After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 860: The power of idols, gang up to attack the moon (one more)

  Chapter 860 Idol's power, a group to attack the moon (one more)

  No way, Jiang Fuyue can only call Xiaoshan.

  At that time, Xiao Shan corrected his son's homework and then perfected his academic thesis. After less than an hour of sleep, he was woken up by Jiang Fuyue on the phone.


   "It's me, you call the guard at the front gate and say, I want to drive into the school."

  Originally, Xiao Shan was still squinting his eyes, a sluggish look like he wanted to wake up. Hearing the words, an excited spirit, he immediately turned over and sat up.

  Jiang Fuyue? !

what's the situation? !

  The man is holding his cell phone, his expression is slightly dazed.

  Until the other end——

   "Xiaoshan? Xiaoshan? Are you listening?"

   "...oh! Here! You said it!"

Jiang Fuyue repeated it patiently again.

   "...Call right? Okay, I'll call now."

  He ended the call, first called the person in charge of the Security Section and briefly explained the situation, and then the person in charge of the Security Section called the landline of the gate post.

  After finishing all these tasks, Xiao Shan was holding the phone, and the whole person was still in the cloud.

  Jiang Fuyue called?

   Ask him to come forward and let the guard let him go?

  What's all this?

The key is--

  He presses on the phone screen, 3:52?

  It was in the middle of the night...He was even more confused.


  In that room, the doorman is even more confused.

"Pharaoh, hurry up and put people in, it's Jiang Fuyue! Don't you usually talk about her? One mouthful, one month sister, call me more numb than anyone else, and say it's your daughter My idol often shows her award-winning videos, how come you don’t recognize a real person?"

  Uncle Security was taken aback, his ears buzzing, he didn't hear what the leader said next, only the sentence "It's Jiang Fuyue" kept echoing in his mind.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled through the lowered car window: "Uncle, can I go in now?"

   "...Ah?! Oh! Yes, yes!"

sure! It must be possible!

  He quickly put down the phone, hurriedly pressed the switch, and pressed the wrong one.

  Finally, it was hard to lift the pole.

  He scratched his face apologetically, a little silly, "Sorry..."

"It's ok."

   "Are you...really Jiang Fuyue? That genius scientist, what did you get... the one that is so hot as the medical award?!"

  "The ID card is here, would you like to take a look?" He said, handing it over.

   "Hey..." The uncle waved his hand quickly, "No need, no, I finally saw the real person! So happy!"

  "Are you new here?"

   "Well, I have just worked for a month, actually..." He scratched his head in embarrassment, "I came because of you."


  "Yes! My daughter is your little fan. She has been very good at math since she was a child, and she will participate in that math competition this year! She said that you are the one she admires most!"

   "I have a technical secondary school degree, I don't have much education, and I can't do those math problems. I can only encourage her mentally. So I wanted to get closer to her idol. Anyway, where is the door to watch instead of watching the door?"

   Then come to Mingda.

  Before, the father-daughter relationship was not good, he did not understand communication, and the child was in a rebellious period and often quarreled.

   "Now I go home from get off work every day and I tell her: Your idol has passed by the door guarded by dad again! Another reporter wanted to enter the school for interviews, but I stopped all of them..."

  "She likes to hear me explain about Yamato you the most, and she is very happy when she hears it, and she also said that I am the most amazing dad!"

   "If you tell her what happened tonight, I promise, the little girl will jump with excitement!"

  Speaking of her daughter, the uncle has a happy smile on his face.

  "Oh! I’m so silly, I’m so sorry to have delayed your time, so let’s go in!"

Jiang Fuyue glanced at the back seat, where there was a pile of materials. It was the competition question book that Han Ting asked her for last time. Two copies were printed, one for Han Ting himself, and one for her. Said: Be prepared for nothing.

  In fact, when I wanted to call Jiang Fuyue to ask Jiang Fuyue's solution to the problem, it was convenient for her to compare and find the corresponding problem, so I simply put a copy in the car.

  As everyone knows, this book of questions is as large as the content of the title, as small as the page number and serial number, Jiang Fuyue is back and forth.

  She reached the back seat, took the information, and passed it to the guardian uncle from the window: "This is the Olympic Mathematics problem set. All the questions in it are sorted out by myself. I will give it to your daughter. I wish her good results!"

Uncle    was flattered and said more than a dozen thank you. Before taking it, he subconsciously wiped his hands on his clothes twice.

   Soon, the car drove away.

Uncle    stood on the spot, holding the question set, watching the car drive far away, until he completely disappeared in the field of vision, he looked back.

  The night breeze was blowing, the uncle looked down at the thing in his hand, and it was densely written with test questions that he could not understand, such as a treasure.

  囡囡This time, I’m so happy!


After Jiang Fuyue arrived in the laboratory, she turned on the computer and began to build a data analysis model.

  The experimental data in this paper by Hamasaki Kawashima is not only complicated, but also has overlapping parts, and several steps are recycled.

  In this case, relying on the human brain to retest will be an extremely vast project, but it will be much easier with the help of a computer program.

  Two hours later, the model was completed, and the sky began to light up.

  The next step is the automatic loading of the system, which takes about three hours. She took advantage of this time to go to the rest room to catch up.

  Three hours later, Jiang Fuyue sat in front of the computer again and began to import the Phase I clinical trial data of Hamasaki Kawashima.


  It took Jiang Fuyue four days from getting the paper to finding the right direction and putting it into action.

  During this period, she turned a deaf ear to outside queries, let alone responded.

  As everyone knows, her silence was regarded as a guilty conscience by the outside world, and many experts and scholars in the medical field of R country began to attack in groups.

  First of all, Watanabe Naoken, a well-known surgeon and pharmacologist in the country, and the most proud student of Hamasaki Kawashima, directly expressed dissatisfaction on social platforms, and pointed the finger at Jiang Fuyue.

  Someone opened their heads, and all the ghosts and ghosts jumped out.

   "This Jiang Fuyue deceived the world with a special medicine!"

   "The so-called special medicine is just another poison."

   "Thank God! Fortunately, Professor Hamasaki found the problem."

   "Maybe this is a big scam operated by China, in order to harvest the gratitude and worship of the countries of F continent, it is really shameless!"

  "What is the difference between such a special medicine, whether it is used or not, and whether it is used or not?"


At first, these voices were only in country R, ​​but soon experts and scholars from country M and country C did not know why, they also mixed in one after another. Without re-examination and verification, they openly stood on the coast. On the other side of Sakikawa Island, he attacked Fuyue by various means.

   Newspapers, magazines, social platforms, and even subject forums... have all become their battlefields.

  The most terrifying thing is that after the development, China’s "self-family" also began to jump out, wishing to hammer Jiang Fuyue to death.

    will be updated tomorrow, three days in a row. Preview first.

     have been chasing the Olympic Games recently. I was so excited and angry to explode, so I cleaned up Hamasaki Kawashima-arrangement!



  (End of this chapter)

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