After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 783: Routine old Xu, final exam (two more in one)

   Chapter 783 Routine Lao Xu, final exam (two more in one)

   Xu Kaiqing naturally agreed with this meal with a smile.

  Sorry to ask him, wouldn’t it be bad if you didn’t go?

   also specifically asked: "Should I be called Old Bi?"

  Jiang Fuyue asked back: "What do you think? It's up to you."

   "That's not called! He prefers to eat Ming big canteen." Xu Kaiqing turned his old eyes and immediately took the conversation.

  No one can stop him from gaining favor alone, so Peter has to stand aside!

  After class, the two went to the restaurant happily.

  Peter was a step late and caught another professor: "Did you see Old Xu?"

   "Professor Xu? Didn't he leave early?"

   "Go? Where are you going? No more dinner?"

   "This...I don't know."

  Old Peter looked inexplicable.

  Tonight is destined to be his lonely dinner.


  Jiang Fuyue invited Xu Kaiqing to a western restaurant. The two of them ate, listened to music, and discussed new topics in their respective hands.

During   , Jiang Fuyue asked intimately: "How does it taste? Will the steak grow old?"

   "I am not old, I am not old, this heat is just right! The taste is also very good!"

  Looking at him eating in twos or twos, Jiang Fuyue asked again: "Do you want another serving?"

  Xu Kaiqing smacked his lips and waved his hand immediately: "No, it's enough."

   Jiang Fuyue did not listen, and snapped his fingers to call the waiter: "I will serve another one according to the taste of the old man."

   Xu Kaiqing touched his nose: "Cough... I'm sorry."

  Jiang Fuyue's face: "I think their steak is too small, so how can it be enough to eat just a little bit?"

Xu Kaiqing's old eyes suddenly brightened, and he sighed with relief, "So you think so? When I saw such a large plate, I thought it was a hard dish, but when the lid was lifted, the steak was not as big as the palm of my hand, even though it tasted. It's okay, but it can't be so cheating, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yes!"

  Xu Kaiqing was satisfied, smiled and waited for the dishes.

   Soon, the second steak was served, and Jiang Fuyue raised her hand in a gesture of invitation.

   "Hey..." Xu Kaiqing picked up the knife and fork and swallowed less obviously, "Then what...I'm ordering, we can't waste it, right? Then I'm not welcome!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly: "Don't be polite."

  Xu Kaiqing felt a bit cold in his neck, and shrank into his collar.

  Weird, and there is no window open, where does the wind come from?


  After a meal, the atmosphere is harmonious, and the host and the host enjoy it.

  Jiang Fuyue came back after closing the bill. Xu Kaiqing was leaning back in his chair and listening to piano music.

  To be more cozy and cozy.

  Jiang Fuyue sat down and smiled at him: "Old Xu, how did you eat this meal?"

  Xu Kaiqing blurted out: "It can't be better!"

   "Then do me a favor."

   "Huh?" The hand that beat the beat stopped, and Erlang's legs were slowly lowered. Xu Kaiqing sat up straight, "What are you busy? Come and listen first."

  The old man is still very cautious.

   "It's not difficult, it's simple, it's just a matter of yours."

   "It's easy to handle, move your lips, I'm good at this, you can tell." He waved his hand, quite bold.

  Jiang Fuyue’s eyes were even more smiling: “That’s right, haven’t I chosen a new topic recently? It just so happens that this topic is biological and has something to do with viruses.”

  Xu Kaiqing nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully.

"Last year, Schenckwo broke out and quickly spread in the northern part of F State. It is said that this virus is more infectious than the'Nova' of the year. As for me, the requirements are not high, so I want a copy of Schenkow virus. Samples, put them in the laboratory and study them slowly."

  "What did you say?! You want a virus sample?!" Xu Kaiqing with a calm face suddenly widened his eyes and almost jumped from his seat.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded.

"Do you know that there are very strict restrictions and regulations on virus research in China? Especially viruses like Shenkewo that are extremely contagious and have no specific vaccines for the time being. They are not allowed to be stored in private in non-regular laboratories and research institutes without permission. Samples, let alone research!"

   "I know all this." she said.

   "If you know, you still ask me for a virus sample? Are you daring to eat a bear heart and leopard?!"

   "The application was handed in last month, but it has not been approved."

  Xu Kaiqing breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s pretty much the same. But as far as I know, the approval process is complicated, and even if someone is up there to help, it will take time.”

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "That's why I want to prepare in advance."

   "You can't collect samples privately before you prepare! It's illegal!" He pressed his throat and looked around cautiously.

   "Besides, when I'm involved in physics, where can I get this for you?" Xu Kaiqing muttered, "Don't be stupid, in case you get caught..."

Jiang Fuyue: "I have checked the laws and regulations in this area. According to the regulations, directly-administered research institutes and key biological laboratories can conduct research on viruses. Before the approval, my laboratory does not have relevant qualifications, but Shen The professor's okay."

   "Which Professor Shen?"

   "Shen Wenzhao."

   "Hiss——Did you stare at Old Shen?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "...cough!" Don't stare at you, don't say it so bad!

   Xu Kaiqing groaned for a moment, and then glanced across the empty plate on the table, only then did he realize that he was being tricked.

  Can eat people’s mouths short, make them soft.

   is the Hongmen Banquet.

  Why can't I control my mouth?

  Eat less!

  I blame this restaurant, the steak is too much to his appetite!

  Finally, when Xu Kaiqing cleared up his upset and complicated mood, he raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Fuyue again: "...what do you want me to do?"

   "It's very simple. Recommend me to Professor Shen and study in his laboratory for a period of time."

  In this way, you can get in touch with virus samples in a legitimate way.


  Two days later, Jiang Fuyue got her wish and received an offer from "Shen Wenzhao Laboratory".

  In the afternoon, she packed up her things and went to Q University next door.

  I also ran into Zhou Zhengqi on the road. She smiled and said hello.

   Zhou Zhengqi was surprised, and there was a trace of defense on his face: "What are you?"

  Jiang Fuyue did not hide it, telling the truth: "I just received Professor Shen's offer, come here to report."

   "Professor Shen? Old Shen?" Zhou Zhengqi was surprised.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "I have applied for the latest laboratory research group."

   "Why do you... suddenly remember to submit an application to Old Shen?" Zhou Zhengqi reluctantly pulled out a smile.

   "It's not a sudden, I've always wanted to come before, but I don't have time."

   "When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it at all?"

   "Just a few days ago."


  Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly: "President that week, I will go to Professor Shen first, you are busy."

   "Hey! Wait!"

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head, "Are you still okay?"

   "Ah...That's it. I heard that the university has recently hired many excellent professors and researchers."

   "There is such a thing."

  "You see, since Ming University has ample teachers, then..." Don't squeeze the Q-big wool anymore, is it successful?

  He is almost bald!

  Jiang Fuyue said: “Schools and teachers have always been a two-way choice.”

  Zhou Zhengqi was anxious, thinking she was going to make trouble again, blurted out: "Anyway, you can't abduct Shen Lao!"

   Seeing Xu Kaiqing running to the Ming Dynasty day by day, Zhou Zhengqi has given up to save. Fortunately, the other half of the "half of the country", Shen Lao is still there, Zhou Zhengqi can more or less comfort himself.

  If Jiang Fuyue is tricked away again, then he...will not live!

  Jiang Fuyue listened, looked at him with a very complicated and deep look, and finally agreed--


  Zhou Zhengqi was greatly relieved.

  Jiang Fuyue sighed helplessly: In order not to irritate this poor little fat sheep...Oh, no, it was the old man, she decided to cover the news that Shen Wenzhao had come to Mingda to start classes!

  No way, who makes her respect the old and love the young so much?

  Zhou Zhengqi: "Ahee——"


  At the biological building, Jiang Fuyue found Shen Wenzhao.

   "Old Xu said, did you ask him?" The old man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and examined it.

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue nodded.

   "Why do you want to enter the laboratory?"

   "There are things I want to study in it."

  As for what...

   Jiang Fuyue did not say.

  Shen Wenzhao did not ask either.

  But both of them knew it well.

  "You should know how much risk the biological laboratory, especially the experimental area related to virus research, is to human health, and what kind of harm it will cause, no one can predict."

  "The unknown here is the biggest fear. Do you think you can bear it?"

  The old man had a straight face all the way, his expression was serious, and his tone of voice was serious.

  It is said that those students who want to enter the laboratory are frightened by these words, and there are many people who choose to retreat in the end.

  But Jiang Fuyue is definitely not included in it——

"Let’s put it this way, when I was still in Linhuai, I strayed into the core experimental area of ​​the Historical Biology Laboratory, with a BSL of 3, and also encountered a critical situation of damage to the protective clothing, but now I am standing here for a living. Can't explain everything?"

  BSL refers to BiosafetyLevel, which is the biosafety level.

  The higher the level, the stronger the protection level and the more dangerous the environment.

  As soon as these words came out, she was so calm as Shen Wenzhao was unavoidably surprised: "A Yuan actually agreed to enter the core experimental area?!"

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged.

  The old man stared at her silently for a long while, with confusion and astonishment in his eyes, and finally all turned into calm: "Go and make preparations, go in on time at three o'clock."

  Jiang Fuyue just laughed.


  Time flies quickly, and the end of the term is approaching in a blink of an eye.

  In the past, Ming University students had started gatherings, drinking, and carnivals to celebrate the upcoming winter vacation; or simply did not come to school and went abroad for fun.

  However, Mingda’s ending outlook this year has been completely renewed.

  There is a "review wave" across the school.

   "How many subjects do you take?"

   "Seven subjects."

  "How much did you review?"

  "Four subjects have been nibbled, and three subjects remain. How about you?"

   "It's all done."

   "Huh? So fast? You know all those questions?"

"will not."


   "Sister Yue said, although she is doing the topic, she must be handsome when turning the book! Understand?"


   "Sister Yue also said that it’s not easy to grind the gun right away! At least we haven’t gotten rusty, right?"

   "It makes sense! What else did Sister Yue say?"

   "The goddess also said that she usually has to study, and she has to bet on the test before the exam. If you learn well, it is better to be accurate!"

   "...Bull! The goddess is indeed a goddess!"

  Have you ever said these things? Maybe Jiang Fuyue didn't know it herself.

  But it did not prevent the whole school from spreading widely, and then it set off a wave of "review".

  The library is full every day, not to mention, there are still gods who read books all night!

  It is said that he was a young master from a big family. He had already flown to Xiadao to enjoy the sun at this time in previous years.

  The news agency contacted him and conducted a brief interview on the phone: "May I ask what made you reborn and work hard?"

   "Because Sister Yue said that every day she does not study is to betray her life."

  As soon as the report came out, everyone quickly took out their small books:

  Well, I learned another sentence!


  Review turnaround is fleeting, and the final exam is coming as scheduled.

  Jiang Fuyue applied for twelve courses this semester, including seven compulsory courses and five elective courses.

  In other words, she has to take twelve subjects, but she still doesn't have much class.

  Li Chen: "Can it work? Go for the test without listening to the class?"

   Liang Jingzhou rolled his eyes: "Come on, you worry about her, you might as well worry about yourself."

  Although they are not as scary as Jiang Fuyue's twelve subjects, they also have seven compulsory exams.

  Gu Huaiyu: “She didn’t seem to go to the test center when the teacher gave the last class?”

  Li Chen nodded: "I didn't go."

Cheng Lian put his hands in his pockets and couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Why? Could it be that you still want to send the exam syllabus to Xueshen? Save it, people are still soaking in the laboratory at the moment, and they didn't put the final exam at all. In the eyes."

   is calmly like this, do you still lack an exam syllabus?

  After speaking, he turned and left.

  Gu Huaiyu followed: "Old Cheng, wait for me."

  Li Chen also stepped up to keep up.

  Only Liang Jingzhou is still standing in place, with a look of wonder, are there still students in the world who don’t like the teacher to draw the key points and give the exam syllabus?

  That can’t be done!

   So that afternoon he ran to the gate of Q and squatted Jiang Fuyue.

  I heard that she has been doing experiments here recently.

  Wait until the sun sets, and the night falls, finally—

   "Sister Yue!"

  "Liang Jingzhou?" Jiang Fuyue took a meal.

  He never knew his name could be called so nicely.

"What's up?"

  "This is for you!" He put a USB flash drive into her hand.

"This is?"

  "The scope and key points of the seven compulsory courses are all in this. No thanks, hehe!"

  After finishing speaking, Liang Jingzhou ran away.

  Jiang Fuyue saw the U disk in her hand and then remembered that tomorrow is the first final exam-calculus!

  She wanted to say no, but Liang Jingzhou had run out of sight.

  But after returning to the dormitory, she still turned out the things in the U disk and took a look. Some of them were really important, but some were not so important.

  She deleted this part, added some by herself, and listed a few sample questions, and then sent it back to Liang Jingzhou with an online file.

  [I have sorted it out, you can check it out when you have time]

  Liang Jingzhou was holding the "Calculus" textbook and scratching his head. When he saw the document sent, he couldn't help wondering: I gave it to her, why did she send it back again?

  I will see that message in the next second.

   "Tied up?" He whispered.

How is    organized?

  Finger accidentally touched it, the file opened immediately, and several questions popped out.

  Liang Jingzhou was fascinated by looking at it. This is much simpler than the idea written in the book...

  The calculus test opens the next day.

  Jiang Fuyue entered the arena and left after a quarter of an hour.

   Invigilator: "?" She left before my **** was hot.

  Students from the same examination room: "!" Is this the fear of being dominated by the madman?

  Liang Jingzhou was dumbfounded five minutes after getting the test paper.

  Aren’t these questions that Jiang Fuyue sent him yesterday? ! Well, it's actually not exactly the same, because the number has changed, but the question type is really the same!

  Liang Jingzhou started writing quickly.

   has lived for more than ten or twenty years. This is the first time he has experienced what it means in the examination room-with ease! No distraction!

  In the end, he didn't hand in the paper until the time, and there was still a bit of meaning on his face.

  Li Chen and several people have been waiting for him outside the examination room for a long time: "Why so long? You overslept?"

  Liang Jingzhou smiled but said nothing.

  Gu Huaiyu frowned: "Are you sleepy?"

  He continued to laugh.

  Confused several people.

   "What the **** is going on? When I leave the examination room, I laugh like a sinner?"

   "Hey... I won't tell you!"

  In the next few subjects, Jiang Fuyue sent a copy to Liang Jingzhou when she sorted out the materials and questions the day before the exam.

  So Liang Jingzhou ran to the library to occupy a seat during the test days before dawn, and did not return to the dormitory until late in the review.

  Li Chen, Gu Huaiyu, and Cheng Lian were all aware of something wrong, but when asked him, he didn't say anything, just smirked.

   "Lao Liang laughed these days and made me creepy."

   "It feels like some big conspiracy is brewing."

   "This person is wrong! Very wrong!"

  Facts have proved that the trio’s hunch is correct. When the final exam scores came down, it was more than something wrong, it was simply eye-popping!

    Go on college entrance examination!

     Two more in one, five thousand words



  (End of this chapter)

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