Chapter 889 Seven more

  Han Ting volunteered to help Jiang Fuyue check his grades: "Sister! How can you do this kind of rough work? Hey... I'll come here!"

   "Let's go." Jiang Fuyue turned out the admission ticket to him, and without waiting for the result, turned around and went to the kitchen.

  Today, Ma Liu made a "Bite of Crisp", a secret recipe made by the court, the kind of fragrance that was not spread out in the whole villa.

   Liu Ma said very loudly: "Just starting the pot, the little lady can help me taste it?"

   "Okay!" Jiang Fuyue agreed.

  Unfortunately, before I had time to bite down, I heard a scream in the living room.

   "What's wrong? What's wrong?!" Liu Ma immediately ran out nervously.

  I saw Han Ting sitting on the sofa, holding a tablet in his hand, and a test certificate beside him. He was staring at the screen, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

  Hearing the call, the old man immediately entered the house from the small garden outside, holding a small shovel in his hand and forgot to throw it away.

  Han Shen and Han Ke also quickly put down their work and came out of the study.

   "Boy, what are you doing in a surprise?"

  Han Ting swallowed, and pointed to the tablet screen, as if he could not speak for a while.

  A group of people stared at him.

After a while, he found his voice again, and his vocal cords were trembling with excitement: "Full, full score! Full score! My sister!"

  Several people surrounded immediately.

  Han Shen glanced at him, good guy, five big marks are hanging in the column of results.

  Although I have known that my niece is amazing, it is the first time I have felt it at such a close distance.

   But he still said calmly: "What's so strange about this?"

  Han Ke nodded, “That’s right, it’s not the first time your sister got a perfect score.”

  But it’s the first time Han Ting has seen all the full marks with his own eyes!

   is not one item, nor three items, but five items!

  To be honest, for a moment, he felt his soul trembled, and his blood was surging with the natural surrender of the weak to the strong, and the disqualified to the tyrant.

   "Sister! You... are too awesome!" He wanted to offer his knees.

  Looking at the completion report, the old man almost smiled: "Yueyue, IQ will follow me."

  Han Shen: "……"

  Han Ke: Ha ha.

  Han Ting: "Then why didn't I come here?"

  Han Qishan: "..." Stinky boy, what are you doing? Go aside!

  The results came out, Jiang Fuyue told Xie Dingyuan on WeChat for the first time.

  Somehow they accompany the exam, right? There is also a credit.

  The results should naturally be shared.

  The man seemed to have expected it, but the reaction was mediocre.

  Full score should be the easiest thing for Jiang Fuyue, right?


  The next day is December 5th, Jiang Fuyue participated in the interview.

  In the afternoon of the same day, the winners were announced——

  Jiang Fuyue swept the gold awards of Hua Luogeng Award, Chern Award, Zhou Weiliang Award, Xu Baolu Award and Lin Jiaqiao Award with the absolute advantage of full score in each subject.

According to the principle of 5 points for the gold award, 3 points for the silver award, and 2 points for the bronze award, the three best scores in the participating projects were used to calculate the total personal score. Jiang Fuyue undoubtedly got 15 points and won the Qiu Chengtong Award in one fell swoop. Gold Award!

  Since the establishment of the Qiu Chengtong Award in 2010 to today, she is the only student who has won a Grand Slam with five perfect points.

  Jiang Fuyue made history again!

  【How many surprises are there for sister Yue that we don’t know? Woo-]

  【Five individual awards plus one Sum Qiu Chengtong Award, six good news, and the three words "Jiang Fuyue" hanging on the front, what kind of experience is it? 】

  [This news is definitely not for my mom to see [stare]]

   [Does Luna have any obsessive-compulsive disorder for full marks? 】

  [People can get a perfect score in less than 30 minutes, I may not get a fraction of Yue Jie's score in 30 hours]

  【Moon God doesn’t do it if you don’t do it, you must do your best if you do it】

  【One person's blood book asks sister Yue to publish a "Full Score Cheats", I am the first to buy it! 】

  【Same request】


  The happiest one is undoubtedly Xiaoshan.

   "Stabilized! This wave of domestic colleges and universities is easy to win! I have to go to the principals’ group and send a big red envelope—"

  Jiang Fuyue: "The group of principals?"

   "That's right! The last time the Education Bureau had a meeting, all the university presidents in the Imperial Capital had a group..."

When    was speaking, the red envelope had already been sent out.

  The cover says: Congratulations to Jiang Fuyue for the sixth gold of our school!

  The group was quiet for a few seconds, and then the screen was full of congratulations.

  【@B大Principal Jia Shiheng, your student won the silver award, do you want to show it too? [Smiles]]

  【Sit down and wait for the red envelope】

  These people are purely watching the excitement and it’s not too much of a problem. Who doesn’t know that the previous gold awards were won by the B-Dashu Institute?

  Only Q can compete with it.

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Fuyue was born this year, and Ming Dynasty suddenly emerged and overwhelmed the B freshman.

  From “perennial number one” to “embarrassed second child”, University B principal Jia Shiheng was depressed. He never thought that as soon as he picked up his mobile phone, he saw Xiao Shan giving out red envelopes in the group.

   Forget it, there are actually a group of people @他 also posted below?

  Among them, Zhou Zhengqi is the most enjoyable one!

  Jia Shiheng seriously suspects that he is gloating.

  Yes, Zhou Zhengqi is really happy.

  Before, President B overwhelmed Q as a freshman. It was obvious that everyone was a top university. Why?

  As the B trump card, the Academy of Sciences is soft when winning prizes every year. Jia Shiheng often shows off in front of Zhou Zhengqi when he meets meetings and researches together.

  Now it’s good, Ming University teaches you how to be a man.

  Have the ability to continue screaming?

  Zhou Zhengqi sent another [Lao Jia, move faster, everyone is waiting], then put down the phone, smiled and raised the tea cup, and took a sip.

  It’s great. From now on, the president of the university who is rubbed on the floor by Jiang Fuyue will no longer be the only one.

  It feels like...

  You fell into the pit. Just when you were at a loss, your good friend also fell in. You are so happy, because-everyone got stuck in **** and smelly together~

  What beautiful "brotherhood" is this!


  The next day the awards were announced, December 6th.

  In the morning, the award ceremony was held at the Imperial Friendship Hotel.

  Single awards will be issued first, from Hua Luogeng Award to Chern Award, then Zhou Weiliang Award, Xu Baolu Award...

  The winning students came to the stage one after another. Only Jiang Fuyue stood still on the stage, because she has all these awards. After receiving one item, continue to the next one!

   "The iron-struck moon god, the people of flowing water."

   "Sister Yue looks like a personally shaped card, changing around one after another, only she is as stable as Mount Tai."

   "Have you seen? Everyone took the initiative to center on Sister Yue and consciously stood to her left and right."

   "Where is the Moon God, where is the C position!"

   "Are you kidding? In front of the Great Demon King, who doesn't bow to his court?"


  Finally, Qiu Chengtong Award for Individual Almighty was awarded.

The trophy is a regular tetrahedron made of crystal. The pattern inside is a projection of the Calabi-Yau manifold into a three-dimensional image. It is a bit like an overlapping and complicated flower, except that the flower is all piled up with lines and looks Sophisticated and complicated.

  Jiang Fuyue took the trophy from the award-presenting guests, and then, as a representative of the winning students, gave a speech.

  Her voice is clear and crisp, revealing a calm and unobtrusive calm.

  The content of the speech is not long and cumbersome, on the contrary, it is exceptionally concise.

  Finally, don’t forget to promote Mingda.

  Xiao Shan calmly greeted the enviable and jealous gazes from Zhou Zhengqi, Jia Shiheng and other university presidents, smiling from ear to ear.

  One Jiang Fuyue can reach thousands of troops.

   "Principal Xiao is very happy, huh?" Zhou Zhengqi didn't hold it back at all, he smelt sour when he opened his mouth.

  Xiao Shan smiled and didn't mind at all: "You are not happy if you are replaced?"

  Zhou Zhengqi: "……"

   Seeing this, Jia Shiheng couldn't help but hum: "Some people like to ask themselves for being boring."

  Zhou Zhengqi: "You are interesting. It would be better if the face is not so long."

  Jia Shiheng: "..."

  Well, he is also a little sour.

  Jiang Fuyue is such a good seed, why did it fall on the head of Ming?

  I don’t know which **** luck I’ve gone.


  The award ceremony was over, and it was less than twelve o'clock.

  Jiang Fuyue was surrounded by a group of reporters for an interview. After a few brief words, she dragged Xiaoshan over, "You can ask him."

   Xiao Shan: "?"

   was stunned for two seconds, and then quickly reacted, “Yes, yes, friends from the journalists can ask me any questions. I must know everything and say nothing!”

  Naxiang, Jiang Fuyue, who managed to get away, saw Xie Dingyuan’s car as soon as he got out of the hotel.

  She sat in the co-pilot, closed the door, and fastened her seat belt. When she looked up, a bunch of purple roses suddenly appeared in front of her.

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

  The man already smiled and said, "Happy birthday, Yueyue."

  Yes, today is Jiang Fuyue’s 20th birthday!

  (End of this chapter)

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