After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 707: Finally kissed, that uncle (one more)

  Chapter 707 Finally kissed, that uncle (one more)

  "Do you want to kiss me?" Suddenly, Jiang Fuyue opened her eyes, her pupils dark.

  The man was stiff as if he was electrocuted, he didn't dare to look at her, and even retreated instinctively.

   Panicked and counseled.

  But the next second, the girl smiled, and as he retreated, she leaned forward to meet her.

  Lip meets lips, and eyes face each other.

   Breathing lingeringly.

  In an instant, the man's figure was more stiff than before, his muscles were tight, and his body seemed dull.

  He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and suddenly he felt unreality in the clouds.

  The whole body loses weight at a sensible speed, and in the end, only the light and fluttering soul is left.

  The thread that involves the soul is firmly held in the hands of the girl who is smiling at Yan Yan.

  She has mastered all his directions and controlled all his senses.

  Heart pounding, breathing freezes.

  As the suffocation gradually approached, the man's cheeks flushed.

  Jiang Fuyue stepped back a little, his lips touched his hot sniff, and reminded with a smile: "Take a breath."

  The man thought she was leaving, so he clasped the slender waist with his hands without a teacher, and pressed it hard in his arms.

  The tentacles are warm, and they can be gripped.


  He then relieved half of his strength in hindsight, but he also made her unable to break free.

  Since Jiang Fuyue took the initiative to kiss, she didn’t want to retreat.

  Naturally encircle the man’s neck with his hands, and gently rub his fingertips on his side neck.

  Unexpectedly, this little action made the man tremble all over, breathing suddenly, and the force on his mouth also increased and became fierce...


  "Sorry," he breathed hot and humid, panting slightly, his eyes showed a trace of innocence, "I can't help..."

  In this kind of thing, never underestimate a man’s ability to learn.

  What's more, the other party is Xie Dingyuan, a top big man who can play biochemistry.

  When he considered kissing as a piece of academic research to discuss, Jiang Fuyue was miserable.

   "You, still have to kiss... um... how long?"

"hold on."


"Done yet?"

   "For a while."


   "Xie Dingyuan, you are enough!"

"not enough."

  Jiang Fuyue: Am I digging a hole and burying myself?

  If the moment she went up in person, the initiative was still in her own hands, then things have become uncontrollable nowadays, and some people have long secretly turned away from the guest.


  I don’t know how long it took. When Xie Dingyuan was finally willing to let her go, Jiang Fuyue had flushed cheeks, peach blossom eyes gleaming, and she leaned on the seat and panted slightly.

  The man has a satisfied face, the corners of his mouth rise again and again, and he feels happy.

  Successful stealing incense!


   "I'm going back."

  Two people speak at the same time.

  Jiang Fuyue finished speaking, pushed the car door down, and walked home without looking back.

  Xie Dingyuan lowered the car window and called her: "Yueyue——"

  The girl had a meal without looking back.

   "See you tomorrow." The deep voice melted into the wind, and the lingering smile could still be heard.

  Jiang Fuyue quickened her pace.

  He heard a low laugh behind him, and he said, "I'm waiting for you."


   Before Jiang Fuyue took out the key, Jiang Xiaodi ran to open the door for her as if he had installed a radar.

"elder sister--"

   "Good." Jiang Fuyue touched his head, and suddenly found that this height was not as smooth as before.

  Yes, the young boy has grown up, and is no longer the dwarf beanie he used to be.

   "Sister, where have you been? Have you eaten?" Then she took out Jiang Fuyue's slippers.

   "I have eaten. Is the activity going well today?" Jiang Fuyue changed into her slippers and walked in.

Brother   Jiang followed, and followed suit: "It's going well, and I have seen a big star!"

   "Which star?"

  Jiang said a name. He is a member of the men's team that has been on fire in the past two years. He has a popular C rank. It is said that fans are particularly good at playing, and the commercial value is one of the best in domestic entertainment.

  This year, it has successfully transformed with a big blast fairy tale drama, and the future is bright.

  "...He has a lot of fans. When he appeared on the stage, everyone called his name crazily. There were cheering lights everywhere, like a red ocean." At this point, Jiang Xiaodi's eyes showed envy.

  It turns out that being a star can be liked by so many people.

  Jiang Fuyue: "You also have a lot of fans."

  Who knows Brother Jiang shook his head: "It's different."

   "Where is it different?"

  "Fans like him because he is handsome, good acting, good singing, and beautiful dancing. Uncle Wu said this is ability!"

   "But my fans like me because I can eat..."

  Brother Jiang can’t tell how they are different, but they just feel different.

   "I think he is better and deserves to be liked more!"

  When the young boy spoke, his eyes lighted up: "Sister, I want to be a star in the future, can I?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Stars seem to be glamorous, but in fact they need to work harder and shoulder more responsibilities than ordinary people. You have to know this."

"Yeah! I know, Uncle Wu said that when a star will be chased by paparazzi and scolded by black fans, all movements, expressions and expressions will be magnified, so you can't yawn if you are sleepy, you can't blow your nose, smoke and drink, You can't do things that damage your image, such as wiping your eyes and picking your nostrils."

   "I also heard Uncle Wu say that if you have a girlfriend, you can't make it public, because you will get rid of fans."

  Jiang Fuyue: "So, do you still want to be a star?"

  Jiang nodded: "I think."


  "Although these requirements are difficult and demanding, I think there are so many people who like you, it must be because you deserve such liking, so of course you should do better than ordinary people!"

  "If you are like ordinary people, why should others like you?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, her eyes flashed with surprise.

  She didn't expect Jiang Xiaodi to have such an idea.

  In the current entertainment industry, almost all stars are calling on paparazzi and fans to give them more freedom and space.

  So smoking, swearing, and spitting in private are being photographed. Everyone seems to be surprised, and it is no longer as strict as it was 20 or 30 years ago.

  You can work as a star, with amazing remuneration, but ask for freedom on par with ordinary people. Why?

It seems that most people in the celebrity business have forgotten the basic professionalism of "being in their place and seeking their own politics"; fans have repeatedly lowered their standards of "idols" in their hearts, and even reached a kind of brainless tolerance. To the point.

  What? "As long as the older brother is handsome, he can sleep more often", "Three views run with the facial features", "Don't blame him, just blame the woman for not being able to control him" and so on.

  In fact, it's the declining self-requirements of celebrities.

  It’s Brother Jiang’s thoughts...

  Gen Zhengmiaohong!

  Jiang Fuyue walked to the sofa and sat down, and said for a moment, "I really want to take the celebrity road? Have you figured it out? No regrets? In fact, you are still young, don't worry, it's not too late to make a decision when you graduate from high school."

  Brother Jiang stood in front of her, no longer acting coquettishly, with his hands behind his back and his waist straight.

  'S eyes were full of determination, "Sister, in fact, I thought about it a long time ago. It was not on impulse, nor was it a fever in my head, I..."

  He paused and showed a shy smile: "I want more people to like it, and I want to make myself worthy of their likes."

  At the beginning, when Brother Jiang chose to do eating and broadcasting, the two brothers and sisters had a similar conversation.

  The Jiang Chenxing in front of him and the original Jiang Xiaodi gradually overlap in Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

   "Really think about it?"


  "Wu Qian taught these words today?"

  Brother Jiang's eyes widened suddenly, and it took a long time to suffocate: "...that's what I want to say."


   "Okay," Jiang Fuyue waved, "Let Wu Qian come home the day after tomorrow, and I will talk to him personally."

  The young boy's eyes lit up: "I will call Uncle Wu now!"

  After speaking, da da da ran away.

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head and laughed.

  However, Xingyue’s business strategy should indeed change.

   "Sister——" Suddenly, Brother Jiang poked his head out from the middle of the stairs.


   "Are you still going to see the uncle who is driving tomorrow?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "!"

   "Uncle's car is so handsome, like a big box."


  "Where did you see it?" Quietly.

  Brother Jiang pointed to it: "The windows on the second floor. But why don’t you get out of the car after stopping for so long?"

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes flickered slightly, and she coughed slightly: "...Say something for a while."

   "Oh. I know that uncle lives next door. Before, I took his car to school, but it was another one. He has a lot of cars..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Aren’t you going to call Wu Qian?"

   "Hmm! Go now!"

  The sound of footsteps going upstairs gradually faded away, and Jiang Fuyue only took a sip of relief.

    One more, three thousand words.

     Yesterday’s Q&A, the correct answer is A~ Lao Xie is in his early days! congratulations!

     two more ten thirty [around] not necessarily particularly accurate~



  (End of this chapter)

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