After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 872: Months and months protect short, happy everyday (one more)

  Chapter 872 Yueyue protects shortness, happy everyday (one more)

  When all the dust settled, Jiang Fuyue, at the strong request of the whole family, began a "convalescent life".

  I still remember that day, she was picked up by Han Shen from the laboratory like a little chicken.

  "...Uncle?" Jiang Fuyue was stupid at the time.

  What is this operation?

  She doesn’t want a face?

  Xu Kaiqing and Old Peter were taken aback for a moment, and they began to laugh unkindly after hearing her address to the visitor.

  Han Shen: "How many phone calls did you make at home? If you say it back, the result is like growing up in a laboratory. The old man said, today you will be tied back."

  Jiang Fuyue was inexplicably guilty, and whispered: "I am going to return...This is not a sudden flash of inspiration. I have a new idea, so I just want to finish it."

  In the process of retesting related experiments on Hamasaki Kawashima, Jiang Fuyue made a lot of new discoveries. When she reviewed these discoveries, she seemed to have touched some new things about “immunology”.

  She couldn’t wait to explore the results. She even pushed Xie Dingyuan’s date, soaked in various experiments without sleeping and eating, but she forgot the time, cough... and forgot to go home.

  That’s why Han Shen came to arrest people in person.

"I don't know how Xie Dingyuan became a boyfriend? I finally got free and didn't take my girlfriend to play. I left you alone in the laboratory, indifferent, not even a personal image." Han Shen After speaking, he gave a cold snort to show his dissatisfaction.

  "Then you have wronged him, I will not go."

   "If I can't make an appointment with you, it can only show that he is lacking in ability, and he is still unqualified."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." This charge is safe...

   "I think he just doesn't have any trouble with you, then what kind of boyfriend? Yueyue, uncle has a better one in his hand, should we change it?"

  Xie Dingyuan, who was having a video conference, sneezed, how do you feel that the back of your neck is chilly?

  The entire conference room over the camera is stagnant.

  He waved his hand: "Next, continue."

  In this box, Jiang Fuyue heard this and immediately shook her head: "No, no, no change."

  Han Shen curled his lips, dragging the ending with accent: "You still protect him..."

  Jiang Fuyue was not ashamed, and said openly: "He is good to me, I will protect him, what's the problem?"

  Han Shen: "..." No problem, it's just a little sour.

  Finally, Jiang Fuyue got into Han Shen’s car and drove all the way towards home.

  Xu Kaiqing and Old Peter stood at the entrance of the laboratory, watching the car go far away, and finally disappeared in the field of vision.

  Xu Kaiqing retracted his gaze, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "Finally I went back."

  Peter: "Let’s go back and rest..."

   "Go and go, hurry up!"

  The two hurriedly packed their things, and left without looking back, for fear that Jiang Fuyue would be back again.

  God knows, it’s a torment to be more diligent than young people, especially young people with better talents than you!

Old Peter: "I told you not to compete with her, don't compete with her, you must not listen, the key people don't know, what are you saying? Even I will follow you as a model worker, and I'm exhausted... …"

  Xu Kaiqing: "Shut up, you! Now the Chinese is getting better and better, Xiaozui'er and loud..."

  The voices of the two of them were gradually inaudible. Under the setting sun, their figures were stretched by the afterglow and gradually moved away.


  As soon as Jiang Fuyue arrived home, Xiao Mang ran out first.

   "Wow--" Biting the corner of her clothes, like a little complaining dog, why did you come back?

  Jiang Fuyue licked his dog's head in exchange for an intimate meal.

  The old man came out immediately, walking like flying, not at all like a person with a cane.

   "The daughter is back!"

  Han Ke and Han Heng also followed.

  "It’s good to come back. After so long, I have a good rest at home for two days."

  Han Shen: "Okay, don't be pestle outside, come in and talk about it."

  Dinner is ready long ago, and the dishes on the table are all Jiang Fuyue's favorite.

  Han Ting hugged the basketball and came in sweating profusely from the outside. The footsteps that had been going upstairs swished to a stop, then turned around and walked towards Jiang Fuyue: "Sister! Are you back?!"

  Excited expression and joyful tone.

  Han Shen: "Go upstairs to change clothes and wipe your stinky sweat. I'm ready to eat right away."

  Han Tingdong went upstairs. Within five minutes, he had finished the shower, changed his clothes, and ran down cleanly.

   also holds a red notebook in his hand.

  I saw him expect Ai Ai to walk in front of Jiang Fuyue and scratch her head shyly: "Sister, I won the Olympic math prize."

  Although it is only the city's second prize, for him who was once a scumbag, he is already very satisfied and satisfied!

  Jiang Fuyue took it from him and opened her eyes. It was the award certificate.

   "It's not bad, keep going."

  She will not say those exaggerated scenes, "not bad" is an evaluation of Han Ting, and "continue to cheer" is an expectation and encouragement for him in the future.

  Everyone who knows Jiang Fuyue knows that Sister Yue never talks nonsense, let alone talks against her.

  Han Ting grinned happily, stupidly stupid: "Hey...It's all because of the test papers you gave that I did so well...Sister, don't worry, I will continue to work hard!"

  Han Shen looked at the red notebook in his son's hand, and his brows gathered subconsciously: "Did you win the prize? When? Why don't I know?"

  Han Ting looked inexplicable: "Why do you want to know?"

  Han Shen: "..." Brat!

   "Then didn't ask..." Han Ting muttered softly.

   "I didn't ask, don't you say?"

   "Yeah!" It's quite reasonable.

  Han Shen: "Then your sister didn't ask, what did you say?"

  Han Ting looked disgusted: "Can you compare to my elder sister? It's really the older you are, the less you know it..."

  Han Shen: "?!" The little boy is itchy!

  Han Ting saw the cannibalistic look in his father's eyes, and suddenly felt bad, and immediately hid behind the old man: "Grandpa, look at him! I must be thinking about hitting me again!"

  Finally, Han Qishan said: "Okay, what are all noisy? Then Xiaoting is right, how can you compare with Yueyue?"

  Han Shen: "?"

  Han Ke: "Ahem!"

  Han Heng: Ah, this ceiling is really beautiful.

   "Now give me dinner right away!"

  The family sat in the dining room.

   "Come on, 囡囡, eat this."

   "This time I have worked hard to clean up Hamasaki Kawashima. I must have a chicken leg!"

   "Chicken wings are more tender, eat two!"

   "Sister, I will serve you rice... and another bowl of soup..."

  It is already a routine operation to be enthusiastically fed every time you go home. Once you are born and then cooked again, Jiang Fuyue is now calm.

  Don’t care about anything, just lie flat and eat!

  Anyway, what they have clipped is what she likes.

  After eating, Jiang Fuyue accompanied the old man for a walk and digestion as usual, and Han Ting also followed enthusiastically, taking a walk on Xiaomang.

  Before Jiang Fuyue hadn't noticed, she took a closer look, good fellow, Xiao Mang has gained weight again.

   Black and yellow leather is shiny and smooth, and the dog’s face is a bigger model.

  It may be that Jiang Fuyue came back today. It was very excited. He rubbed it here and posted it there, and his tail wagged without stopping.

  After taking a walk, the three of them went home.

  The old man asked the servant to move the chessboard out, trying to kill Jiang Fuyue with itchy hands.

  Jiang Fuyue was also interested, but she didn’t know that the mobile phone in the room upstairs had rang again and again...

  This is the second time Han Ting has watched his sister play chess with the old man.

  I moved a small stool and sat on the side to watch the game. He wanted to speak several times, but was blocked by Han Qishan's words "watching chess without talking".

  Well, don’t say it, don’t say it, it is not him who will lose anyway.

  Sure enough, within two minutes, the old man was taken by the general.

  Han Ting: "I'm just about to remind you, don't mount the horse, fly the elephant directly, and then go out of the car, this way...I can hold it for a while..."

  The old man snorted: "Why didn't you say it earlier?! After a while!"

  Han Ting: "Didn't you let me watch the game without talking?"

   "..." Did he let it? no.

  After five rounds, Han Qishan lost four sets. In the last set, Jiang Fuyue gave in without a trace, and he finally got one round.

   "No more, no more." Anyway, if he wins the last one, he won.

   (you may lose if you play again)

  Jiang Fuyue: "Xiaoting, are you here?"

   "Huh? Me?" His eyes widened.

  Han Ting didn't know how to play chess originally, but he just saw Jiang Fuyue play with Grandpa some time ago, so he went to understand the rules of the game.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Have fun?"

   "Well... OK! But my technique is not very good, don't laugh at me."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows. Those two tricks just now didn’t look like bad technique...

  (End of this chapter)

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