After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 712: Ziang returns, Xingyue transforms (three or four more)

  Chapter 712 Ziang returns, Xingyue transformation (three or four more)

   "A man cannot be described as cute." After his face was ravaged, the man suddenly turned his face.

  Jiang Fuyue: "What do you use then?"

   "Handsome, handsome, attractive, everything is fine."

   "But I think you are cute, what should I do?"

  What else can I do?

   "Then... cute is cute."

   is also pretty good.

  Jiang Fuyue laughed all the way home. The car stopped at the door of the villa, and the curvature of her mouth did not flatten.

  Men seem to be infected and are equally happy.

   "I'm going back." Jiang Fuyue released the seat belt and pushed the door.

  In the next second, the man buckled the door with his long arms, preventing her from opening.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head, caught the man’s deep eyes caught off guard, he had already taken off his mask, and an aggressive kiss fell over and fell on her lips.


  This time, the man is obviously quite proficient, and he can still play tricks.

  Jiang Fuyue widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise.

  This person can actually stretch...then what.


After the kiss, the man looked satisfied, Jiang Fuyue leaned back in the chair, panting slightly, looking through the car window, looking towards the second floor with some guilty conscience.

  Fortunately, Brother Jiang is not there.

   "Professor Xie, you engage in sneak attacks and don't speak martial ethics."

   "Dating in love is not a fight. What kind of martial arts are you talking about?"

"……I'm home."

  This time, Xie Dingyuan did not stop him.

After watching Jiang Fuyue go in, he drove back to the next door.


   is the night, the moon is bright and clear, and everything is silent.

  The master bedroom on the second floor, Xie Dingyuan took a shower, sat on the bedside, took out his mobile phone.

  Click to open thousands of degrees, enter in the search box——

  【Who is Long Aotian】

   Tens of thousands of entries popped out, Xie Dingyuan clicked and opened one--

  Internet term, the English name is DragonProudSky...Used in satirical novels, comics, and animations, they are very strong just after they appear on the scene. They are unreasonable and can easily kill strong opponents without the mind...

  Professor Xie: "..."

  The next day, the sun was like a fire, bright and dazzling.

  Xie Dingyuan got up to wash and cleaned himself, the first thing was to send a message to Jiang Fuyue——

  【Yueyue, come here. 】

  Jiang Fuyue only replied five minutes later: [What are you doing? 】

  【I have the French version of Ebbins's "The Profound Meaning of World Physics" in French】

【almost there! 】

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head and laughed, put down the phone, walked to the full-length mirror and began to tidy up his appearance.

  The collar of the shirt is not round enough, the front is wrinkled, and the direction of the buttons is inconsistent...

   Take care of yourself, after confirming that it is correct, go downstairs.

  Sitting on the sofa and waiting for two minutes, he didn't hear a knock on the door. After thinking about it, he decided to go to the kitchen to get a fruit plate.

  Jiang Fuyue likes to eat apples, oranges, strawberries...

  Finally, insert a toothpick into each piece of fruit, and keep the height the same, then you are done.

  He brought it to the coffee table and put it away. As soon as he sat down, he heard the sound of the door lock turning.

  Xie Dingyuan’s eyes lit up, and he strode towards the hallway: "Yue——"

  The door opened, and Zhong Ziang rushed in.

"Uncle, I want to kill you!" He said, opening his arms is a bear hug, "Did you see the message from my mother? But you can step on your noble legs to pick me up at the door, I I'm already very moved. Hey, what did you just want to say?"

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes were slightly blank, and he even forgot to pull Zhong Ziang off his body.

  "I heard the word ‘more’, what’s more? I’m telling you, don’t you say that I’m getting less and less awkward. Before I came, I asked my mother to say hello to you. I will report it in advance."

  Speaking, Zhong Ziang has put on slippers and walked to the living room familiarly, "Huh? Where's Liu Ma? Why didn't you see anyone?"

  Seeing that Xie Dingyuan was still standing at the door, slamming and not moving, he turned around and shouted, "Old uncle?"

   "...Huh?" The man returned to his senses.

"Why are you in a daze? I asked Mother Liu? Once I got home, she would come over and tell me what delicious food I prepared today. Why didn't you see her today? Are you on the balcony? I'll go see... Wow ! There is a fruit plate!"

  Zhong Ziang's eyes gleamed, and he pounced on like a hungry wolf, taking a bite to the left and a bite to the right. He nodded as he ate, "Hmm! So sweet!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Zhong Ziang: "The appearance is much better than before. Liu Ma's skill in making fruit trays has improved by leaps and bounds, like it!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Professor does not want to talk, just wants to sweep his nephew out.

  He walked to the sofa, picked up the phone, and the screen showed two unread messages.

  An article from Xie Yunzao: [Ang Ang is going to your side, but I and the old lady can’t persuade me to persuade you, please help me watch it, don’t let him get into trouble]

  There is another one from Jiang Fuyue: [Suddenly remembered that there is still something to do, let’s not pass it]

  Xie Dingyuan replied: [OK. 】

  The mood is down, and it won't be depressed, just a little bored.

  Suddenly, there was a ding-dong.

  Jiang Fuyue: [米啾]JPG

  The man's mood instantly turned from cloudy to sunny, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

  He glanced at Zhong Ziang, who had already killed more than half of the fruit plate, his eyes became more cautious: "Mum Liu is on vacation and back to the country."

   "Oh." Zhong Ziang nodded, "Then old man, are you living alone these days? What about eating?"

  Xie Dingyuan sat across from him, suddenly stern: "I have something to tell you."

  Zhong Ziang glanced at him, his mouth kept saying: "What's the matter, old man? It's so grand..."

   "Me and Jiang——"

   "Wait a minute! My phone is shaking, please answer the call first. Hello? Yes, I have arrived, where are you?"

  Xie Dingyuan's mouth tightened.

  Zhong Ziang: "Isn’t it? Playing open-air basketball like this? My brain is broken... I'll just say it! Going to the Internet cafe to open it in black is not fragrant? Okay, come right away!"

  After finishing speaking, he put away his phone, "Old uncle, I will go out to play for a while. It is estimated that I will stay overnight tonight, so I don’t need to leave a meal for me, goodbye—"

   came and went like wind, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   Xie Dingyuan could only swallow back in his stomach when he hadn't finished speaking.

  He thought, waiting for tomorrow, he must have a good talk with Zhong Ziang, he and Jiang Fuyue cannot be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it.


   said that Jiang Fuyue had changed her clothes and was about to go out, but Wu came forward.

  She then remembered asking Brother Jiang to speak the day before yesterday, asking Wu Qian to come over.

   "Talk in the study."

  After finishing speaking, he turned upstairs and sent a WeChat message to Xie Dingyuan by the way, telling him that he would not be there for the time being.

  Brother Jiang heard the sound of footsteps, opened the bedroom door, poked his head out of the gap, and looked at Uncle Wu and his sister.

  Study room.

  Jiang Fuyue pointed to the opposite side: "Sit."

  Wu Qian sat down somewhat restrained, facing Jiang Fuyue, who was twenty years younger than himself, he couldn't feel the slightest negligence, instead he didn't consciously wind up the clockwork and waited.

   "Tell me what you think of Xingyue."

Wu Qian thought for a moment: "...Currently, there are three contracted anchors under Xingyue, in addition to Chen Xing, Zhuo Bufan and Yu Wenzhou. Now our main business is mostly concentrated on short video live broadcast, and the profit model is mainly realized through traffic. It is completely sufficient for individual business entities, but it is still too thin for a company."

   "Also, as the old saying goes, eggs cannot be placed in the same basket. Xingyue now mainly relies on two short video platforms, vibrato and slow hand."

"To be an inappropriate metaphor, the house we are building now is actually based on these two short video platforms. If someone wants to take back this homestead, then the house we built on it will be exquisite and gorgeous. , Can't hide the fate of being overthrown."

   “I’m thinking that instead of relying on video fans to gather a large number of fans on the platform, it is better to shift the focus to creating an anchor. Once successful, the anchor will not only be an anchor, but may also become a star!"

  Speaking of later, Wu Qian’s logic became clearer and clearer, and his speech speed gradually became smoother.

"The appeal of a star is no longer limited to a certain platform, but as a walking container, where he goes, where is the gathering place for fans. In this way, we can completely get rid of being eaten by the platform. On the contrary, in order to attract traffic, the platform even invites us to settle in."

  Wu Qian has clearly seen the difference between a star and an anchor.

  Lian Jiang Fuyue nodded in agreement.

   "You keep talking."

  Wu Qian: “Many Internet celebrity brokerage companies on the market today are afraid to take this step for two reasons. One is that the quality of the anchor is not high and can’t be sold; the other is that the entertainment industry has insufficient resources and it is difficult to enter the circle.”

  Jiang Fuyue asked, "Don’t we have these two problems?"

   "Of course it also exists, but it is easy to overcome."

"tell me the story."

"First of all, in terms of personal qualities, this is an ability test I asked a professional acting professor to do on Shen Xing. It includes more than 20 sub-items such as appearance, height, IQ, talent, emotional intelligence, audience fate, etc. Shen Xing’s comprehensive potential has been fully evaluated. This is the final report. You can take a look."

  Wu Qian took out the pre-prepared information from the briefcase and handed it over.

  Jiang Fuyue scanned it roughly, and his eyes fell on the comprehensive score column in the lower right corner: "95?"

"Yes, with a perfect score of 100, Chen Xing's evaluation result is 95. Even the professor said that he is a good seedling in the circle. If he can consciously cultivate in this area while he is still young, then his career will be Longer than ordinary stars, which to a large extent means that he is more likely to achieve success in the future."

  These words are what Wu has never said in his heart after thinking about it many times.

  As the main person in charge of the Xingyue Brokerage Company, he has the final say in almost all the company. The annual salary in hand will add dividends, which will cost millions of dollars throughout the year.

   Time to be content.

  If he is moderate, he can follow the current operating model and continue to make money steadily.

  But he believed that eating and waiting for death was not the original intention of Jiang Fuyue's half-million cheque.

  What's more, Jiang Fuyue is a person who dares to fight and break the rules.

  Don’t say far, just report it from her with full marks. Who can have this courage and determination?

  Wu Qian was like a headshot, he decided not to wait, but took the initiative to attack.

  It is the first step in his plan to make Jiang Xiaodi interested in being a star.

  Sure enough, today I have the opportunity to sit down with Jiang Fuyue to discuss the company’s future face to face.

  Even if the final result is not satisfactory, he will not regret today's choice.

  Jiang Fuyue put down the data in her hand, her expression was unclear: "What else?"

  Wu’s eyes lighted up in front of him: “Furthermore, Yu Wenzhou, his mouth is really talkative, and he has a very precious feature, that is humor!”

"Especially through the training of professional talk show teachers, his tone of voice and wording have improved significantly. Now he has accumulated considerable popularity through "Tucao Shuo". It is not difficult to see from this point that nowadays variety shows, Internet How strong is the ability to attract fans of dramas and TV dramas."

   "There is also Zhuo Bufan. He is a very hard-working young man, plus his appearance and height are good, and he is very photogenic, the kind that can carry death shots!"

   "If you use a professional teacher, it is suitable for the screen! Now several web dramas are contacting me and want to use him."

  "Resources are readily available, and our three anchors are of different types, and all of them are well known. Now that we have the right time and place, it depends on whether our company should transform into the entertainment industry brokerage road."

  Jiang Fuyue: "...Did you finish?"


  Wu Qian: "It's almost that."

   "You can say this clearly, you should have had this idea a long time ago, right?"

   "It's not too early. About half a year ago, when several children's dramas sent Shen Xing an audition invitation, I began to collect information about the entertainment industry."

  In addition, he even tried every means to get acquainted with a few screenwriters and young directors.

  Although they are not well-known, they can at least mix some introductory experience.

   can also be regarded as a kind of network accumulation. Who knows if you will get in touch with the bigger players in this circle through these people in the future?

  Wu Qian has always made plans to enter the entertainment circle, but Jiang Fuyue still has the power to make the decision when it comes to money.

   And he came today, just want to try, can you tell me this big guy who holds financial rights and funds.

  Suddenly, tap tap——

  There was a knock on the door.

   "Sister, it's me."

  Jiang Fuyue called him in.

  Brother Jiang opened the door, still holding two glasses of water in his hand, "I'm bringing you tea."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Well, let it go."

   Wu Qian also reached out to take it.

  Brother Jiang has no reason to stay longer: "Then...I'm leaving..."

  In spite of this, the small and slow steps can tell at a glance that the water delivery is fake and the snooping news is true.

   "Don't you want to leave?"

   "Sister..." He expected Ai Ai, "Can I stay?"

  Jiang Fuyue is noncommittal.

   "I am in junior high school now, I am an older child, and I can understand what you are saying!"

   Just when Brother Jiang thought the request had failed and was about to leave obediently, Jiang Fuyue suddenly spoke up——

   "Also, it is related to you after all."

  Jiang Chenxing suddenly opened his eyes and smiled: "Thank you sister!"

  Jiang Fuyue took a sip of tea, and the conversation continued: "How much do you want?"

   Wu Qian was taken aback: "Huh?"

   "How much budget!"

   "The first stage investment, rough calculation needs about 20 million..." Wu Qian's heartbeat thumped. Of course he heard the looseness in Jiang Fuyue's words, but he was worried that the amount would be too large and would be rejected.

  "Okay. You call this phone and contact a person named Liu Jinzhong, and he will prepare a check." Jiang Fuyue handed over the business card.

  Wu didn't respond for a while, but Jiang Xiaodi took the card and stuffed it into his hand, and then he suddenly returned to his senses.

  This, this is it? !

  Until he left the villa and exited the gate of Yutianhuafu Community, his brain was completely restored.

  He didn’t delay either. He kept searching according to the address on his business card, and successfully got a check of 20 million from Liu Jinzhong.

  Wu Qian only felt that walking was floating.

  He struggled, struggled countless times, and finally got the courage to speak up until today. How did he progress so smoothly and be successful?

  He began to admire Jiang Fuyue's courage, and at the same time he was extremely grateful for her trust in him.

   Twenty million is not a small amount, and if you take it, you don’t have many requirements and restrictions when you hand it over to him.

   Wu Qian's blood was surging immediately.

  He vowed to make Xingyue bigger and stronger and become the newest "star-making myth" in the entertainment industry!

  This is worthy of Jiang Fuyue’s appreciation and trust!

  Wu Qian returned to the company with great enthusiasm, ready to embark on transformation matters. Various arrangements and plans must be put on the agenda, and he must also take care of daily affairs. He will be very busy for a long time.

   "Xiao Zhang, notify all departments to meet in 30 minutes, I have an important decision to announce!"

   "Okay, Mr. Wu. But..."

   "Say what you want."

  "The lady is here again, I will arrange her in the small meeting room, do you...would you like to see?"

  Wu had a pause before taking action.

  Xiao Zhang couldn't help but peek at his face secretly.

  It is said that the lady is Mr. Wu’s ex-wife, so she looks like... To be honest, she is much worse than the administrative aunt of the same age in their company.

  Not to mention compared with the industry’s internet celebrity anchors.

  Wu Qian: "You first sort out the materials you will use for the meeting, and I will check it out."

"Oh well!"

  When Wu Qian passed by, the woman was holding up a cup of water awkwardly to drink, and she immediately put it down when she saw him appear.

   "Aqian, I..."

   "You can call me by name directly, or you can call Mr. Wu like everyone else."

  The woman smirked: "You are now developed, and you are still putting on airs with me..."

"how can I help you?"

"Ah... Wu Qian, let's get married again! Everything is the same as before. Even if you don't care about my relationship with you, you should think about it for your daughter! Do you have the heart to watch her become a child of a single parent family? Sensitive low self-esteem Does the land grow up?"

  Wu Qian’s gaze sharply: "Do you need me to remind you, Ms. Wang, you have remarried! Please stop saying such unrealistic things in the future! I will raise my daughter, but it has nothing to do with you!"

   "I know you blamed me for choosing to divorce when you were the worst, and let you go out of the house, but, I am all for my daughter! I don't want her to be dragged down by you again..."

   "You don't want to be dragged down by me anymore, right?" Wu was expressionless in front of him, "Well, you go back, don't come to the company to find me again, I won't see you again."

"Wu Qian-you are so cruel! Yes, you are rich now, you can raise younger and beautiful women! Don't think I don't know, you are just blinded and blinded by those flowers and plants! To my daughter and me..."

  Wu Qian: "Let the security take her out."


  The woman was still cursing and rolling when she was dragged out.

  A few cleaning aunts gathered around and pointed: "What is this woman doing? It's a big noise, the outlet is dirty, it's a shrew!"

   "I heard that it is Xingyue President Wu's ex-wife, and I want to use my daughter to threaten President Wu to repair the old with her daughter! It's really shameless!"

   "Mr. Wu won't really agree because of his daughter, right?"

"Of course it's impossible! The daughter was awarded to the mother at the time of the divorce. Mr. Wu also gave monthly support payments. What is there to be unsatisfied? Mr. Wu is now focused on Jiang Chenxing and compares him to him. My son is okay, I think they are more like father and son!"

  "Yes, yes, who doesn't like a child as cute as Chen Xing? I watch his videos and live broadcasts every day, so behaved!"

  When the woman was dragged into the elevator, she narrowed her eyes and remembered the name——

  Jiang, Shen, Xing!

    Two changes together, five thousand words.

     Wan Gengyu performs an online rolling + blowing kiss, please vote for the little fairies~ okay~



  (End of this chapter)

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