After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 67: The uncle concealed each other and got full marks in the first test

Chapter 67-Chapter 67

That night.

  Satisfied brother Jiang lay on the upper bunk, with a small quilt on his chubby belly.

   "Sister, are you asleep?"


   "I know, you didn't sleep, I just heard you move."


   "Sister..." Young brother Jiang pulled his right index finger on the quilt, staring at the ceiling in the darkness, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little.

  "Just say something, have you committed the same old problem of hesitation again?"

   "...No." Brother Jiang was embarrassed.


   "Sister, I feel so happy." The child's soft and timid voice is full of happiness and contentment.

  In the darkness, Jiang Fuyue had a noticeable meal.


   "...Happy after eating?" The requirements are too low.

Brother   Jiang: "In addition to this, there is more!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "What's there?"

   "With you and parents, we are together as a family." After speaking, he asked again, "Sister, do you feel happy?"

  In the dark, there is no response.

Brother Jiang also calmed down.

  For a while, a faint voice came from the lower bunk: ""

  But Jiang Chenxing is already asleep.

  Under the same night, Yutianhua Mansion in Linnan District was bathed in moonlight and fell into silence.

  Single-family villa located in the northeast corner, the bedroom on the second floor is still lit.

  Xie Dingyuan checked the bruises on his back in the mirror, then put on his pajamas and fastened the buttons to the last one.

He raised his hand higher and higher, and suddenly a muscle was involved, and a sorrowful pain came from the inside of his hind arm. He moved for a while and continued to smooth the folds of the flap until the cloth was stretched. Then he lowered his hands and hung them on his side. .

During the    period, the man did not move his face and remained expressionless.

  The painful place was the location where Jiang Fuyue had previously caught it.

  A high school student, female, weighs less than a hundred, but has a lot of strength!

  The next day, Zhong Ziang went downstairs with a scarf and wrapped his neck tightly. Of course, his chin could also be buried in.

  Xie Dingyuan watched his nose, his nose watched his heart, and said nothing.

  Liu Ma’s surprised eyes switched back and forth between the two nephews, and finally reached out the window and looked up at the sky.

  The scorching sun is scorching, it's a serious summer.


  Why do one wear long sleeves and one scarf?

  Mum Liu: I suspect that I didn't wake up and I was still dreaming.


  On July 27, half a month has passed since the preliminary test of the competition.

  The ranking and results are down.

  No. 1 Middle School has 13 people who took the exam, with a total score of 200, and all of them passed the 120 pass line.

  Among them, there are as many as 9 people in the high segment of 150-200!

   Hou Siyuan, who was vomiting while training, took the test of 162. Hearing this score, he was silly on the spot.

When the reaction came over, he dragged Meng Zhijian to confirm again and again: "Mr. Meng, are you sure you read it right? Didn’t you wear glasses? Otherwise... confuse my name with other people? How can I take the 162 exam? How can I? Can I take the 162 exam?! I'm not worthy!"

  Meng Zhijian's mouth twitched, and he slapped the report card in front of him: "Hold it!"

  Hou Siyuan picked it up, glanced dizzyly, and then...rolled away with a smile.

  Liu Bowen made a mistake on the last big question, and only took 185, but he was still expecting it.

  So, I accepted the result calmly.

  Meng Zhijian: "Keep working hard, the future can be expected."

  Liu Bowen smiled and nodded: "Thank you teacher, I will cheer."

  As for Ling Xuan, there is nothing to say. The high score of 196 is rare over the years.

  Meng Zhijian: "...Congratulations, the city is third. If the rematch and finals continue to maintain this level, then this year's summer camp will be stable."

  Ling Xuan hummed, looking at the transcript in his hand, there was no joy between his eyebrows and eyes.

   "What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" Meng Zhijian asked, seeing that his expression was wrong.

   "I can't figure out where the 4 points are deducted."

  "According to the rules, the test papers of the competition cannot be read...However, I suggest you ask Jiang Fuyue."

  "Ask her?" Ling Xuan raised his eyebrows.

  "Yes, just ask her. This year, there are two full marks in the city, and she is one of them, tied for the first place with Feng Kaixuan of the second high school."

It is said to be tied, but now several middle schools have spread, Jiang Fuyue handed in the exam within 40 minutes and left, while Feng Kaixuan did it from the beginning to the end, and did not release the pen until the bell was ringing. .

  After listening to Ling Xuan, his face seemed more complicated than before.

   "...Thank you Ms. Meng, I know what to do."

"That's good."

   "Jiang Fuyue, she..." Ling Xuan paused, his eyes flickered, "Are you here?"

  Meng Zhijian shook his head: "Say I'm busy, and I'll get my transcript on Monday."


  Ling Xuan lowered his eyes and curled his lips silently, but his eyes were full of mockery.

  They can’t wait to know their scores, and even if it’s a holiday on Saturday, they rushed back to school. She's better-

   Don’t panic or rush, as if she doesn’t care at all, even a full score, in her opinion, is probably nothing more than that.

   At the moment when he heard Jiang Fuyue’s results, Ling Xuan did not feel that he had lost, but now he was shocked that he might not even have the qualifications to “lose”.

  Because Jiang Fuyue has never been compared with him from beginning to end, he has always competed unilaterally.

  You treat people as opponents and enemies, but the other party doesn’t even know who you are. This feeling...

  More frustrating than losing!

  Ling Xuan just stepped out of the office, Sun Cheng crossed one arm over. He was here to accompany Ling Xuan to get the report card. In the afternoon, the two made an appointment to run a Martin car on the mountain.

   "196, brother, I haven't competed in things for more than a year. I didn't expect the hero to be there. It's amazing!" Before Ling Xuan came out, he knew the results from others.

  Ling Xuan's response was mediocre.

  Sun Cheng couldn't help but glanced at him more: "What's the situation? Close to full marks, still unhappy?"

  Ling Xuan's eyes darkened, "It's just close, not full marks, what kind of Coke is there?"

  "Hey, have you been on the full score bar recently? I have never seen you be so demanding of yourself before..."

  Sun Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of something: "It shouldn’t be because of Jiang——"

"To shut up!"

  "Hey, there is no silver three hundred taels here."

  Ling Xuan: "……"

   "By the way, how many points is Jiang Fuyue this time? It can't be full again... Uh! Points, right?"

  Ling Xuan grinned his teeth with a smile: "You, say, what?"

   "Fuck!" Sun Cheng was shocked, "Is it a perfect score?"

  Ling Xuan strode forward, leaving him a cold head.

  Sun Cheng: What? I don’t want to hear it, so I don’t want others to say...

  However, he still has to shout: "Goddess Niubi!"

  Ling Xuan looked back coldly: "Can you go? The Martin car in the afternoon is not running?"

  Sun Cheng lightly hum: Install! Continue to install! Admit it, you are jealous.

   Also shocked was Yu Wenzhou, who came to the office non-stop from home, " many points? I didn't get it on the phone just now, can you say it again?"

  Meng Zhijian: "200, full score." After speaking, he handed over the transcript.

  Yu Wenzhou watched it once, blinked, and watched it a second time.

  Several times, and finally covered her chest exaggeratedly, before suffocating a sentence: "You said this kid...she, why is she so arrogant?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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