Chapter 939

  This is to keep and promise.

  Fourth hug: When Professor Jiang was 50 years old, the husband and wife won the Nobel Prize again and won the Chemistry Prize at the same time. They became the first couple in history to "win the Nobel Prize twice". At the dinner, Professor Xie, who had white temples, hugged his charming wife and danced face-to-face. Time flies, they are still romantic.

  This is companionship and brilliance.

  In fact, there is a fifth hug...

  Two urns side by side, covered with bright red national flags.

  This is not to leave, to live and die!

  939 Yuanyue outside:

In the first year after marriage, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan formed their own experimental teams, both holding national-level research projects.

  Xie Dingyuan’s main position is still historical creatures, and occasionally borrows Q large laboratory.

   Speaking of historical biology, it has been relocated from Linhuai a few years ago, and now its main business and key laboratories have all been moved to the Imperial Capital.

  Jiang Fuyue’s activities are on the campus of Ming University, where there is not only her personal laboratory, but also backed by the rich interdisciplinary resources of the endless building, which can be described as "a perfect place".

  As the project leader, but also the soul of the team, the two are shining in their respective fields and positions and have achieved outstanding results.

  But busy is also really busy, especially when the analysis report is to be issued at the end of the phased experiment, the two of them simply live in the laboratory.

  I often don’t go home for ten and a half months.

  Wait for the two of them to finish their work, only to find that the years and years of age have jumped a lot higher, can run and jump, and they can eat by themselves with a spoon.

  The two were surprised that they had missed the growth of their children.

  It's definitely not going to work, so the two agreed to go home before 11 o'clock every day, no matter how busy they are.

  Working time has been compressed, and the workload has not changed. The two can only improve efficiency.

  The entire team began to operate efficiently.

  In this year, the number of papers published by Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan hit a record high.

  There is also a popular saying in the academic circle: "Never fight Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue for speed-you can't keep up!"

  But there are still countless graduate students who want to join the two-person team.

   Also in this year, Jiang Fuyue entered Q University, studying chemistry as a graduate student.

  Zhou Zhengqi finally realized his dream of digging Jiang Fuyue into his school!

  It is said that on the day of the enrollment of graduate students, he personally stood in front of the gate of Q University, greeted him and sent him off, as happy as a child.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue had a fever every year that day, so Jiang Fuyue asked for leave from the Academic Affairs Office, and she delayed her registration three days later.

  Zhou Zhengqi: "?"


  In the second year after marriage, Jiang Fuyue completed the master's program at an amazing speed and was hired by Q University as a professor.

  No classes will be held for the time being, but you have to bring along the lab and team here.

  Xie Dingyuan opened up a new field of cell reorganization for historical biology, focusing on the cloning of human organs.

  This year, the two still maintained the habit of arriving home before eleven o’clock.

  If you can’t leave occasionally and you need to be late, they will call to inform you in advance.

  In the first half of the year, Jiang Fuyue was busy with new projects and papers. Xie Dingyuan was relatively leisurely, so he drove to Mingda to pick her up at 10 o'clock every evening.

  In many cases, years and years are still attached.

  Jiang Fuyue can hear the little girl’s cheerful voice calling "Mom" from afar.

  Yes, only the voice of years old.

  Year three years old and haven't spoken yet.

  The two took them to the hospital for an examination, and the results showed that everything was normal, the vocal cords were very good every year, and there was no obstacle to their learning ability.

  As for why you don’t speak...

  Doctor: "Maybe it's just that he doesn't want to."

  Two people: "..."

After that, Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue ignored him.

  In the second half of the year, when Xie Dingyuan started to get busy, Jiang Fuyue learned something and drove to pick him up whenever he was free.

  (End of this chapter)

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