After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 777: Ninety-nine scheming, Ming Yu moved here (two more)

  Chapter 777 Ninety-nine scheming, Ming Yu moved here (two more)

  Obviously he was in danger, Jiang Fuyue asked him, and then lightly revealed it with a hum.

  But as soon as she heard that she was going, she couldn't sit still.

  Jiang Fuyue laughed at him: "You are really a double standard!"

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t eat this set, and didn’t follow suit. He said bluntly, “You are not allowed to come!”

  Jiang Fuyue felt really anxious when he heard that he felt relieved and soothed: "I'm not coming, just talk."

  The man's tone is tough: "It's impossible to talk!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "...oh." It's strange.

   "Yue Yue, you are obedient."

  It’s not to blame Xie Dingyuan for the big reaction, but he knows her too well——

  Be bolder than the sky, dare to say anything, dare to do anything.

  Before hanging up, the man continued to tell: "Don't come."

  Jiang Fuyue replied. As for what she thought in her heart, she probably only knew.


  The second time I received a call from Xie Dingyuan was in the evening.

  Not a WeChat message, but a call from a mobile phone.

  Jiang Fuyue was surprised: "Can you make international calls?"

its not right……

  Compared with WeChat chat, direct calling is easier to track the address, because the attribution is publicly available, so the use of telephone signals is usually prohibited in military powerhouses.

  If internal communication is required, walkie-talkies are generally used, and the channels are self-adjusted and encrypted.

  Xie Dingyuan: "I am on mission in Malaysia City."

  Malaysia City has a developed economy and well-developed infrastructure. It is an international metropolis. He wants to come far away from the base. No wonder he dared to do so.


  "While you are performing tasks, can you call?"

  "..." There was a silence on the other end.

  The answer is obviously no.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, which is not like Xie Dingyuan’s style of behavior.

  He is so serious about his work that he is almost rigorous. How can he call her on the basis of publicity while performing tasks?

  The overbearing and brainless president in the TV series may be, but Professor Xie—absolutely impossible!

   "Did you encounter something? I—"

   "Yueyue, wait for me to answer..." Before the words were finished, there was a loud noise on the other end, and the call was interrupted.

  Jiang Fuyue's heart suddenly tightened, and the first reaction was that something went wrong!

   Just when she was about to call Niu Rui and ask him to use the relationship to check, a WeChat prompt sounded——

  Xie Dingyuan: [Don’t worry, there was a small accident just now, I started working. 】

  This "work" should refer to this "task".

  Jiang Fuyue blinked, holding the mobile phone and stunned in place. While he was relieved, he suddenly didn't understand the meaning of the call, which lasted less than twenty seconds, and Xie Dingyuan hurriedly called before he was ready to perform the task.


Obviously not.


   It seems that Xie Dingyuan did not reveal any important information.

  Just miss her?

  Speaking is not cumbersome!

  So, why on earth?

  Jiang Fuyue was thinking about it, and the flashing light suddenly remembered the last time the two talked. When she said that she was going to F State, Xie Dingyuan reacted drastically.

  Would you not make a special call, just to check her attribution, afraid that she would go to F Island without saying a word?

  This hand trial play...

  At this moment, far away in Malaysia, Xie Dingyuan who has already put on protective clothing and isolation mask, ready to enter the church——


  Someone is thinking about him.


  Well, think twice.

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"


On the last day of 2051, on December 31, Jiang Fuyue finally selected the next research topic.

  Mingyu: "If you need help, please feel free to find me."

  Jiang Fuyue was not polite to him either, and smiled: "Okay!"

  The man also laughed.

  The familiarity and casualness of her for herself made him suddenly feel that the two of them were back twenty years ago.


   "By the way, when do you plan to move in?"

  Through this period of experimentation, Ming Yu has gradually become accustomed to the current life, and has a certain understanding of the unfamiliar Mingda.

  In general, the adaptation is good.

   Seeing that the life problems have been solved, academic problems have followed one after another.

  A physics boss like Ming Yu, in fact, is a waste of time to teach students, because at this level, more energy should be spent on academics.

  Before, when he was in the Northwest, he had always been on the frontline of scientific research, and he had been working for decades. Regardless of academic thinking or practical experience, researchers like this would not degenerate with age and ease of life.

  What Mingda should do is to provide Mingyu with a better academic environment as much as possible.

  The first thing to do is to solve his personal laboratory problem.

  In a short time, it can be done just like when the "Jiang Fuyue Laboratory" was built.

  Nuclear physics laboratory and general interdisciplinary laboratory are two completely different concepts.

  First of all, nuclear physics laboratories need special approvals, as well as various stringent procedures and procedures. Not to mention the long time and trouble.

  Xiao Shan: “It’s really troublesome, but sooner or later, you have to build it. Will you still have to go through these steps when you drag it later? I can’t help but arrange a laboratory for him?”

  Jiang Fuyue: "His personal laboratory must have it. There is no doubt about this. I mean, don't worry, wait until the endless building is repaired."

  The laboratory building that Xiaoliu was responsible for had already had a name-the endless building, also called the X building.

  X, stands for unknown.

  The unknown is endless.

  At present, the appearance has taken shape, with 22 floors rising from the ground, standing beside the campus lake.

   When I asked about the progress of the small six a few days ago, it was said that the internal planning and decoration had already started, and it was estimated that the construction could be completed in the beginning of spring.

  Jiang Fuyue naturally left a layer for Ming Yu. He wanted to build two and three laboratories with places, no problem!

  No matter how big the pie painting in the future is, there is no right now. Ming Yu doesn’t care about it, but Jiang Fuyue is in a hurry!

  For a real scientist, time is fuel, prompting them to keep moving forward and explore more mysterious areas of knowledge.

  You can't let Mingyu delay until Kaichun waits for the building to be completed before starting work, right?

  How much fuel is wasted?

  And this fuel is not yet renewable.

  So Jiang Fuyue suggested that Ming Yu move in with her and share this laboratory temporarily, anyway, it’s new and big enough.

  Xu Kaiqing and Old Peter often come to rub the equipment.

  "You will only be wronged for a while, waiting for the experimental building to be built..."

   "It doesn't matter, I like you here." Ming Yu agreed, looking quite satisfied.

  This is the beginning Jiang Fuyue asked when he moved in.

  "The equipment will arrive at four o'clock and it will be available for normal use tomorrow."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her wrist to look at her watch. It was already three thirty, and half an hour left...

   "Then I will wait with you."


  Mingyu handed her the cup: "Are you thirsty? I made some scented tea."

  Jiang Fuyue took it, took a sip, and his mouth was full of fragrance, "This smell..."

  The man curls his lips: "Did you taste it?"

   "Still the same formula back then?"

   "Well! It hasn't changed for twenty years."

  Because you like it.

  Sure enough--

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, and sincerely praised: "It's still as good as before, and you are as smart as before."

    Two more, two thousand words.

     Scheming 99 online trial: I'm so afraid that my daughter-in-law will come to me, uh...worry!



  (End of this chapter)

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