After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 767: People sit in the house, the pot comes up from the sky

  Chapter 767 People sit in the house, the pot comes up from the sky

   "I haven't acted yet, he just wants to start! Grass!" After speaking, Liang Jingzhou popped out like a steel cannon.

   "Hey hey hey-what are you doing?! What are you doing?!"

   Pia made a crisp sound, and he knocked out Huang Mao's outstretched hand, and his whole body was inserted between Jiang Fuyue and Lin Zhaodong.

   vividly interprets what is a "wall of meat".

  Huang Mao looked at the person who suddenly appeared, and sneered at the corners of his mouth: "It's you, the defeated man."

   "Who is the loser, I'm afraid you haven't figured it out?"

   In the final exercise session of the seven-school joint training, Mingda opened the gap with absolute advantage, leaving Ocean University as the second place far away.

  Qie Jiang Fuyue also brought Liu Sisi to the Hai Daying Department.

  I heard that Huang Mao was there at the time, and wanted to confuse the audience, but was easily seen through, and instantly dumbfounded.

   Obviously, Lin Zhaodong also remembered that unpleasant experience, and his face suddenly turned black.

   "Look at what I am doing?" Liang Jingzhou raised his chin slightly, "It's useless to watch, you are not my type."

  Lin Zhaodong: "..."

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue dropped a sentence of "I'm leaving now" and took the opportunity to get away.

   "Hey, you wait—" Lin Zhaodong saw this, calling her, and chasing after her.

  Liang Jingzhou directly stopped in front of him: "Why? You don't have to be so active in rushing to find out. Sister Yue has precious time, so I don't have time to talk to you."

"Step aside!"

   "What if I don't?"

  The yellow hair gritted his teeth, his eyes half-closed dangerously: "Then don't blame me, you're welcome!"

   "Oh, then I really want to see and see today, how can you be unkind? Come on, try?"

  Speaking, he glanced, and his shoulder hit the opponent's chest directly, "Don't persuade, just do it if you have the ability!"

   "You fucking--" Huang Mao really raised his arm.

When Li Chen and Gu Huaiyu saw this, they immediately stepped forward to support Liang Jingzhou.

  "On the site of Mingda, it’s not appropriate to do something with us at Mingda, right?"

  Li Chen frowned: "What are you polite to him? If anyone dares to touch Lao Liang's hair today, don't want to easily step out of Ming University!"

  Cheng leaned into his pocket, paced forward, and his cold eyes swept lightly: "No matter how powerful it is, two fists are harder to beat four hands. After thinking about it, make a decision. Don't be stupid."

   "Old Cheng, why are you talking so much nonsense with him?" Liang Jingzhou curled his lips and pointed to his head, "Knock here if you have the ability."

  Lin Zhaodong's eyebrows tightened, his flickering gaze fell on Liang Jingzhou, who had a tough attitude, and passed the other three people beside him.

  This is no longer a question of "double punches" and "four hands", but "double punches" and "eight hands"!

  Huang Mao took a deep breath, and left a sentence: "If you are lucky today, it won't be so cheap next time——"

   Say, stagger, and leave in stride.

  Looking at the back, there is still a bit of anger and anger.


  Lin Zhaodong took a breath of bird air, bowed his eyebrows, and walked out of the Ming University gate like a gust of wind.

  In the middle, when passing the stadium, a football flew in front of you.

  If it wasn't for Lin Zhaodong to react fast enough, I'm afraid the bridge of his nose has been broken by now.

   "Hey, classmate, do me a favor, please kick the ball back, okay? Thank you!"

  Lin Zhaodong glanced at the long-awaited teenager in the distance, then looked down at the football at his feet, and then...

  He did nothing, turned and left.

  The teenager who is still waiting for him to kick the ball back: "?" Go, go?

have to! This person is afraid that he is not deaf, but is a little seriously ill.

  Ocean University is a few minutes’ drive from Ming University, but Lin Zhaodong walked around the back door for another ten minutes.


   "Lin Zhaodong! Are you back?!" A surprised female voice sounded, with obvious shame.

  Huang Mao's footsteps stopped, but he still didn't avoid it.

   "Something to do with me?" He turned his head coldly.

  The girl ran over, trying to hold his hand, but was avoided by Huang Mao calmly.

  "Where have you been? No one in the dormitory, no training ground, call your roommate, they said you have something, they often go out recently..."

  Lin Zhaodong's eyebrows tightened: "Are you annoying? Ask questions, do everything, and you have to make trouble until everyone knows it, right?"

   "I ask you if you care about you, don't know what it is!"

   "Heh," he sneered, his eyes squinted, showing evil spirits, "Who are you to me? I need your care? Save it!"

  After finishing speaking, put his hands in his pockets and strode towards the school.

  The girl stood in place and shouted at his indifferent back: "Lin Zhaodong, you bastard—"

  Unfortunately, the other party never looked back, even speeding up the pace.

  Mo Shiran's eyes flushed with anger.

   Seeing this, the girlfriend waiting at the side quickly stepped forward: "Ran Ran? Are you okay?"

   "Xiao You, what's wrong with me? Why does he treat me this way?"

"You look beautiful, you have a good personality, and your grades are not to be said. How strict this year's selection of the'Top Ten College Students' is, you have chosen them all, in short-my family is fully developed in virtue, intelligence, physical beauty, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. So proficient, there is no better girl in the world than you!"

   "So, don't doubt yourself, you, Mo Shiran, are hanging!"

   "Puff——" The girl burst into tears, smiled back on her face, "How can you say so exaggerated?"

  Beauty girl: "Also, your family conditions are good, the proper daughter, Bai Fumei!"

  "Then why is Lin Zhaodong so indifferent to me?" As he said, he opened his mouth and wanted to cry again.

  "He’s just babbling! I don’t know the blessings in the blessing. How many boys in our college regard you as a goddess and want to fall in love with you in their dreams. Only he is a strange thing."

   "But I just like his wonderful work, what can I do?" Mo Shiran couldn't help sighing for himself.

   "Hey..." The girlfriend was constipated, "I don't understand, what do you like him?"

  This person, Lin Zhaodong, looks reluctant, but he has a bad temper, low EQ, unbelievable, and unbelievable. The only thing that is desirable is that he seems to be in good family conditions?

  But no one knows exactly what the situation is.

  From this, we can see how lonely and unsocial he is. Not much with the roommates.

  A good sister actually looks at him? ! Is the taste of the wealthy daughters so...unique?

However, Mo Shiran herself didn't think it, and she even supported her chin with her hands in intoxication, with a shy expression: " do you say? I just like the hard power in him, unlike other boys. Same."

   "Let the hundred-smelting steel become soft, don't you think this is very romantic?"

  Girlfriends: "..." I don't think so.

   "Forget it, I did too much today. I ask anyone if I catch him. He likes to keep a low profile."

   "Of course, don't take everything on yourself! He lost his temper and left, and you have to grievance yourself to excuse him. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

   "Then what can I do?...I can't catch up and get angry at him, right?"

  Girlfriends: "..." is very speechless.

   "Lin Zhaodong, I must chase him anyway! Whoever robs me, I will be with whomever!" The girl's eyes narrowed slightly, and her sharp edge was fleeting.

   "What if you can't catch it?" The best friend carefully glanced at her expression.

  Mo Shiran curled her lips: "Since I was young, I have never missed what I want."

  This time, it is no exception.

  The cold wind blows--

  The girlfriend touched the back of her neck subconsciously, and suddenly felt a bit cold.


  After that day, Jiang Fuyue never met Lin Zhaodong again.

   quickly left this person behind.

   Ke Mo Shiran was not so happy.

  Since she broke up with Lin Zhaodong at the school gate, she forcibly resisted ignoring him for a few days.

  Thinking about it, usually chasing him too tightly, so he gets used to this way.

  It’s good to be cold for a few days.

  Ke Lin Zhaodong was not disappointed, but he was greatly relieved.

  Someone joked and asked him what it was like to be left out, but he actually said--

   "How good is this early?"

   One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and soon passed to Mo Shiran's ears.

  She had a bad temper in the dormitory. Not only did she blame Lin Zhaodong for not liking her, but he also blamed him for embarrassing herself in front of so many classmates.

   "What do you mean?!" She blocked Lin Zhaodong at the top of the stairs.

   "What do you mean?" He stood on the steps, condescending and cynical.

   "It would be great for you to tell those people this early."

  Lin Zhaodong frowned, as if he didn't expect that a casual sentence would reach Mo Shiran's ears.

  As you can imagine, other students should also know.

  This is not his intention.

  A group of people in the dormitory got together and chatted that day. He was about to go out. When he was caught, he asked casually, and he just answered casually.

  He doesn't usually communicate with the people in the dormitory very much, and he didn't know what was wrong that day.

   "...I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future."


  Mo Shiran felt like a fist hitting cotton. Seeing that he was about to leave, she opened her hands to stop the person: "Lin Zhaodong, I put my posture low enough! What else do you want?!"

  The man twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, without any waves in his eyes: "I asked you to lower your posture?"

  Mo Shiran choked.

   "As for, what do you want... to be honest, what I don't want, just don't pester me anymore."

  The girl's expression was hurt, as if she was about to cry in the next second: "Do you hate me so much?"

  Lin Zhaodong: "No. I just don't like you."

  It's better not to say this. Explaining is more hurt than not explaining.

   "Why? What's wrong with me?"

   "What does it matter whether you like it or not? As long as I like it, it doesn't matter if she is bad."

  Mo Shiran lost consciousness, eyes dumbfounded.

  Lin Zhaodong rushed to the training ground, and when he had no time to continue, he bypassed her and prepared to leave.

  Suddenly, the girl reacted and rushed to catch him by the arm, so strong that she broke a nail——

   "No! This is not like you!"

   "Let go." The man's voice was cold and cold.

   "Even if you reject me, you will never say whether you like it or not. You will only call me boring or sick."

  Lin Zhaodong: "..."

  Suddenly, "Do you have someone you like?"

  How else can you say that a woman is the Sherlock Holmes in love, the strongest king of the sixth sense?

  Lin Zhaodong was slightly stunned.

  The reaction at this moment has already explained too much, and Mo Shiran almost couldn't stand up: "You...really have it? Are you?"

   "Yeah." Since he had already said that, he confessed it generously.

  The girl's lips trembled, "Who is it?"

   "No comment." After speaking, he strode away.

  This time, Mo Shiran didn’t catch up again, but stood still in shock, until his girlfriend walked over——

   "Of course? Why are you standing here? Don't scare me, what happened?"

   "...Xiao You, Lin Zhaodong said, he has someone he likes."

   "What?! Don't listen to the nonsense of those people, they spread it, how could Lin Zhaodong be so happy..."

   "He admitted it himself."

  Girlfriends: "!"

   "Yeah, how could he like others like you said he is so dragged? But he just likes it!"

   "Ran Ran..." My girlfriend didn't know how to comfort her anymore.

   "Xiao You," Mo Shiran suddenly grabbed her hand, "You must help me!"

   "Hmm! I will definitely help you."

   "You can find a way to help me find out who Lin Zhaodong likes."


  As long as you want to check, there are traces everywhere.

  What's more, Lin Zhaodong did not deliberately cover up.

  In just half a day, my best friend inquired about the information she wanted from her friend's friend.

  Mo Shiran: "...Jiang Fuyue?"

   "Yes! That's the genius girl who is very popular on the Internet. Everyone calls her Yue Jie, or Moon God. There are many supporters. It is said that some people have tried her to worship her!"

  Xiao You's tone was a little excited, and his eyes jumped with excitement.

  She had only heard from other people’s conversations that there was a very popular schoolgirl on the Internet. At that time, she didn’t take it to heart. The left and right were just speculations, and sooner or later she would overturn.

   But this time, in order to help sisters, she went online to read all the materials related to Jiang Fuyue the first time she heard about Jiang Fuyue.

  As the saying goes, know yourself, know yourself, and win every battle.

  You can get more excited as you look at it. Is it swollen and fat?

  Three international competitions won gold, one of which also severely taught the superior R countryman.

  When the phrase "Yang Yang Hua Xia, the country of etiquette" came out loud and powerful from her mouth, Xiao You almost shed tears, too good to cry.

"...In addition, she also solved the P/NP problem published by the Cray Institute of Mathematics in Country M. She published a PRL in high school and another one before enrolling in the university, which was selected into the "New Progress in Mathematics" "Looking at the Internet, it is said that this paper has made a lot of achievements. It seems to have discovered some new theory?"

  Mo Shiran frowned: "Academic coffee?"

  Like Xiao You, she only thinks the name "Jiang Fuyue" is familiar, but she hasn't learned more about her specific achievements.

"It should be. Some time ago, she also posted three CNSs in one go. Netizens called them the'tsunami-level back wave' in the academic world. Even several big scientists publicly affirmed her as the leader in the younger generation of research. status."

   "Oh, by the way, she got a perfect score in the college entrance examination, my god, no points were deducted, how did she take the exam?"

  When Xiaoyou saw this information, his mind was dizzy, and his mind was filled with question marks——

  How can there be such awesome people in the world? !

   There is nothing she can't do, and there is nothing she can't do.

  It feels like...I'm reading a super cool text, the heroine highlights the whole process, Su bombs the sky!

  The more Mo Shiran listened, the corners of her mouth tightened.

  In the end, he had a black face.

   "Xiao You, whose girlfriend are you anyway?"

   "Of course it's yours!"

   "I thought you were already Jiang Fuyue's best friend! When I talked about her, my eyes were straight, I can't wait to pounce on it right away."

  Xiao You was taken aback, stroking her cheek, "Is it so obvious?"

  Mo Shiran: "..." Annoyed.

   "Oh, I was surprised by her resume, I was just in normal worship..."

   "You worship her?!" Mo Shiran's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Xiao You Nana: "Don't you admire such an excellent girl?"

   "Huh! She robs someone I like, no matter how good I am, I won't have a good impression, so what kind of worship do I talk about?"

"No, of course, one yard goes to one yard, you can’t think like that. First of all, the word grabbing is wrong. As far as I know, Lin Zhaodong is chasing people and has nothing to do with Jiang Fuyue. I clearly expressed my refusal."

  Mo Shiran: "What do you mean? She refused to Lin Zhaodong, but I posted it shamelessly and was rejected. Do you want to say that I am low? I'm not as good as her?"

  Xiao You was stunned: "I absolutely didn't mean it! Why do you think so?"

"Heh... isn't it? I picked it up like a baby and held it in my arms like the trash that others had discarded. Jiang Fuyue is a schoolmaster, a goddess, and a genius girl. What am I? I'm just a poor worm! You go to favor Jiang Fuyue, she is better than me, I am better than me, you go and be her best friend!"

   Xiao You almost vomited blood with anger: "You, you are simply unreasonable!"

  After speaking, turn around and run away.

  Mo Shiran sat still, even though her best friend was angry away, she still looked blank.

  Jiang Fuyue is it?

  Lin Zhaodong personally admit the person he likes?

very good!

  I heard that she was also selected as one of the "Top Ten College Students"...

  Jiang Fuyue: When people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky?

    Two more in one, five thousand words.

     Recommend a friend's new book "Apocalyptic Rebirth: The villain is forced to whitewash" a girl who loves melon~

After      was reborn, Shi Yan set himself three small goals.

    1, stay away from zombies.

    2, live well.

    3, do not provoke Gu Lincheng.

     Shiyan put away the long knife, stepped over a corpse, looking at the horizon, the corners of her crimson lips were sunken:

     "Simple, just be a civilian."

     Commander Gu looked at the civilians who entered the city with his own password, and his eyes were deep: "Illegal entry, detained."

    PS: [A battle angel who wants to be a waste] VS [Humanity’s last line of defense, a high cold finger officer] You can save it if you like it^^~



  (End of this chapter)

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