Chapter 891 Nine more

  Han Yunru: "……"

  "You help me take out that suit and iron it again. The tie seems a bit old. I will borrow one from my eldest brother."

  After speaking, the wind and fire are gone.

  Han Yunru: "?"

  The couple spent a long time in the room, and when they went downstairs, they stared at the elders of the Han family.

  I saw Han Yunru wearing a blue embroidered cheongsam. The tailoring made her look curvy and graceful.

Suddenly, they seemed to see the young version of Shi Qingzhi, also wearing such a cheongsam, graceful and graceful, just like the ladies who walked out of the middle section of the Jiangnan Misty Rain.

  Han Qishan was stunned and looked at his daughter as if he was in a long-lasting memory. When he reacted, he reluctantly smiled and boasted, "It looks good!"

  But tears and sorrow flashed past her eyes, and she was finally deserted.

  Han Shen also stared blankly, and murmured softly: "The little girl is still the same as before, nothing has changed..."

  Han Ke subconsciously raised his hand and touched his face: "The little girl is still a little girl, I'm old, it's not fair."

  At exactly this time, Han Heng, who had returned from the business trip, dragged his suitcase into the house and said, “I’m so cold outside—”


  The next second, his eyes widened and his tone was exaggerated: "Wow~ Xiaoru, you are so beautiful in cheongsam! Prettier than our mother!"

  Han Heng instructed the servant to carry the luggage, while taking off his coat and hanging it on the coat rack, then rushed over and circled Han Yunru three times to the left and three times to the right, full of praise.

   "Huh?" Suddenly, he saw Jiang Da standing behind Han Yunru.

  He should be a little embarrassed, shrinking his shoulders, hiding behind him, reducing his sense of presence.

  But the height and size can't hide at all, but everyone was surprised by Han Yunru before, so they didn't pay much attention to him.

  With Han Heng’s "Oh", he immediately attracted all eyes.

  I saw Jiang Da, who was about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a black suit, wide shoulders and narrow waist, tall and burly, with shaved hair, looking masculine and hard.

  It’s just a pair of sunglasses from the big brothers who are often seen in movies.

  Standing with Han Heng is not inferior, one is handsome and the other is wicked.

   "Are you two going out to watch the show? Or are you going to a cocktail party?" Han Heng scratched his hair and looked suspicious.

  The little girl dresses up, he thinks it's normal, but Jiang Da, the unspecialized boss, is also exquisite, which is a bit magical.

  Han Shen coughed lightly and explained in a low voice, "Xie Dingyuan is coming."


  "Just sent Yueyue a message, the two are already on their way back."

  Han Heng listened, and immediately dragged the suitcase and ran towards the second floor.

   "What are you doing?!"

  Han Heng: "Change clothes!"

  It is the first time to meet a prospective niece, of course, from the hair strands to the toenails must be exquisite.

  Even Jiang Da’s naive man dressed so handsomely, he is a top-ranking actor-absolutely can’t lose.

  Everyone: "..."

  So, when Jiang Fuyue entered the door holding Xie Dingyuan, what he saw was a jewel-like family——

  Han Yunru wore a cheongsam and Jiang Da wore a suit.

  Han Heng is even more exaggerated. His hairstyle is blown at a glance, and he puts on makeup without makeup. Don’t look too good!

  Han Shen and Han Ke looked normal at first glance, but they handed a Patek Philippe limited edition customized model directly to a suite in the city center.

  The old man wore the same hairstyle, except that the walking stick in his hand was replaced by a small leaf red sandalwood carved dragon with gold rim.

  Xie Dingyuan called people one by one.

  Jiangda was a little dazed when he was called "Uncle" and was uncomfortable all over.

   After being hit by his wife's elbow, he reacted and responded twice.

  In comparison, Han Yunru was more calm, and calmly responded to the "Auntie" with a gentle smile.

  How do you say "Mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more she likes it"?

  Not to mention other aspects, just Xie Dingyuan's appearance and height, not to be picky at all.

  The old man, Han Shen and Han Ke had hosted Xie Dingyuan at home once before, and they were more familiar with greeting each other.

  It was Han Heng and Han Ting. They saw Xie Dingyuan come to the door for the first time. One eye was full of scrutiny, and the other was curious.

  Jiang Chen Xing had met Xie Dingyuan in Linhuai before, and had also taken his ride. At that time, he thought: Although this uncle’s eyes are a little bit cold and his unsmiling appearance is not easy to get close to, he is still very nice.

  Nowadays, the title "uncle" must not be called anymore, but it seems a bit strange to change to "brother"...

  It's still the best "brother-in-law", but it's a pity that Dad won't let him call it that way.

   "Wang Wang--" Xiao Mang looked at Xie Dingyuan who had come to the door, and let out a few dissatisfied barks.

   Then, wagging her tail and rubbing against Jiang Fuyue's legs, she insisted on letting her touch her dog's head.

  Jiang Fuyue smoothly rua twice, it grunts comfortably, then swings its tail, and walks in front of Xie Dingyuan with its head swagger. The posture is like a successful "dog and talented person".

  Don’t be too proud.

  Xie Dingyuan kept smiling, as if he hadn't seen him.

  He doesn’t have general knowledge with beasts.


After a while, Shi Qingzhi and Qin Yuanchen also arrived.

  This is the first time Shi Qingzhi has set foot here after more than 20 years of divorce. The house is still the previous house, but it has been renovated and the furnishings have changed, and it is no longer what it looks like.

  Ke had an impression of what it was like. She tried hard to recall, but found that she had long forgotten.

  The former love, hatred and enmity, the magnificent waves, can't escape the fate of silence after all.

  The wind passes silently, and the boat passes without a trace.

  Fortunately, they are all happy now, which is enough.

   "Yueyue, happy birthday." Shi Qingzhi gently embraced her.

   "Thank you, grandma." Jiang Fuyue hugged back.

  Qin Yuanchen took the opportunity to give a gift: "See if you like it?"

  An old pit glass jade bead necklace.

The    chain body is composed of 58 jade beads, the largest of which is 20 mm in diameter and is full of green. The rough stone comes from the mouth of the "Muna", and the degree of rarity can be imagined.

  No accident, it should be a collectible.

  Sure enough--

Shi Qingzhi: "In the past few years, I have taken some jadeites one after another, and I usually don’t have the chance to wear them. I planned that you and your mother would be one and a half, but the result was as small as she didn’t want them, and they were all left to you. That’s fine, unmarried girl. There is always something under the hood at home. Every birthday, grandma will give you one for you!"

  When she said this, the old lady gave Xie Dingyuan a glance either intentionally or unintentionally.

   means: You thank the wealthy and dignified family, and my month is not bad.

  This is supporting Jiang Fuyue!

   "Let's put it away. Another day, let your uncle go to the bank to open a safe for you and save it as a dowry."


  Jiang Fuyue can't laugh or cry, but this love is still essential: "Thank you, grandma."

  Next is the large-scale gift-giving scene.

  In addition to the jade necklace, Jiang Fuyue also received gifts from Han Shen, Han Ke, and Han Heng's three uncles, all of which are of great value.

   But in terms of wealth and wealth, it is still the old man, and the shot is a set of courtyards.

  (End of this chapter)

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