After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 798: The vaccine was born, and the gods are about to be enshrined (three shifts)

  Chapter 798 Vaccine is born, about to be enshrined (three shifts)

  Is the data obtained so quickly reliable?

  All the senior executives have such doubts in their hearts.

  So, this data and report, they handed over to the most authoritative Dr. X and the scientific research team for review.


  "The experiment logic is clear, the conclusion data is accurate, and the steps are reasonable and standardized."

  It's hard to believe that this was done by one person!

  Representative of the scientific research group: "Unbelievable."

   "A Yuan, you didn't necessarily have this efficiency back then? After this wave is rolled up, it will soon be hit on your front wave, but you must be careful!"

  Xie Dingyuan held the report in his hand.

  The other party felt that he was too confident and even underestimated him, so he shook his head helplessly.

  As everyone knows, what Xie Dingyuan is thinking at this time is—

  Hou Lang, my daughter-in-law, why can't you hit or roll? They are all from their own family.

  I am happy to be beaten!

  If the old professor knew that he had such an idea, I'm afraid the glasses on the bridge of his nose would break.

  It’s great to have a daughter-in-law?

  Xie Dingyuan: It’s really amazing!


  The first phase of the second phase of the experiment was successful. When the news came, everyone was shocked, but Jiang Fuyue was not surprised at all.

   "How long is this? Why did the first phase of experimental data come out?"

   "Did Jiang Fuyue ride a rocket?!"

  "Fake? If I remember correctly, it was only seven days. She did so many experiments all by herself?"

   "I'm going—is she an octopus? The one with tentacles?"

   "Is the news reliable? It was really successful? Don't be a rumor?"

  "The top management personally stamped and admitted, can there be fakes?"

   "It is said that they were also shocked, and they couldn't believe that Jiang Fuyue could complete an experiment in such a short period of time."

   "If we continue at this rate, it won't take much time to develop a vaccine..."

   "One word-cow!"

   "It's really amazing, no wonder it was so defiant at first."

   "Why don't you look at me? It's too ugly to speak! It's called ‘genius retention and pride’, thank you!"

   "Hey, who is better than Professor Xie, Jiang Fuyue?"

   "It's hard to tell...but **** is still hot."

   "So, our professor has an ‘old’ advantage?"

  Is this an advantage?

   "Cough! Cough cough cough!"

   "Your throat is uncomfortable? I have medicine here. Give you one."

   "Hello professor!" The person who coughed coughing didn't work as a hint, so he could only say it clearly.

   heard a soft hush from behind.

  Said that the old man's back stiffened, and suddenly he felt cold and sweaty.

  In the end, he turned his head, smiled awkwardly, and squatted to speak: "Teach, teach...Teach well!"

  Xie Dingyuan glanced at him and called his name accurately.

   is over, my back is stiffer, and cold sweat is also more.

   "The story is pretty good."

  Throwing down such a specious sentence, Xie Dingyuan left with his hand.

  "?" Is the professor complimenting me? probably.


   Just when everyone was talking and the top executives were shocked, Jiang Fuyue had already started the second phase of the experiment without stopping.

  In March, the spring breeze blew across the earth, and the grass squares on the fortress began to sprout.

  The withered yellow fades a little, and the green is replaced.

  Schenkworth virus is still raging on the continent of F. Due to the substandard inoculation rate of inactivated vaccines and the continuous emergence of new strains, with the prevalence of spring influenza, there have been concentrated outbreaks in multiple epidemic areas, and the situation is gradually out of control.

  With the sharp increase in the number of infections, people's emotions have also begun to lose control in the suffering of death.

  First of all, there are frequent riots in the epidemic area. The Soviet side actively responded and sent troops from the base to suppress it.

  Subsequently, several other epidemic areas also experienced similar conditions one after another.

  Kaza was so busy that he led his army many times.

  As a result, the situation in the northern part of Continent F has also become tense.


   Ming University started school as early as late February.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue can't go back.

  Only the relevant departments of Huaxia can come forward and provide written explanations to the school. It has bought Jiang Fuyue for half a year, and it is generally called overseas exchange.

  This description is also noted on the student status file.

  After the project is over, make changes.

  This is an explanation to the school.

  But what makes the senior management headaches is how to explain to Jiang Fuyue's family.

  Two days before New Year’s Eve, Jiang Da and Han Yunru brought Jiang Chenxing to the imperial capital, preparing to spend the New Year with the old man in the Han family.

  That night, there was a Spring Festival Gala on TV. The family happily stayed the year. The family reunion was missing Jiang Fuyue, which was a bit sad.

  At this moment, the old man suddenly took out his cell phone and yelled to call Yueyue.

  The whole family immediately gathered up and waited for the connection on the other end.

  All you can get is the cold phrase "Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off".

  At that time, Jiang Da and Han Yunru felt something was wrong, but they didn't show it.

  Called again the next day, and it turned off as expected.

  Now, the hearts of the whole family are raised.

   "How can it be shut down?" Jiang Da wrinkled folds between his brows.

   "According to the time, the plane should have landed one day earlier!" Han Yunru was so anxious that her eyes were red and her tears were hazy, "Will something happen?"

  Han Shen patted her on the back and was a little relieved: “Don’t worry, it may just be that the phone is broken, or the local signal is too poor. I’ll call and ask.”


  Han Shen began to use his personal network to inquire about the situation.

  Han Ke is not idle either. He also knows a lot of senior executives, but he doesn’t know if he is in charge of the team’s assistance to F.

During the period of   , Han Yunru's anxiety continued to expand.

  Jiang Chen Xing was also very anxious, and all kinds of unexpected accidents popped up in his mind, such as air crashes, epidemics, armed hijacking, and so on.

  But he can do nothing but worry!

  I have never expected myself to grow up like this.

  At least when the sister is in danger, like two uncles, someone can find and think about.

  Twenty minutes later—

  Han Shen shook his head dejectedly: "I have asked, but there is no news."

   But from another perspective, no news is good news.

   Soon, Han Ke also put away his mobile phone: “The assistance operation that Yueyue participated in involves some secrets, and the tone is very strict.”

  Han Yunru instantly became nervous: "What is confidentiality involved? Isn't it a simple assistance operation? Just like the volunteers on TV, they distribute supplies or something, right?"

  Han Ke's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his tight mouth revealed a trace of seriousness.

  "Second brother?" Han Yunru held his breath.

  Janda also stared at him with scorching eyes.

  Han Ke gritted his teeth: "Yueyue is with the scientific research team this time, not a volunteer."

   "Is there any difference?"

   "If I guessed right, Yueyue, they should be doing research on Schenckwall virus..."

   "What?!" Han Yunru flickered and almost fell.

  Fortunately, Jiang Da’s eyesight is quick, he held the person in his arms and put him in his arms: "Aru? Cheer up!"

"Blame me! Blame me!" Han Yunru burst into tears, "At the time she said she would come into contact with patients. I thought it was just a volunteer. Wearing a mask and taking good protection would not be too dangerous. I didn't expect that she was going to study the virus! "

   "Why didn't I ask clearly at the time? Blame me! I knew this was the case, even if I tied her up, I would leave her behind! It was all my fault..."

  Janda's rough fingertips gently wiped the tears from her face: "No, Aru, it's not your fault, you don't know, we don't know..."

  What's more, Yueyue is too hard to leave, and no one can stop it.

  Jiangda is stupid and not very smart, but he knows his daughter.

   "Xiaoru, don't cry..." Han Heng was also anxious, pulling his hair irritably, "Big brother, second brother, can you contact Last Yueyue? At least let us know that she is safe now."

  At this time, the old man who had never spoken stomped on the crutches and said: "Xiaoru, don't worry, now is not the time to cry." He said, winking Jiang Da and let him persuade him to persuade him.

  Then, go directly to the study to make a call.

  This call took a long time, but it was obviously more effective than Han Shen and Han Ke.

  Finally confirmed: “Yueyue is now at a military base in Suwetan. It is very safe. Because there are regulations, all signals are blocked, so the outside world cannot be contacted.”

  The family breathed a sigh of relief.

  Han Yunru nodded again and again: "It's safe to be safe, safe to be safe... Then did you say when to come back?"

  The old man was silent.


   " only said that the return date is undetermined."

  Han Shen frowned: "One or two months is an undecided return date, and ten or eight years is also an undecided return date. Can you give me a correct sentence?"

  Han Qishan sighed heavily: "I have asked, it involves confidentiality regulations, and the other party refuses to disclose it."

  Han Yunru heard her, her heart tightened again.

   "Dad," she grabbed Han Qishan's hand, shaking so hard that her whole body was shaking, "Can you let Yueyue come back?"

  This is for him to use the relationship.

  The old man looked at his daughter who owed a lot to him. After all, love and guilt prevailed. He gritted his teeth and agreed: "I will try."

  For the next week, the old man stayed in the study most of the time, calling one after another.

  Originally, things are going to be settled.

   Ke was just at the door, and something happened.

"Old man, for the sake of our friends for decades, I might as well give you the bottom line. You are a great granddaughter. I can't say more about the specific situation. In short, she was dispensable at the beginning, but now She can’t! Originally I could think of a way to send it back to you, but now it’s no longer possible.”

Having said that, Han Qishan knew that he couldn't force it.

  "You don’t have to be horny. If this battle is won, your granddaughter will have no limit in the future, and the future will only be bright! If I were you, I would have laughed secretly, and what did I do with a sigh?"

  Han Qishan's appearance was lit by the fuse, and it exploded in an instant: "You know what a fart! It doesn't matter whether the child has a good life or not, the important thing is safety and health! Of course you don't feel distressed if you are not in your family, but I feel distressed!"

  The corner of his mouth twitched: "Yes, yes, you feel distressed, you feel most distressed..."

   "Standing and talking can't get back pain! Have the ability to let your little one go to F Continent to try to get a virus? I'm afraid you will wake up crying when you fall asleep!" Han Qishan continued to explode.

  "I really want to send him to exercise. Isn’t that incompetent... If my granddaughter was as capable as your granddaughter, he would have been thrown out and beaten a long time ago. It’s not a diamond and can’t do porcelain work."

   is not a cool word, it is really envious.

   "You said you Han Qishan, you were confused for the first half of your life, lost your daughter, and lost your wife; in the second half of your life, you don't have to be so wise and sober. How can you make you such a powerful granddaughter in vain?"

   "How powerful is it?"

   "She reduced the poison to live-uh! Want to play things around me? Stop talking, stop talking, and say I'm breaking the rules!"

  Finally, Han Qishan asked solemnly: “Can you guarantee her safety? For the sake of an old friend of decades, I want to listen to the truth.”

The other side sighed deeply: "...Old Han, how can there be absolute safety in this world? You may be hit by high-altitude projectiles while walking on the road, let alone doing virus research in the epidemic area? But I can assure you that we will definitely Do your best to let her return home safely and enjoy all the honor she deserves!"

   When Han Qishan turned his head to talk to Han Yunru, half of the talk, half of the hiding, reporting good news but not worrying, finally comforted her.

  But Han Yunru insisted on knowing the specific time, but the old man lied that he would come back when school started.

   Nowadays, school has started long ago, but her daughter didn’t even have a phone call, and people couldn’t see it. Han Yun Ruyuan couldn’t sit still in Linhuai.

  "Isn’t it said that you will come back when school starts? School has already started for a week... I'm going to the Imperial Capital! Go now!"

  At that time, she was willing to return to Linhuai to stay because she believed that her daughter would be back soon.

  But now...

   "You lied to me, right?"

  Jiangda has no choice but to comfort his wife while urging his father-in-law on the other.

   "Dad, Aru, I can't persuade you anymore. Is there no news from Yueyue on your side?"

  Han Qishan is also worried, and while he can't let go of his daughter, he is also worried about Jiang Fuyue.

  The phone calls one after another, but there is no news.

   "Old Han, I didn't hide it from you, but now I don't know the specifics anymore."

   "Why don't you know? Isn't you always in charge of this aspect?"

  The other side was silent for a long time, "... tell you the truth, a higher-level department has taken over all Jiang Fuyue's data, and I no longer have the authority to intervene."

  Han Qishan was shocked: "You don't have permission at this level?"

   "Yeah, how else can you say that your granddaughter is amazing? The result may be even...great than we thought."

   "Then, I can only say so much, don't call me anymore! Talking all day long, it's going to be annoying!"

  In fact, my heart is too sour and I don’t want to see Han Qishan.

  As soon as he heard his voice, he became unbalanced. Others didn't know what Jiang Fuyue was doing, but he knew very well!

  Before I felt that this female doll might not be able to succeed, so the mentality is not so unbalanced.

  Now, it’s overwhelming...

  This time is completely sour!

  How could God not give him an excellent granddaughter like Jiang Fuyue? How about grandson?

  He competed with Han Qishan for half his life. He was a political and a business man. When he was young, he was better than ability, family, and child. He admitted that he had never lost.

   is coming, and when people reach their old age, they have lost everything on their grandchildren.

  How can people be willing to do this?

  Han Qishan got the right words from an old friend, and turned around to tell Han Yunru.

   "...remarkable?" She muttered blankly.

  What's so great?

  "Xiaoru, Yueyue is an eagle soaring in the sky, not a bird that stops on a branch. You must be mentally prepared to let her go and let her fly."

   "Children all grow up one day, always leave their parents and home."

"do you understand?"

   Just like the old man after he found her, no matter how reluctant and reluctant, he still respected her choice and kept her in Linhuai and Jiangda instead of forcibly bringing her back to the imperial capital.

  Han Yunru should do the same to Jiang Fuyue.

  Too much perseverance can only become a yoke that binds the child. Can't you bear to see that she can only stare at the sky in a daze, instead of flying hard?

  This night, Han Yunru has been sleepless all night, Jiang Da has been watching silently by her side.

  But after that, she never mentioned going to the imperial capital again, or asking Jiang Fuyue to come back.

  The couple's life gradually returned to the right track.


  For the time being, I will not mention the domestic affairs, and let’s go back to F Island.

  On March 10, on the 12th day after the completion of the first phase of the experiment, the second phase of the experiment data was released, with an analysis report attached, and was sent to the hands of the high-level officials of the Soviet Union and China.

  Return to Dr. X and the research team for review and verification.

  This experiment is more complicated than the previous one.

  The steps are also more cumbersome.

  But the result is shocking—

  There is no error in all data!

  On March 18, only 8 days after the second phase of the experiment, the third phase of the experimental data and analysis report was released, and the same was verified.

  At this point, the second phase of the project is over, and the first Schenkwall attenuated live vaccine is born!

   "She really got it out." The first time Shan Pinghua got the news, he fell into a chair and felt weak.

  Xin Hongcheng shook his head: "How is this possible? It's been less than two months! How is it possible?"

  Lao Huang wiped his sweat, squatting down on his back.

  The person they looked down upon, now stands at a higher place and becomes the existence they have to look up to.

  However, Jiang Fuyue did not indulge in this, but started the third phase of the project without stopping—the vaccine effectiveness test!

    Three shifts, five thousand words.

     F Chau is almost over here.



  (End of this chapter)

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