After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 874: Sao Bao Lao Xie, sweet date (two more in one)

  Chapter 874 Sao Bao Lao Xie, sweet date (two more in one)

  Han Shen didn't say anything specifically.

  After breakfast, I took Han Ting out.

  The father and son bickered as they walked.

  Accurately speaking, it should be Han Ting who has been thinking about it all the time, and Han Shen has always maintained the coldness of his father.

  At ten in the morning, Xie Dingyuan called Jiang Fuyue: "I'm here, come out."

"So fast?"

   "Dating is not active, there is a problem with thinking."

  "..." Tuck.

  Jiang Fuyue took a look at the full-length mirror back and forth and left and right. After confirming that there was no problem, she put on her pocket, took her sunglasses and sun hat and went downstairs.

  Waiting for her to go out the door of the villa, she saw a blue convertible in front of her, while Xie Dingyuan was sitting in the driving position, wearing sunglasses, and smiling at her.

  To be honest, Jiang Fuyue was stunned for a moment.

  First of all, this blue McLaren, the iconic rich second-generation car.

  Don’t Xie Dingyuan like black Mercedes?

   Followed by his outfit.

  The trousers are invisible, which is not easy to evaluate. The shirt that I often wear is replaced with a black T, and the hair is combed upwards, and the shape is still set. The whole person looks more than ten years younger.

  Well, the cool boy is cool.

  Jiang Fuyue opened the passenger scissor door, her legs were brought together, and she sat down. She should be lucky that she didn't wear a skirt today, but skinny jeans with rivet boots, so the posture of the sports car sitting down looked less pretentious.

  As soon as he fastened his seat belt, the man couldn't wait to get a full throttle.

  The roar of the engine suddenly sounded, and then the car rushed out like an arrow from the string.

   only left an afterimage on the spacious street.

  This man is a bit crazy today!

  Jiang Fuyue sat in the car with her head sideways, looking at him with a smile.


  Xie Dingyuan was the first to be uncomfortable, "What are you looking at?"

   "Look at the professor driving a super run to blow up the street."

  The man blushed, his expression was slightly embarrassed, and his eyes showed a bit of uncertainty. "Is this... strange?"

But the old lady didn’t say: "Girls, especially young and beautiful girls, mostly like sunny and handsome boys. You wear a shirt and trousers all day long, and drive a black Mercedes to look like an old man, for fear that others will not Know the age difference between you and Yueyue?"

  At that moment, Xie Dingyuan was stunned, his eyes full of confusion and confusion.

  Can’t you wear it like this? But Yueyue never said it!

   "Okay, wrap it on Mom!" The old lady patted her chest and started to beat him up.

A quarter of an hour later, Xie Dingyuan put on a new T-shirt that he uncovered from Zhong Ziang’s closet, and he wore the sunglasses that his mother gave to match. His hair also had a new look. He went to McLaren, who was parked in the garage for a long time but was still brand new and shiny. .

  Before departure, the old lady packed a ticket: "My son is so handsome! Yueyue must like it!"

   But for now, it seems...

  Jiang Fuyue: "Weird is a little weird."

  The corners of his mouth tightened.

   "But," the next second, the girl's conversation changed sharply, "Handsome is also really handsome, just like a college student who just graduated."

   "Really?" The man's eyes gleamed, his dark pupils became apparently happy, and the corners of his eyebrows were stretched out.

  Jiang Fuyue: "When you were in your early twenties, was this the style?"

  "Which style is this style?"

  "En...Zhong Er Wan, Brother Merry Son."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..." Didn't you praise me for being handsome just now? How has it changed?

  Jiang Fuyue seemed to know what he was muttering, and smiled: "Handsome is not at odds with Zhong Er Fengliu."

   "...I'm not romantic." The honest man blushed his ears and said.

   "Well, you are not romantic, but you are very dedicated."

  This, praise him again?

  Xie Dingyuan only felt that a heart went up and down, heavy and light.

  He found that it was so difficult to understand what a woman said!

   "Anyway, just say whether you like me like this!" Xie Dingyuan couldn't stand it anymore, and hit a straight ball.

   "I like it! I like it very much!" Jiang Fuyue blurted out without hesitation.

  The man can't stop the corners of his mouth from rising.

  Cough... Actually, sometimes, what a woman says is not so difficult to understand.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Where are we going now?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Where do you want to go?"

   "It's a pity that I can't take a round of Binjiang Avenue in a supercar."

   "Okay, then go to Binjiang Avenue first."


  It is late autumn, the sun is not blazing, and the breeze is breezy.

  Binjiang Avenue faces the humid river breeze, making it even cooler.

  McLaren galloped past, Jiang Fuyue's long hair was flying, waving in the wind.

  Walking around, her hands are itchy.

  Who said that only men like good cars? Women still like it!

   "Let me drive a lap?"

  Xie Dingyuan will naturally not refuse.

  After pulling over, the two exchange seats.

  Jiang Fuyue raised his hand on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead, "Are you ready?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "?" What do you prepare?

   Without waiting for him to speak, the accelerator blasted to the extreme in an instant, making a hunting noise, and then the car rushed out.

  Under inertia, Xie Dingyuan leaned back and hit the back of the chair, and the strong wind blowing on his face made him a little dazed.

  Jiang Fuyue felt the thrill of speeding, the throttle under her feet has not been loosened, the speed of the car is getting faster and faster, and the smile at the corner of her mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

   "Yueyue!" Xie Dingyuan was rarely harsh, "Limited speed, don't make trouble!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I'm not speeding~"

  The man glanced at the dashboard, really not speeding, but he jumped repeatedly on the edge of speeding.

   "Are you scared?" She raised her voice, laughing wildly.

  He gritted his teeth: "Little madman."

  Jiang Fuyue laughed.

  This speed has been maintained for 30 seconds, "Okay, well, I know you abide by the law..."

  After speaking, the speed slowed down.

  It is said that Jiang Fuyue follows the rules, but it is not. She follows her own rules and keeps the rules in her heart. Therefore, compared with Xie Dingyuan’s absolute integrity in the secular sense, her behavior is more casual.

   also means uncontrollable.

  What she thinks is right, even if the moral scope does not allow it, she will still do it.

  But when encountering Xie Dingyuan, she doesn't mind pushing the bottom-line principle to a more universal standard.

  In addition to enjoying the other person’s accommodation, a relationship occasionally needs feedback.

  Even if Xie Dingyuan likes her more, it is not advisable to blindly pay unilaterally.

   Soon, the speed slowed down.

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t dare to let her open, "Shall we change it back?"

   "No change."

   "Yueyue..." He looked helpless.

  Jiang Fuyue pulled over and stopped, but did not change to the co-pilot after getting off the car, but went straight down the river beach.

  As she walked, she turned her head and said to Xie Dingyuan: "The wind is blowing enough, come down and walk."

  After finishing speaking, he ran towards the most lively place.

  Xie Dingyuan was taken aback, quickly locked the car, and followed up.

  The place is so lively because it is surrounded by a large group of people.

   squeezed in and found that it was a shooting game booth. A group of young parents were taking their children to play balloons to win plush toys.

   "Hiss! Why didn't you hit it again? Boss, isn't your gun okay?"

  A young father couldn't help but complain.

  Without a word, the boss took the air gun in his hand and aimed it at the balloon on the board, bang bang bang——

  All three shots!

  After finishing the fight, the boss sat back on the small bench again, took two puffs of dry cigarettes leisurely, and hummed softly: "Don't blame the pit if you can't pull the shit!"

   "Puff——" Someone around couldn't help but laugh.


   "It doesn't hurt much, and it's very insulting."

  The young father was angrily holding his son out of the crowd: "Stop playing! Never playing again!"

  The child is still reluctant: "I want a raging, I want a raging..."

  "Go to the store to buy it in a while, ancestor?!"

   "Large size."


  After the father and son left, someone paid to play again.

   "It's more accurate than the head, I have practiced darts before, I still don't believe it is so difficult!"

  Facts have proved that you can’t speak too much, otherwise your face hurts.

  This dart and proud father is not as good as the last one, because-all missed the target.

   "Boss, you really have a problem with this gun! You can't hit it no matter what."

  The boss took it over, gave a demonstration twice, and muttered: "Another strange pit..."

  The man’s cheeks are flushed.

  The five-year-old daughter grabbed his hand and said sensibly: “It’s okay, Dad, the teacher said, it’s important to participate, and it’s not important to win prizes.”

   "Hey——" The man sighed and touched his daughter's head, "Go, Dad will take you to a hamburger!"


   "Of course! Let's go--"

   "Mom, keep up! Today is my dad's treat!" The family of three also left.

  But there are still people who don’t believe in evil and want to try it. The boss doesn’t refuse anyone who comes, signalling to scan the QR code to pay, and then refill the magazine and hand it to the new customer.

  Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue stood in the crowd, biting their ears softly——

   "Obviously you can't shoot, why do you still try?" Xie Dingyuan didn't quite understand.

  He felt that a person should learn to learn lessons, not only his own, but also other people's.

  Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "Not everyone has self-knowledge."

  Most people often fail to see their ordinaryness. Instead, they take the fluke of "Maybe I am the exception" to participate in some uncertain adventures.

  In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a gambling.

  What if?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Of course, there is another objective factor."

   "What objective factor?"

  "Have you not noticed that the line drawn by this boss is closer than other houses?"

  Xie Dingyuan glanced at several stalls next door, and sure enough, the distance from the shooting line to the balloon board was farther than this one.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Being close means that it is less difficult to shoot, and it is more likely."

  That’s why everyone wants to try it, because it is really not difficult to look at!

  Xie Dingyuan: "Is there any problem with this distance?"

   "The distance is okay, but some things look easy, but it may not be easy to get started."

  The man moved his eyebrows lightly, leaning close to her ear, warmly: "Did you see something?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "According to the current height of the sun, the marking position is exactly in the backlight refraction area. Once a person goes there, the sun will dazzle his eyes. You can't see clearly. How can you shoot it?"

  Sure enough, another person came home.

  He didn’t dare to complain about the gun problem, for fear of being assaulted by the boss...

  Jiang Fuyue rolled up her sleeves: "I'll have fun."

  She wears sunglasses and a ruffled sunhat on her head. She can't see the specific appearance under the cover, but she has long legs and a tall body, and she is especially fashionable in dress.

  Xie Dingyuan took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to pay the bill.

  The smile on the corners of the boss’s mouth widened, and young couples like this are most willing to spend money to play.

  Jiang Fuyue took the gun and backed away, far away from the boundary.


   "Why are you going back?"

   "The previous point is easier to hit!"

  “Also, don’t you take off your sunglasses and hat? What if you block your vision?”

   "Huh? Why are you still going back?"

   "Will she have fun at all?"

   "Why don't you let your boyfriend plan, I feel that girls are not good at playing this kind of shooting game..."

   Jiang Fuyue turned a deaf ear to these questions and comments.

  Only the boss watched her movements and couldn't help frowning.

   Retreated to a certain position, Jiang Fuyue felt that it was almost done, stopped, stood still with his legs spread apart, then raised the gun and aimed.

   "Good guy! The technique doesn't look good, but the action is pretty."

   "There is something inside."

   "Isn't it a celebrity internet celebrity posing for a photo? I didn't see the photographer either!"

   "Hit! Hit!"

  Just listen to bang bang bang ——

   More than a dozen ringing bursts.

  The balloons on the vertical board exploded at the sound, and they exploded one by one.

  Everyone was stunned.

  The boss is silly.

  Only Xie Dingyuan hooked his lips, showing a small smile.


   "Wh, what's the situation?"

   "My eyes have no flowers, are they?"

  Several children jumped up with excitement, clapping and shouting: "Sister is great!"

  Wait until the balloons on the board were all cleared, Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly: "It's over."

   Before the boss could respond, she raised her chin to Xie Dingyuan. The latter understood, and quickly scanned the QR code and paid the second amount.

  Jiang Fuyue still stood in the original position, and used the remaining bullets to empty the balloon on the second vertical board.

   Suddenly, there was a shout of applause around——

   "Wow! The beauty is amazing!"

   "This, this, this...huge success?"

  "You can still clear the board if you retreat more than one meter, bull X!"

  "Is it a professional shooter? The provincial team or the national team? Are you going to participate in the Olympics next year?"

  Since there are only two boards, there is no balloon to hit Jiang Fuyue. She put down the gun and walked directly to pick up the two largest teddy bears, one in each hand.

  That posture is not polite at all, it's like taking home things.

  While passing by the boss, she still threw a sentence with anger and desperation: "The prize is good, thank you."

  "The boss's business is booming." Xie Dingyuan also expressed his best wishes.

  After speaking, the two of them are like this...

  Go, gone? !

  The boss realized afterwards, but they did win, and he had to give prizes, but...the two bears are too big, right? !

   Suddenly, my heart hurts to the point of dripping blood.

  Someone joked: “It seems that it’s really not a problem with the pit, but the location of the pit. You have to step back, hahahahaha..."

  The boss rubbed his hands and started to panic.

  The people who played next followed Jiang Fuyue's example, and stood a little farther away. Although they didn't win the prize in the end, they at least hit it!


   said Jiang Fuyue, carrying two bears in her hands, each about a quarter of the height of a person, big and heavy, but she picked it by herself, and she had to carry it on her knees.

  Xie Dingyuan rarely saw her embarrassing appearance, moved his eyebrows lightly, took out his mobile phone, and took two pictures with Jiang Fuyue.

   "You can hold it for me!"

   "Wait a moment, I will take two more photos, Yueyue, you are so cute."

  Jiang Fuyue: Cute ghost! I really want to punch him.

  (End of this chapter)

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