After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 733: Xie Gou gift, Li Chen provoked (three shifts in one)

  Chapter 733 Thanks for the dog gift, Li Chen provoked (three changes in one)

  "Who is Jiang Fuyue?" Auntie Guan knocked on the door of the 4-3 dormitory.

   "Me." Jiang Fuyue closed the computer, got up and walked over, "Is there something wrong?"

   "The gatekeeper called to say that you have your international document, and bring your ID card and student card to pick it up."

  International pieces?

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

  Huo Fanjin: "Shopping? What do you buy? Clothes? Bags? Perfume? I remember you don't need an ID card, just go to the Caiji Station and report your phone number."

  Jiang Fuyue: "I don't know, I'll go see it."

   "Sister Yue, I'll be with you!" Cen Qiaoqiao said suddenly.

  "Do you also have express delivery?"

   "No...I'm done eating snacks, go out and buy some."

  Huo Fanjin: "..."

   "Do you want anything? I will bring it for you!"

   "Three packets of potato chips, two packets of spicy strips, and a few more chocolates." Miss Huo blurted out.


  Gate guard box.

  Cen Qiaoqiao went to the opposite supermarket, Jiang Fuyue stood at the window and asked the uncle security: "Is there my express delivery?"

  "Take the courier to the Caiji Station——" Suddenly, he paused, "Are you Jiang Fuyue?"


   "Oh! You are here, it's been two days... Wait a minute, I'll call over there!"

   Talking, picked up the landline, and started dialing: "Hello, this is the West Gate of Ming University, Jiang Fuyue is here to get the courier... Yes, it's me... OK, then let me ask..."

Uncle    covered the microphone and looked up at her: "Did you bring your ID card and student ID?"


  He told the truth, "...Okay, I see, goodbye."

  The call is over, the uncle puts down the landline: "Student Jiang, please wait here for a while, it will take a few minutes to arrive there."

  Jiang Fuyue said lightly, "Is it so troublesome to get a courier now?"

  "Ordinary express delivery is simple. Go directly to the Caiji Station to get them. Just pile them up there and pull them out. But yours is different, because you take a confidential passage, so the procedures will be more cumbersome."

  Confidential channel, the full name is "special channel for confidential and important documents". It is generally a mailing method between the state or state-owned enterprise departments. Due to encryption control, the delivery and delivery are very strict.

  For example, after the admission work of Ming University every year, the retrieval of student files must go through confidential channels.


  How did she receive it?

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, suddenly a person flashed in her mind.

   "Hey! Here comes!" Uncle security beckoned, "Here!"

  The visitor is wearing a uniform, but there is no logo of any express company on it.

  A trolley box in the hand, the box body is square, made of stainless steel, fingerprint sensing area and lock on the front, double insurance blessing.

  "Are you Jiang Fuyue?" He stopped a step away, standing straight.


  "Can you see your ID card and student ID?"

  Jiang Fuyue handed it over.

  The man checked it carefully and returned it to her, then opened the box and took out a package with her name on it: "Thank you for signing it here, and the date."

  Jiang Fuyue did the same.

  After the other party checked the error, he entered the guard box and signed a list, and then left with the trolley box as it did when he came.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the paper box in her hand. In fact, it is no different from ordinary express delivery. The only difference is that the text information above is all non-Chinese!

  And the mailing address is-Nigeria.

   "Sister Yue! I'm back!" Cen Qiaoqiao carried two large packages of snacks, "Have you gotten it by express? That's it? Strange... how come it was delivered to the guard box?"

  "Huh? Is this in Thai? A string of strings, just like painting..."

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "It's Arabic."

   "Sister Yue, do you understand all of these?"

"a little bit."

  Cen Qiaoqiao casually pointed to the above string and asked what it meant.

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at her and translated for her.

  Then Princess Cen understands-sister's "a little bit", mine is "a hundred thousand miles".

   "What needs to be purchased in Arabic-speaking areas..." She stared at the box and muttered quietly, with curiosity in her eyes.

  Jiang Fuyue laughed: "It's not a purchasing agent, someone gave it to you."


  Back to the dormitory, Cen Qiaoqiao and Huo Fanjin got together to share snacks.

   "I want this cookie!"

   "Hey, this is mine. You didn't say to bring cookies, so you didn't buy it for you."

   "But I see it now, what should I do if I really want to eat it?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao looked tangled, "Would you... divide you in half?"

  Huo Fanjin smiled: "Deal!"

  "Sisi, please eat chocolate, I put it on the table~" Cen Qiao Qiao likes to share, and I will never forget everyone if there is something delicious.

  In her own words: Being fat alone is not as fat as the others.


   Liu Sisi punched the sandbag, sweating profusely, and after hearing the words, took the time to thank her.

  Since she fell Li Yan, she couldn't hide anything about Kung Fu. Girls from other dormitories on the same floor came to see her.

  In those few days, in front of the dormitory, people pretended to pass by from time to time, and then secretly looked inside.

  Liu Sisi herself didn't expect that her little fist would cause such a sensation.

  At first, she was surprised and somewhat at a loss.

  After all, I am used to being transparent, and I never thought about how I would be followed.

   Later, it was annoying, because those women screamed when they saw her, and some people called her "husband"?

  Liu Si thoughtfully reduced the number of times she went out. As long as she had no class, she stayed in the dormitory most of the time. She didn't even go to the boxing gym. She just made a simple sandbag and practiced every day.

  Cen Qiaoqiao put down the chocolate, turned her head and saw her sweating like rain, punched it down, her arm muscles were tense, A to explode!

  Small stars appeared in his eyes.

  Naxiang, the first thing Jiang Fuyue does when she returns to the dormitory is to unpack the parcel.

  The carton is opened, filled with stuffing around, and there is a box in the middle.

  Jiang Fuyue took it out.

  After opening, there is a cup with complicated patterns and colorful colors. Upon closer inspection, the patterns above are all made of geometric figures, with a circle in the middle, bright white, and the surroundings seem to glow like a halo, as if the moon is rising.

  The overall style reveals a Roman-Byzantine style of luxury and splendor, but also a bit of religious solemnity and mystery.

  Jiang Fuyue put aside, picked up the enclosed letter, and opened it——

  The font board is upright and the pen is sharp.

  Sure enough, it was him.

  And the writing style is as concise and concise as always——

  Month month:

  Sorry for the emergency, but goodbye without saying goodbye.

  After finally finding a shop, the boss said that he must buy his cup to sell me letter paper and envelopes.

  I chose one and think you will like it.

  Everything is fine, don't read it, wait for me to go back.


   "Wow! This cup is so beautiful!" Cen Qiaoqiao originally came here to give Jiang Fuyue snacks, but when she saw the water cup on the table, she couldn't move her eyes.

  She has never seen such a full-color cup body, large areas of yellow and blue, and various geometric figures overlapping, almost covering the entire picture without any white space.

  Looks full of exotic style.

  Huo Fanjin heard the words and couldn't help but leaned forward and looked for a moment: "...It's pretty. Which purchasing agent did you look for? Are there other patterns? I'll buy one too."

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "It's not a purchasing agent. Someone gave it to Sister Yue."

   "Well..." Huo Fanjin sighed and walked away silently: "I am not worthy."

  Cen Qiao Qiao pursed his lips: "I don't deserve it either."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  At this moment, Liu Sisi, who has finished her boxing, just escaped from the steamer, soaked all over: "I will turn on the air conditioner."

The air outlet happened to face Jiang Fuyue, and the moment the power was turned on, the letter paper on the table top was blown to the ground. Cen Qiaoqiao got close and picked it up for her. Suddenly, her eyelids trembled when she saw the word "Yuan" at the end. , The heartbeat thumps.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Thank you."

   "You're welcome! Sister Yue, snacks for you." After speaking, put things down and walked away numbly.


  In the afternoon, there are classes.

When Jiang Fuyue arrived, the classroom was empty. How could there be a little learning atmosphere?

  Huo Fanjin chuckled softly: "It's really desolate."

  A few people find a seat and sit down.

  After a while, a person walked over.

   "Lin Shumo?" Huo Fanjin raised his eyes, "Don't tell me, you are also in Peiya class."

   "Is there a problem?" The boy is tall and straight, and his expression is always sloppy.

  "Didn't you report to the Department of Mathematics?"


  Huo Fanjin's mouth twitched, so, like her, she changed her way halfway.

  "Can you ask the reason?"

  Lin Shumo glanced at her: "What is your reason, I will be the reason."

  Huo Fanjin and Yuguang sneaked a glance at Jiang Fuyue subconsciously.

   saw that the latter didn’t raise her head, and just played with her new water cup.

  Looking at Lin Shumo again, Yu Guang was almost at the same time as her and was all aiming at that person.


  "Sit down?" Huo Fanjin patted the seat next to him.

   Lin Shumo did not refuse.

  One or two minutes before class, there are more talents in the classroom.

  Most of them rushed in on the ringtone, and immediately took out the phone to play after sitting down.

  This class is calculus. The teacher walks up to the podium, and there is still noisy below.

  He doesn’t care, just like Wang Kequan before, he speaks by himself, and the stage and the stage are divided into two unrelated worlds.

  Everything was watched by Jiang Fuyue calmly.

  Suddenly, the classroom door was pushed open from the outside. Due to the excessive force, it directly hit the wall with a loud bang.

  On the stage, the teacher paused.

  Under the stage, there was a moment of dead silence.

  Everyone turned their heads one after another, and saw four boys walking towards each other.

The man led by    wore a basketball uniform, holding a basketball in his hand, slender figure, handsome features, arrogant hidden between his eyebrows, and a cold expression.

  Jiang Fuyue heard someone next to him say a name—Li Chen.

  It became clear to her for a moment, she turned out to be Li Yan's hapless cousin, the son of a school manager of Ming University, and one of the legendary "heirs".

Look at the man next to him, jeans with ripped trousers, and a skull necklace around his neck. I don’t know if it’s the taste, or just to show off his wealth. The chain body is actually made of gold with the thickness of little fingers. The original hip-hop style was stupefied by him. It's a bit earthy.

  There is actually a girl screaming next to him, saying that he is handsome——

   "Ah! Suppy boy, it's my dish!"

   "Who is he?"

  "Have you not seen the photos on the campus forum? Liang Jingzhou! There is a mine at home!"

   "What about the next two? They look pretty low-key."

  "The one on the left who wears a white shirt and looks gentle and elegant is called Gu Huaiyu, and the one with black clothes and black trousers on the right is Cheng Lian."

  "Aren’t they skipping class and going on vacation? I heard that before they left, they talked and said that if they didn’t play for half a semester, they didn’t come back. Why did they suddenly show up at school?"

   "Why did you say? Li Yan gets beaten, can Li Chen sit still?"

   " they came back to support Li Yan?!"

   "I can't think of any other reasons."

   "Isn't that sister Yue very dangerous?!"

   "Are you a moon fan?"

   "Ah... can't you?"

   "No, I want to say me too! Watching Li Yan get beaten up is not too hard. Sister Yue and Husband Liu will tap dance on my cool spot every minute!"

   "What should I do now? Sister Yue won't be bullied, right?"

   "Then you underestimate sister Yue's IQ and husband Liu's combat effectiveness. Wait for a good show."


   "Brother, you are finally back!" Seeing Li Chen, Li Yan immediately got up from his seat and rushed over.

  He was discharged from the hospital yesterday. On the first day of class today, he saw Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi’s legs and hid away.

  He sat in the corner and thought gloomily, could he only avoid these two women in the future?

   At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Li Chen appeared unpreparedly.

  Li Yan suddenly felt that the world was bright again.

   "Not promising!" Li Chen scolded coldly.

  Li Yan stood up straight, not annoyed when he was scolded, he smiled a little to please: "Brother, did you come back to help me out?"

   "Who is Jiang Fuyue?"

  Li Yan immediately pointed to him: "The fourth row on the left, the one on the side."

  Li Chen's eyes closed slightly.

  Jiang Fuyue keenly perceives the gaze after arriving at herself—cold, sharp, and unkind.

  The next second, she suddenly tilted her head, and her body also moved to the side.

  At the same time, a basketball flew by wiping her face, hitting the podium directly, with a bang, and bounced on the ground a few more times before it finally stopped moving.

  You can imagine how much force was used when it was thrown.

  And if it weren't from Jiang Fuyue's side, she would definitely hit her on the head according to the original basketball trajectory.

  This accuracy, this strength, once hit, the consequences will be disastrous.

  The classroom fell into a dead silence.

  The teacher was dumbfounded, and the classmates dumbfounded.

  Even Li Yan couldn't react a little bit.

  "Is it too much to play?" Gu Huaiyu made a fist, pressed his lips, and whispered.

  Cheng Lian disagrees: "Since I have found the place back, I can't lose the momentum from the beginning."

  Liang Jingzhou swallowed, "Although, although you want that to be the first to make a noise, you don't need to be so violent, right? They are also girls..."

  Li Chen withdrew his hand if nothing had happened, with a little regret on his face: "No, it's a pity."

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue had stood up, turned around slowly, and looked at him blankly.

  Li Chen laughed, his tone relaxed: "I'm sorry, this classmate, did you scare you?"


  Liu Sisi patted the table and stood up, her delicate face was full of fierceness, and her words were incompatible with her slender and soft temperament——

   "You **** want to die!"

  After speaking, he rushed out directly.

  Li Yan's complexion changed suddenly, he had suffered a lot, "Brother! Be careful! She has two sons!"

  Li Chen had already prepared. At the moment Liu Sisi rushed up, two big men in black came in and blocked her up!

   "I'm going-is this the legendary personal bodyguard?"

   "It seems that Chen Shao had prepared early, and he really came to find the difference."

   "Do not hesitate to pay for it, this is!"

   "It's over, is my husband Liu going to be beaten?"

   "My sister Yue is going to die too? Don't..."

  Liu Sisi looked at the big man who looked like two small hills in front of her, her eyes were cold, her tone was cold: "Go away!"

  The two remained motionless.

  Li Yan stood not far away, seeing this, it only took 0.1 second for him to change from panic to fearless.

   Finally he smiled triumphantly: "Oh, you want to hit someone again? It's a pity, you don't have this chance."

   "Really?" Liu Sisi curled her lips.

  Li Yan hadn't reacted yet, the next second, she saw her unexpectedly knock down a bodyguard.

  The other one quickly shot her and started fighting with her.

  Looking at the bodyguard who fell to the ground with a pained expression, Li Yan's pupils trembled.

  At this time, he knew that his fall was nothing at all.


  Someone was fighting, and the class was suddenly chaotic with the screams and exclamations of the surrounding students.

  The teacher desperately greeted from the podium, and his voice became hoarse——

  "Stop! What are you doing?! This is the school! It is the class! Do you want to be expelled?!"

  Unfortunately, no one listened to him.

  Fighting fighting, onlookers watching, video recording.

  Cheng Lian watched for a few seconds, rubbing his chin, and uttered a sentence without head or tail: "...It's really good."

  This skill is more than enough to deal with a Li Yan.

  Gu Huaiyu’s mouth twitched: "When is it all, and still in the mood to talk coldly? How will it end now?"

  Cheng raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "What's the hurry? The show has just begun, and there is no difference between the victory and the defeat. You are eager to end it, can't it be said?"

  Liang Jingzhou watched with great interest, and couldn't help nodding when he heard the words: "Yes! It's not over yet!"

  Gu Huaiyu: "……"

  He turned his head to persuade Li Chen to accept it when he sees it well, and just give a lesson, don’t make it too outrageous.

  But found that the person was gone!

   "Where is Lao Li?"

  Liang Jingzhou: "Not by my side...Huh? What about people?"

  Cheng Lian smiled and lifted his chin in a certain direction. It was not too much to watch the excitement: "Here, I will settle the accounts myself."

  Jiang Fuyue watched Li Chen approach step by step, and finally stood in front of her, with a smiley, pretentious expression on her face: "I heard you are very embarrassed?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Not as good as you."

  He smiled deeper, but did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "Li Yan is my cousin. If you save his face, you are equal to my face."


   "In front of everyone on the scene, apologize to him!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and looked at his eyes like a clown: "What if I refuse?"

  The young man's eyes were half-closed, and the color of danger flashed by: "I advise you not to be ignorant of good and bad!"

   "Then I also advise you not to be self-righteous."

   "Heh..." Li Chen said coldly, "What are you? You have no power and power, and the only thug is also entangled by my people. At this time, you dare to be tough?"

  Jiang Fuyue was too lazy to pay attention to him, and looked straight at Liu Sisi.

  I have to say that the sandbags have not been hit in vain during this period, and her fist and kick skills have improved again.

   Li Chen was annoyed by such ignorance, and reached out and grabbed her arm: "You fucking--"

  The result was avoided by Jiang Fuyue, and she warned in a cold voice: "Don't use your hands."

   "Heh... I want to move! What can you do with me?"

  The voice did not fall, and he stretched out his hand to her again.

  Jiang Fuyue twisted his right index finger and snapped.

  Only hearing the screams, Li Chen's face was pale.


  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were indifferent: "Don't mess with me, you can't afford it either."

   Li Chen suddenly became annoyed and kicked over the desk in front of Jiang Fuyue. In an instant, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground was accompanied by the crisp sound of glass breaking and the sound of pumping around him. He finally felt comfortable.

   "Really? I don't believe in evil. If you say you can't provoke it, then I have to try it!"

He finished speaking, but saw Jiang Fuyue frozen in place, motionless, thinking that she was afraid, and his heart became more and more proud: "Finally, I will give you a chance, either to apologize in public or call me Dad. It's over, otherwise..."

Jiang Fuyue turned a deaf ear to what the other party said, staring at the fragments all over the floor. The yellow and blue were torn apart, and the geometric figures were ragged and missing. All the exotic and solemn mysteries disappeared completely in this fall. net.

  Huo Fanjin's eyes widened, "The cup..."

  Cen Qiao Qiao wakes up like a dream, "Broken, broken?"

  Jiang Fuyue only felt a tyranny that could not be suppressed spontaneously.

  Perhaps a minute ago, she was just looking coldly and indifferently, but at this moment--

  She is angry!

   "Hey-why don't you speak? Dumb? Don't say I bully women, apologize or call Dad, I have given you the chance of your choice!"

   Li Chen didn’t even look at herself when she saw her. He kept staring at the floor, annoyed even more, and his tone became worse: “If you pretend to be stupid and don’t speak, believe me or not—”

   "Is it fun?" Jiang Fuyue suddenly raised her head.

  The girl has a pair of beautiful peach eyes, delicate features, and a white complexion.

  The long black hair lined her lips more and more brightly. Before, she was far away and couldn't see clearly, but now only a step away between the two, she realized that she was a little too beautiful.

   Li Chen's face inevitably appeared astonishing, and in the next second, she was shocked by the coldness in her eyes: "What, what?"

    Three more in one, six thousand words.

     Someone is out of luck.



  (End of this chapter)

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