After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 746: Three unlucky ones, try shooting (one or two more)

   Chapter 746 Three unlucky ones, try shooting (one or two more)

  They arrived neither early nor late.

   is mixed in most of the middle part, unremarkable.

  Fifteen minutes later, Hao Dazhi began to report the whole team: "...There are still three people who have not returned, who are they?"

   "Report! It's Li Chen, Gu Huaiyu, and Cheng Lian!"

  Hao Dazhi raised his wrist, looked at the time, and decided to wait another five minutes.

  Unfortunately, after five minutes, the three of them still did not come back.

  Hao Dazhi: "Who saw them halfway? Where is it?"

  Everyone looked at each other.

   "Is there none?"

   "Everyone shook their heads in unison."

  Jiang Fuyue mixed with him, watching his nose, his nose watching his heart, and his expression calm.

  Huo Fanjin's eyes flashed, steadying.

  Cen Qiaoqiao’s psychological quality is no better than the previous two. After swallowing, it is somewhat so empty.

  Fortunately, the night is dense, and there are so many people around who are distracted and not noticed.

  Hao Dazhi's brows clenched, and he did not punish anyone for running laps or doing squats. He waved his hand to let everyone disband on the spot, and he walked away by himself.

  It is estimated that it is to report to the superior, or to find someone?

  What happened next, Jiang Fuyue didn't know at all, and was not interested in knowing.

   Anyway, once she went back to the dormitory, after a simple wash, she fell asleep and didn't care when the sky fell.

  Liu Sisi washes faster than her, she has fallen asleep long ago, breathing smoothly.

  Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao were still a little nervous and apprehensive about doing bad things, but when they saw that they had gone to sleep with peace of mind, they also got up calmly.

  Now, the first day of military training has really passed.

  In addition to Cen Qiaoqiao who also had to get up early for training the next day, Jiang Fuyue, Liu Sisi, and Huo Fanjin, who had achieved excellent grades in light cross-country yesterday, had half a day of free time.

  The three people slept in the dormitory, as if they were about to make up for the pain they had eaten yesterday.

  The well-dressed Cen Qiao Qiao looked back before leaving the house, suddenly envy and jealousy intertwined.

  This is also my wife... It’s cool!

  At nine o'clock in the morning, two instructors came to check the internal affairs. When they entered their dormitory, they were shocked.

  There are still people sleeping? !

  And not one, but three!


   "Too shameful! To escape from training! Punishment! Must be severely punished!"

"and many more……"

  "Don't stop me, it won't work to persuade me! Let me in—"

   "Old Huang! Calm down! Yesterday, I picked up an excellent off-road light, and there are notes in the book. If you don't believe me, you can read it for yourself!"


  Dare to love, this is still a lazy sleep that depends on strength?


  Meimei relaxed all morning, and when they assembled in line in the afternoon, Jiang Fuyue and the three were refreshed.

  Looking at the other people, they're going to faint in the next second.

  During the break, Hao Dazhi is not there, and the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

   Groups in twos and threes, chatting and spitting.

During the conversation, Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows when someone nearby mentioned Li Chen's name vaguely.

  Liu Sisi takes a drink of water.

  Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao suddenly pricked their ears.

   "...It's so unlucky, the three of them just hung on the tree, exactly the same as in the TV series."

   "Instructor Hao was mad, thinking that something serious had happened, so he called the other instructors and looked for him along the way, but found the person on the tree, which is really amazing."

   "It is said that Shao Chen had fainted at that time, and there was bird droppings on Gu Shao's face. It is okay for Shao Cheng, but a few caterpillars fell in his neck."

   "Puff——really or not? The successors are also so embarrassed?"

  "Well? When I was rescued, I couldn't stand still, or I was carried back on a stretcher. I was sent to the nearest hospital for a full physical examination that night."

  "Are there any problems detected?"

   "No, everything is normal. But Gu Shao always said that his hands are numb, and half of his body can't be used. In the end, guess what?"

   "What's the matter?"

   "Yeah, say it! Don't lose your appetite!"

"Finally, the doctor handed him an infusion bottle that hadn't been pre-prescribed. It would take a few kilograms to say less. He subconsciously raised his hand to pick it up. The doctor flew over and rolled his eyes on the spot, saying: This is not enough. , Then you have to go to the construction site to carry the cement. Hahahaha..."

   "Hahaha! It's so funny!"

   "I want to see Gu Shao's expression at that time, maybe his face is darker than the bottom of the pot, right?"

  "Isn't it? I still yelled that there was a problem with his acupuncture points, and he had to perform a more detailed physical examination. As a result, instructor Hao went out and scolded him with his voice, so that he was completely honest."

   "But then again, why are they hanging on the tree?"

"do not know."

   "Why don't you know? Didn't the instructor investigate?"

   "I asked, but the three of them killed me without saying."

   "Tsk won't run into ghosts in the woods, right?"

   "I think there is a ghost in my heart, otherwise, how could the group of heavenly pride suffer such a boring loss?"

   "That's right."

   "Who is this strong man who hangs his heirs on the tree and can get away perfectly afterwards? Hehe... I want to make friends with him and ask for advice and experience."

   "I'm afraid it is the internal and internal contradiction? How can ordinary people dare to do this?"

   "You mean... the successor and the successor are on the line?"

   "Uh huh~ Isn't the relationship between Chu Qingheng and Li Chen always bad? What's more, is there another Zhou Jingze?"

  "Also, although he is also the son of the school manager, Zhou Jingze and their small group of four have always dealt with each other."

   "Yes! Another Rashomon!"

   "Where is Chen Younger? It seems that I didn't see it in the morning..."

   "The three of them took sick leave. At first they wanted to take three days, but instructor Hao rejected them and only allowed one day."

   "It's also a day at any rate, envy!"

   "Come on...the one who hung up on the tree to exchange it, and went to the hospital, would you like to change it to you?"

  The man thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "...I don't want to be hung up."

  The afternoon is all basic training, what kind of assembly lineup, military posture and so on.

  It wasn't until the sun went down that Hao Dazhi enlarged his home for dinner.

  Huo Fanjin: "Why are these dishes again? I'm going to vomit..."

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "It can be said that I have no appetite."

   Suddenly complained.

   "Sister Yue, how did you swallow it?"

   "Use your mouth."

  "..." Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you.

  There is a fixed time for eating. Soon, the instructor asked everyone to stand up with their chopsticks.

Cen Qiaoqiao, who had only eaten half a bun, had to stop.

  Huo Fanjin, who had eaten the other half of the steamed bun, licked his lips subconsciously.


  After dinner, it’s free time.

  You can go to the playground or go back to the dormitory, but most people don’t choose these two places, but...

  Go straight to the bathhouse.

  Yes, there is a bathhouse here, but it is not big, and the capacity is limited. If you want to use it, you have to line up.

  Even if the queue arrives, everyone only has two minutes, no more.

  Because there are still people behind, over time, those people will slap the cubicle door frantically and rush you into a dog.

  It is said that there is a girl in Yangtze University who did not come out for a long time after entering. She ignored the urging voices outside. As a result, she was kicked open by a grumpy schoolgirl, who was directly picked out.

  At that time, the scene was chaotic, and the commotion continued.

  The girl who took the Overlord’s bath wore a shampoo and didn't wash her hair. She still had soap foam on her body, so she was watched.

  Although they were all of the same sex, they had a thin face on the bottom, screamed, wrapped in a bath towel and shrank into a ball without complacency, and squatted on the ground.

   Soon things spread, and no one dares to dominate the cubicle anymore.

  Only two minutes, can it really be cleaned? It also includes time to undress and put on clothes.

  Fortunately, Jiang Fuyue does not need to squeeze with everyone.

  Because they went to the bathhouse when they were resting in the morning.

  Uninterrupted supply of hot water, sufficient bathing time, no one urges behind the key, how to wash, how to wash.

  Cen Qiaoqiao who did not get the rest qualification: "Woo...I'm sour, please call me Cen Lemon, thank you!"

  Huo Fanjin said lightly: "It's not just taking a bath, it's not promising."

  "You don’t know how hungry you are, and you don’t know how much I want to take a hot bath now! Woo... I feel like I’m going to be bad."

  Huo Fanjin couldn't help laughing out loud.

   "You still laugh!" Cen Qiaoqiao stamped his feet with anger.

  "I just laughed! Just laughed! Prosperous in a trance..."

   "Sister Yue! Look at her!" Whenever Huo Fanjin couldn't be noisy, Cen Qiaoqiao turned around and asked Jiang Fuyue to complain + act like a baby.

   "Alright," Jiang Fuyue said, "We brought you hot water, in the thermos in the dormitory."

   "...Huh?" Cen Qiaoqiao was shocked.

  Huo Fanjin snorted: "Four big and four bottles! They are all full! I also ran twice..."


  Huo Fanjin was struck by lightning: "?" I am not clean anymore.

  Cen Qiaoqiao went to Baojiang Fuyue and Liu Sisi again.

  Under the rebuffing eyes of the former and the disgusting movement of the latter, she just hugged and did not kiss again.

  Cen Qiaoqiao smiled and looked at Huo Fanjin: "You are alone. Is it a great honor to be awarded this honor?"

  Huo Fanjin: "..." Ha ha, honor your uncle!


  Back to the dormitory, Cen Qiaoqiao happily took hot water to take a bath.

  After washing, it is another sweet and fragrant, soft and cute one.

   "Ah-it's so comfortable after washing! Other students saw me pouring hot water from the water bottle, and they were so surprised that their jaw dropped."

  Huo Fanjin suddenly said, "Why haven’t the erythema on the back of your neck disappeared?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao immediately stretched out his hand and scratched it twice: "Don't mention it, I have been basking in the sun, I can't get rid of it, and it's getting more and more itchy."

  "What should I do?"

   "Let’s endure it, it’s only a week anyway, after it’s over, go buy medicine."

   "Can it work?" Huo Fanjin showed suspicion, just like she was so delicate and could not bear hardship.

  Cen Qiao Qiao pursed his lips: "I will stick to it again."

   "Why don't you tell the instructor to ask him to find some medicine in the infirmary?"

  "It’s useless, I’m allergic. I need to use a specially configured prescription ointment. I have it at home, but I forgot to bring it..."

   "Then can you do something to ease it?"

   "Hmm..." Cen Qiaoqiao thought for a while, "Use light salt water to disinfect, the situation will be better."

   "Isn't alcohol OK?"

   "No, it's too exciting."

  "Hey...Where can I get you light salt water at night..."

  Cen Qiaoqiao smiled. Although Huo Fanjin’s mouth is a little bit poisonous, his heart is still very good: "It's okay, I can bear it..."

   "I have." Jiang Fuyue said suddenly.


  The three of them watched Jiang Fuyue turn over two bags of things from the bottom of the bed, looked down, and then passed the salt over.

  "You can only use this to add some water temporarily, try to see if it works."

   "...Huh? Oh." Cen Qiaoqiao took it in a daze.

  Huo Fanjin's eyes fell on her other hand, where there was still a bag of things: "Sister Yue, Sister Yue, is it sugar?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "How?"

   She swallowed, "Can you let me drink something? I ate half a bun for dinner, and I'm starving to death..."

  As soon as the voice fell, I heard a grunt.


  Cen Qiao Qiao's belly screamed.

   "Well... there is half a bottle of hot water left. Cough! I want to drink too..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Two minutes later, Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao had a bowl of sugar water in their hands, and they chuckled.

  Huo Fanjin: "Hey, people who don’t know thought we were drinking bird’s nest!"

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "That's it!"

  Liu Sisi: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  This night, there was no emergency assembly, and no cross-country load-bearing. Everyone finally had a good night's sleep.

  Of course, many people did not sleep well.

   "I'm afraid of suddenly blowing the whistle and letting me gather again. I want to sleep but don't dare to sleep. I've been in a daze all night, half asleep and half awake, so fucking!"

   "Me too! Who knows what the instructor is doing? I have been fined for running twenty laps, and I don't want to be fined again."

   "Sleeping and not sleeping, this is a problem."

   "How difficult is it!"


  The next day passed so easily.

  The third morning is shooting class.

  Assembled, Hao Dazhi led everyone to the shooting range.

"Today, I will lead everyone to complete the live shooting training. First, I will talk about the steps, ask if you don't understand, and then get started. Everyone has a chance to shoot. Finally, the top three will be selected. The reward is to rest this afternoon without training. "

  The shooting instructor wore camouflage uniforms, with a burly figure and bronzed skin. Under the scorching sun, masculinity came to his face.

   "This instructor is such a man~"

   "Are you using a real gun?"

   "Good chicken jelly! The first time I touched a gun!"

   "Is there only one chance? It must be missed! Can you give it more times?"

   "Just, suddenly the blood is boiling!"


"First introduce the firearms that will be used in this shooting training-Bayi semi-automatic rifle, also known as Bayi bar, with horizontal shooting 100-meter chest ring target, has been retired from active service, no longer listed as combat firearms, only Daily combat training."

The instructor    said, he raised the gun barrel sideways and made aiming movements, and the direction was the target on the training field.

  "The total length is 950mm and the tube length is 440mm. It is between the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle and Type 56 submachine gun. It can be used for single and burst shooting. It is used with 1956 type 7.62mm bullets and 30 rounds of magazines..."

  After the explanation, the next step is to demonstrate in person.

  "When you stand up, hold the shaft with your left hand and push upwards; the right shoulder socket is against the shoulder rest to prevent the recoil from being too strong and you can’t control it; at the same time, hold the grip of your right hand with your index finger close to the outer edge of the trigger..."

  The instructor spoke in slow motion while disassembling the steps so that everyone could see more clearly.

   "...When the three o'clock is in a line, make sure to aim, and then pull the trigger!"


   hit the bullseye!

   There was a moment of silence, and then loud applause erupted from the crowd. Some students could not suppress their excitement and began to whistle wildly.

  The degree of enthusiasm is no different from star chasing.

   "Suddenly felt the prestige of the great power."

   "There are tens of thousands of soldiers like this, no wonder China is getting stronger and stronger!"

   "The instructor is so handsome!"

   "Long live China!"


  The enthusiasm for learning is unprecedentedly high.

   "Okay, now we will start drawing lots, and everyone will line up."

  Jiang Fuyue drew 12 sets, which is the middle position.

   Also in the same group are Liang Jingzhou and Cheng Lian.

  Yes, after a day's rest, Cheng Lian and the others returned to the team. Their appearances were the same as before, except that their faces were a bit heavy and dark.

  Liang Jingzhou scanned the members of the group, and the moment he saw Jiang Fuyue, his body was stiff, his hands and feet were cold.

   "Sister Yue, Yue...You also have 12 groups?"


  Liang Jingzhou now only hopes to stay away from her, and further away, so far as she can't see herself, then he is completely safe.

   can be good or bad, bad spirit.

  If you don’t want something to happen, just choose something.


Cheng Lian is calm.

  He walked to Jiang Fuyue: "Bibi?"

   "Compared to what?" The girl turned her head, her eyes fell on his side with a smile.

   "Naturally is marksmanship."

   "What about the bet?"

  Cheng leaned sideways, raised his eyes, and faced his eyes: "I won. You go to hang on the tree yesterday for two hours."

Jiang Fuyue agreed: "Okay! But if I win, I want you, Li Chen, and Gu Huaiyu to kneel down and call my father. From now on, I will let you go east. You can’t go. West, just follow your orders, how?"

   Cheng Lian listened, still calm: "I can't be the lord of Li Chen and Gu Huaiyu, but I can."

   "Okay, then get rid of Li Chen and Gu Huaiyu."

"make a deal."

  The two turned around at the same time and walked away with their backs to each other, instantly invincible.

  Liang Jingzhou chased after Cheng Lian: "Old Cheng, are you crazy? Go and make a bet with Jiang Fuyue? Yesterday's lessons were not enough?"

  Cheng Lian: "I want to compare with her."

   "No... Then in case you lose..."

  Cheng Lian said coldly, interrupting him: "I only know that Pinyipin loess turns into gold, and Jiang Fuyue is not as versatile as you thought. You were scared by her, but I didn't."

   "This is not a question of being scared, I am self-aware, eh! Don't go, I haven't finished yet..."

  Twenty minutes later.

  The instructor shouted: "Group 12 is ready!"

  Jiang Fuyue quickly took the place, and Cheng Lian was not to be outdone.

  Liang Jingzhou intervened between the two, looking at this for a while, and that for a while, the anxiety was about to overflow my eyes.

  A total of ten bullets, out of one hundred rings.

   "Ready! Shoot—"

  Jiang Fuyue touched the speed change handle, located on the left side of the receiver, above the grip.

  0 is insurance, 1 is single shot, and 2 is continuous shot.

  She fell directly onto 2.

   Then, just listen—

  Dodo Dodo Dodo Dodo Dodo Dodo Dodo Dodo!

  Ten times in a row, without any pause, she finished the fight. Then, she stood up calmly, and patted the dust on her body under the stunned gaze.

  While the others in the group were even still aiming, they did not shoot a single bullet.

  Liang Jingzhou was already dumbfounded.

  Cheng Lian was a little better. After Jiang Fuyue finished playing, he just hit the fourth shot, his side face focused, as if he hadn't noticed what she had done.

  But if you look closely, you will find that he sweats significantly faster, and the entire collar is soaked.

    One or two more, two thousand words.

     Three shifts in the afternoon.



  (End of this chapter)

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