you can't even eat food."

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips, saying that this person would not chat at all.

  The historical food has nothing to say, it can no longer be described with a word "good", but "rich"!

  The chickens, ducks and fish are all available, and the presentation is very good, as well as a variety of fresh vegetables. The fruits after the meal include oranges, apples, and bananas. Take whatever you want.


  Xie Dingyuan swiped his card to pay the bill, Jiang Fuyue picked up the dinner plate and chose a nearby seat.

  The man also sat down opposite her, facing her.

  Jiang Fuyue asked: "How many of them are Lao Bai?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I don't know."

  In fact, a few people were timid and horrified. They didn't dare to eat with Xie Dingyuan. They had already slipped away.

  So, I went back to the laboratory in the afternoon, when they knew that Jiang Fuyue was having lunch with Xie Dingyuan——


   "Please take my knees."

    One more, three thousand words.

    Opponent play Kavinka can’t do well. The card is now in the afternoon, so the update is relatively late. Forgive me~

     Two is twelve o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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