Chapter 51 Material Competition Training, the situation is tricky

   "Only half a month left." Meng Zhijian's tone became heavy.

  "This year's time is too far ahead, it is very unfavorable for us..." Yu Wenzhou rarely has such a serious look on his face.

  Before the material competition class has been in a state of stocking, both of them are ready to go to soy sauce in the national league this year. Who ever wanted to suddenly kill a dark horse like Jiang Fuyue and rekindle their fighting spirit.

  During this period, the two really spared no effort. Seeing that they are getting better, now they suddenly tell them that time is too late?

  If it weren’t for scruples to stay in school and be a role model, I really want to scold my mother on the spot.

  Yu Wenzhou: "Not all preliminaries in previous years were in mid-August? What happened this year?"

  Meng Zhijian pondered for a moment: "If I guessed correctly, the above should be to give time for the national team training. After all, last year... the record was not very good."

  More than "not good-looking"?

  I didn't get a gold medal at last year's IPhO China.

  Yu Wenzhou screamed: "It seems that the above is trying to regain the glory." The competition between the contestants can also be imagined.

   "The current situation is not optimistic for us..."

  Meng Zhijian's eyes flickered: "I think opportunities and challenges coexist."

"what chance?"

   "You don't want to know where Jiang Fuyue's limit is? How many talents does she have that haven't exploded?"

  Yu Wenzhou was taken aback.

"Every time she handed in all the test papers, she never made mistakes when she practiced in class. These questions are difficult and easy, and they are uneven, but her answers are always standard, so what level of difficulty can make her hang out? Brainy, or not so confident? Aren't you curious?"


  In the afternoon of the same day, Meng Zhijian and Yu Wenzhou temporarily convened a meeting with 12 members of the competition class.

   "I want to inform everyone about two things. First, the time for the preliminary test of this year's National Physics Competition is set, July 12..."

   "Huh? So early? My experiment hasn't started yet, it's over!"

   "There is still half a month, and it’s not enough to grind the gun."

   "It's too bald, just like that, there's no defense at all."


   "Quiet! Listen to what I said--" Meng Zhijian's majestic voice reached everyone's ears. Soon, the classroom calmed down, but the atmosphere was a little more solemn than before.

   "Due to time constraints, according to our current schedule, we can't finish all the content before the preliminaries. Therefore, after discussing with Teacher Yu, I decided to conduct intensive training for everyone in the next half month."

"As the name implies, intensive training means to concentrate. In addition to the concentration of the personnel you understand, the teaching content should also be concentrated. To put it simply, you should use it to learn the competition during the day! The experiment is not panic, because the preliminaries are not tested, the main thing is The theoretical part."

"Because of the suspension of classes, I have already reported to the school and agreed to the grade level, but based on the principle of voluntary participation, do not make any demands. You can choose between daily courses and intensive training. The parents will discuss it and give me an answer tomorrow at the latest."

  In this regard, I have already said it very clearly.

  The right to choose is also handed over to the students.

  Jiang Fuyue was the first to stand up and say: "I'm fine."

  Five more people agreed on the spot.

  The remaining six people also brought back feedback from their parents the next day—all joined, no one left.

  At this point, the vigorous material competition training began.

  In the first two classes in the morning, Meng Zhijian will disassemble the new knowledge points, and the last three classes will be tested and commented on the spot.

  Noon, normal rest.

  In the afternoon, check the knowledge of knowledge points in the morning, usually by doing test papers, ranging from two sets to four sets, the intensity is so strong that you doubt life.

  But this is just the beginning.

  As the knowledge points mastered continue to increase, the difficulty of the problem also increases visibly. One is that multiple knowledge points are mixed and have a strong comprehensiveness, and the other is that the training specifications are getting closer and closer to the preliminary standard.

  In just three days, some students learned to vomit directly in class.

  Sent to the school doctor's room, the diagnosis result is as follows——

  Or physical rejection due to high mental stress.

  But in the afternoon, this student returned to the class to continue the class.

   "Classmate Jiang, can you sit next to you?"

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Bowen are sitting together, but there is an empty seat next to her.

  Liu Bowen smiled: "Hou Siyuan, I just vomited in the morning. Do you want to continue to find abuse for yourself?"

   was originally a joke, but Hou Siyuan nodded seriously: "The doctor said, I must take the initiative to adapt to overcome the psychological barrier, otherwise it will continue to be like this."

  That’s why he came to the Great Demon King Jiang Fuyue, wanting to feel the taste of tyrannical crushing up close.

   "Youth, have ideas." Liu Bowen gave him a thumbs up.

  Hou Siyuan looked at Jiang Fuyue and swallowed nervously: "Can you?"

   "Yes." The seat is not hers, it's casual.

  When the three of them communicated, Jiang Fuyue kept the pen in her hand. When the class bell rang, she had already completed the test paper and threw it aside.

   Needless to say, it must be all right again.

  Liu Bowen is okay, it's already a surprise.

  But Hou Siyuan didn't know, he stared blankly, and his whole body was stunned.

  After this class, Jiang Fuyue went to the bathroom.

  Liu Bowen took the opportunity to move forward and snapped his fingers in front of the little brother: "Hey, I'm back!"

  Hou Siyuan rolled his eyes with difficulty, before focusing on it after a long while: "She, she, she..."

   "Does it look like a question-writing machine without emotions?"

  Hou Siyuan nodded fiercely, "It's horrible. Doesn't she use scratch paper?"

   "I even suspect that she doesn't have to read the question." You can write the answer directly.

  Student Hou’s Three Views were attacked and devastated by storms: "How did she do it?"

  Liu Bowen spread his hands and shrugged: "Maybe God knows."

   "What do you know?" Jiang Fuyue returned.

  Liu Bowen immediately retracted.

  Hou Siyuan also subconsciously sat upright, with his back straight.


  Meng Zhijian’s so-called “intensive training” is, to put it plainly, high-intensity “sea tactics”.

  Don’t care about anything, it’s king to write questions.

   Jiang Fuyue has no objection to this. She is a good player in the first place, and she also likes this way of getting started directly.

  No matter how much you listen to, no matter how much you talk, you will eventually fall into doing it.

  There are many people who understand but can’t make a question. In that case, why don’t you enjoy the thrill of “actual combat”?

  She was like a fish in water, but the others seemed to have lost their lives.

  Rao is Liu Bowen's solid foundation, bright mind, and almost can't stand it, let alone Hou Siyuan such a grass chicken.

  Yes, he vomited again.

  Fortunately, the disposable plastic bags are prepared in advance to avoid the indescribable scene.

   "I'm sorry...I, I tried my best...but I can't help it..."

  He had no doubt that if he didn't vomit into the plastic bag this time, but... Jiang Fuyue would definitely not be willing to continue to be at the same table with him.

"Lao Meng, you can't go on like this." Yu Wenzhou retracted his gaze and turned to look at Meng Zhijian, "The intensity is too high, and the level of the students in the class is uneven. Drag to death."

  Obviously, Meng Zhijian also looked at the training situation during this period, "I know..." But what can be done?

  (End of this chapter)

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