After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 863: Old Xu squirts wildly, for boyfriend use (four more)

  Chapter 863 Old Xu madly sprays, boyfriend use (four more)

  "Okay! You two treacherous dogs! Actually join hands to punish us?"

   Xu Kaiqing gave a cold drink, and rushed forward before the two of them could react.

   "Old money, I think you are a good bird! I didn't expect you to be the same thing as the dog with this surname!"

  Xu Kaiqing pointed to his nose, and spit on the other side's face: "I still consider you a good friend because of me. After so many years of confession, you are also worthy?!"

  Qian Wen was scolded again, and it took a long time to react: ", have something to say, why, huh?"

   "Come on? Do you deserve you? I scolded, and I want to press you to death!" Regardless of Xu Kaiqing's age, the old man has a kind eyebrow, but he is full of anger when he scolds people.

"Although you are average in academics and medical skills, relying on your old age and qualifications, you are also a professor and expert? How can you do some shameless deeds?! No words, no words, no words, no lie, no blinking, street The beggars on the side are noble than you, at least they know that they can eat by their own ability, and don't cheat others or commit crimes!"

  Xu Kaiqing rolled his sleeves, and he didn’t know which street he learned from which aunt. He was full of vigor.

"Who committed or committed crimes?" Qian Youwen took a small step back with insufficient confidence, "Xu Kaiqing, I warn you, don't rely on your old age, you are a master, and teach others! Those who study physics are afraid of you. , I am not afraid of being a medical student!"

"Yo! Yo! Yo Yo!" These three sounds, each louder than one, ironic and magical, Xu Kaiqing looked at him up and down a few times, just like watching a harlequin, "It hurts my foot when I poked, and I'm so angry that I will tear my face. ?"

   "I used to blame me for being blind, why didn't I see you as such a thing? They say that the doctor is kind, I think you are a black heart! Greedy! Disgusting! An old asshole!"

  "You, you, you--" Qian was utterly innocent, and he was more or less vague. He couldn't fight back, and he trembled with anger.

   Soon, doctoral students who heard the movement gathered around, and some people hid behind, holding their mobile phones to take pictures.

"what's the situation?"

  "Isn't this Mr. Xu from the School of Physics?"

   "I know that Xu Lao is an academic bull, and he used to be second to none in cursing. I learned it."

  "The experts of the Ministry of Medicine and the dean of the Academy of Medicine's street bombing confronted each other, what is this horrible gossip?"

   "Yes! Go back and talk to my instructor later, God knows how he is such a big man who likes to watch the fun."

  "Aren’t Qian Lao and Xu Lao good friends? I used to see them eating together in the cafeteria?"

   "I bet a hundred yuan, this time there must be something big!"


   Talking about each other.

  Among these people, there are graduates and doctoral students who are both rich and literate, as well as interns sent by other colleagues to exchange study, and other departments of the affiliated hospital who borrowed experimental equipment.

  He can control the mouth of his own students, but he can't control others.

  Especially, there are a few proud disciples of competitors.

  I'm afraid that before tomorrow, the whole affiliated hospital and the medical department will be heated up.

  Being a college tutor these years, once the personality is denied, then the teacher's morality will also be questioned.

   To put it nicely, it's not to cherish the feathers, but to put it awkwardly, it means to stand upright and not worthy to be a teacher!

  How does this work? !

Qian Youwen blurted out in horror: "You shut up!"

   Xu Kaiqing doesn’t want to eat his set, “I’m afraid that people will say it after you have done it? Are you worried that it will affect your reputation? Heh, you don’t need any more, and you want face, why do you have such a big face?”

   "You, you nonsense!"

   "Hide secretly and lie to us that you are not here, is this nonsense? With so many eyes looking at it, why do you go to the department to solve the problem? I think there is a problem with your brain!"

  Qian Wanwen almost got scolded and cried.

   "It was originally my clinical data. What if I don't give it to you? Is it possible to grab it?"

Xu Kaiqing: "Bah-you are not the only obstetrics professor in the country, nor are you alone with the data. You don't want to tell me earlier, let's come here and hide yourself without seeing anyone. Is it fun? Whenever you say on the phone that you don’t want to give it or don’t want to give it, you just ask Bajia to lift me, and I won’t come here!"

   "Oh, now we are here, or you took the initiative to make an appointment, saying that you want to communicate in person, the result? Let us sit here like fools and wait for two hours, you are very proud?"

"As long as you can stand up for the first time after we come, you can just say no, just don't give it to you. Xu Kaiqing will respect you and be a good man. It's a pity, good people don't do it. , I have to be a tortoise with a shrunken head."

   "After all, it's just a villain, shameless and unscrupulous!"

   Xu Kaiqing crackled and sprayed the other party speechless.

  At this time, the audience was dizzy by the huge amount of information revealed in the dialogue.


  Wait for nothing?

  When a tortoise?

  Little people act shamelessly!

  Finally, these words were utterly loud, and from the aura, Xu Kaiqing won!


  Someone said: "Look, is the moon **** in the corner?"

   "Fuck! It's really her!"

   "So, Luna did not say anything during this period of time actually studying the Hamasaki Kawashima paper? I came here today to find money and always ask for clinical data. The result..."

   "It is said that the academic world is so dark that they are tumbling and digging each other. It turned out to be true."

   "Professor Qian refused to provide clinical data, not to mention, and deceived people to humiliate people. This operation is sorrowful."

   "Anyway, I don't believe in the **** papers of Hamasaki Kawashima, Xiaori...Uh! I just can't understand the scientific research results of China, so I have to come and get involved."

   "Support Yue Jie!"

"In fact, even if the special medicines really cause harm to the fetus, it is impossible to disable them. After being infected with Schenkevo, the mother will die. At this time, life-saving is the most important thing. Of course, I still believe that sister Yue has not disclosed it at the beginning. SAP and GEP are teratogenic, then this medicine should be no problem."

   "Also support the Moon God! I don't understand what the people in China who listen to the wind but the rain, can't wait to jump out and want to hammer the Moon God to death, think?"

   "What else? Red eye attack, jealous!"

   "You feel threatened, right? Luna shot Lasker. I see foreign media reports that it is expected to hit Nobel by the end of the year, and some people in China are beginning to be unable to sit still."

   "If you can't do it by yourself, you will find ways to make others fail. Why is it so cheap?"

  "The national honor and the overall situation of the global fight against the epidemic, in the face of these people, are no better than their own interests. It is ridiculous!"

   "Sister Yue-we all support you!" I didn't know who it was, and suddenly let out a howl.

  Someone immediately agreed: "Yes! Waiting for you to smash Hamasaki Kawashima's face! Let his mother never know him!"

  "Support the Moon God! Guard the light of Huaxia Academy!"


  Jiang Fuyue raised his eyes and scanned the crowd, a surging power filled his heart.

  Yes, these talents are China’s future!

  And they...

  His gaze passed by Qian Youwen, who had been sprayed with doubts about his life and his face was dark, and finally fell on Fu Zhengxin, who was sitting on the sofa and has not spoken since Jin to now.

  The dead wood that has decayed, even if the exterior is intact, the interior has long been hollowed out. How does it compare with the strong new generation of scientific research power?

  The more they panic, the more chaotic they are, and the more frequent they are; the more they can prove that their rivers are going down, the years are gone, and they are gradually dying.

  Jiang Fuyue walked up to Fu Zhengxin, condescending: "Professor Fu, goodbye to NY, meet again."

  Fu Zhengxin frowned. He didn't like being overlooked, so he got up immediately and faced Jiang Fuyue with four eyes.

  He tried to suppress the yellow-haired girl with his long-standing aura, but found that the other party was unmoved and without fear.

  On the contrary, he saw a chilling indifference and cruelty on that young face.

  The invisible war spread, and the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger and stronger.

   Suddenly, Fu Zhengxin pulled out a smile: "Yeah, I've met again, don't come here unharmed?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Thanks to the professor, everything goes well."

   "Oh? But how did I hear that the medical profession is not peaceful lately?"

   "What's the matter of me being too uneasy in the medical world? I just need to be comfortable."

  Fu Zhengxin frowned: "You developed the Schenckwater effect medicine. Now that something goes wrong, shouldn't you be responsible? But you still said you were comfortable?"

  "First of all, whether there is a problem with the medicine or not, just relying on a paper by Hamasaki Kawashima is not a conclusive conclusion."

  "Since Professor Fu is so enthusiastic and an expert in the field of immunology, and supports Hamasaki Kawashima's views so much, why don't you just retest his experimental process?"

  Fu Zhengxin choked.

  He hasn’t even read Hamasaki Kawashima’s paper, only knowing that he is saying that special medicines are harmful to pregnant women and fetuses.

  And "The Lancet" was also published. Is this not enough to prove the correctness of his views?

  "Young man, give you a piece of advice, don’t be too arrogant."

Jiang Fuyue curled her lips and said, "When you come and go with courtesy, let me remind you too-don't do things too drastically, and don't offend people too harshly. Feng Shui turns around. Who knows where to go tomorrow? It’s better to stay in front of others so that we can meet each other in the future."

   "Heh!" Fu Zhengxin sneered, "You still have a stiff mouth when you die, I see you..."

   "Hey! What are you doing?!" Xu Kaiqing saw this, but he didn't care about spraying money and writing. He immediately jumped forward, separated Fu Zhengxin and Jiang Fuyue with his body, and then firmly guarded the girl behind his back.

   "I heard it all, you were fanning the flames just now!"

  "What kind of grass and tree are you talking about? I think you are the grass—the grass of the straw!"

   began, Xu Kaiqing finished spraying Qian Youwen, and then started spraying Zhengxin again.

   "It could have been a sharp knife and a spear, but you just like to be a stinky mouse in the gutter. You can't face you up front. You get the first place behind the trip. From the inside to the outside, from the top to the bottom, everything sucks!"

  Fu Zhengxin was sprayed with saliva, and he even smelled the tea smell wafting from the other's mouth and the sweet smell of excess saccharin.

  But every time he opened his mouth and prepared to fight back, the opponent would immediately follow the next sentence, not giving him a chance to fight back.


  Compared with Qian Youwen's sullenness, Fu Zhengxin was more irritable, but he couldn't show it on his face, so he fell behind.


   can only hold back internal injuries, bite her teeth.

  “In fact, the most insidious thing is that you are a villain who play tricks and tricks, only make small moves behind his back, narrow-minded, and smaller than sesame seeds. It is really unfortunate for the industry to have experts and scholars like you!"


  Finally, after Xu Kaiqing uttered the last sentence, "A raccoon in a hill, the same flow is in the same way", it all came to an end.

  He dropped a cold snort of disdain, and took Jiang Fuyue with her head high and walked away.

  Fu Zhengxin with a stinky drool and Qian Youwen with a sweeping face were left behind, as well as a dumbfounded and infinitely worshipping crowd of melon-eaters.



   "Sorry, I don't know how old... Qian Youwen is a two-faced dog that made you run in vain." After leaving Hongzhi Tower, Xu Kaiqing put away his fighting state, leaving only his eyes full of guilt.

  He personally apologized to Jiang Fuyue.

  And Jiang Fuyue just waved her hand, looking much calmer than Xu Kaiqing: "It's okay, I'm going back to the lab first."


  Back to the laboratory, Jiang Fuyue sat in a chair, leaned back, her eyes were empty, and rubbed her temples tiredly.

  The next second, a pair of long legs wrapped in suit pants came into view, Jiang Fuyue sat up abruptly, quickly turned her head, and met Xie Dingyuan’s gentle and smiling eyes.

  She also laughed.

   "Why are you here? There is no sound..."

   "It's because you are too focused, you didn't hear the big movement of opening and closing doors." Xie Dingyuan stepped forward and put the thermos barrel in his hand on a table in front of her.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "Take me?"

   "Otherwise? Knowing that you will definitely not eat well."

  She touched her belly: "Actually, I just ate a slice of sliced ​​slices."

  "Are you full?"

   "en... a little bit."

  Xie Dingyuan knocked on the thermos: "Then eat now?"

  Jiang Fuyue agreed, she was anxious: "Okay!"

  Sweet and sour pork ribs, tomato and egg, braised chicken wings, mapo tofu, and a fish head green vegetable tofu soup.

The   meat and vegetable match, the color, fragrance and taste are all-in-one.

  And, Jiang Fuyue likes to eat.

  Xie Dingyuan opened the thermos, took out the small grid inside, laid out the two chopsticks, and put them in Jiang Fuyue's hand. Then the spoon was set up, and the square paper towels underneath were too correct.

   "Okay, let's eat."

  The obsessive-compulsive behavior as always, but Jiang Fuyue has long been used to it, and even looking at the neatly arranged plate, she feels a little...pleasant?

  Jiang Fuyue began to eat.

  Xie Dingyuan just watched her eat like this.

  Occasionally, the girl feeds him with chopsticks, and the man opens his mouth and takes all the orders.

  I don’t care if the chopsticks have been used. Good guy, the cleanliness healed instantly, and the elixir didn’t work that way.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Who did it?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Auntie nanny in the old house. How does it taste?"

  "Didn't you taste it yourself? Can't you eat it good or bad?"

  "My taste is different from yours..."

  This low, disappointed and wronged tone of Baba, like someone bullied him.

   Jiang Fuyue was helpless, "It's delicious! I like it very much."

  She didn't tell a lie, the ratio of ribs to sugar and vinegar was just right, the more sugar would make it greasy, and the less vinegar would make it salty.

   "If you like, eat more...slowly, don't worry..."

  The two of them ate one by one, watched the other, and occasionally played and fed, and the atmosphere was pleasantly ambiguous, until——

  "Hamasaki Kawashima's paper..."

  Xie Dingyuan still couldn't hold back anymore, and started to mention it.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes, everything is fine, she also clipped a chicken wing: "What about the paper?"

   "Yueyue..." A sigh escaped from his lips, and the man's eyes were disappointed, sad, and a little depressed, "You said, am I a failure?"

  Jiang Fuyue was astonished and confused: "Why do you say that?!"

  "Every time a girlfriend encounters difficulties, she won’t think of you for the first time, she won’t let you help, or even mention it. If you carry it by yourself, isn’t it a failure to be a boyfriend?"

  Jiang Fuyue understood, and chuckles with a laugh: "Maybe this girlfriend is very powerful, and he can solve all the difficulties without the help of his boyfriend?"

   "Then what use is her boyfriend?"

   "Talk about love, reproduce offspring!"

   "Cough! Cough cough..." Xie Dingyuan blushed his cheeks, hot until the roots of his ears.

  The eyes did not dare to look at her directly.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue had eaten her last bite of rice, and the meat was cleaned up, and then she put down her chopsticks contentedly.

   Suddenly, her upper body leaned forward and leaned close, her peach eyes were clear and bright, dazzling with a subtle charm, and then every word: "Isn't it?"

  Talk about love...

give birth to……

  Okay, it doesn’t seem to be wrong.

   Just when the man was in a daze, Jiang Fuyue took the opportunity to bump into him, did not put his mouth on it (there was oil after eating, which affected the experience), but gently touched his cheek with his cheek.

  Xie Dingyuan's heart shrank, his scalp numb, and his whole body froze.

   "So, you will not fail at all, and you will give me food and soup. You are the perfect boyfriend!"

  Xie Dingyuan just came over, blushing again in despair.

  End, perfect boyfriend?


  In spite of this, after the meal, after cleaning the table and utensils, Xie Dingyuan asked Jiang Fuyue to talk about the current situation.

  Jiang Fuyue is not a donkey, she has to take everything on herself.

  Since Xie Dingyuan took the initiative to ask and was willing to help, she would not fail to know what is good or bad, and shut out the man’s kindness and concern.

  If you don’t come, I will solve it myself.

  You come, we will face it together.

  This is her definition of the relationship between the two——

  With you, I can; without you, so can I.

  They are equal relationships, equal status, and equal souls.

  No one is dependent on anyone, no one has to help anyone, and there is no division of labor between "making money to support a family" and "beautiful as a flower", because -

  He can lean against her, she can also lean against him, they support each other and move forward side by side.

  She can "make money to support her family" and she can also be "beautiful as a flower".

  And so is he.

  Jiang Fuyue simply told Xie Dingyuan on her own guesses and ideas for verification of that paper.

   "...that's about it."

  The man pondered for a moment: "...So, the biggest problem now is the lack of clinical trial data that meets the conditions?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "You can say so."

  He laughed suddenly: "You may have forgotten what I do?"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback, then his eyes shined...

    In addition, it may be that I made a mistake in my off-topic statement yesterday. These three days are just adding updates, not explosive updates o(╯□╰)o



  (End of this chapter)

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