After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 742: The world is suffering, sister Yue is righteous (four more in one)

  Chapter 742 The world is suffering, sister Yue is righteous (four more in one)

  Simple assembly is complete, arrange for each school to receive military training camouflage uniforms, and then allocate dormitories.

  "Why do I think this dress has a weird smell?" Huo Fanjin shook off the camouflage uniform he had just received, almost fainted.

   "Really?" Cen Qiaoqiao didn't pay attention, and leaned close to smell: "Oh-this smell is too top!"

   Liu Sisi held it in her hand, with no extra expression on her face.

   "Don't you feel stinky?"



  In that compartment, Jiang Fuyue had already packed her things, stuffed soap, shampoo, and sunscreen into the cabinet. Finally, she closed the suitcase and kicked it under the bed.

  Then start to change camouflage uniforms, and take a quick stop.

   does not smell very good.

  Huo Fanjin sat on the edge of the bed and chuckled when he saw it, "Does it smell fragrant?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Cen Qiao Qiao tried so hard to hang soy sauce bottles, "How can this be? Give us this kind of clothes."

   "Should we go to the staff to change it?" Huo Fanjin glanced at the jacket she had thrown on the ground with disgust, "The smell of stinky feet, who can stand it?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao hesitated: "Is this...can it work?"

   Suddenly, a whistle came from downstairs, and a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Assemble!"

   Then there was a huge sound of footsteps in the corridor, occasionally mixed with excited screams of girls.

  Jiang Fuyue: "You can endure the smell, change it quickly, and go down and gather!"

  Liu Sisi has always been the only one looking forward to her horse. After listening, she put on the camouflage uniform as quickly as possible.

  Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao stunned in place, at a loss for a moment.

   "Why are you stupid?! Change--" Jiang Fuyue roared.


  Five minutes later, the dormitory is downstairs.

  The four people stepped on the spot to join the team, stood in the square of Mingda, and their hearts throbbed.

  People who ran down after this were stopped by the instructor and were not allowed to enter the queue.

  Cen Qiaoqiao patted his chest, eyes full of fear: "I was almost stopped..."

  Huo Fanjin nodded, gasping for breath: "Scared the baby to death!"

   Liu Sisi motioned to Jiang Fuyue: "Look—"

  Jiang Fuyue looked up, and sure enough, many students didn’t have time to put on camouflage uniforms, or were they reluctant to do so?

   "Time is up!" The instructor's loud voice was like a thunder in the crowd.

  Everyone can't help but quiet down.

   "The rest are all late, and now give me ten laps around the playground!"


   "Ten laps?!"

   "This is too cruel, right?"

   "Devil instructor, identification is complete."

   "My mother! On such a hot day, will you die after running ten laps?"

   "I can't run a lap anyway, I don't have to think about it for ten laps..."

   "Hoo~ Fortunately it's not us."

   "Will these people vomit blood? Obviously a little faster, they don’t have to run laps..."

   "It looks like we have to run faster next time when we gather together! It's horrible!"


After   , most people are afraid of rejoicing, and there are not no ones who gloat.

  Those who were suddenly punished for running ten laps were dumbfounded.

  Instructor: "Why are you still stunned?! Run--"

  This roar, like a thunderstorm, a bunch of people have been scared and silly, and they ran fart?

  "Can’t understand human words? I told you to run—now run immediately—"

   said, rushing over, kicking one of the hips, the boy staggered and almost fell, but finally reacted, his cheeks were dripping with blood, and he ran away.

  Then the second, the a flock of ducks, catching up one after another.

  I was a little daunted and inevitably received the "boots greeting" from the instructor, and there were still big footprints on the buttocks after running away, which was very funny.

  But in the next second, everyone won’t be able to laugh...

   "Where are your clothes? Why didn't you change them?" The instructor scanned the stage with a stern look.

   "The time is too rush, it is too late!"

   "Also, instructor, there is a smell on these clothes, can I change one?"

   "Mine too! I want to change too!"

"And I!"

   "Add ID number!"


   Talking and talking, noisy.

  This hot summer adds a touch of irritability.

  "Quiet!" The instructor raised his voice, resounding like thunder, and immediately calmed everyone, "Now all those who are not wearing camouflage uniforms stand to the left."

  Everyone ran over happily, thinking this was to count the number of people and change them clean clothes!

  Cen Qiaoqiao looked at him eagerly, and suddenly regretted putting it on: "How about...Should we also apply for a replacement?"

   really smelly.

  Huo Fanjin thought for a while: "That line, we will also stand over."

   "But... we are all wearing it!"

   "Isn't it easy?" Huo Fanjin slyly curled his lips, "Take it off!"

  Speaking, quickly unbuttoned.

  Most of the people who didn't wear them came down with camouflage uniforms. Maybe they thought it was too smelly and they didn't put them on their bodies. They were all in their hands at this moment, and they went to the left.

  Huo Fanjin intends to take it off, mix in it, look good and change into clean clothes.


   "If you are not afraid of being punished, just take it off." Jiang Fuyue said coolly.

  Huo Fanjin moved for a while, Cen Qiaoqiao's eyes widened in shock.

   "Sister Yue, don't scare me..."

   "Try it if you don't believe me."

  The two dared not move for a moment.

  Na, the instructor yelled, with blue veins on the neck protruding: "...Move faster!"

   Hades is like urging his life.

  "Okay! Listen to my password on the left and right sides, all stand at attention!"

  The team was neat in an instant, the ones without camouflage uniforms stood on the left, and the ones wearing camouflage uniforms stayed on the right.

  One side is jagged, while the other is neat and uniform.

  The contrast should not be too obvious.

   "The one on the left, 500 squats per person, ten laps after finishing!" The young instructor stood on a high platform, standing tall and handsome, and with outstanding demeanor, but the words he spoke out were too cold.

   faintly swept across the group of students who were not wearing camouflage uniforms, with icy eyes.

  Swipe those students on the left----

  All lost!

   Five or five hundred squats?

   Ten more laps?

  Did they misheard it, or did the instructor miss it?

  But the instructor said: "Don’t doubt, you are the one who will be punished——"

  Huo Fanjin patted her chest in fear, with a look of surprise: "Fortunately..." Hearing Jiang Fuyue's words.’s another tragic story.

  Be punished inexplicably, people will naturally refuse to accept it.

  What's more, all the students of Ming University are golden bumps.

  Liang Jingzhou was also among the group of people who did not change camouflage uniforms. He twitched his mouth and looked straight at the instructor: "Why should we punish us?"

  "Are you not convinced?" The instructor was condescending.

   "Not satisfied!"

   "Okay, then you add five more circles." An understatement.

  Liang Jingzhou sneered: "Are you sick?"

   "Ten laps."

   "Don't you shamelessly!"

   "Twenty laps."


  Jiang Fuyue don't open her face, it's so stupid, she really didn't look at it.

  Cen Qiaoqiao swallowed without knowledge: "Twenty plus ten, thirty laps? It won't be exhausted, right?"

   "Hey, some thorns are going to suffer." Huo Fanjin didn't think it was too much to see the excitement.

  The instructor is obviously taking this opportunity to give everyone a prestige, so as to facilitate future management. At this time, if you have a head, that is the target to send to your door.

  He is not finished, who is finished?

"Whose young master you are outside, whose young lady, princess or prince, I can't control. But here, my words are orders, in addition to obedience, or obedience! Is there a smell? Not enough time? These are not your despising orders. , Reasons not to wear camouflage uniforms! No matter how disgusting, no matter how stinking, you must wear them if you let you wear them! Don't bargain with me!"

   "When you arrive in the army, you must follow the rules of the army! Now, you should squat and run, unless you want to be overweight like this one."

  In an instant, all eyes focused on Liang Jingzhou.

  Young Master Liang: "..." Suddenly clenched toes, inexplicably ashamed.

  Li Chen and Gu Huaiyu looked at each other, sorry brother, they are also helpless.

   Soon, most people who were not convinced started doing squats.

  Liang Jingzhou couldn't help but curled his lips when he saw this. After all, he gave in, and honestly began to run laps.

  After cooking, the instructor's sharp eyes fell to the right without wearing camouflage uniforms.

  Huo Fanjin subconsciously held his head up.

  Cen Qiaoqiao also stood upright.

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi didn't move, they both stood fairly standard all the time.

  The instructor swept his eyes: "Stand at attention! Look to the right—just rest! Stand at attention!"

  The entire team adjusts positions at a speed visible to the naked eye, and compares them neatly.

  "Introduce myself, my name is Dazhi Hao——"

   "Puff——" Someone couldn't help laughing.

  Hao Dazhi?

  So big?

  Looking at the handsome and handsome instructor, I didn’t expect to call such a rustic and inexplicable name for the village gun.

   "Why are you laughing? What's so funny?!"

   "..." Everyone was silent.

  However, it is really funny.

  "From the Reconnaissance Office of the Third Army Corps in Xiyong, you will be your military training instructor from today. Let me talk about the disciplinary requirements, not many, but three: first obedience, second obedience, and third obedience!"

   "Do you understand everything?!"


"louder please!"


  Hao Dazhi: "Remember, when you gather in a line in the future, you should call a report before you speak!"


   "Okay, now we start training in a line. You—" Hao Dazhi casually pointed.

  Gu Huaiyu was slightly stunned.

   "Yes, it's you, the first row and the first column."

  He stopped and twisted his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter?"

   "Why didn't you call a report before speaking?"

   ", I forgot."

   "Be loud! Don't be like a girl!"

  Gu Huaiyu’s eyes suddenly darkened: "Report! I have no obstacles to my gender recognition!"

  Hao Dazhi: "...Enter the queue. You—" He pointed at Li Chen again, "The first row and the second column, get out!"

   Li Chen replied, with both hands close to the seam of the pants, and stepped out one step: "Report! What instructions do the instructor have?"

  Hao Dazhi suddenly jumped off the platform and walked in front of him: "Go to the duty room of the administration building over there and bring me a chair."

  Li Chen: "..."

  Everyone: "..."

  Hao Dazhi: "Do you have any objections?"

  Li Chen: "Report! I am not a handyman."

   "So, don't you move?"

   "Report! I won't move."


   "Still Chen Shao falling!"


  "True warriors dare to face terrifying enemies."

   "The cow is over!"

  Hao Dazhi coldly curled his lips: "Run five laps!"

   Without a word, Li Chen ran away.

   "You--" Hao Dazhi picked mid-range again.

  The four young masters, today are unlucky.

  Cheng Lian came out calmly.

   "Go and help me move the chair."

Cheng Lian accepted it calmly.

  Ten minutes later, Cheng Lian came back: "Report!"


   "Here is the chair!"

  "Put it down, enter the queue!"

  Next, Hao Dazhi did not issue any more instructions, and let everyone stand under the sun.

  If anyone talks or moves, even if sweat gets into the eyes and wants to wipe them, they must call a report.

  And instructor Hao just sat in the shade of the trees, taking a relaxing break.

   "Report!" Li Chen was sweating profusely.


   "Five laps are completed."

  Hao Dazhi glanced at him, not salty nor indifferent: "Return to the team."

  The sun is scorching, and the sun is like roasting.

  Some girls can't hold on, pale and trembling.



   "Instructor, I'm dizzy, can I take a break?"

  Hao Dazhi expressionlessly: "As long as you don’t fall, just stick to me!"


   Passed in a standing military posture one morning, and at 12 o'clock, we headed to the cafeteria as a group.

  A group of people are neatly paced and mighty, not to mention spectacular.

  At the canteen, each area is posted with the name of the university, and their seats are checked.

  When the meal was being put, there was a square table for ten people with bowls and chopsticks in front of them. There were four empty basins in the center. The people in the cooking class carried large buckets and large spoons to add vegetables to it.

  Soybean stew meat, mapo tofu, stir-fried vegetables, plus a pot of water pumpkin soup and ten steamed buns.

  Huo Fanjin swallowed, "Shall we just eat this?"

  Cen Qiao Qiao squatted: "Why are all the meat fat..."

  Liu Sisi doesn’t speak. In her daily training, she eats worse than this. Did she say anything?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Forbearance."

  I only wanted to have a good meal, but unfortunately, the process was not peaceful.

  First of all, there is no instructor who is not allowed to eat.

   can only stand on the seat, staring at the not-so-rich meal and drooling.

  It's kind of pitiful.

  The instructors of each company began to form the team, and the commands of "stand at attention" and "rest a little" were heard in an instant.

  Waiting for the cooking class to add food and fill up the food, Hao Dazhi raised his hand and gave an order to start officially.

  Huo Fanjin couldn’t help rubbing his leg as soon as he sat down: "It’s almost broken..."

  Cen Qiaoqiao grieved Baba and complained: "It's too sun, my neck has begun to peel, you see..."

  Huo Fanjin leaned over and took a look, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah! There are a lot of red spots around."


  "Don't catch it, there are bacteria on your hands."

  Cen Qiaoqiao’s eyes are red.

  The spoiled little princess, when did she experience this kind of suffering?

   "Hmm... I really want to go home..."

  Huo Fanjin sighed: "Who isn't it? I would have issued a sick leave slip if I knew it..."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the two of them, then calmly said: "Eat first."

  Huo Fanjin said "Oh", picked up the chopsticks but couldn't help putting it down, let alone eating it in the mouth, it would be disgusting just to look at it?

  Cen Qiaoqiao couldn’t help showing disgust: "I can’t eat either..."

   Liu Sisi suddenly said: "If you can't eat, you have to eat. There will be training in the afternoon."

  Cen Qiao Qiao pursed his lips, the more he looked at that plate of fat, the more disgusting my appetite, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to bite these greasy things in my mouth.

  Jiang Fuyue gave her a steamed bun, "Try this with soybeans."

"Is it tasty?"

"not bad."

   "Then I will taste..." She smiled, her eyebrows stretched.

  Emotions come and go fast. Cen Qiaoqiao breaks the steamed buns first according to the method taught by Jiang Fuyue, and then fills them with soybeans.

  Taste...not very good, but not too bad.

  At least, I can swallow it.

  Huo Fanjin also drew gourds in the same way, and drank pumpkin soup when he felt choked. It was not as difficult to swallow as imagined.

  And Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi never complained from the beginning to the end.

  It's like completing a task.

   "Are you two?" Huo Fanjin bit the steamed bun. Because the noodles were kneaded too dry, crumbs flew in one mouth, she hurriedly gave a mouthful of pumpkin soup to hold it down.

   Liu Si did not squint her eyes: "You can only train when you are full."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, "You guys eat quickly. Instructor Hao has been looking at the watch. It should be timed. It should be stopped at any time. You can't eat it if you want."

  Sure enough--

  As soon as the voice fell, Hao Dazhi put down the bowls and chopsticks and stood up neatly, "All stand up! Stand up! Put down the chopsticks for me, stop eating!"

  Huo Fanjin was vaccinated ahead of time. Hearing the words, he stood up straight, and it was completely a conditioned reflex.

   was still holding half of a steamed bun that did not match his temperament, suddenly he rolled his eyes, and whipped it all into his mouth, regardless of whether he could swallow it or not.

  Cen Qiao Qiao pursed his lips, looking a little depressed looking at the unfinished half of the steamed bun in the bowl.

  I knew she would eat faster...

When Hao Dazhi spoke, Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi immediately threw their bowls and chopsticks and stood up calmly.

   "The girl at table 1, I asked to stand up, didn't you hear me?!"

  Everyone swept around, only to see a girl at table one who was still struggling.

  Hao Dazhi's eyebrows darkened, and he strode to her side and raised his hand with a wave, directly overturning the bowl in the girl's hand.


  The bowl flew, and with a crisp sound, the fragments exploded between Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi.

  The soup will inevitably splash on the two of them.

   Suddenly, the audience seemed to be pressed the pause button, and there was a dead silence.

  Even other schools couldn’t help but look over their necks.

  The girl whose job was thrown out of her eyes was dumbfounded, and without giving her any time to react, Hao Dazhi asked coldly and ruthlessly and struck her head and face——

   "You didn't hear what I said? Or pretending to be deaf?! Talk!"

   "No, finished..."

   "Call the report first, haven't I taught you?!"


  But it was not from the mouth of the girl, but Jiang Fuyue!

  Hao Dazhi looked over.

  She shouted again.


   "Instructor, I have a question."

  "What question?"

  "When the instructor was holding my job just now, the vegetable soup splashed on me, shouldn’t I say sorry?"

  The man looked cold.

   "Report!" Liu Sisi also followed closely.


   "I was also splashed by the spilled soup. So, if the instructor wants to apologize, please pick me up."

   Hao Dazhi gritted his teeth: "You guys, you have no superior, you are free!"

   "Report! You are not our superior." Jiang Fuyue corrected lightly.

  The atmosphere suddenly froze.

  Huo Fanjin glanced at the instructor’s iron-green face, and squeezed sweat for the two.

  Cen Qiaoqiao was frightened, his eyes swept across Hao Dazhi's face, a little frightened.

  People around can't help but sigh.

  Even Li Chen, Gu Huaiyu, Cheng Lian and Liang Jingzhou couldn't help but look over here.

   "She's so courageous."

   "It's not a day or two, do you only know now?"

  "Hey...I suspect she is not a woman, but Iron Man."

   "You, again, say, once, again." Hao Dazhi stared at Jiang Fuyue, pausing every word, gritting his teeth.

   "Report! I just said that you are not our superior!" Qing Ling's eyes were usually in front of her, without waves.

  In fact, after careful consideration of these words, Jiang Fuyue is really right.

  Hao Dazhi really cannot be called a "superior"!

  They are students, none of them have military status, and two have no organization. They are not connected with the army. There is no such thing as “subordinate and superior”.

  Hao Dazhi is here, no matter what rank or status he is in the army, he is now just their "instructor".

   Four eyes met, one calm and the other angry, sparks burst.

  The atmosphere is tense to the extreme, like a tight string, which may break at any time.

  Everyone is as quiet as a chicken.

  The needle drop in the audience can be heard.

  Suddenly, slap, slap—

  Hao Dazhi applauded: “You’re right, I really can’t count your superiors. Also, regarding the bowl throwing, I’m sorry, I did...I did not do it properly.”

  Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly: "It's okay."

   Liu Sisi followed closely: "I'm okay."

  Hao Dazhi: "……"

  Everyone thought there would be a "bad war", but they didn't want to end the curtain so peacefully.

   "There is a two-hour break at noon. Please tidy up your housekeeping. We will conduct random checks from time to time. In addition, please take the initiative to hand in the illegal items you brought to the duty room on the first floor. After the military training, they will be returned to everyone intact."

   “Don’t think about hiding anything to challenge my tolerance limit. Once discovered or reported, the entire dormitory will be punished!”


  Hao Dazhi: "Say."

   "What are the illegal items of the instructor?"

   "Except for the necessary daily necessities, the rest is counted. Including the mobile phones, tablets, e-books, snacks, fruits, and sunscreen you brought. Do you understand?"

  It wasn't until the exit of "disband" that everyone completely relaxed and left the canteen in twos and threes and returned to the dormitory.

  On the road, you can hear about Hao Dazhi everywhere——

   "The instructor is pretty handsome."

  "The figure is good. It's just...a bit fierce! Hey...I like being gentle and elegant."

  "Don’t you think his name is funny?"

   "Hahaha... It's a big one. Was he a big one when he was born?"

   "But his action of lifting the rice bowl was too hurtful, Ren Xiaoqiu was scared stupid at the time..."

   "Who told her not to listen to orders? She said stop eating, stand up, and she sat there alone to eat. Deserves it!"

   "You can't say that. On the first day of military training, everyone did not understand the rules and it was excusable, but instructor Hao's method was too extreme."

   "However, Sister Yue is really tough."

   "I love Sister Yue!"

   "Me too! It only takes zero and one second to turn a fan into a fan."


  Back to the dormitory, the four began to pack things.

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi only brought a medium-sized suitcase. There were not many things, so it was quite easy to pack them.

  In contrast, Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao have some headaches.

  The former has a lot of bottles and cans, and the latter has a basket of snacks and nuts.

   "Jojo, did you move the whole canteen? I'm going-I even have five different flavors of chewing gum, Niu X!"

  Huo Fanjin hugged the sunscreen and didn't let go: "I don't want to wash my face or paint my face, but sunscreen is absolutely necessary, or I will cry after the military training!"

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi are sitting leisurely by the bed, nibbling on the chicken legs and wings brought by Cen Qiaoqiao.

   Anyway, I have to hand in. Don’t eat anything, don’t eat anything, just fill your stomach first.

   Hearing this, Jiang Fuyue: "You tell me it's useless, you have to discuss it with the instructor."

  Huo Fanjin: "...Oh, then forget it." She would rather be ugly.

  Cen Qiaoqiao swallowed, and leaned forward: "Hey, sister Yue, I want to eat too~"

  A few people rushed to one point and handed in all the so-called "violating items" to the duty room.

When    left, Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao were reluctant to leave the two suitcases, making the younger brother on duty a bit embarrassed.

   1:30 in the afternoon.

  Hao Dazhi and the other two instructors began to conduct random checks of internal affairs, all the way up from the ground floor.

   "Why do I always stack up badly? I'm so annoying..." Cen Qiaoqiao sat on the bed discouragedly, eyes full of helplessness.

  Jiang Fuyue completed the last step, and the square tofu cubes appeared in front of several people.

   Liu Sisi: "I'm fine too."

  Huo Fanjin rubbed over, rubbed left and right, "Damn! This is the legendary tofu block? How could you two?"

  Not taught yet...

  Jiang Fuyue: "Self-study."

   "Hey... Sister Yue, teach me?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao immediately poked her head out: "There is still me! I have to learn too! Sister Yue teaches me!"


   bang bang bang ——

   There was a savage knock on the door.

   "Check housekeeping!"

  Jiang Fuyue got up to open the door, met Hao Dazhi's eyes, and staggered, "Instructor, please come in."

   Glancing at her, Hao Dazhi stepped inside, followed by two other instructors behind him.

  "The floor is dirty, the closet is messy, the shoes are not placed in a fixed position, the sheets are wrinkled, the quilt...they are folded well, but there is a problem with the orientation!"

  Huo Fanjin: "Report!"

  "It's not a assembly line now. You don't need to make a report when you speak."

   "Instructor, you have taught these rules, so how do we know?"

  Hao Dazhi expressionlessly: "Aren't I teaching?"


  "Listen to me, just say it once. Article 7 of the "Household Regulations for College Students During Military Training" clearly proposes the method of placing items in the company dormitory. The details are as follows -"

"The bed should be neatly laid. The quilt should be folded vertically 3 fold, horizontal fold 4 fold, folded forward, placed in the center of one end of the bed. The combat readiness bag (pillow) is usually placed on the upper layer of the quilt, or it can be placed on the side of the quilt or the bedside table (under the bed). Cabinet). For this point alone, except for these two beds, everything else in your dormitory is unqualified!"

  Hao Dazhi pointed to No.1 and No.2, "Whose bed?"

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi came forward.

  "Do you two stack tofu cubes?"


   "Who taught it?"

   Liu Sisi pointed to Jiang Fuyue: "She."

  Jiang Fuyue said: "Online video tutorials."

   Speaking of tofu cubes, she couldn't help but think of Xie Dingyuan.

   During the time when the two went to Yuegui Villa for vacation, they shared the same room. Xie Dingyuan’s obsessive-compulsive disorder was reflected in every detail of his life, including stacking quilts.

  It’s fine if you don’t stack it, as long as you stack it, it will surely be folded into this kind of tofu block, and each crease is straight and clear.

  Hao Dazhi and the other two instructors looked at each other: "The stacking is very standard. Since this is the case, you are responsible for teaching the other people in the dormitory. Is there a problem?"


"Okay. This is the part of the bed. Let's talk about how to hang mosquito nets. Neatness is the premise. During the day, the outer corners can be moved and hung on the inner corners, and the middle part can be folded neatly; of course, you can also remove and stack. . But one thing is that every bed in the entire dormitory must be kept neatly. Either all hang up or all be collected."

  "Shoes that are frequently worn should be placed on the floor under the bed or in the cabinet under the bed, and the number, variety, position, and order of the shoes should be uniform."

"Towels are usually placed in the dormitory, and towels are placed on ropes and racks. Thermos, water cups, ink, glue, newspapers and other items should be placed uniformly. In addition, the placement of portable folding writing chairs should be uniform and can be placed in a centralized manner. It can also be placed at the appropriate place in the room under the bed."


   "It's almost that, do you understand?" Hao Dazhi raised his eyes and scanned a few people.

  Whether you understand or not, just nod your head.

  Before Hao Dazhi left, he suddenly turned his head, his eyes fell accurately on Jiang Fuyue’s face: "What is your name?"

   "Jiang Fuyue."

  He nodded, gave a soft hum, and strode away.

  After the instructor left, the four of them prepared for a lunch break.

  Huo Fanjin yawned: "So sleepy."

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "The quilt just folded, I can't bear to open it. I put on an extra dress and just sleep like this."


  The dormitory does not have a separate toilet, and the entire floor shares a toilet and a large bathhouse.

  Jiang Fuyue has always had the habit of simply washing herself during a nap. He immediately took a towel and a basin and went to the public area.

  It is not convenient to take a shower, and there is no hot water. She can only take a basin of cold water and rub her body.

  The action was done swiftly, and then she put on clean clothes, Jiang Fuyue suddenly felt as if she had come back to life again.

When    was leaving, she ran into a girl head-on, holding a basin in her hand, with a white towel in it.

  Jiang Fuyue did not squint, and passed by...

   "Sister Yue!" Suddenly, the other party called her to stop.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head and asked, "Are you...what's the matter?"

   "In the cafeteria just now...thank you."

  It turned out to be the girl who was thrown up by Hao Dazhi. She looked a little familiar, but she didn't have a deep impression. It shouldn't be Peiya Ban.

   "Raise your hand."

   "My name is Ren Xiaoqiu! Freshman from the Department of Finance! I would be embarrassed if it weren't for your help today." She pursed her lips, and said courageously: "So, thank you very much!"

  The girl's eyes are sincere, and the bottom of her eyes still shows a bit of anxiety, with a cautious taste.

  Jiang Fuyue waved her hand: "Small things, don't be so polite."

  After speaking, step up and leave.


  Two o'clock in the afternoon, lunch break, the dormitory is very quiet.

  In the whole room, apart from the sound of the fan turning, there are only long and regular breathing.

  Under fatigue, everyone fell asleep very hard.

  Even Cen Qiaoqiao, who is sensitive to noise, is not affected by the fan and sleeps deeply.

  Huo Fanjin even had a dream...

  Outside the window, the sound of Xia Cicada, the scorching sun is like fire; inside the house, it is right to sleep, everything is quiet.

  Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded.

   "Don't sleep! Go downstairs and gather! Hurry up—"

  Jiang Fuyue sat up instantly, grabbed the camouflage uniform and put it on her body, remembering Hao Dazhi's look before he left, and she couldn't help but curse: "...I'm sick!"

  Who hasn’t gotten up yet?

  Take a deep breath, and wake up Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao.

  Liu Sisi doesn’t need to call, she wakes up earlier than Jiang Fuyue.


  Downstairs, training ground.

  Hao Dazhi took the chronograph and said, "The time to gather is up! From this moment on, those who failed to complete the lineup will have 10 laps per person, plus 30 push-ups!"

  Fortunately, Jiang Fuyue and the four are not among them.

"All turn right! You," Hao Dazhi followed his finger. "Drive along the second road on the left of this intersection, not much, just five kilometers back to the origin. The time is controlled within 20 minutes, which is considered excellent; 2. Ten to twenty-five minutes is sub-optimal; twenty-five to thirty, good; thirty to thirty-five, passing; more than thirty-five, failing!"

   "If any of you ran for 20 minutes, then you can rest in the dormitory tomorrow morning without participating in training!"

  This is the training content in the afternoon.

  But everyone doesn’t seem to buy it--

   "Five kilometers, twenty minutes? Scud? How is this possible?"

  " Seed athletes selected for the Olympic Games?"

   "But it's tempting to take a long rest! I want to~"

   "Wake up, the donkey hangs cabbage in front of the donkey. I can see that I can't eat it. I lied to you to work for nothing!"

  "Isn't this a five-kilometer light-fitting project? It is a training for regular recruits. What do you mean by training us?"

   "The recruits are excellent within 19 minutes. Our instructor only relaxes for one minute. I am afraid that we are not too worthy of us."

   "Wait, what do you mean? Use the recruit training set to ask us?"

   "A bit too much."

  "Why can't you go to heaven if you are so capable?"

   grievances spread.

  However, not only Ming University was required to pack five kilometers lightly, but students from six other colleges and universities also received the same task.

   Complaining to complain, when the starting gun really sounded, everyone still ran away.

  Huo Fanjin: "Maybe I can really run well, and I won't have to suffer again tomorrow morning! Chong Duck——"

  Cen Qiaoqiao ran less than 500 meters, and she couldn't breathe. She put her hands on her knees: "I can't do it, you can run, come on—"

  Jiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi looked at each other, and the two continued to move forward.

  Huo Fanjin quickly followed.

  Waiting for a certain distance, Liu Sisi raised her wrist to look at her watch: "It has been five minutes and thirty-two seconds."

  Jiang Fuyue looked around: "Roughly, we should be in the north of the mountain now, that is to say, we only completed a quarter of five kilometers. This speed is definitely not good, it is too slow and must be accelerated."

   Liu Sisi nodded: "Yeah."

  Huo Fanjin tried his best to catch up. When he heard it, the whole person suddenly became ill: "What? Need to speed up?!"

  At the same time, the location of the end point.

  Hao Dazhi and several other instructors stood together, smoking and chatting, talking about those students.

   "Old Hao, I heard that there was a girl who clashed with you directly in the cafeteria?"

  Hao Dazhi squinted at him: "Listen to you?"

  Another person came up: "Everyone in the cafeteria can see it at noon today."

  "Hey, what do you see?"

   "Old Hao, how about pretending? You are boring! If you are ashamed, you will be ashamed. Brothers will not laugh at you."

  Hao Dazhi threw the cigarette **** on the ground and lifted his foot to smash it out, "It’s worth talking about a big fart, and it’s really bad luck!"

  After finishing speaking, she moved a little farther, and looked disdainful.

   "Hey, this person is still annoyed..."

  In a blink of an eye, fifteen minutes later, none of the students ran to the finish line.

  An instructor couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing, “Now these college students are far worse than we were in the past!”

   "Especially Mingda, the children of the rich family are the ones who complain the loudest! The loudest!"

  "Q college students are still able to endure hardship. As expected, different schools have different students."

   "B and Central University are also good, they are both famous universities."

   "By the way, don't I remember that Ocean University has a few national defense students? It is said that the comprehensive assessments for admissions at that time were pretty good."

  "The current admissions and assessments are too maneuverable, the process is not standardized, and the credibility is not high."

   "It's okay or not, it's a shame to measure it, it's a mule or a horse, and I'll know after walking around!"

   "I agree with this, the master will only know the outcome after the trial."

"I don't think the students at Ming University look like they can just eat, drink and play. The wealthy people now focus on the overall development of the next generation. They have hired professional teachers to teach them boxing and taekwondo, and they probably won't have too much physical strength. "

  "You are too optimistic. How many of these rich second generations can achieve self-discipline? I think there are many obese and overweight people."

   "Okay, let's wait for the final result, and see if Ming University is stronger, or the other universities are better."

  Unfortunately, at seventeen minutes, there were still no students.

  "Hey, won't any of them be excellent, right?"

   "The whole army is annihilated? It's really miserable."

   "Seven schools, I really don't believe in none of them!"

   "Hey-I have it! Look at it -"

  I saw Jiang Fuyue, Liu Sisi, and Huo Fanjin walking side by side not far from the end, so they were caught off guard.

  Hao Dazhi looked down at the stopwatch——

  Nineteen minutes and twenty seconds!

  The instructor who was not optimistic about Mingda before blushed and slipped away.

  Not surprisingly, the three of them won the excellent rating, and they are also the only three outstanding students in the seven schools!

  Hao Dazhi: "No wonder you dare to talk back to me..."

  There are two brushes!

  This afternoon is more tiring, hotter, dirtier, and more shocking than the morning. In short, it is another half day of hard work and sweat.

  After having dinner in the cafeteria, I finally waited till dark, and finally returned to the dormitory to rest.

  Everyone fell on the bed exhaustedly, instantly bursting with happiness.

  This is only the first day of military training.

  That's it.

    Ten thousand more, please ask for a ticket~ Oh!



  (End of this chapter)

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