Chapter 61 Her prejudice, his arrogance

  Xie Dingyuan is also looking at her.

   was originally waiting at the school gate, but when she hurried into a small clinic, the man fell silent.

  The fingers hanging on the side of the body, lightly moving unconsciously...

  I'm still a high school student in the end, blame him...too ruthless.

   "Hello, my last name is Xie, I am Zhong Ziang's uncle." He crossed the road, stopped in front of Jiang Fuyue, and introduced himself gently.

  It seems to be different from the rough man who picked her up and pushed her down yesterday.

  Jiang Fuyue stared at him, undiminished.

  Looking closer, Xie Dingyuan found that these eyes were more beautiful than yesterday, like two surging vortices, with the magic power to attract people at any time.

"After I went back yesterday, I asked Ziang about the cause and effect. It was his fault first, so... I'm sorry." The man's half drooped eyelids silently expressed humility, and the tone was flat and gentle, calm and steady, very cautious. .

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows and looked at him up and down. Undoubtedly, the man is very handsome, with a rigorous awe-inspiring expression between his eyebrows and eyebrows.

  From the first sentence he spoke, his attitude was gentle and courtesy was thorough. Even his expressions and expressions couldn’t be faulted.

  Except for "perfect", Jiang Fuyue couldn't find a second word to describe him.


  There are snow mountains hidden in those seemingly peaceful eyes, and the gentle and gentle attitude is not superficial.

  Zhong Ziang’s uncle, whose surname is Xie...

  Jiang Fuyue almost guessed his origin.

  Speaking of her and Xie’s...

  Never mind, the previous life is Ruyan, she should have passed away long ago. In this life, she is Jiang Fuyue.

  Just Jiang Fuyue!

   "Mr. Xie's sorry, did you say it for yourself or convey it for Zhong Ziang?"

  The man had a meal, and immediately laughed: "Both."

   "That's too simple, there is no sincerity at all, what do you think?"

  Xie Dingyuan nodded: "My mistake. What is meant by ‘sincere’?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Why don’t you both apologize to me at the same time?"

  The man was noncommittal, only saying: "I heard that you have a good grade, but in addition to burying your head in studying hard, you also occasionally look up at the world. This is my little heart, and I should apologize to you."

  While speaking, she handed Jiang Fuyue a paper bag with both hands.

  Even with such a small gesture, he maintained his politeness and upbringing.

  But the invisibly caused pressure is definitely not something Xiao Caiji of Jiang Fuyue's age can withstand.

The group of people in the upper-class circles of the Imperial Capital seem to like to play this set. To put it nicely, it is called "being noble", and to put it awkwardly, it is "pretending to be pretentious." Unintentionally widening the class gap can easily make the other party feel inferior and timid.

  How good are psychological tactics?

  Unfortunately, I met Jiang Fuyue, a legendary figure in the circle who had been at the top of the pyramid for a long time.

  Who can make her feel inferior?

  Who is qualified to make her timid?

  Sure enough--

  Jiang Fuyue's calmness attracted the man's attention several times, and her non-acceptance of the bag also made her raise her eyebrows playfully.

  "Don't take a look?" Xie Dingyuan asked.

  "The latest fruit notebook, if you guessed it correctly, is still high-end. The estimated price is more than 20,000 yuan. Mr. Xie is really generous. Unfortunately, the price does not mean sincerity."

  The smile between the man’s eyebrows faded until it disappeared completely, turning into a silent deep ocean.

  He thought, he understood Zhong Ziang's mood a bit.

  Shame on your face, don’t know good or bad...I’m really right.

  Retracted his hand naturally and smoothed the cuff folds by the way. Xie Dingyuan raised his jaw slightly, and his sparse and cold eyes fell on Jiang Fuyue's face, "It seems that we can't talk about it today."

   "Is it so difficult for you to apologize to Zhong Ziang at the same time?" Jiang Fuyue smiled.

   "Heh... all you want is an apology?" The man sneered, but in a disguised form of humiliation.

  I just didn’t expect that a high school girl would have such complicated thoughts, so maybe it’s not a unilateral chase between her and Zhong Ziang.

  Who knows if she has her or if she wants to fight? Is it trying to dangle people's appetite?

  If so, then Zhong Ziang really can’t play with her...

   A three-point scrutiny appeared in the man's eyes, seven-point contempt, Jiang Fuyue didn't know what he had made up, but intuition would not be a good thing.

Immediately he smiled and met his gaze: "If it weren’t for Zhong Ziang’s fault, you wouldn’t have come here. I’m sorry, but I don’t think there was a mistake in doing it, at least I should not take full responsibility."

  Xie Dingyuan remained silent, the curve of his jaw slightly raised with a bit of unattainable arrogance and arrogance.

"Because I acted on Zhong Ziang, in order to save him, so you acted on me, in the final analysis, I was wrong, and your behavior is based on this premise, then the original wrong has become excusable. And the reason for appearing Lowering your body here to apologize to me, just because you are willing, kind, and generous." Jiang Fuyue hit his true face with a single blow.

   finally asked: "Since you are not sincere, why should I be serious?"

  Xie Dingyuan looked at her directly for the first time. A very young girl, still wearing a school uniform, was less than double ten years old, but her words were stingy.

   And her open mouth did indeed hit him.

   "You have a prejudice against me." He said.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows in a casual tone: "Maybe."

   "It's not right." The man was stern, rigorous like a scholar.

  She came with a little interest, "So what? You want to teach me how to be a man?"

  His chin held up unconsciously, and his eyes followed and looked at her, saying, "Please take back your prejudice."

   "Yes, wait for you to let go of your incredible arrogance."

  A conversation, break up unhappy.

  Xie Dingyuan got into the car, the half-lowered window showed the man's stern face, "Old Zhang, drive."

  Jiang Fuyue turned calmly, her back straight.

  A person who puts himself in a frame, wants to be perfect, but is hypocritical, talks to her about "prejudice"?



  Zhong Ziang asked for leave today and did not go to class.

  In the morning, Doctor Tang came over to do an examination for him. Except for the unsightly bruise on the neck, the trachea, heart and lungs were all fine.

  Finally, a tube of ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis was left.

  Zhong Ziang applied the medicine to the mirror, looking left and right, the more he looked, the more he felt like a dog with collars——


  He threw the ointment and lay back on the bed with anger.

   Wake up, the sun sets outside the window.


   "Who?" He was impatient.

  "Young Master, Mr. is back, and tell you to go to the living room." It's Liu Ma.

  Zhong Ziang did not dare to delay, simply washed his face and went to the living room.


   "Hmm." Xie Dingyuan sat on the sofa, shirt and trousers, dressed meticulously.

  "Dr. Tang has been here?" He asked Liu Ma.

   "I've been here, I've been here, I came early today, saying that the young master has a skin injury, and it will be better in a few days."

  Xie Dingyuan nodded slightly: "Go ahead."

   "Hey." Liu Ma turned and left.

  His gaze fell on Zhong Ziang, he paused for a moment, "Half an hour ago, I saw Jiang Fuyue."

  Zhong Ziang was taken aback.

    This chapter is full of rival dramas~

     Shuang Wen version of "Pride and Prejudice", will eventually become "arrogant and more arrogant", it depends on who lowers the noble head first.



  (End of this chapter)

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