Chapter 883

When Lou Mingshen asked this sentence, his tone was casual, as if he was saying "Look, the weather is good today", but his eyes were sharper than ever.

  There seemed to be something in it that could no longer be suppressed, and it was about to burst out.

   "She?" Ming Yu's eyes flashed doubts, but because of that "my sister", he showed a somewhat depressed sadness.

  The touch of unintentionally associated with a deceased lover, and why the bewilderment that was suddenly mentioned plays just right.

  If he hadn't investigated for more than half a year and had caught clues in his hands, Lou Mingshen might have been deceived by him.

   "You don't have to pretend, I already know--" Lou Mingshen paused, his eyes were cold, "Jiang Fuyue is Lou Mingyue! She's back!"

  "Absurd! I think you are very ill, and you can only say such crazy things when your brain is broken!"

"Really? If she wasn't Lou Mingyue, why did you return to the imperial capital from the northwest? Why did you suddenly want to treat your legs? Why did you change the decadence of having no love and living to wait for death? New experimental team?"

Lou Mingshen: "I can't think of anyone besides her that can bring you back to life. I am sitting here today and telling you this. The answer is not important at all. It doesn't matter whether you admit it or deny it, it won't affect me. judge."

  Mingyu watched him for a long time.

The eyes are as calm as the abyss and the dead sea, "Why ask me if you don't need an answer? Lou Mingshen, you are far less confident and determined than you said. I think I need to remind you that Mingyue has passed away twenty-three. Years ago, you and Lou Mingxin were the people who personally sent her to the dead in the first place! Now you actually say that she is back? Ha... Ha ha... Are you showing your guilt or expressing your confession?"

  "If you deceive yourself and others in such a ridiculous way and botched lies, will your conscience be safe? I tell you-she is dead, killed by you and Lou Ming! Forever, never come back!"

  "Shut up--" Lou Ming stood up with deep red eyes, no longer the calmness he had before.

  He is like an enraged lion, roaring in an attempt to frighten him.

   "It's not me-you don't know anything, you don't know anything at all!"

   "What's the truth? You say it!" Ming Yu also stood up excitedly, staring at him, stubborn.

   "I want her to live well than anyone else! You are not the only one who has lived in pain and thoughts over the years. I thought you would be the one who knows me best." Lou Ming looked down deep, his tone lonely.

  Hard can't come to soft.

Ming Yu was moved for a moment, but it was only for a moment. He looked at the other party's Wei Yi body and said in a cool tone: "You go, don't ask me such silly questions again. I don't want anyone to mention her. In this way."

  Lou Mingshen put away the fragility revealed on his face, and in an instant, he returned to his previous calm and deep look.

  Suddenly, he laughed without warning, and his dark pupils revealed a bit of secret and curiousity: "Ming Yu, you shouldn't be like this."

"what are you saying?"

   Lou Ming sighed deeply: "When I mentioned that Jiang Fuyue is Lou Mingyue, you shouldn't be so calm, nor so cold, and the first reaction shouldn't be denied. You—exposed!"

Yi Mingyu’s paranoia and madness over the years, when he heard that Lou Mingyue might still be alive, even though this speculation is so ridiculous, the possibility is minimal, he would like to grab a life-saving straw, to ask for proof; not like this now. So, I strongly deny it.


Lou Mingshen: "You're lying! You knew she was my sister!"

  Ming Yu's figure trembled.

  He sneered and stood up: "If I was only 50% sure before I came to you, then it is 100% now-Jiang Fuyue is Lou Mingyue, she is still alive!"

  After speaking, leave as a gesture.

  Mingyu stood there and did not move, his eyes half-closed, the tone became heavy: " what?"

  Lou Mingshen got stuck and didn't look back.

  He continued: "Are you going to kill her again?"

Lou Ming heard this, as if he was enduring something, his cheeks bulged hard and his eyes were fierce for a moment, but he was soon covered by misery and sorrow, and finally returned to a deep silence.

  He didn't say anything, and walked away.


  The door closed heavily.

  Mingyu stood still, the last afterglow of the setting sun passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and hit him. It was so warm, but he couldn't cover the cold all over him.

  The next second, he woke up suddenly, reacted, picked up the phone and called Jiang Fuyue——

  "Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unavailable..."

  Mingyu press it down, then press it again.

   still got the same response.

   "Floor, Ming, Deep!" He was so angry that he almost smashed his phone.

  The phone couldn't get through, so he texted Jiang Fuyue again.

  Mingyue, you must have nothing to do...


   "Well, there is something wrong with the car, it's going to be late, don't wait for me... Hello? Grandpa?"

  Jiang Fuyue took off the phone and looked at the screen. There was no signal, and the call was directly interrupted.

  She frowned.

  Sweeping the car that broke down on strike in the middle of the road, I wanted to laugh for a while.

  Last time it was Xie Dingyuan’s car, this time it was changed to hers, and it was also on the way home.

  This time may be worse than last time, because the high-speed signal of this inner loop is extremely poor.

  Before she should be glad to call the father, she had contacted the towing company, and the other party said she would be there within half an hour.

  Jiang Fuyue stood on the side of the road, watching the sunset gradually sinking in the sky, hiding the last glimmer of light.

  Night is here.

  The wind in the mountains is a bit cold, and there is a kind of cold invading the bones on the body.

  Jiang Fuyue wrapped her windbreaker tightly, looking far away.

  Suddenly, the phone made a “dingdong” sound.

   is a new text message reminder.

  She was about to open, when a **** G suddenly rushed over here.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes flashed sharply, and her body dodged faster than her mind.

  At the same time, the car also started to slow down, and finally stopped slowly.

  The car door opened, and a slender figure walked down.

  The night is too dark, it may be that the street lights are too dark, or the angle is wrong, Jiang Fuyue can't see his face clearly.

  When he slowly approached, the face was exposed to the light bit by bit.

  From the chin to the mouth, to the bridge of the nose, and finally the black eyes.

  Floor Ming and Depth?

  Why is he here?

  Jiang Fuyue stepped back subconsciously, trying to distance herself.

  In the last life, she would be tricked by Lou Mingxin's idiot, and she would make a cut in her chest, not because of how strong Lou Mingxin was or how smart she was.

  Just because she believed Lou Mingshen——

   "Sister, I'm in the old house, will you come back to have a meal with me?"

  At that time, he was well-behaved, sensible, and talented. He was different from Lou Ming's superficial flattery. His closeness to her was pure and simple, and he didn't want anything.

  When those eyes look at her, they are always clean and clear, full of dependence.


  Unexpectedly, what is waiting for her is dead!

  (End of this chapter)

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