After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 867: Then it's a big trouble, the abuse begins (one more)

  Chapter 867 Then it's a big deal, and the abuse begins (one more)

  The so-called "controversy" is actually a big academic discussion between two or more parties with their own opinions.

  Overview of the history of modern science, the most famous one is the great debate between Einstein and Bohr's different views on the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

  It has an indelible significance to the creation and development of quantum mechanics.

  November 2052 is destined to be an extraordinary month for global virology, immunology, pharmacology, biological preparations and other fields.

   Later generations even referred to this "Jian Fuyue-Hamasaki Kawajima" debate as "the first of its kind in the research of Shenkovo ​​virus immunology"!

  In the following decades, countless immunologists, pharmacologists, and doctors of biological preparations have joined in. Under the fierce collision of thoughts, the "human virus immunology" was finally born.

  Of course, this is something later, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

  In the early autumn of November, when the meaning is deep, a snowflake-like invitation letter was issued from the Ming University and flew to the desks of top medical scholars, experts, professors, and industry leaders at home and abroad.

  This invitation, the lower right corner is: Jiang Fuyue Personal Laboratory of Qiming University.

  And stamped.

  If it were placed half a year ago, sending out such an invitation letter would only laugh generously, even if Jiang Fuyue was a so-called "genius girl", won several gold medals in the competition, how many fans he had, and had a full score in the college entrance examination, and so on.

  These are not worth mentioning in front of real academic leaders!

  Just like the wealthy giant who met a little girl selling popsicles to show off to herself, she made a hundred dollars today.

   Such innocence and ignorance is not even worthy of any contemptuous look from the giant Jia.

  Because—you can’t even count as an opponent, at most you are a little boy who has never seen the world before.

   is not at the same level, let alone a grade.

  However, this situation changed completely after Jiang Fuyue won the Lask Prize in one fell swoop.

  With two researches on A+ seedlings and special medicines, she has directly changed from a "little girl selling popsicles" to a "popsicle monopoly", and holds the world's "popsicle" resources.

  Who would dare to look down on her?

  Of course, the invitation letter sent out is also quite significant.

  Only the second day, nearly 100 responses were received in China. Among them, 95% of the invitees made it clear that they would come, and the remaining 5% were basically uncertain.

Few people refused directly.

  Even scholars in the industry will appear to be proud of receiving the invitation letter.

  When a powerful person sends an invitation and is generally invited at the same level, if the person does not have it, it does not mean that he is lucky. It only means that the host side looks down on him and does not put him in the eyes.

  So, those who received it were relieved, but those who did not receive had ideas.

It is also for this reason that even those invitees who cannot come to the conference because they really can’t walk away, or have projects in their hands that are in a critical stage and cannot come to the meeting, all responded to the email politely, explaining the reason. To show respect.

   Soon Jiang Fuyue's announcement of the invitation letter to the debate was known from above.

  This move is no longer a purely personal act, because it involves scientists from other countries, many of which are national treasures, and such a large-scale gathering, whether from a legal perspective or administrative control, should be proactively reported to the relevant departments.

  Jiang Fuyue did follow the rules indeed.

  As the organizer, Mingda needs to assume the relevant responsibilities of receiving guests. Long before the invitation letter is issued, it has already started to go through the procedures, go through the process, and wait for the superior's approval.

During the    period, there was also a lot of obstacles due to the failure of related links.

  Xiao Shan came out in person and settled most of them, but he was still stuck in the final approval process.

   "It's not that I don't want to do it, it's that I can't do it. I hear what I mean over there, but I want you to go there in person."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Should I go?"

  Xiao Shan nodded: "Listening to that tone, I shouldn't understand it. As long as this is approved, all the procedures are complete."

  Xie Dingyuan gave her a soothing look: "I will be with you tomorrow."

  The two came home the next day.

  Go in and take a look-yes! They are all old friends, old leaders.

  Double and double face-to-face, all in a moment.

  Jiang Fuyue never expected to meet an acquaintance, but the other party did not expect Xie Dingyuan to follow.

   "Why are you afraid of us old men bullying her?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "You laughed, you dare not."

  I said not dare, but that's what I thought in my heart! Don't think that these old guys are too old, their eyes are not good, and their hearts are blind.

  The strength of protecting the calf is really...

  That's it, the young couple have a good relationship, they collide with each other in their work, and support each other in life. If they are bigger, they will promote the improvement of domestic scientific research-a good thing!

"Actually, I want you to come here today. The original intention is not to get stuck with the approval, cough...that's right, this controversy, cough cough..." Speaking of the latter, the old man was a little embarrassed, and finally he gritted his teeth and asked. Mouth: "How sure are you in the end?"

  Jiang Fuyue made such a big move, it looked like he was well prepared and well-informed, but he was accustomed to it, and he couldn't let it go without getting accurate words.

  Calling Jiang Fuyue over today, I just want her to tell her the truth!

  You said this...what if it is screwed up in front of so many scientific researchers around the world?

  Jiang Fuyue understood their feelings, pondered for a moment, and replied concisely: "I'm sure."

   Suddenly, the old men were completely relieved.

   stamped the approval note on the spot and handed it to Jiang Fuyue: "Child, I wish you success."


  Since the two parties have reached a consensus, then the above will just cooperate and give the green light all the way to provide support.

  Even Xu Kaiqing couldn't help sighing: "You are the first in academia."

   deserves to be "sorrow".

  As soon as my father got out of the horse, Sun Zha was all present.

  Incomparable, and can't afford it!

  He couldn't help but silent for two seconds for Fu Zhengxin and Qian Youwen.


  At the same time, Hamasaki Kawashima, far away in Country R, ​​also received an email from Jiang Fuyue.

   is not an invitation letter, but a war book!

  It is said that Hamasaki Kawashima smashed a teapot and two cups on the spot and sweared in the room.

  As for what you scolded...

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't hear it anyway.

  The next day, Hamasaki Kawashima wrote back: Hope to fight with you! Look forward to it!

  At this point, the ring has been set up, the offensive and defensive sides are also in place, just wait for the spectators to gather, then knock the gong to start the game!

   "What?! Jiang Fuyue gave Hamasaki Kawashima the battle book?" Fu Zhengxin frowned, his expression was wrong, "How dare she?"

  Qian Wen said with a calm face, and handed over the invitation letter: "Let's see for yourself."

  Fu Zhengxin opened it, and with only one glance, his eyes flashed fiercely, "Heh, the rabbit is in a hurry and is starting to bite."

"Rabbit?" Qian Youwen exaggerated, "Do you have any misunderstandings about this animal? Just her fierceness of not being afraid of being afraid, and having to rip off a piece of meat when you bite it, you actually think she Is it a rabbit? I think she is more cruel than a hungry wolf!"

   "Why, are you scared?" Fu Zhengxin chuckled.

But how unpleasant to hear this laugh, Qian Youwen raised his eyes coldly: "You probably haven't figured out what the situation is now. Since Jiang Fuyue dared to send out an invitation letter, asking for a face-to-face academic debate with Hamasaki Kawashima, It means that she must have discovered something, and this discovery was enough to hammer Hamasaki Kawashima to death. Don't forget, you and your granddaughter were the first to question Jiang Fuyue in China!"

  Once Hamasaki Kawashima is finished, the grandson of Fu, including himself, can't get rid of the relationship.

  At present, the domestic medical community is led by Fu Zhengxin and Fuqing, so they stand in line without thinking. Without experimental verification, they easily support the statement in Hamasaki Kawashima's paper and criticize Jiang Fuyue.

  At first, Jiang Fuyue was really eye-catching, which made most of the peers in the circle jealous and hate.

   Erlai was also led by Fu Zhengxin.

  Once the situation reverses and develops in the direction of Jiang Fuyue, and even Jiang Fuyue directly proves that Hamasaki Kawashima’s paper is wrong, then what awaits the three of them will be complaints and backtracking from colleagues.

  Introduction, all the responsibilities will fall on them...

  Thinking about this, Qian Youwen couldn't help but shudder, his eyes showed jealousy.

Unexpectedly, Fu Zhengxin finished listening and sneered still: "She is a half-hearted person who has not received systematic medical education. She was lucky to develop the A+ vaccine, and then accidentally discovered the virus antibody, that's it. Besides, she still has it in college. Without graduating, do you think that such a young man who has climbed to the position where he is today by running shit, how good is it to pick the thorns of Hamasaki Kawashima?"

  Hamasaki Kawashima has been famous for many years and is a well-known figure in the R country and even the global medical community.

  Is the paper he wrote so easily overturned?

   "Old money, you are too nervous, so you don't have to be so all-in-one." He picked up the corner of the invitation letter, as if looking at some funny stuff, "It's bluffing, you really believe it? Funny!"

  Qian Youwen looked at his arrogant and arrogant look, like watching a moth that can’t wait to pounce on its own.

   "Heh...I won't play with you anyway, I hope you can still be as calm as you are now on the day of the debate."

  After speaking, stop talking nonsense, turn around and leave.

   Qian Youwen regret it!

  I had known it a long time ago and I would not rush to publicly express my position. Not only did I fail to get anything from Fu Zhengxin, but I also offended Xu Kaiqing and Jiang Fuyue to death.

  Several times in the past few years, he has relied on his superb abilities to turn his head on the wall and turn the rudder by the wind.

  Fu Zhengxin, that idiot, he didn’t know he was about to die!

  However, is Fu Zhengxin really stupid?

of course not.

  After Qian Youwen left, his proud expression faded away, and he picked up the invitation letter again, his heart sinking as he watched.

   Those words just now were indeed his true thoughts. He didn't think Jiang Fuyue could pose any threat to Hamasaki Kawashima, but some things had to be guarded against.

  The old eyes flashed a bit harsh, Fu Zhengxin took out his mobile phone and dialed the number paid by his granddaughter: "It's me..."


  Whether the original Hamasaki Kawashima sword refers to the special medicine, or the current Jiang Fuyue discussion post, it is generally an internal matter within the academic circle.

  Most outsiders don’t know.

  On the third day when Jiang Fuyue sent out a large number of invitations, a breaking news post appeared on a non-academic forum.

  The title is: "Boom! Schenckwater's effective medicine has major harm, Jiang Fuyue saves people? Or killing? ! 》

  At first glance, it is from the hands of professionals. Every word is taking meaning out of context and creating explosive spots.

  Because this forum is mainly about sharing gossip, it gathers a large number of people who eat melons, and the word "Jiang Fuyue" has its own traffic. Soon this post was moved to Weibo.

  After half an hour, the hot search was effortless.

  【Damn it! When did this happen? Why didn't I receive any news? 】

  [Just checked the paper on Hamasaki Kawashima, published one month ago]

   [So my sister Yue has been wronged for so long? 】

  [I can understand those foreign scientists who have fallen into trouble. After all, they have different positions, but why do domestic medical circles still engage in internal friction? Attack sister Yue, who is also a Chinese and wins glory for the country? 】

  [She has done so much, paid so much, but was treated so unfairly, the Chinese academic community has long been rotten]

  【Jiang Fuyue’s legs, can you stop washing it? See clearly, it is a drug hazard! Cause baby deformities and even miscarriage! Are you all blind? 】

   [There is nothing to wash, in the face of global drug safety, Jiang Fuyue is a ball? 】

  【No matter how much you contribute, you should also pay for your mistakes. 】


   Under the malicious guidance, the accusation of Jiang Fuyue began to overshadow those who supported her.

  Because it involves the issue of "drug safety," it is different from the past trivialities.

  Are specific drugs really harmful?

Should Jiang Fuyue be responsible for this?

  These questions are all question marks in the hearts of fans. Until the answers are clear, they dare not arbitrate the arguments. To put it bluntly, they have no confidence.

  I can no longer act arrogantly as before, and at the same time, it is to prevent Jiang Fuyue from being black and make things worse.

[I am a medical student. Before the official disclosure, I didn’t know whether Schenckwater's effective medicine was really harmful to pregnant women and fetuses. Make jokes about human lives. that is it. 】

   [I also believe that a person who can use his body as a cover to save a little girl in the bombing will not be an executioner who tramples on life]

   was originally an internal contradiction in the academic circle, and everyone in the circle has a consensus, that is--

  Inside the circle, after finishing the circle, you will not be out of the circle without talking about martial arts, and let people watch jokes.

  Maybe this is what the scholars call..."decent"?

   But this time it is obvious that some people are not talking about martial ethics.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It is the handwriting of Fu Zhengxin and the payment."

  Xu Kaiqing was shocked by this sweeping operation: "Why did he do this?! Aren't you afraid that things will make a big mess?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Perhaps the opposite is true?"

"What's the meaning?"

   "He is scared."

   Recklessly take risks and use the power of public opinion to put pressure on Jiang Fuyue in an attempt to make her retreat and give up the academic debate.


  Xu Kaiqing: "Then what should I do next? Just let the internet be so troubled? Don't we care?"

  Jiang Fuyue picked up the water glass, took a sip, her voice was cold, not fast or slow--

   "Since someone wants to make things worse, then I will fulfill him."

  In the afternoon of the same day, Mingda’s official Weibo posted a dynamic:

Qiming University V: On November 23, 10:00 am China time, our student Jiang Fuyue and R country medical expert Hamasaki Kawashima will have an academic discussion on the series of Schenckwater effects, and the introduction will be synchronized. Live, so stay tuned!

  Also, forward and follow to draw ten lucky netizens to watch the game live.

  【First place, smoke me, smoke me! 】

  【Knock on the blackboard, the class representative has focused on: Watch the battle! 】

  【Is this going to be positive? Yue Jie Niu X, Mingda V587 (Mighty Domineering)]

  【The seeds are ready, wait for a face slap】

  [Since I became a fan of Yue Jie, I have become tall and tall since eating melon]

   [I don’t know if you have discovered that Xiao Ming (Mingda) really spoils the Moon God, every time something happens, he will always be the first time, and he is absolutely supportive of the position? 】

   [Ming Da and Yue Jie are mutually successful, I can only say that Yue Jie did not choose the wrong one]

  [Xiaoming: You will never leave me, I will give my heart and lungs]

  【Broken the defense! 】

  【What kind of fairy friendship is this? Ming University is worth it, Yue Jie is even more worth it]

  【Sister Yue and Xiaoming...the strange CP has been added again】

  【Professor Xie expresses strong dissatisfaction】

  【No way, Professor Xie belongs to Sister Yue, Sister Yue belongs to everyone? [Tan Shou]]


  The autumn wind is rustling, the sky is high and the clouds are pale.

  Emperor Capital has two consecutive rains, and the temperature is getting lower every day.

  Just when everyone put on windbreakers and wrapped their jackets tightly, November 23 came.

  Under the attention of the entire network and the global medical community, this long-term academic debate has finally come as scheduled...

    Thank you in the comment area for pointing out that large gatherings require approval. I checked and it is indeed the case.



  (End of this chapter)

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