Chapter 885 Three Changes

  The hour hand points to four o'clock in the morning, however, the lights in the emergency room have not yet gone out.

  Mingyu sat in the chair, did not speak, waited quietly.

  Xie Dingyuan's contemplative gaze swept over him, but soon returned to Jiang Fuyue.

  She put her head on his shoulder, face down, her eyes closed tightly, no one could see her expression at the moment.

  At this time, there was a mess of footsteps at the end of the corridor.

   "Where is my son? Where is my son?!"

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly opened her eyes when she heard this voice.

  Fu Sujun, 68 years old this year, is dressed in a gray-blue long suede cheongsam with a coat over it. Accompanied by two bodyguards and a lawyer, he walks quickly.

  If it wasn't for the long hair that had been draped in a few strands, the footsteps were a little flustered, and the voice was trembling, just looking at this dress, thinking she was going to a banquet.

  "Where is Mingshen? Where is my son!"

  The nurse on duty next door opened the door and came out: "Be quiet! No noise in the hospital, don't affect other patients!"

  After speaking, he slammed the door.

  Here, whether you are a rich man or a trafficker, you have to shut up!

   Fu Sijun's face was ugly, and suddenly, his eyes fell on Ming Yu who was sitting aside.

  Lou Mingyue, that missed fiancé? !

  Suddenly there was a very bad feeling in her heart. This kind of feeling had never happened in more than 20 years after Lou Mingyue's death, but it suddenly appeared at this moment.

   "Ming Yu——" She walked over, "Why are you here? What happened to Mingshen? What did you do to him?!"

  Mingyu did not speak.

  Fu Sijun even wanted to reach out and push him, Ming Yu coldly raised his eyes: "Perhaps, you should ask what he did back then."

  Back then...

  Fu Sijun frowned: "What do you mean?"

  "Do I need to make it clearer? Twenty-three years ago, Mingyue..."

   "Enough!" Fu Sijun interrupted abruptly, panic flashing under his eyes.

  Mingyu sneered.

  Although he doesn't know the details, if Lou Mingshen is really innocent, he won't be where he is today.

  How many of them are this old woman's handwriting?

  Fu Sijun cautiously stopped speaking, fearing that Ming Yu would be offended, so he really said something else.

   But just now she asked the bodyguard and lawyer to find the relevant responsible person and contact the police. As a result, these people seemed to have been dealt with in advance, and there was no way to start.

  So, Fu Sijun is now at a loss. He doesn't know what happened. He only knows that his son is injured in emergency care and is dying.

  Suddenly, her eyes fell on Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue who were sitting on the other side of the bench.

  "My son is injured and you have something to do?" She stepped forward, condescending, and asked coldly.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head away, obviously not wanting to see this old woman at a glance.

  Xie Dingyuan seemed to see her disgust, and patted her back lightly, with a touch of comfort.

   "You are asking your questions, why don't you answer?!"

  Xie Dingyuan raised his eyes coldly, and only said one word: "Fuck--"

   Fu Sijun almost fainted: "You! You guys!"

   Just then, the light in the emergency room went out, Lou Mingshen was lying on the hospital bed, and the instrument tube was pulled out from the inside.

  There is still blood on the sheets, and he has severe bruises on his face, neck, and shoulders. After cleaning, a bright red flesh layer is revealed.

  "Families give way, and the patient needs to be transferred to the ICU immediately!"

  Fu Sijun hurriedly avoided, looking at his drowsy son in the hospital bed, tears crawling across a wrinkled old face.

   "Mingshen...Mingshen...what's wrong with you? Wake up and take a look at Mom!"

  Unfortunately, the people in the hospital bed are ignorant, their eyes are closed tightly, and they do not respond to external stimuli.

   Soon, the bed was pushed away and the doctor stayed behind.

  "Doctor, how is my son? Is his life in danger? When will he wake up?"

  "Six ribs were fractured. Three of them were misaligned and almost pierced into the lungs. Fortunately, they were delivered in time. Now they are out of danger. If there are no subsequent infections or other complications, the life will be saved."

   "But his injury is so serious that he must be in bed and he will not be able to recover after a year or a half. Your family will have to worry about it."


  Lou Mingshen successfully transferred to the ICU at six in the morning.

  Jiang Fuyue stood outside, across the glass wall, staring at the person on the bed surrounded by instruments and pipes.

  How dare he? !

  Atonement? Still a threat?

  Before he fell, he didn't even say a word for forgiveness.

  What is the picture?

  It's so stupid and stupid!

  Don’t he know that he is as cold as her, even if he jumps to death, he won’t forgive it?

  He is betting!

  This is such a bastard.

   "...Let's go." Jiang Fuyue turned around and took Xie Dingyuan's hand.


  He didn't ask anything and took her away.

  "Stop--" Fu Sijun approached the two men aggressively, raised his hand, and was about to slap Jiang Fuyue.

   Before Jiang Fuyue dodged the counterattack, Xie Dingyuan clasped that hand in the air, and secretly used his palm.

   "Ah——" Fu Sijun cried out in pain, "What are you doing?!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I want to ask what you want to do?"

   "This woman killed my son, what do I teach her to do with you?!"

  Fu Sijun knew that Xie Dingyuan, the heir of the Xie family, and the president of historical biology.

  If she doesn't mind giving a little bit of face to her in normal times, but now she is full of anxiety and has nowhere to vent. Only by grabbing this woman and slapped her a few times can her hate be relieved.

  Xie Dingyuan wrapped one hand around Jiang Fuyue’s waist, squeezed tightly, and coldly raised his eyes: "She is my woman, what do you say is my business?"

   "...your woman?!" Fu Sijun was slightly startled, and began to look at Jiang Fuyue.

  The appearance is pretty good, the nose is the nose, the mouth is the mouth... But when she met those indifferent peach eyes, she suddenly stunned.

  An invisible panic suddenly strangled her throat, Fu Sijun's breathing was stagnant, and his hands and feet were stiff.

  In a daze, she seemed to see another person through these eyes.

  That... the person who makes her sleepless and sleepy, she will be terrified in a cold sweat as long as she thinks about it!


  Lou Mingyue is dead! The bones have long rotted into **** when buried in the soil.

  She told herself over and over again, but the fear was lingering.

   "You...who are you? Mingshen...why are you injured?!"

  Jiang Fuyue relived her life, and for the first time looked at Fu Sijun.

  The woman is getting old, her temples are white, and her face is full of wrinkles.

  The once cunning and ambitious eyes have also become muddy and dark, covered with blue clouds.

   Slender and graceful figure is now dry and squished, although she is wearing a cheongsam, it is just pretending to be elegant.

  Back then, Lou Ming dared to do something, even using Lou Mingshen. If she alone would not have this courage.

  So, who is behind her making suggestions?

  Jiang Fuyue's biting eyes fell on Fu Sijun's face, and the answer was ready to come out.

   "You, what are you looking at?!" Locked by such cold eyes, Fu Sijun breathed, dodged his eyes, and subconsciously refused to look at her.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Look at the murderer."

"What?" The woman was shocked, and then she was furious. If it weren't for Xie Dingyuan, she might jump up and beat Jiang Fuyue directly: "Do you know what you are talking about? I, I can sue you for slander! Send you away Go to jail!"

Jiang Fuyue curled her lips sarcastically, "Go and sue," she leaned closer, her voice dumb, and she said every word, "Don't think that after twenty years, no one will know what you have done... "

   Fu Sijun's complexion changed drastically, "You, you--" who is it? !

  Unfortunately, except for a few words of "you", her lips trembled, and she couldn't even say a complete sentence.

  Jiang Fuyue held Xie Dingyuan, passed her, and walked away.

  Out of the hospital, it was already bright.

  Jiang Fuyue got into Xie Dingyuan’s car, leaned back, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows showed a sense of exhaustion.

  The next second, the man's coat was over her.

  "I told the old man on the phone, don’t rush back, the apartment is close, go take a rest first. If you are sleepy, just squint in the car for a while."

  He arranged everything and considered all aspects very thoughtfully.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled at him: "Okay."

  Xie Dingyuan drove back to the apartment.

When    arrived, Jiang Fuyue was already asleep.


   "Huh?" She didn't sleep too well, and woke up with a single call.

   "Hey, go up and rest."

  The two returned to the apartment. Jiang Fuyue took a shower, put on Xie Dingyuan’s T-shirt, and fell asleep.

  The man drew the curtains for her, turned off the lights, then opened the quilt, and lay in, hugging her, and gradually fell asleep.

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t know how long she slept this time. When she woke up, her head no longer hurts and her exhaustion was gone.

  It was dark outside the window, and the night was dark.

  She was nestled in Xie Dingyuan’s arms, like a big stove next to her.

   couldn't help but rubbed.

"Woke up?"

  (End of this chapter)

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