After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 881: Lie down with him, the one in the dark

   Chapter 881 Lie down with him, someone in the dark

  After waiting for nearly half an hour, the towing company finally came.

  The car was towed away, and Jiang Fuyue called on the phone and asked the driver at home to pick her up.

   "Monthly month."

   "Uncle, why are you?"

  Han Shen drove up in person.

   "Just off work, on the way."

  When I got home, it was ten o'clock, and the old man was sitting in the living room waiting for them.

   "Are you okay?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "It's all handled."

   Jiang Fuyue called Xie Dingyuan the next morning, but no one answered?

  After breakfast, she called again, but no one answered.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned.

   "What's wrong, Yueyue?" Seeing her face was wrong, Han Shen showed concern.

   "Uncle, I'll go out."

  After finishing speaking, I took my jacket and bag, took the car keys, and it disappeared soon.

  Han Qishan: "What is this kid doing? In a hurry..."

  Han Shen: "I don't know."

  But it must have nothing to do with Xie Dingyuan.


  At nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Fuyue came to the apartment.

  Lock is three functions of password, fingerprint and key.

  When she opened the door yesterday, she recorded her fingerprints.

  So after pressing the doorbell twice and no one opened the door, Jiang Fuyue unlocked it with his fingerprint.

  It was too late yesterday, and the light was too dark, so she didn't have time to look at the furnishings in the room.

  The living room with bright and clean windows has excellent lighting. Every corner is cleaned up and everything is neatly arranged.

  Simple and lively, Xie Dingyuan’s straight male style is right.

  Jiang Fuyue put on slippers, took off his jacket, and walked to the master bedroom.

   Pushing open the door, a room is dark and quiet, on a two-meter bed, a piece of cup protrudes from it.

  She walked over and saw someone leaning on her side, sleeping soundly.

  Are you so sleepy?

  Jiang Fuyue wanted to reach out to check the temperature of his forehead. As soon as his palm was pressed against it, his wrist was clasped.

  The man who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and his faint pupils covered the awkwardness of his first awakening, and his fierceness faded away, showing a bit of softness and haziness.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Wake you up?"

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head: "I smell the scent on you."

  "Scent? I didn't use perfume..."

   "I can smell it anyway."


  Jiang Fuyue put her palm on his forehead for more than ten seconds, then motioned to the man to let go, but Xie Dingyuan didn't let it go.

   "Why? Afraid of my illness?"

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at him: "The body temperature is normal and there is no fever."

   "It's just two glasses of wine, I'm not so wasteful yet..." he whispered.

   "Then why don't you answer the phone?"

  Xie Dingyuan was taken aback: "Did you call me?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Two."

  He wanted to find the phone, but he turned it around and didn't see it.

   "You call again."

  Finally turned out in the pile of clothes I changed yesterday, "The silent mode is turned on..."

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t know when he opened it, most likely it was a wrong press.

   "I thought you deliberately retaliated against me." Jiang Fuyue sat on the side of the bed and looked at him with a smile.

  She didn't answer his phone before, now it's his turn to retaliate.

very good.

  The corners of the man’s mouth twitched: "Am I such a stingy person?" As he said, he sat up, raised his hand to support his forehead, and rubbed his temples with his fingers, "The stamina is quite big...what time is it?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "A quarter past nine."

   "Why are you here so early? I..."

  Thinking of her move to check her forehead temperature as soon as she came in, Xie Dingyuan: "Do you think I'm sick?"

  Jiang Fuyue gave him a glance: "Who told you not to answer the phone?"

  The man rubbed in front of her: "I will pay attention to it from now on. I won't mute it anymore."


   "But you are worried about me, I am very happy." Even if I am sick, I am also happy.

  Xie Dingyuan stretched out his hand to hug her waist, then put the person on the bed, and both of them lay down.

   "Hiss——" Jiang Fuyue was caught off guard, "What are you doing?"

  "Sleep with me again." After speaking, he wrapped her hands and feet together, and pulled the quilt over the two of them.

  The warmth hits.

  There are both quilts and uploads from men.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I didn’t eat breakfast, aren’t you hungry?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Beautiful and delicious."


   "Or, sentimentally drink enough water?"


  This little Sao talk, string after string.

   deserves to be an advanced version of the straight man, has faded the smell of steel, and began to develop towards the taste of earth.

  Jiang Fuyue lay with him until ten o'clock, during which Xie Dingyuan did not fall asleep, so he hugged her, kissed and rubbed.

  He is cool, but Jiang Fuyue is sweating.

   "You hold too tight, loosen it."


   " it loose?"

   "It's loose!"

   "Why don't I feel at all?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I have."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Finally, she couldn't lie down anymore, she struggled to get up, flexibly avoided the man's hand extended again, and quickly got out of bed and stood still.

  Xie Dingyuan's hands were empty, and the corners of his mouth tightened.

  Jiang Fuyue ignored his stinky face: "I'll go and see what's in the refrigerator."

  After finishing speaking, he strayed away.

  Xie Dingyuan sat on the bed, annoyed.

  Without Jiang Fuyue's company, he was boring to lie down, simply got up, took a shower, and changed into a clean set of pajamas.

  Waiting for him to go to the living room, Jiang Fuyue has already put a bowl of hot noodles on the table, and a yellow omelette is spread on the surface.

   "Although I don't make it very often, it should taste okay. You can taste it."

  At this moment, Xie Dingyuan looked at the bright dining room and the girl who was looking forward to smiling at him, an inexplicable warmth surged in his heart.

  For the first time, he felt like a home here.

  It was also the first time that he had the urge to get married.

   "Yueyue, let's find a time for both parents to see each other? Okay?"

  Jiang Fuyue was a little surprised: "Why do you say this suddenly?"

  "Will you answer me first?"

   "Okay." She nodded.

  Xie Dingyuan's mouth raised, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were written with pleasure and satisfaction.

   "You haven't said why you mentioned this suddenly?"

   "Ah...I'm afraid you are running away, so I'll have a face-to-face with both parents. Isn't it guaranteed?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." is pretty good!

  Xie Dingyuan ate the noodles without leaving a bite, and finally drank the soup. He directly proved how delicious Jiang Fuyue made.

  After eating, he took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, took them to the kitchen to wash them, and when they came out, he cut the fruit plate and placed it in front of Jiang Fuyue.

   "I tried it, it's not sour, sweet."

  Each toothpick is the same height, so it’s hard for him to be so precise.

  Xie Dingyuan turned on the TV and switched to the Science and Education Channel: "Eating at home at noon?"

  Jiang Fuyue asked him to turn his voice louder: "...There is nothing in the refrigerator, do you want to eat air?"

"can buy."

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback, still holding a petal of orange in his mouth: "Now?"


   Both of them are activists, and go straight to the supermarket.

  Xie Dingyuan pushed the shopping cart to follow, Jiang Fuyue walked in front, crossed the shelf, and threw it into the cart when he picked it up.

  Not only did she do the questions quickly, but she also did not buy things slowly. Soon, a hill was piled up in the shopping cart.

   "What's so bad?" She turned her head and asked Xie Dingyuan.

   "The sugar is gone."

  Jiang Fuyue to get it.

  In addition to the basic ingredients, the two also bought a lot of fruits.

  "Are there people living in the apartment?" she asked.

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head: "Most of the time, you still live in the old house. You come to the apartment."

  Is it not fragrant in the two-person world?

  Unfortunately, such opportunities are too few.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then don't buy too much, it will be wasted if you can't finish it."

   "If you come a few more times, you can't waste it."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at him, but did not answer.

  Xie Dingyuan: "I remember Ming University only requires freshman students to live on campus."


   "Oh! You can move out to live in your sophomore year. It just happens that the apartment is not far from Ming University. In fact, you can..."

   "I haven't lived in a dormitory for a long time, and now it is no different from moving out."

  Jiang Fuyue doesn't even go to school often, so she lives in the dormitories even less.

  In addition to completing daily schoolwork, Liu Sisi often plays and disappears. Shenlong sees the head but does not see the end, and is very mysterious.

  Huo Fanjin went to the Institute of Biophysics for an internship again. He was so busy every day that he simply bought a loft nearby and rarely went back to the dormitory.

  Cen Qiaoqiao saw that everyone was often absent. She was boring to be alone. In addition, she loved her family and was a flower in the greenhouse since she was a child, so she went straight back to live with her parents.

  Every day you can stretch out your clothes and open your mouth. You can also act like a coquettish and make your elders happy. Don’t have a nice little life!

  Therefore, although the 4-3 beds in Building A are still paved, few people live there anymore.

  Xie Dingyuan: "I mean, the apartment is vacant anyway. You can live anytime if you need it. Anyway, if you have your fingerprints, just open the door and come in."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded and took his affection: "Okay."

  Buy everything, the two of them checked the omissions and finally made sure that there were no omissions before pushing the heavy shopping cart to checkout.

  Xie Dingyuan took the initiative to scan the code to pay, and then neatly pack the bags, then carry the big bags and small bags all the way down to the garage, and put them in the back seat.

During the   , she didn't let Jiang Fuyue touch it.

   "You let me mention a little too!"

  Xie Dingyuan turned a deaf ear and quickened his pace.

  Let him do this kind of rough work.

  The two returned home with loads and cooked their own meals at noon.

  Jiang Fuyue contributed two meat dishes, and Xie Dingyuan also handed in an answer sheet with one dish and one soup.

  In addition, the rice is also steamed by him.


  In the afternoon, the two of them watched a movie in the audio-visual room.

  Two romance films, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan each selected one, both are nostalgic classics.

  The reason why Xie Dingyuan cleaned up this apartment was actually to show Jiang Fuyue to the movie.

  The host and the host kiss on the screen, and they hug each other on the sofa.

  The setting sun outside the window is red, and the interior is full of emotion.

  Dinner, neither of them wanted to do anything, so they went out to eat.

  Jiang Fuyue told him about dragging the car for repairs by the way, "The master said that there is a minor problem, and I can get it back tomorrow."

"go together?"

  Jiang Fuyue agreed.

  The next day Jiang Fuyue drove to pick up Xie Dingyuan, and then the two went to the 4S shop together.

   "One of the parts has fallen off and I have reinstalled it. It should be no problem now. Would you like to try it twice?"

  Xie Dingyuan did not try, so he drove away.

After the two left, an apprentice ran over: "Master Zhang, where's the car?"

   "The owner has already driven away."


   "What's the matter with you kid?"

   "No... I just think it's a bit strange. The car is well maintained and it is a high-priced one. It stands to reason that there should be no aging of the nuts and parts falling off."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

  The apprentice lowered his voice: "I checked the replaced nut just now. Guess what I found?"

   "What did you find?" Master Zhang swallowed.

  “There are traces of **** equipment on the nut. Someone deliberately loosened the nut with a tool, which caused the parts to fall off and the car broke down.”

  "Do you mean that someone was doing tricks in the car?! Want to fake a car accident?!"

  The apprentice nodded and shook his head: "The nut falling off must be man-made. I will definitely not make a mistake about this. If you don’t believe it, you can go over and take a look. Anyway, the nut is still there."

   "Then what do you mean by shaking your head?"

   "It's just that... it doesn't make much sense to destroy this nut. At most, it just breaks down, and the possibility of a car accident is minimal."

"Forget it, let's not entangle, the people who can afford to drive this kind of car are rich or expensive. They are all rich. Didn't they all act in the TV series? What kind of intrigue, you hurt me and I hurt you, it's always with us Little people have nothing to do."

  "Would you like to tell the owner?" The apprentice scratched his head, eyes full of entanglement.

  He originally came over to talk about this.

  Master Zhang pondered for a moment: “Forget it, it’s better to do more than to do less, and it’s not our responsibility. Let’s ignore it, lest you get burnt.”

   "And, didn't you just say that? A nut can't cause a car accident, which means that the other party didn't want a life, and we are not dead."

   "But...isn't this bad?"

   "What's wrong? Very good! Go, go back to work."



In addition to accompany Xie Dingyuan, Jiang Fuyue also took the time to see Ming Yu.

  Rehabilitation has been quite effective, and he has now returned to Mingda to start classes.

  It’s just a little inconvenient to move, and you need to use crutches.

  Jiang Fuyue waited at the door of the classroom, the students were all gone, and Ming Yu came out.

   "Ayu——" She patted him on the shoulder from behind.

  Mingyu turned his head, his face was filled with joy, and his eyes lit up: "Why are you here?"

   "I called Master, and he said that you have returned to Mingda for class. I happened to come to the Academic Affairs Office to hand in the form, so I wanted to come and see you. Will there be classes later?"


   "Then have dinner together?"

  Mingyu smiled and nodded: "Okay. I'll go back to the office and put things away, let's go."

   "I'm with you."

  For specially-appointed professors like Ming Yu, the school has arranged a personal office.

   is a single room, no need to crowd with other teachers, privacy will be better.

   "Why haven't you seen Zhong Hao recently?"

  Zhong Hao is the young assistant next to Ming Yu. He doesn't talk much, but he does things very reliably. Jiang Fuyue is a little impressed.

  "He has two more projects to follow in the Northwest Research Institute, and he has stayed there during this time."

   "So is it convenient for you? Would you like to find another..."

   "No need." Ming Yu raised his head to look at her, with a smile on his eyebrows, "It's fine now. We're finished, let's go."

   "Hmm. What do you want to eat?"

  Mingyu: "Hot pot."

   Jiang Fuyue's eyes lit up: "I know a store..."

  It just so happens that she wants to eat too!

  Mingyu listened to her as he walked, and nodded with a smile from time to time.

    correction: the update time is 24:00 on August 15th, which is 0:00 on August 16th.

     Tomorrow, July 7th, Qixi Festival, I wish everyone who have lovers will eventually get married. It doesn’t matter if you are a single dog, let Sister Yue and Xie Goutian show you~



  (End of this chapter)

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