After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 772: Mingshen came, mother and son clash (one more)

  Chapter 772 Ming and Shen came, mother and son clash (one more)

   "Sister Yue, what are you laughing at?" A little daughter showed curiosity.

   "I want to listen too!"

"And I!"

   "Hey, I'm already sitting on the bench."

  These people are the girls who just clamored for Jiang Fuyue's autograph.

  The first three have already been signed, and the last one is still being signed. However, seeing Jiang Fuyue looking straight ahead, she suddenly let out a sneer.

  A few people opened their eyes gossiping and looked around, trying to see something.

  Unfortunately, except for an old lady wearing a green cheongsam and flamboyant, nothing to see.

   "Sister Yue, tell me, what are you laughing at?"

  Jiang Fuyue neatly signed the last sum, and handed it to her: "I, there is an old sparrow barking at laugh, pretending to be a phoenix."

Several people:"?"


  , however, said that some guests had to leave on the spot because of Fu Sujun's first beating and then marrying for the children. There were also families who were eager to cling to and began to silently calculate the benefits of marrying the Lou family.

  Although Lou Mingshen is not too young, the Lou family now has a simple population. He is only a male. After he is married, he is a serious wife!

  There is no sister-in-law, at most, an old lady and a mother-in-law need to take care of her, but the other three relatives and six relatives do not.

  After two or three years of giving birth to a son, that is the rightful successor of the Lou family!

  Decades later, after Lou Mingshen died, his daughter would directly become the "Queen Dowager". At the time of introduction, the entire Lou's group belonged to them!

  Look, what a great deal, a daughter can change a wealthy family!

  After calculating this account, a thoughtful lady soon came to Fu Sijun——

   "Old lady, is there a shortage of beautiful women around a good man like Mr. Lou?"

  Fu Sijun smiled slightly, meaningfully: "Women can be more than beautiful, especially those who marry home to be their wives."

  The lady smiled on the face, but she was crazy in her heart: You didn't rely on the position on your face back then. You died of your original match before being married by Lou Yunzhong. Now that I have enjoyed the benefits of beauty, turning my head to say such things, it is really a crow laughing at a pig black.

   "Yes, appearance is second, character and character are the most important."

  Fu Sijun shook his head: "The most important thing is to be in the right place. I think your daughter is pretty good, she is quiet, well-behaved and sensible."

  The lady snorted coldly: My daughter urinated before you went downstairs. She hasn't come back yet. Which one of your eyes can tell that she is quiet and well-behaved? Open your eyes and talk nonsense, don't like to write drafts, tusk!

   "In this case, when do you see the head of the building, we will meet and have a meal together. Speaking of which, we usually have no chance to see him."

  The ladies exchanged glances immediately: "Yes! We will do whatever you see when you are free."

  The old lady had a meal, and then nodded: "It is okay to meet and eat, and I will notify you when the time is set."

   "That's it!"

   "Old lady, you haven't seen my eldest daughter, in fact she is very good! Graduated from a famous university, from elementary school piano, can dance, let me tell you, regardless of looks or temperament..."

  "My second child is also good, quiet and gentle, and my favorite is painting..."

  More and more ladies and wives come forward, spare no effort to promote their daughters.

   "It's ridiculous!" Han Shen said coldly, his eyebrows were tightly twisted, and he couldn't get used to this kind of style.

Han Ke lightly breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally waited until you said this. The old lady disappeared for so many years. When she comes back, she will do it. I am afraid that everyone does not know her background? I have never seen such a sloppy marriage. I'm sure. Lou Mingshen absolutely doesn't know, otherwise, even if he pierces the sky, he won't let this banquet go smoothly!"

  "Stop talking about people's right and wrong. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, so hurry up and find Yueyue."

   "Go! Go right away, my girl won't participate in this kind of out-of-grade Lalang activity, please--"

   Just when Fu Sijun was surrounded by wealthy wives like stars and wives, when the atmosphere on the scene gradually became warmer, only a loud noise was heard.

  The door pushed open from the outside and hit the wall. Lou Mingshen appeared with grim eyes and gloomy expression, and then walked slowly to the old lady step by step.

  Every time he takes a step, it is like an elongated slow motion, stepping on everyone's heart as he touches the ground.

  The audience suddenly fell silent because of his appearance.

  Fu Sijun's eyes flickered slightly.

  The surrounding ladies and wives looked at such a young and handsome man, all showing satisfaction.

  The age is indeed a bit older, but you can't find it by looking at it. The Lou Mingshen in front of him looks more handsome than the young guy in his twenties and thirties, and he has a kind of maturity that the former does not have.

   is the typical image of a good son-in-law that the mother-in-law likes at a glance.

   "Oh, this is Ming and Shen, right?"

   "How handsome is he? At first glance, I often exercise and exercise. No wonder my body is tall and powerful!"

   "Are you busy at work? You often have to travel for meetings?"

  "Aren’t you tired? I have a chance to cook medicated food for you..."

  The expectant mother-in-law wives and asks warmly, babbled.

  It's like hundreds of ducks squawking at the same time.

  In this regard, Lou Mingshen did not squint, and if he hadn’t heard it, his calm and chilly eyes cast towards Fu Sijun, whose smile became stiffer——

"what are you doing?"

  He didn’t even shout "Mom"!

  The old lady's eyes fell suddenly: "This is your attitude towards me?"

   "Otherwise? What do you think I should treat you? Offering? Holding?"

   Fu Sijun took a deep breath: "A Shen, in front of so many guests, you--"

   "Stop talking, the banquet is cancelled!"

  The old lady's face changed slightly: "What did you say?"

   "I said--" Lou Ming raised his eyes coldly, and said every word: "Feast, meet, cancel, cancel!"

   "It's all started, why is it canceled suddenly?"

   "Why don't you know?" He twitched the corner of his mouth, a little mocking.

  Fu Sijun was stung by the coldness on his face, as if she was just a stranger, but in fact she was his mother!

  "No cancellation allowed!"

  Once it is cancelled, where will she put her face? How will you get mixed up in the imperial capital circle from now on?

  "Since you know the consequences, you should think twice when you do it!"

   "A Shen! I care about you. I hope to see you get married and have children in the rest of my life..."

   "Enough!" Lou Mingshen interrupted her, "I don't deserve it."

  The next second, he spoke softly again, with a gentle cut: "You don't deserve it either."

  Fu Sijun shook his body and almost fell.

  Ke Lou Mingshen didn't even look at her, let alone reach out to help her.

  The abnormality between mother and child caused the expressions of the surrounding people to be subtle, and they exchanged eyes quickly.

  The heart of gossip is burning.

  【I heard that Lou's mother and son are at odds, it turned out to be true! 】

  [Sure enough, Mingshen didn’t even know about this banquet. 】

  【This is simply a bad relationship, I think it’s almost catching up with the enemy. 】

  【There is a story! There must be a story in it! 】

   [Then the matter of marriage... is still counting? It took a lot of my tongue]

  [As far as Lou Mingshen's current attitude is, those who want to marry Lou's family should give up their thoughts as soon as possible, otherwise they will push their daughters into the fire pit]

  [I always feel that there are too many secrets in the Lou’s family, and now the performance of the mother and son is more reliable]

  【What secret? 】

  [For example, the real cause of Lou Mingyue's death...]

  In a confrontation, one second, two seconds...

  Finally, exactly thirty seconds passed, and Lou Mingshen's aura was still stronger. Fu Sujun was defeated and could only take the stage to announce the cancellation of the cocktail party as he requested.

  Suddenly at the scene.

   "What the hell?"

   "If you say cancel, then cancel? Are you kidding us?"

   "The old lady is really getting back home with more life. I don't know the importance, no sense. No wonder my son doesn't wait to see her..."

   "I guessed that Lou always wouldn't sit back and watch. As soon as he said, he came."

   "I heard that Lou is always single, but I didn't believe it before. I came here today suddenly."


  Han Shen and Han Ke mingled in the crowd, listening to the comments coming from around.

  Han Ke raised his eyebrows: "Look, I guessed right, Lou Mingshen really didn't know."

  Han Shen: "Living at this age and walking to this position can still allow others to take advantage of the loopholes. It seems that his own ability is worrying."

   "That's someone's real mother, can you still catch it for a beat?"

  Han Shen turned his head: "Didn’t I let you go to Yueyue? Where is the person? Did you find it?"

   "Found it, on the lawn outside."

   "Let's go..."

   "No, wait a minute!" Han Ke rubbed his hands and grinned.

  Han Shen: "..." speechless.

  However, ten seconds later, he couldn't help but quietly pricked his ears.

  In that room, Lou Mingshen achieved his goal, and he didn't want to stay longer for a moment. He strode away and his back was cold.

  As he walked across the lawn, he suddenly had a meal...

    One more, three thousand words.

     There will be two updates tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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