After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 805: Meet Zhong Yi again, and he is here too (two more in one)

  Chapter 805 Meeting Zhong Yi again, he is also here (two more in one)

  Jiang Fuyue also has a request: "There can be too many people."

  She is going to work, but she is not a celebrity out of the street, so she doesn’t have to hug her.

   "Okay, then two, there can be no less."


  The next day Jiang Fuyue saw the "bodyguard" arranged for her.

  The two teenagers were wearing camouflage uniforms, with shoulders flat and waist straight, standing there, their long legs against the sky, full of energy.

  Looking from a distance, it looks like two tall young white poplars.

  However, these are not the key points. The key point is that the two "little white poplars" Jiang Fuyue knows——

   "Yi Ci? Zhong Ziang?"

   "Hey..." Yi Ci showed a standard eight-tooth smile, and the beautiful Dan Feng narrowed his eyes.

  Compared to the lush young man with red lips and white teeth, and a bit overly beautiful in his memory, the skin in front of him was several degrees darker, and the impulsive and fearless young man's spirit between his eyebrows and eyebrows disappeared, replaced by solemnity and stability.

   But this smile, the color of old age is slightly weaker, and the spirit of the year has returned. In his bones, he is still the "X Heaven X Earth" school bully.


  Jiang Fuyue: "I didn't expect it."

  Zhong Ziang spread his hands and tilted his head. Suddenly the young boy's upper body: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

  Like Yi Ci, he is tanned, but still whiter than ordinary people.

  I still used to raise my chin slightly when speaking, and didn't change Tsundere.

  The same person, the same smile, but there is a little less frivolousness in that smile, and a little more solemnity.

  They are still what they used to be, but not exactly what they used to be.

  Like Jiang Fuyue now, wearing a white laboratory gown, professional and regular, it has long lost the childishness and youthfulness of wearing school uniforms.

  If she was a flower in bud, then Jiang Fuyue at the moment is the fruit that is gradually maturing.

   has changed.

  Become a better version of yourself.

   "Why are you here?"

  Easy speech: "Temporary transfer."

  After the college entrance examination, he and Zhong Ziang both signed up to join the army, and they were also evil fate. They were actually put into the same class.

  I came here this time mainly for desert survivability training. I should go back after the original end, but Suwetan’s side was short of manpower, so they were temporarily transferred.

  A dozen companions came together.

  At first, they didn't know that Jiang Fuyue was also here. Yesterday, their superiors suddenly found two people and asked them to be responsible for protecting a "key person" and returned a bunch of materials.

  I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it, it was Jiang Fuyue!

   "There were more suitable candidates, but considering that you were classmates before and are more familiar with each other, I finally decided to send you over."

  The two came out of the office, still a little dazed.

  Zhong Ziang: "Why is Jiang Fuyue in F State? Isn't she supposed to be studying at Ming University right now?"

  Easy speech: "Just ask."

   Forgive these two people for having not touched their phones for a long time, and they have no idea what happened outside.

  Later, the two men found other soldiers on the base and spoke poor English before they could figure out the specific situation.

  It seems to be doing scientific research on Schenckworth virus, which has achieved great success so far.

  Jiang Fuyue is the most critical link, and her personal safety is very important!

  That's why the superiors will pay so much attention to it.

  After listening to Yi Ci, he smacked his lips: "It's really her."

  I thought it would stop for a while when I went to college, but I didn’t expect it to get bigger and bigger.

  Zhong Ziang didn't say a word, he was quite uncomfortable in his heart.

  I thought I ran fast enough, but I didn’t expect you to throw me away.

   Yi Ci: "Are you going to Duho?"


   "There is the hardest hit area of ​​the epidemic, and there are many infected patients."

   "I know. This trip is to see those patients."

   "What?" Zhong Ziang's eyes widened, "What do you want to do?"

  "Looking for new mutant strains."

  All the mutant strains that have been discovered so far, A vaccine can be effectively prevented.

  But the epidemic is spreading, and the virus may change at any time after entering the human body. As a result, new mutant strains will be produced.

  For these undiscovered mutant strains, whether the A vaccine is immune or not requires further research.

  The prerequisite for research is that you must first find a new mutant strain.

  Zhong Ziang finished listening, scratching his head, his expression was a little dazed: "That...seems to understand, but doesn't seem to be."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

   "Anyway, I'm going to Duhol."

  Zhong Ziang: Oh, I fully understand this time.

   Yi Ci: "When will we leave?"



  On April 24, Jiang Fuyue set off from the base with the first batch of vaccines to the severely affected area-Duho!

  Zhong Ziang, Yi Ci, as well as transportation personnel and guards are his colleagues.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, the off-road vehicle set off on time.

  The truck transporting vaccines followed closely behind.

  A full six-hour drive, in the middle only stopped to add oil once when passing through the city, and settled for lunch by the way.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci went to receive a box lunch, and brought a box to Jiang Fuyue.

  The dishes are cold, and the rice is very hard, so I don’t have any appetite at first sight, and the taste is even worse.

  The previous Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci would never touch this kind of thing.

   Now she can face without changing her color, swallowing one bite after another.

  Because I have long been used to it.

  It’s pretty good if you have food. During the field survival training, let alone the food, you don’t even have a mouthful of water, you have to find it yourself.

  Eat bugs when I was hungry.

  The two of them finished the lunch in twos and threes, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Fuyue was not used to this kind of food, unlike they had received military training.


  The girls did not eat as fast as they did, but they still ate seriously.

  Most of the food in the box has gone.

  She has a calm expression without showing any disgust.

  In the end, Jiang Fuyue was too full to eat, so she dumped out the few remaining meals.

   Maybe she was choking, she took out a bottle of mineral water from under the seat, unscrewed it, and took two sips.

  Zhong Ziang looked at it secretly, and asked her: "How do you think this meal tastes?"

  Jiang Fuyue told the truth: "Not very good."

   "Then you still eat?"

   "Am I not going to eat and wait to be hungry?"

   "..." I haven't received training, so how come I have such a high level of consciousness?

  Jiang Fuyue saw that the team had no intention of leaving for the time being, she simply got out of the car, put on her sun hat and started walking back and forth.

  Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang also got out of the car.

  Their task is to protect Jiang Fuyue every step of the way.

  There are a total of eight trucks transporting vaccines, lined up like a long dragon.

  Jiang Fuyue walked along the side of the road to the position of the last truck, and was about to turn back. Suddenly, she found that an off-road vehicle was still behind the last truck.

  There is no one on it, it is empty.

  She didn’t think too much, probably after arranging the staff, she went to eat now.

  Since the incident with Wei Yuan, the base has been extremely careful in these aspects.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci will be temporarily deployed for reinforcements, mostly because of this consideration.

   Soon, the team continued to set off.

  Finally arrived in Duho at four o'clock in the afternoon.

  Everyone put on protective clothing and face masks in advance, and when they entered the temporary vaccination site, all of them looked serious and nervous.

  Especially Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci, they must not only pay attention to their own safety, but also observe their surroundings at all times to prevent accidents.

   and Jiang Fuyue was guarded by the two.

  In the evening, the vaccine is unloaded and transferred to the cold storage at the vaccination point.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue, Zhong Ziang, and Yi Ci are no longer in the vaccination site.

  Because the three of them arrived at the largest hospital in the area as soon as they arrived.

  Said it is a hospital, not as large as a slightly larger specialist clinic in China.

  Here is also divided into two areas: emergency and hospitalization.

  The emergency department has been taken over by the MSF team. More than a dozen people, after busy running, are not enough.

  Although they have worked very hard to maintain order, the patients who are shrouded in the shadow of death do not listen to the greeting at all.

  They screamed to vent their panic, crying and kneeling to fight for medical resources.

   There will even be physical conflicts and fights.

   Faced with all this, every medical worker at the scene had a kind of almost numb peace in his eyes.

  Since the outbreak of Schenkevo last year, to the pandemic now, they have been stationed here for more than half a year. From the beginning, they have been messy and unbearable, but now they are calm and accustomed to seeing things. Their heart has long been made into steel.

  Jiang Fuyue found the person in charge of the medical team Daoming to come: "I want to collect virus samples."

  "Are you?" The other person looked at her up and down.

  Both of them are wearing protective clothing and isolation masks, and can see nothing except each other's eyes.

  Jiang Fuyue explained her identity and provided valid work certificates.

  "Are you a virologist?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "I'm just studying vaccines."

  The person in charge nodded, and put away the alert and precautions in his eyes: "I'll let you take you to the inpatient area. The people living there are all severely ill patients. Be sure to take precautions."


  The person in charge waved: "Xiao Zhang, come here—"

   "Doctor Wang?"

   "You take them to the inpatient area for sampling."

   "Now?" Xiao Zhang was embarrassed, and there were so many patients waiting that he couldn't spare any time.

  Jiang Fuyue said at the right time: "It's okay, we will go over by ourselves, and the main reason for saying this is to obtain consent."

  The person in charge is not reluctant, there is too little manpower here: "Well, a few of you, please feel free to contact us if you need it."

  Jiang Fuyue thanked him again and walked straight to the inpatient area.

  This place is even scarier than the emergency department.

  The beds are tight and overcrowded, and there is not even a foothold in the corridor.

  The order fell into chaos for a while.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, her expression solemn.

  It should be the first time Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang saw this scene. The eyes exposed behind the isolation mask were full of shock.

   "He, are they lying on the ground like this?"

  Jiang Fuyue cruelly reminded: "The bed is tight during the critical period."

  As long as you can receive treatment, what is it to be lying on the ground?

  At least it’s the floor of the hospital. With a bottle, the vital signs have not disappeared.

  Some people didn’t even have such a chance, because they were too urgent to get sick and died directly at home or on the way.

  The local medical staff in Duho are almost all concentrated here, and it is roughly estimated that there are more than 20 people.

  Hurry up and down, tired and anxious on his face, spinning like a spinning top.

  Occasionally, the two people running face-to-face would collide with each other. The medicine bottle was spilled on the ground. It was too late to say sorry, and quickly picked up the things, put them back in, then passed by and drove each other hurriedly.

  Here is the battlefield against the **** of death, and life is the weight of both sides.

  Perhaps as fast as one second or two seconds, a living person can be saved!


  Jiang Fuyue found the head nurse and explained her intentions. She was very cooperative in bringing them to the innermost severely infected area.

  It is quieter than outside, and there are no people in the corridors, but the risk of infection is much higher than outside.

Jiang Fuyue stopped and turned to look at Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang: "You two don't need to go in, just wait for me outside."

  The two looked at each other, "No way!"

  Easy speech: "The task is in your body, you must not leave without authorization."

  Zhong Ziang: "The order we get is where you go, and we will follow wherever you go."


  In the end, three people went in together.

  The head nurse took them and left.

  Before stepping in, Jiang Fuyue checked her own protective measures, and they were fine, no problem.

  Checked Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang's carefully again, no problem.

  After all confirmations are correct, then lift into the house.

  The two were infected by her cautious behavior and could not help being treated seriously.

  Jiang Fuyue opened the box she carried with him, took out the tools from it, and began to collect throat swabs from ward to ward.

Most of the people in    are already in a coma, relying on various instruments to survive.

  Jiang Fuyue will also observe their clinical manifestations when sampling them.

  But there are also patients who are awake.

  They asked her where she came from.

   Jiang Fuyue said, Huaxia.

  An elderly man nodded and thanked her with tears, saying that the Chinese people had helped them too much.

  Since the end of last year, Doctors Without Borders has come after wave after wave, all acting spontaneously to support them.

  He thought Jiang Fuyue was one of them.

  Jiang Fuyue did not explain, only smiled back to him: "You're welcome."

  Viruses know no borders, and the destiny of mankind is common.

  The old man trembling hands, wiped away tears.

During the   , the head nurse was worried, and came over to see it once through the round of the room.

   Seeing Jiang Fuyue talk to the patients unimpededly, she stood at the door and smiled moved.

  When Jiang Fuyue came out of the ward, she asked: "Need help?"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback: "Is it convenient?"

  "Convenient, I am preparing to deliver medicine to each ward."

  Jiang Fuyue thought for a while, did not refuse, divided the sterile throat swab culture tube and blank label to her, and taught her the correct label filling method.

  The head nurse: "I understand."

  Jiang Fuyue goes from front to back, and the head nurse goes from back to front.

  With the cooperation of the two, the collection speed is indeed faster.

   But in comparison, we can still find that Jiang Fuyue's movements are much more agile.

   While Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci followed up and out, they could only watch Jiang Fuyue busy among a group of patients, but he could not help much.

  However, the two of them have never relaxed their vigilance and guard against the surrounding environment.


  Until the sky was dark, Jiang Fuyue collected all the 134 samples collected, sealed and packed.

  Before leaving the inpatient area, the three followed the procedure to kill them and put on new protective clothing and protective masks.

  After several inspections and confirmations by Jiang Fuyue, she was meticulous and careful in every step.

  This is a severely affected area. Schenckworth virus is everywhere. If you don’t protect and eliminate it, it is easy to be infected.

  Jiang Fuyue is not afraid of life and death, but it does not mean that she likes to "send death".

  "Have you remembered the steps?" She suddenly said, asking Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci.

  Zhong Ziang nodded: "It's almost there."

  Jiang Fuyue frowned: "It must be fully remembered that it can be pasted, not similar."

  Zhong Ziang said silently: "...Then we go back and practice again."

   "Well, please feel free to ask me if you don't understand."

  The two nodded and said okay.

   and so on drove back to the temporary inoculation site, the moon was already high in the night sky, casting a bleak light on the entire temporary inoculation site.

  In the distance is the desert of sand dunes that can't be seen at a glance, and nearby are randomly placed tables and chairs. In the corner, boxes of protective equipment and disposable syringes are stacked.

  As soon as the three of them got off the station, they saw a medical staff running forward, looking anxious: "Where have you been? Why are you back now? Dr. X has asked several times!"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback, the cold silver mask flashed in her mind: "Dr. X?"


   "He is here too?"

   "Of course! Didn’t you know that I came with the big army today?"

  Jiang Fuyue then came to understand who was carrying the off-road vehicle behind the mat.

  One of them was at the front and the other at the back. They didn’t meet each other during that time. I didn’t know it was normal.

   "You said, he asked us?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

   "Yes, hurry in..."

  Have been waiting for a long time.

  (End of this chapter)

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