After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 870: Defeat Hamasaki, invite to settle in (two more in one)

  Chapter 870 defeated Hamasaki, invited to settle in (two more in one)

  When the words "data fraud" came out of Jiang Fuyue's mouth, the venue fell into an abyssal dead sea silence.

   "Impossible!" It was not Hamasaki Kawashima himself who jumped out to refute, but another expert in the audience.

   Jiang Fuyue knows him—Dougal Dixon, a famous pharmacologist in E country, and Hamasaki Kawashima are old friends for decades.

"MissJiang, do you know what academic fraud means to a scientific researcher?! What a bizarre and absurd accusation this is! As the Lasker Prize winner this year, I hope you will be responsible for everything you say ! Otherwise, it will be rumors and slander!"

  As soon as this remark came out, many people agreed.

  As peers, they are well aware of the consequences of "fake", and because of this, they can't make judgments.

  Dougel: "You falsify when you say fraud? What about the evidence?"

  Jiang Fuyue met his condemning gaze and smiled slightly, as if it were not surprising that things had reached this point.

   "Don't worry, you will see it soon."

   After finishing speaking, she stopped paying attention to Dougel, and looked straight at Hamasaki Kawashima, her beautiful peach eyes gradually emerged sharply.

  Jiang Fuyue adjusted the microphone, word by word, clear words, to ensure that every corner of the venue could be heard, she said——

  "Mr. Hamasaki, in front of all the colleagues present, I will ask again carefully, is your paper data falsified?"

   "No." Hamasaki Kawashima picked up the microphone without any hesitation, his expression was calm and his tone was gentle.

  There is no guilty conscience.

  "Have you heard? Hamasaki said he did not fake it!" Dougel craned his neck and shouted in the audience.

   Jiang Fuyue turned a deaf ear, staring at Hamasaki Kawashima: "Are you sure?"

  Hamasaki Kawashima: "I swear by personality and dignity!"

  Dougel: "MissJiang, don't go too far!"

   Jiang Fuyue turned to the stage, and his voice was clear: "Mr. Hamasaki is eloquent, but I still insist on the same point of view just now——"


  This sentence immediately angered everyone——

   "Why are you so stubborn?"

  "Don’t think that you are the Lasker Prize winner, so you can stand in the dark! Who in this room has never won a world-class award?"

   "At a young age, my tone is not small!"

   "Which green onion are you?!"


  Jiang Fuyue’s attitude was too tough. The audience looked at her seniors who were older than her. Regardless of the matter itself, this arrogant appearance has already made many people feel offended.

  In a sense, Hamasaki Kawashima represents the old-school forces in the global medical community, and Jiang Fuyue, a newcomer, stirs up the wind and rain as soon as he enters the circle. Who is used to it?

  However, facing the accusations of everyone, she took the microphone, stood awe-inspiring, impartial, and faintly swept across the stage with her clear gaze: "Everyone wants to scold, please wait for me to finish. Mr. Douger--"

  Douger, who was named suddenly, was taken aback.

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips: "Don’t you want evidence? I’ll give it to you now, I’m optimistic about—"

  Speaking, switch the display screen behind him to the next page.

  A table clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Fuyue: "This is a random sampling of 1,000 pregnant women. During their pregnancy, they all had sudden illnesses, such as herpes zoster, peptic ulcer, etc., and had used the hormone ingredients of SAP and GEP. drug."

"This form records the changes in their body data and fetal indicators before and after the medication, and the tracking cycle is up to two years. In other words, the physical condition of the newborn before one year of age is reflected in this. "

  "After horizontal, vertical, and cross analysis, and removing irrelevant influencing factors, it can be clearly seen-the maternal body data after medication has remained normal, and the health rate of children born is as high as 97.8%!"

   "This is what Professor Hamasaki called "serious hazard" and "X-class classification"?"

   "I'm sorry," Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes coldly, throwing a loud voice, "This black pot special medicine doesn't memorize it, and I don't memorize it!"

  A small-scale commotion began to appear under the stage, and the whispering voice was louder than before.

"what happened?"

   "Hasn’t Hamasaki Kawashima said that his data is okay?"

   "Now the two of them hold their own words, but don't forget that Hamasaki Kawashima's paper was posted on TheLancet."

   "What happened to TheLancet? Is TheLancet right?"

   "Maybe we all underestimated Jiang Fuyue..."

   "I also trusted Hamasaki Kawashima too much."


  On stage——

   "Impossible!" Hamasaki Kawashima stood up excitedly and almost lost his mind. "You can never get so much clinical trial data!"

As a doctor, after years of accumulation and retention, he has less than 800 clinical trial data. Jiang Fuyue is a young man who has not graduated from university or even worked as a doctor. How could there be a thousand people? A large sample?

  "You are the data fraud! You can't have these things at all!"

  The same question also surfaced in the hearts of Fu Zhengxin and Qian Youwen, who were sitting nervously in the audience.

  In such a short time, where did Jiang Fuyue get the data?

  Fu Zhengxin frowned: "Did you give it?"

   Qian Youwen's eyes widened: "How is it possible?!"

  Since he avoided seeing him last time, he was shameless and untrustworthy, Xu Kaiqing and Jiang Fuyue have never looked for him again.

  The two sides are completely torn apart.

  Qian Youwen is not so cheap yet, so he rushes to give favor to the other party.

  Not only that, he also completely stood in the camp of Fu Zhengxin, published articles publicly, and attacked Jiang Fu.

  If he had known that this would be the situation today, even if he asked him to have a hot face and stick to his cold ass, he would not hesitate to beat and scold Jiang Fuyue for forgiveness!

  Qian Yaowen really regretted it.

  He has a strong hunch that Jiang Fuyue will definitely win this academic debate...

  Fu Zhengxin did not notice his emotional change, and was still thinking: "Since you didn't give it, where did she get the data?"

   "You ask me? Who am I asking?!" Qian Youwen was impatient.

  He thought, if it were not for Fu Zhengxin to instigate and instigate, how could he offend Xu Kaiqing and Jiang Fuyue?

  Yes, I blame him!

  He is the culprit!


  On the stage at this time, Hamasaki Kawashima is pressing hard: "If you can't explain the source of the data clearly, then I have reason to suspect that these are all fabricated by you!"

  "Is the data source?" Jiang Fuyue licked her lips and pulled out the next page, "Look clearly, the data comes from the database of the pharmaceutical company Historical Biology!"

The medicines sold by History Biology every year are calculated at millions of tons, and these medicines will eventually fall into the hands of patients who need them after they are in the hands of doctors. In fact, this process has naturally accurately screened out qualified individual samples. NS.

  Compared with the sample size that can be collected by a single doctor who treats a patient, it is more than a thousand times larger?

  "This is only a sample of 1,000 people. I still have 10,000 people, 100,000 people, do you still want to see Mr. Hamasaki?"

   "You--" Hamasaki Kawashima shook his body slightly, "How can you get the internal data of the pharmaceutical company?'s absolutely impossible..."

  Especially, History Biology is still a multinational pharmaceutical group!

  How old is she?

  Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips, ridiculously but not in the eye: "Because I have shares in historical biology." Although it is on behalf of the holder.

   Understatement, as casual as saying that he has a lipstick.

  Hamasaki Kawashima's face suddenly turned white.

   There was also an uproar under the stage——

   "No wonder she can get so much clinical trial data... it turns out to be a historical creature?!"

   "Oh! My God! What is the origin of this Jiang Fuyue?"

   "I heard that the A+ seedlings she developed were handed over to historical production and exported."


  Hamasaki Kawashima, this is the nemesis!

   Those people who accused Jiang Fuyue before are all silent at this moment, and are as quiet as a chicken.

  Douger opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but in the face of the dense experimental data on the screen, he could not say a word in the end.

  Because everyone knows that Hamasaki Kawashima lost.

  Lost thoroughly! clear and direct!

   And his previous categorical denial of fraud, and even the act of swearing on personality and dignity seemed so funny and ironic.

  It turns out that someone can lie without blinking.

  At the same time, the three major live broadcast platforms also exploded.

  The bullet screen fell like no money, thickly covering the live broadcast screen.

  【Hamasaki Kori...just ask if your face hurts! 】

  【It was an academic fraud, I was shocked! Is the path of R country scientists so wild? 】

  【The shame of scientific research, the death of academics-Hamasaki Kawashima! 】

   [Seriously, when Sister Yue asked him if he had faked him, he said no, the expression was too natural and there was no trace of guilty conscience, I am afraid he even lied to himself, such a person is terrifying]

  [Yes, for the same reason, if one day he kills someone, but his inner subconsciously hinted that-I did not kill, then he really does not consider himself a murderer and will never be condemned by his conscience. Such people are usually not in awe, and they are absolutely cold-blooded in their bones! 】

  【Upstairs, it makes me creepy, terrible】

  [To be honest, his looks make people very uncomfortable]

  [I think Sister Yue asked Hamasaki Kawajima again in front of everyone if he was making a fake. This action was like deliberate eh (super quietly)]

  [Maybe he wanted to give him the last chance, but unfortunately he didn’t catch it, he had to fall on the floor to know it was dirty]

  【Hamasaki Kawashima-let us remember this name and nail him to the pillar of shame in academia】

  [Everyone is discussing Hamasaki Kawashima, is it the only one who noticed historical creatures? 】

  【What happened to historical creatures? 】

【The same question! 】

  【Gosh! You don't even know? That's Professor Xie's company! 】

   [I'm going-so Professor Xie gave the shares to Sister Yue? Let her use the data in her own database at will? 】

  [I am in love, my boyfriend gives Coke, fried chicken, and potato chips; Luna is in love, Professor Xie gives shares, data, and all his wealth]

   [Stop talking, I already kicked my husband off the sofa, he rubbed his **** while calling me a crooked woman]

  【Woo...The country owes me a boyfriend! 】

  【What is the story of Master Marie Su? Professor Xie: Woman, I will give you my life! 】

  【Wow! CP powder is eating sugar again! 】

   [To be honest, it’s really difficult for this pair to end without getting married]

  【Wait, I will move to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately】


   Seeing that the general situation of Hamasaki and Kawashima is gone, the outcome is set, but Jiang Fuyue did not immediately end the controversy.

  In the next two hours, she showed everyone the process of copying her experiment from beginning to end.

  Includes the initial idea, as well as the later data collection and cross-analysis.

  Finally, facing the colleagues present, facing all the media footage, she announced loudly to the world——

  "Schenckwater's effective medicine is not harmful to pregnant women and fetuses. Not only should it not be classified as X, it should not be classified as C!"

   "Take 10,000 steps back, assuming that the special drug will really cause harm to pregnant women and fetuses, shouldn't pregnant patients infected with Schenkworth virus need it?"

   "No, the mother is great, but she should not be kidnapped by her identity as a mother. Before being a mother, she is herself first."

   "Only if she is alive can the child survive."

   "Thank you all for coming, witnessing this academic debate between me and Professor Hamasaki, and also innocent Schenckwater's effective medicine!"

  After speaking, Jiang Fuyue bowed deeply.

  After five seconds of death--

  Thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

  Everyone stood up.

  And Hamasaki Kawashima can only sit stiffly on the stage, looking at everything in front of him slowly, his eyes are hollow and his expression is numb.

  Finally, Hamasaki Chiba and Hamasaki Naohara came to the stage to take him away.

  Hamasaki Chiba brushed past Jiang Fuyue blankly, his eyes filled with ruthlessness: "The Hamasaki family won't just leave it alone, you wait..."


  Hamasaki Naohara did not dare to speak. When his brother took his father to take a step forward, he fell behind and whispered to Jiang Fuyue: "Sorry."

  An academic controversy ended. Compared with the debate between Einstein and Bohr on quantum mechanics that lasted for decades, the battle between Jiang Fuyue and Hamasaki Kawashima was a bit too monotonous.

  There is no evenly matched rivalry, only Jiang Fuyue's unilateral sling.

  So far, Hamasaki Kawashima has been discredited in the academic world because of academic fraud.

  It is said that he left China in a desperate afternoon and went back to Country R.

  However, after the controversy that day ended, Jiang Fuyue actually did not go down the first time, she stood on the stage and did a big thing——

  She took the microphone and solemnly introduced the endless building to everyone present.

"...This is an interdisciplinary laboratory building with a total of 22 floors. Except for the first floor, which is the hall where we are now, from the second floor up, each floor has different functions. Sex laboratories and daily living spaces... From now on, Infinite Building will open its doors to scientists and researchers in various fields and disciplines around the world. As long as you have the ability, achievements, focus on academics, and aspirations for scientific research, Mingda will help you to establish Personal laboratory, settle in the endless building! We will provide sufficient research funds and experimental equipment..."

  "Limited floors, competition for posts, scientists from all over the world are welcome to sign up!"


  Peter: "Hey..."

   Xu Kaiqing: "What are you laughing at?" He was treacherous.

  Peter: "Cho...Uh! Yueyue said, I will be the first scientist to settle in the endless building. She left me one floor, a whole floor!"

   Xu Kaiqing: "!" When did it happen? ! Why i don't know? !

  Xie Dingyuan, who was waiting in the background with the two: "..." I don't know.

  So, did the daughter-in-law keep it for me?

  (End of this chapter)

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