After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 779: New Year's Day is here, the cold night is warm (two more)

  Chapter 779 New Year's Day is here, cold night warmth (two more)

  When Jiang Fuyue arrived home, the father, the three brothers Han Shen, including Han Ting, and Xiao Mang were all there.

   "Yue Yue is back!"

   "Sister, the kitchen left you with roasted sweet potatoes, which are super fragrant."

   "Wang——" Xiao Mang rushed over, wagging his tail wildly.

  Old man: "Yueyue, won't you go to school tomorrow?"

  Han Ting immediately answered: “It’s a holiday tomorrow, Sister will definitely not go.”

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Don't go, spend the holidays at home."


   is night, the moon is like water, and the night is deep.

  Heavy fog formed outside the window, and water drops on the glass.

  Jiang Fuyue is wearing pajamas, sitting under the lamp and looking through papers related to new topics.

  The time passed by every minute and every second, and she always remained focused, as if an old monk had entered concentration.



  There was a knock on the door.

  Jiang Fuyue put down the iPad and said: "The door is unlocked, come in directly!"

   "Hey..." I heard a laugh before I saw anyone. Han Heng was wearing floral pajamas, with Xiao Mang at his feet.

   "Are you chasing drama?"

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the tablet that was still lit on her hand, and did not speak.

  At this moment, Han Heng came over and glanced casually. The dense English, all proper nouns, he couldn't understand a single one.

  "..." I'm sorry, but I forgot that the pastime of studying God is different from that of ordinary people.

   "Uncle, something to do with me?" Jiang Fuyue smoothly stroked the dog's head, and Xiao Mang was so happy that she arched her calf.

  Han Heng was unhappy: "I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Of course you can. People have to go to the airport to squat to see the big stars. It's different for me. The superstars take the initiative to come to the door, when they still have no makeup."

  Han Heng proudly puffed up his chest: "Of course! Your uncle and I can kill little fresh meat without makeup!"

   "Do you want me to applaud?"

  He thought for a while: "You can come."

  Jiang Fuyue immediately cheered the venue.

  Xiao Mang tilted his dog's head: "Wang?" What are these two people doing?

  Han Heng finished enjoying the lovely compliments of his niece, and took out a...long-haired monkey from behind as if by magic?

   said loudly: "Happy New Year!"

  Yes, 2052 is the year of the monkey.

   "Thank you, uncle." Jiang Fuyue reached out and took it.

  Han Heng reluctantly kicked a hand on the monkey when he let it go, ah, the furry is so good!

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  After Han Heng left, Jiang Fuyue planned to put the monkey in the pile of plush army: "...huh?"

  Suddenly touch the back of the monkey is hard.

  She opened Maomao and found that there was a mechanism cassette. With a light press, the box popped out, a card and a piece of paper.

The   card is a super membership card of a major international brand, and you can choose 100 sets of seasonal garments every year.

  Jiang Fuyue's hand has been upgraded with money, 100 sets have been changed to 365 sets.

  In other words, holding this card, Jiang Fuyue can change clothes every day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

  She has only heard of this card in the in-depth revealing video of the entertainment industry. No one in the comment area believes it, saying that a certain celebrity is a top-ranking star and has not seen him. That certainly does not exist.

  Facts have proved that no does not mean that there is no existence, but it is not qualified.

   Putting the card aside, Jiang Fuyue opened the note, and what he saw was a paragraph of atmospheric and smooth pen writing, which did not match Han Heng’s usual image of laughing and joking——

  Month month:

  Thank you for coming and make this home full of laughter.

  New year, I hope you will dress up and live happily every day.

  Oh, by the way, next time the old man gets crazy and wants to smoke me, you remember to ask me to say something nice! Must remember! (Please, please~)

   Signature: I love your uncle.

  Jiang Fuyue put the card in the bag, and put the note in the drawer.

  Just when she was about to pick up the tablet again, Han Shen came.

   "You haven't slept yet?"


   "Happy New Year, Moon and Moon." There is not as much bells and whistles as Han Heng, Han Heng finished speaking and directly took out a red envelope.

  Jiang Fuyue did not decline either, and happily accepted: "Thank you, uncle!"

  "Good girl~" Rubbed her head lightly, and exhorted, "rest early and don't stay up too late."

  After saying this, turn around and leave.

  Jiang Fuyue opened the red envelope, which was a bank card.

  Han Shen is always so real.

  Everyone was lining up, Han Shen just walked on the front foot, and Han Ke arrived on the back foot.

  Well, another bank card.

  Finally is the old man.

  Jiang Fuyue rushed in front of him and said, "Happy New Year, Grandpa."

   "Hey! Happy New Year! This is mine." He smiled with creases and half-closed old eyes.

  Speaking, the red envelope was handed over.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Thank you."

  After the old man left, she opened it. This time it was finally not a bank card, but... a check.

Is there any difference between   ?

  Oh, the check can directly see the amount, one, two, three...well, six zeros.

  In less than half an hour, Jiang Fuyue became a rich little woman with a huge amount of money.

  Maybe this is the wealthy...happy?

  When I was Lou Mingyue before, why didn’t it exist?

  Do you think this is over?

  Not really. The old lady and Qin Yuanchen each gave her online transfers.

  Shi Qingzhi often travels when she gets older. She always said that she was the idler at home at the age when she should be the most struggling. She started business when she was old.

Although Qin Yuanchen was worried, he chose to support him unconditionally.

On business trip? OK, then I will be with you.

  If it were replaced by Han Qishan, I would have jumped up and opposed it a long time ago.

  Maybe this is the reason why the old lady finally got together with Qin Yuanchen.

  It's not that Han Qishan is not good, but that it's inappropriate.

  Some women want to be canaries, but there are also women who want to fight the sky.

  For the latter, if he can't get the support of his lover, or even get trapped in a cage by him, then there is only...change one!

   is not to change a cage, but to change a lover.

  Shi Qingzhi: "Yueyue, Happy New Year. Grandpa Qin and I are in country Y, so I can’t accompany you on New Year's Eve, but red envelopes must be arranged."

  "Thank you Grandma, thank you Grandpa Qin."


   is another sum, no, two payments are made.

  Of course, Jiang Fuyue received the red envelopes, and she didn't make a single piece of it. As an older sister, she also showed it to the younger brother Jiang and Han Ting.

Brother Jiang: "Sister, why did you give me money again?"

  Maybe it’s been too long? Jiang Fuyue felt that the little boy's voice had become a little sandy and dumb.

  Before grandma was soft.

  Jiang Fuyue: "This is a red envelope for the New Year, Happy New Year."

On the other side, Jiang Chenxing laughed, but made no sound, mainly because he was afraid that he would not be able to control the quack of ducks for a while.

  Alas, the trouble of the little boy during the change of voice-it is so spicy!

   "Thank you sister! In fact, my grandma, grandpa, and three uncles sent it to me."

  As long as Jiang Fuyue has it, Jiang Chenxing's share is indispensable.

  Just the amount is different.

  Girls want to be rich, and boys have a little pocket money.

   "Where are my parents?"

  Jiang Chen Xing: "I haven't come back yet."

  Han Yunru is currently working on a dessert production line. It is said that she is going to open a factory, and she will leave early and return late every day, making her busier than before.

  Jiangda will accompany his wife to toss, it will be happy no matter how tired.

"you should rest earlier."


  As soon as he finished the call, Han Ting ran to knock on the door.

  The door opened, and he didn't come in either. He leaned against the door frame, expecting Ai Ai: "Sister, did you transfer the money to me?"

   "Well, happy new year."

   "Happy New Year! Sister, you are so kind!" After speaking, he blushed and ran away.

   Halfway through the run, I found that I had forgotten to close the door, and then ran back, closing the door for her.

  The movements are very fierce and windy, but the sound is very light and light.


At 11:40, Jiang Fuyue turned off the lights and lay down.

  Usually she would put her mobile phone on the bedside table, but today I don’t know why, she paused and decided to put it next to her pillow.

  The needle slowly pointed to 12 at the time, heralding the arrival of 2052.

  At the same time, the phone rang a WeChat alert tone.

    Yueyue did not have in the previous life, but there are all in this life.



  (End of this chapter)

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