After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 704: Boyfriend, straight guy cover

  Chapter 704 Boyfriend and girlfriend, straight man stamped (three shifts)

  Although she is not short of money, she did not refuse Xie Dingyuan’s kindness.

  Wait for setting up the program, and later realized that the two people's hands were still holding together.

  Jiang Fuyue wanted to take it back, but he refused.

  Finally rubbing secretly into ten-finger clasp.

   "Is the matter on the F continent finished?"

   "Temporarily come to an end."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "For now? What do you mean?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Although the first phase of the Schenkworth virus vaccine has been successfully developed, the virus is evolving and the vaccine is likely to be ineffective."

  "What should I do?"

  "The second phase of the study."

   "Go to F State?"

   "Well," the man nodded slightly, "Only in endemic areas can we find more samples of unknown strains."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "...When did you come back?"

   "Ah... Yesterday."

   "So, these..." Jiang Fuyue pointed to the flower beside her, and the candle in the distance, "Are they premeditated?"

  Xie Dingyuan gave her a peek: "Yeah."

  Suddenly, "Who taught you?"


  "Send roses and put candles, it’s not your style."

  The corner of the man's mouth twitched.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "It's hard to tell? Is it because which female friend made the move?"

   "I have no female friends," the man said dumbly: "Only girlfriends..."

  Jiang Fuyue: Cough!

   was suddenly sweet.

  "Don't you like it?" Xie Dingyuan swept through the burning candle. It was mutilated and not as good as when it was first lighted.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Like is not in the gift itself."

   "What's that?" Han asked.

   "In—the person who gave the gift."

  Xie Dingyuan’s heart beat, his breathing slammed: "Then, do you like people who give gifts?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "It's okay."

  The man listened, not only was he not disappointed, but he also curled his lips contentedly.

  He thought, it’s "okay" now, but one day it will become "I like it very much."

   "Obviously I'm at home, and they told me to come over to water. Isn't it amazing, Professor Xie?"

  The man touched his nose awkwardly: "I'm afraid you won't come..."

  "Here," Jiang Fuyue pointed to the kettle on the ground, "you can pour it yourself."

  Xie Dingyuan coughed slightly: "...Actually, there is no potted plant in the master bedroom."

  Some people are real dogs.


Seeing that the candle was about to burn out, Jiang Fuyue asked Xie Dingyuan to turn on the light.

   "Oh." The man is like an obedient little daughter-in-law, obediently doing the same.

   turned on the lights, and the two began to clean the wax on the floor.

  Jiang Fuyue found that the "heart shape" was drawn first, and then put out with candles.

  After the candle is taken away, the white line cannot be covered.

  There are even traces of ruler drawing on it:

He should first draw a straight line, draw a circle with 1/4 length as the half warp, and then draw the same circle tangent to the previous circle, and then use the center point of the left circle as the center, and the upper right edge of the right circle as the center. Draw downwards from the starting point, and draw until the tangent of the two circles...

  The late period of obsessive-compulsive disorder never disappoints.

  Jiang Fuyue took a closer look at the bunch of roses again. Each rose was flush in height and almost the same size.

  Even every wrinkle of the wrapping paper is like copy and paste.


  After cleaning the floor, Jiang Fuyue brushed and opened the curtains, the sun shone in and her eyes narrowed with discomfort.

  In the next second, the man stepped forward and pulled up the white gauze of the compartment. The light was suddenly softer.

   "Strong light is not good for the eyes."


  At this time, a mobile phone rang.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Hello?"

   "Sister, where have you been? When will you be back?" It was brother Jiang.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Immediately."

  "Then I start cooking?"


  After the final exam, in addition to cooperating with the team to shoot videos and live broadcasts, Jiang Xiaodi cooks at home every day.

  He is now taller and stronger, so he no longer has to worry about not being able to reach the stove and the iron pot.

  It may be that he inherited Jiang Da’s culinary talent, and the younger brother Jiang is particularly interested in cooking.

  After finishing homework every day, soak in the kitchen, either hold the recipe to study, or directly use it.

  He also has a copy of "Food Notes", which contains all his specialty dishes.

  Clearly organized from material selection, production, and final assembly.

  When he was writing, Jiang Fuyue had seen it several times, let alone, there are still looks.

  Occasionally, Jiang Da Dekong will give him some pointers, and if the younger brother Jiang doesn’t understand, he will also take the initiative to ask.

  Han Yunru, chef surnamed Cao Tian Tuan, and the newly recruited pastry chef in the store are all the objects of his advice.

  Three fat uncle laughed at him: "You are trying to gather the best of a hundred families, and the blue is better than blue?"

  Brother Jiang scratched his head.

   Cao Fuman turned around and ridiculed Jiang Da: "Big brother, I think Chen Xing is a big deal, you have to be careful."

  Not long ago, Cao Dazhuang came to the house and saw Jiang Chenxing who was busy in the kitchen. He glanced at Jiang Fuyue who was sitting on the sofa and holding the laptop, and he suddenly felt moved--

  "I'm afraid that the two brothers and sisters are doing the wrong thing? Those who should enter the kitchen will not enter, and those who should not enter will go into the inside, tusk!"

  Han Yunru calmly said: "In this era, men and women are already equal, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the child likes it."

  Jiangda nodded, agreeing with his daughter-in-law 100%: "Yes!"

  Cao Fuman: "..."

Brother   Jiang also said, “It’s okay if my sister can’t cook, I will cook for her in the future, and I will wash the dishes.”

   "Can you still make it for your sister for the rest of your life?"

  Brother Jiang thought about it seriously: "...If she wants to, of course I can!"

  Several Uncles of the Cao family couldn’t help laughing when they heard the words.

  Jiang Chen Xing knew that they didn't believe it, and regarded themselves as ignorant little kids.

  But he knows that those words are true!

   "Sister, you believe me, okay?" Brother Jiang grabbed her sleeves, shook her slightly, and whispered, "I will definitely make a lot of delicious food for you in the future."

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and rubbed his head: "Okay."


  Her three meals a day were rounded up by younger brother Jiang.

  Jiang Fuyue ends the call and puts away the phone.

"I'm going back."

  Xie Dingyuan also heard the younger brother Jiang telling her to go back to dinner on the phone. Although she didn’t want her to go, it seemed that there was no suitable reason to stop her. Then...

"I send you."


  Xie Dingyuan sent her out of the villa.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Let’s stop here."



   "Jiang Fuyue!"

  The girl turned her head, her body shrouded in the sun, her eyebrows became more and more beautiful.

  The wind blew the hair onto her cheeks, and she raised her hand to gently dial it down.

"What's wrong?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Are we together now?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Should... count it?"

   "Can you remove the word ‘right’?"

  The girl laughed: "Forget it!"

   "Then you are my girlfriend now." He said, his eyes were serious and his expression was serious.

  Straight men's stamp.

  Jiang Fuyue went back, stopped in front of him, his eyes met and his breathing was close at hand.

   "Then you are my boyfriend too."

   "Well, I am." He laughed, maybe the sun was too bright, making his cold eyebrows warm.


   "Sister, you are back——"

   "Hmm." Jiang Fuyue put on slippers and walked to the dining room.

  Little Brother Jiang’s voice came from inside: "You can eat!"

  Before starting, Jiang Fuyue asked him if he had much food and vegetables.

   "Yes! I have made a lot." Anyway, no matter how much it is left, he can eat it all in the end.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I want to pack a copy and send it to a...friend."

   "Okay~ I will pack it in a lunch box first, otherwise there will be all leftovers afterwards." Young brother Jiang happily went to pack.

  I just don’t know one day in the future if he knows who the meal is for, will he be so happy?


  In the evening, the setting sun goes down, and the clouds burn half of the sky red.

  Gray blue and orange are intertwined into a painting, waiting for the night to fall.

  Jiang Fuyue stood in front of the villa and sent a WeChat message to Xie Dingyuan: [I am at the door. 】

  In less than half a minute, a slightly chaotic footstep sounded.

   Lost the calmness of the past.

   Seeing her for the first time, the man suddenly saw surprise in his eyes.

"How did you come?"

   "Not welcome?"

  "How is it possible? I'm anxious to..." As he said, he took her hand and walked in.

   Suddenly, Xie Dingyuan took her back with her after a meal.

   Stop at the fingerprint sensing area of ​​the iron gate, after recording here, then enter the door.

   also explained: "This is more convenient."

  Jiang Fuyue allowed him to hold his finger, press it up and down, his eyes fell on the man's side face, he seemed to do anything, even if he took a fingerprint, he had a kind of pious focus.

   Aware of her gaze, Xie Dingyuan turned his head and looked over: "What's the matter?"


   "Let's go." The man led her into the room.

  Shoe covers have been put away, replaced by a pair of pink women's sandals.

   "Wear this, new one."

  Jiang Fuyue put it on, the size is just right: "When did you buy it?"


  The man did not respond.

  Jiang Fuyuefu looked up and saw this person staring straight at her feet.


    Three shifts, three thousand words.

     I want to add more tonight~ Ask for a ticket in advance~ Oh!



  (End of this chapter)

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