After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 781: Seeing a doctor, unwilling to recover (two more in one)

   Chapter 781 Seeing a doctor, unwilling to recover (two more in one)

   "How does it taste?" Ming Yu's eyes were tense.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, telling the truth: "It's delicious."

   Then, I clipped another one.

"as usual."

   Mingyu smiled: "You like it."

   "Don't just look at me, you eat too."


  After the two of them had finished eating, Jiang Fuyue cleaned up the dishes and prepared to wash them in the kitchen.

  The result was stopped by Ming Yu——

   "Sit down and I will come."

  Before Ming Yu moved into this apartment, Xiao Shan specially asked the designer to make changes to facilitate his daily life.

  For example, the stove sinks 20 centimeters, the wall is embedded with handrails and so on.

  In this house, Ming Yu can sit in a wheelchair and complete normal life activities.

  Naturally, it also includes washing dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

  And he is not slow.

  Soon, the kitchen is clean and tidy.

  Jiang Fuyue wanted to help, but was rushed to the living room.

   "Don't move after you said it, it's enough for me, you go sit and watch TV for a while."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows and chuckled, "When did you work so fast?"

   "I used to do it when I was in the Northwest. Practice makes perfect."

   "Are you living alone over there?"


  So when I first moved in, it took a while to get used to it.

   "These years..." Jiang Fuyue paused, "Are you all alone?"

  Mingyu's eyelashes trembled lightly, raised his eyes sharply, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "No. I have always been with my motherland."

   Jiang Fuyue was dumb.

   "... Haven't you thought about getting married all these years?"

  Mingyu: "My love is the motherland. I can't get a certificate, so I can only stay alone."

  Jiang Fuyue only felt angry and funny: "Are you singing too many red songs?"


  After speaking, he laughed himself.

   "Well, you go to the living room first, don't interfere with my business."

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged and could only leave the kitchen.


  In less than a quarter of an hour, Ming Yu was washed, and when he came out he was holding a fruit plate.

   Freshly cut.

  Jiang Fuyue reached out and took it, and put it on the coffee table: "Are you still used to living here?"

  She just turned around and looked at everything except the bedroom.

not bad.

  Sure enough, Ming Yu nodded: "Principal Xiao is interested."

   "Can you go out?" Jiang Fuyue asked suddenly.


   "Yes, now."

  Mingyu glanced at the hazy sky outside the window, "Okay," he smiled, took a toothpick and crossed an apple and handed it to her, "Where are we going?"

  "A bar, not far, twenty minutes by car."

   "Okay, it's just..." Ming Yu touched his nose, "I don't know how to drink. I haven't made any progress in the past 20 years, and the amount of alcohol is still as bad as before."

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "It's not going to drink."

  Mingyu was surprised: "Go to the bar and don’t drink, so what do you do? Listen to music? If you dance, I might not be able to..."

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly squatted down and held his hand on his leg.

  Mingyu gave a violent start, and stiffened all over his body: "Yueyue, you..."

   "In the canteen private room yesterday, I heard what you and Ming Zheng said."

  The man fell silent and lowered his eyes.

   "You and the Ming family fell out, so you went to the Northwest Research Institute. You stayed there for 20 years, right?"

  "..." He did not speak.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Is it because of me?"

   "No!" He raised his eyes sharply, "This is my own choice, it has nothing to do with anyone!"

   "Then why did you choose to come back now?"

  Mingyu: "……"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled bitterly: "Sure enough... Actually the Ming family regretted their marriage back then, you really don't have to mind."

"Originally, the two companies only talked verbally and did not formally promise anything. When I took over the Lou’s, many people on the board of directors were dissatisfied. In this case, I did not immediately clarify to the outside world. The power of home..."

  At this point, Jiang Fuyue confessed to Ming Yu.

  What did Mingyu say at that time?

"I know you don't like being arranged, but I don't like it either. Our relationship is so strong, and it feels like being married... It's okay! Anyway, when we really get married, what should we do or what is better than just looking for it. People in this circle get married. What do you think?"

   Seeing that she did not agree immediately, Ming Yu spread his hands and shrugged, pretending to be relaxed.

   "Of course, if you meet someone you like in the future, or I meet true love, either of us can file for a divorce, and the other must cooperate unconditionally."

  At that time, no one except Ming Yu himself knew how fast his heartbeat was and how nervous his nerves were.

  Finally, Lou Mingyue nodded: "Okay."

  In this way, the marriage of the two families was confirmed, and the identities of the two unmarried couples were announced to the public.

  Since it was a gentleman’s agreement, the Ming family later proposed that the marriage contract be revoked. Lou Mingyue did not object and directly agreed.

  I just didn’t expect Mingyu’s reaction to be so big...

  Seeing him again after retiring from marriage, Lou Mingyue barely dared to recognize it—haggard, shaggy beard, bloodshot eyes, pale and chapped lips.

  Hair is not taken care of, clothes and trousers are wrinkled, unlike the decent appearance of the past.

"what happened to you?

   "Why do you agree?"

  The two spoke at the same time, their eyes facing each other, Jiang Fuyue still remembers his eyes at that time—suffocation, despair, as if his faith had collapsed.

   Without waiting for Lou Mingyue’s answer, he said again--

   "Don't care about Ming's family, we still get married normally, as long as you want, no one dare to object!"

  But this time, she didn't nod her head.

  Mingyu blamed the family for this, and ran to the northwest in angrily until news of Lou Mingyue's death came. He first injured his leg and then went blind.

  Twenty years before waiting for her again.

  Mingyu now does not ask for anything and hopes for nothing. How merciful God is to himself?

   "I fell out with my family and went to the northwest, not only because I regretted the marriage back then, but also because I didn't want to be manipulated by my parents. Didn't you say that? People have to learn to fight for themselves."

   "At the beginning, I studied nuclear physics to protect my family and the country. Since the imperial capital can't realize my dream, then go where it can be realized."

  Jiang Fuyue was silent.

   "So," he sighed softly, looking at her with a broad and almost compassionate gaze: "Don't think too much, don't feel burdened, it's all over."

  Yes, it’s all gone, and in twenty years, too many things have been wiped out.

  They are no longer what they used to be.

  "Can your legs still be cured?" Jiang Fuyue suddenly raised her eyes and fixed her eyes on him.

  Ming Yu was taken aback, caught off guard.

   "It seems that it can be cured." She knew him too well.

  After walking northwest for 20 years and not returning, you know how persistent Ming Yu is.

  "Are you stupid? Use your body to punish who?"

   Mingyu was silent.

  Jiang Fuyue stood up, saw that he hadn't followed, turned her head: "What are you doing in a daze? Go away."

  He suddenly returned to his senses, with a nasty expression: "Still...a bar?"


   "...oh." Ming Yu controlled the wheelchair and followed behind.

  Jiang Fuyue sighed, turned back, and stopped beside him, "Okay, let's go."

  Mingyu’s mouth opened a small arc.


  Jiang Fuyue drove the car and finally stopped at the gate of "Angelica".

  Niu Rui pinched a point, yawned as he walked, and came out to pick someone up.

   "Where's Master?"

   "I stayed up late to play games yesterday, and fell asleep in the room now." When Niu Rui spoke, his eyes calmly fell on Ming Yu, who was in a wheelchair.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Introduce, this is Ming Yu, this is Niu Rui."



  The two nod each other.

  Niu Rui: "Go ahead and talk about it."

   Entering inside, Ming Yu discovered that it was not open, the deck was deserted, the stage was clean, and there was not even a waiter.

  Niu Rui took two people to the second floor by elevator.

   "I'll call Master."

  As soon as he finished speaking, before he could take any action, Ye Qiao came out of the room.

   "Did the little moon come?"


When I saw her, Ye Qianji’s old eyes brightened: "Little Moon, in such a cold day, why don't you wear a scarf? Your hands are also exposed..." He said, and asked her distressedly, "Is it cold? ?"

"not cold."

   Even so, he directed Niu Rui to pour a cup of hot water.

  Niu Rui: "?"

   "Hurry up, what are you talking about!"

   "...oh." As pitiful as me.

  Jiang Fuyue introduced the father and Ming Yu.

  "Ming Yu..." Ye Qiangsi slapped for a moment, "Just the kid who almost married you before?"

  Jiang Fuyue almost choked.

  Mingyu instead smiled calmly and nodded: "It's me."

  "Hey, you can find..." The old man whispered, "It's still quite intentional."

  The current identity of Little Moon, I am afraid that few of her old people can be recognized.

  Furthermore, Jiang Fuyue did not refuse to recognize him, but chose to confess his identity and brought this person to "Angelica", which shows that he trusts him very much.

   Ye Qianji probably knows it.

  At this time, Niu Rui poured hot water and sent it over.

  At night, he pulled the machine and immediately gave Jiang Fuyue: "Hurry up and have a couple of sips, it's warm."

Staring at her and drinking hot water, the old man was satisfied, but he still muttered: "Next time you go out, you still have to wear more clothes. You used to be in poor health, but now you must pay more attention! I recently followed a name called ' "Billion points of health every day" public account, which will push health tips balabla every day..."

Jiang Fuyue listened attentively to   Night leading the machine to talk endlessly.

  Mingyu is not at all impatient.

  Only Niu Rui, leaning against the wall, yawning boredly, he has heard these words countless times, and he can recite them.

  Finally, when Ye Qiang finished talking, Jiang Fuyue immediately took out her mobile phone and paid attention to the official account on the spot.

  Mingyu also has something to learn.

  Niu Rui: "……"

   "Let's talk, what are you looking for?" Finally, I entered the topic.

  Jiang Fuyue took his arm and shook it affectionately: "Master, can you help Ming Yu look at his legs?"

  Yeqiang's eyes fell on Ming Yu's legs.

  The latter was taken aback for a moment, never expected that Jiang Fuyue came here for him...

   "Yueyue, actually I don't need to..."

  "Don't talk first."

   Mingyu suddenly silenced: "...oh."

   "Boy, what's the matter with your legs?"

  Mingyu: "...I was injured during the experiment."

  Ye Qiangqi: "What did the doctor say at that time?"

  Mingyu's eyes flashed: "I hurt my nerves."

   "In this way, you follow me in, I'll take a look first."

   Mingyu: "Actually I..."

  Jiang Fuyue interrupted: "You believe Master, his medical skills are very good, I promise."

   met her clear eyes, and couldn't say those rejections anymore, Ming Yu nodded and responded softly: "Okay."

  Two people go in.

While waiting, Jiang Fuyue and Niu Rui went to the basement.

   "What about your mother? Why didn't you see her again?"

  Niu Rui curled his lips: "I don’t know which country I went to. I threw the angelica to me. I'm so annoyed..."

   "How do I remember that she said not long ago that she was going to stay in China for a while and would not go out?"

   "I just lied to you. Just like her, I can stay in one place and I will turn my head off and use it as a kettle!"

  "..." does not have to be so.

  In the basement, Jiang Fuyue sat in front of the center console and faced the screen: "What about the information?"

  Niu Rui stood by, holding a tablet, and after some tricks, a phantom file icon appeared on the screen.

  Jiang Fuyue entered the key at the specified time, the folder opened, and multiple English documents popped out.

  She simply clicked on one of them, quickly turned the page, and browsed it.

  Niu Rui: "What do you want so much information about the Schenkworth virus? The country is currently well controlled, and there is no sign of spreading it."

  Jiang Fuyue heard that the browsing speed is not slow, and has opened the second document: "Curious."

  Niu Rui: "?" You can't be curious about what, but you must be curious about the virus.

  "Are there any sources of these materials?"

Niu Rui: "There is a summary in the last document, most of which are hacked from the personal computers of foreign virology experts. There are encryption settings in some important documents, and they have not had time to decipher. You are faster than me. Give it to you. NS."

  Jiang Fuyue found the document and clicked on it. Sure enough, a series of source lists appeared. The research results and the researchers, and even the laboratories to which they belonged were compared one by one, and they were clearly understood.

  "All the documents in this file are sent to me in encrypted mail, don’t forget to erase the traces, don’t let people find them."

  Niu Rui made an "OK" gesture, "I'm doing something, don't you worry about it?"

  Jiang Fuyue turned off the computer and got ready to go up.

  Just two steps, he suddenly fell back and stopped in front of Niu Rui.

  Niu Rui: "?" Confused.

  She pondered for a moment, and suddenly: "Do you know where to get a sample of Schenckworth virus?"

  "Wh, what?! Are you crazy?! You want a virus?!"

  Niu Rui widened his eyes and his voice broke.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Well, is there a channel?"

   "It's not... OK, what do you want that thing for?"


  "This is not allowed to be done privately, right? As far as I know, it needs to be approved by the relevant department. Otherwise, everyone wants to get some viruses. If one is not good, causing pollution to leak, then our country will be over?"

"I know the rules. The procedures are already in progress. I just want to know in advance. There is no need for the infectious virus. I checked. The processed samples can be used for general biological laboratory research. The risk factor is It's not high."

  "This..." Niu Rui scratched his head. In fact, he didn't quite understand, "I can only see if there are any existing biological laboratories in China. I will pay attention to it for you."

   "Thank you."


  Jiang Fuyue left.

  Niu Rui did not follow, but stayed in the basement, crackling on the keyboard.

   "This day, every day, I'm exhausted! I get information during the day and open a bar at night. Why is my life so bitter..."


  The more Niu Rui thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and he called Niu Chunhua: "My mother! When are you coming back? I'm not doing it! I'm going on strike! I'm going to travel!"

  Hung up without saying a word at the beginning.

  Niu Rui: "?"

  I picked it up, right? !

But he said that after Jiang Fuyue went up, he waited another ten minutes before Ye Qianji and Ming Yu came out.

   "Master, how is his situation?"

   "Um... not so good, but not particularly bad."

  Jiang Fuyue saw that he was unclear, and did not follow up on the spot, just turned his head to look for the water cup.

   "...Why not? I must have gone down to the lobby just now and left it on the bar."

   "I'll get it." Ming Yu was the nearest to the elevator entrance, and just when the metal door opened, he directly controlled the wheelchair to enter.


  Mingyu smiled: "I can still do this little thing."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, "Thank you."

   Waiting for the elevator door to close and Ming Yu left, she turned to the night machine, her tone became a little solemn: "Master, you can say it."

There is a tacit understanding between the old and the young, and the night-holding machine is no longer hidden, his eyes narrowed: "It is true that his legs were injured, and he did damage his nerves, but it was not serious. If he cooperated with the treatment at that time, he would be positive. With medicine, you can recover without even surgery."

  Jiang Fuyue's expression was wrong: "But he has been in a wheelchair for 20 years..."

   "Yes, how can he sit in a wheelchair for twenty years if he has no serious nerve damage? Unless he doesn't want to stand up!"

   "How is it possible?" Jiang Fuyue did not understand.

  How can a good person put on healthy legs and not want to sit in a wheelchair for a lifetime?

    Two more in one, five thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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