After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 99: Only score full marks, where the fault lies

  Chapter 99 only scores full marks, the fault lies

  "You are talking nonsense! I haven't eaten sauerkraut, nor have I touched sauerkraut. How could it have a sauerkraut smell?" Fanye's cheeks flushed with anger, and the little lion stared at the girl who mocked her.

   is also an older sister, why these people can’t even compare with Sister Yue’s fingernail?

  The girl was yelled by Fanye in front of so many people, and she suddenly couldn't hold back: "Who knows? Maybe you are so stinky when you are born! You can't even wash it!"


  Jiang Fuyue saw that Fanye had clenched his fists and couldn't help but his eyelids jumped: "If you feel uncomfortable, then you can get out of the car."

  The girl stared in disbelief: "I got off the car? Why?! How old are you?"

  "First of all, this is the organizer's chartered car, not the seventh middle school. As one of the candidates for this competition, you are eligible to sit, and we are also eligible."

  "Secondly, everyone has the same status. You don't need to be superior, and there is no reason to be superior."

  "Finally, getting off the car is just a suggestion. As for whether to go or stay, you can choose by yourself; but you can’t order others to get off the car because you don’t have this right.

  One, two, three are laid out, layer by layer, and the logic is clear.

  The girl is stupid.

Others in   Seventh Middle School also temporarily misfired.

   Fanye quickly clapped his hands and echoed: "Yes! That's it!"

"Is it full? Let me see..." At this moment, the leading teacher suddenly got into the car, still holding paper and pen in his hand, and his eyes fell on Jiang Fuyue and Fanye, "Why are you still standing? I'm going to leave, quickly find a seat and sit down."

  The journey is dull, and the atmosphere in the carriage is not right.

  The teacher did not notice, but secretly surprised-these candidates are quite stable, not noisy or noisy, which makes them worry-free.

   Seventh middle school student: "..." We were forced!

Where is Jiang Fuyue and Fanye?

  One puts on the earphones just after sitting down and doesn’t know what he’s listening to, while the other holds a cellphone to watch the animation, with relish.


   So angry!

  Half an hour later, the bus stopped at the main gate of Q.

  All candidates get off the bus and assemble, and then they are taken to the examination room uniformly.

  A teacher will explain the road signs and road signs on the way, and tell everyone not to go to the wrong examination room tomorrow.

   "Why did you help that floating man?" Lin Yuan stopped beside Jiang Fuyue, but cast her eyes straight forward.

  There is still a distance between the two. From the back, they don't seem to be talking at all.

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t even look at her. Hearing the words, he continued to browse the examination room arrangement and quickly found his seat number: “What’s your business?”

   "I heard that you are the top student with perfect scores in the first middle school?"

  Jiang Fuyue's expression was blank: "What's the matter with you?"

  Lin Yuan suddenly tilted her head, her eyes were a little annoyed: "Don't you know good or bad--"

  Jiang Fuyue still didn't look at her. After writing down her seat number, she started looking for Fanye.

   "I don't know what's good or bad if I'm too lazy to talk to you?" She snorted, "You can't help but think too much of yourself."

   "You!" Lin Yuan gritted her teeth, "Less proud! What about full scores in general subjects, NOI can't get high scores by studying hard!"

  High score? Jiang Fuyue hooked her lips.

  She really never thought about it.

  Because she only rushes for full marks.


  After acknowledging the examination room, disband on the spot.

  There are teachers who lead the team like No.7 Middle School. For safety reasons, most of the students are asked to return to the hotel in a unified manner.

  While Jiang Fuyue and Fanye participated in the competition in their own name, they can move freely.

  There are also two boys in the same situation, Huang Hui and Gao Zhaoming.

  The former comes from Province A, thin, tall and tall; the latter comes from Province H, which is short and a bit fat, but has very white skin.

  The two will only rise by two in September, and both are younger than Jiang Fuyue.

  Huang Hui: "I heard that the informatics and physics of Q University ranks TOP1 among all domestic universities. We have already visited the Information Building. Why don't we go to the Physics Building?"

  Gao Zhaoming raised his hand: "Agree! Just let me take a look at the place where I will shine in the near future."

   "Oh, I didn't see it, you want to take the Q physics department?" Huang Hui gave him a hand.

   "Why? No?" Gao Zhaoming hummed lightly, his brows filled with confidence.

   Fanye asked in a low voice, "Sister Yue, are you going?"

  Jiang Fuyue met her expectant gaze, but when she refused, it turned into: "Go."

   "Then let's go!"

  Cross the boulevard, turn left and go two hundred meters ahead. A five-story building stands in front of a few people.

Above the main entrance, the four characters "School of Physics" are written in italics, and there is a small white building next to it. The wall is very new. The windows are installed with light blue glass, and few of them are open. Most of them are closed. On the top is a balance and an apple, which looks very design.

Fanye exclaimed, "This small building is so beautiful!"

  Huang Hui whispered: "Could it be Hongmeng Tower..."

"No." Jiang Fuyue opened her mouth and immediately attracted the attention of the other three people. "This is only the laboratory building. Hongmeng Building is in the southeast, near the Department of Chemistry. The wall is brick red, and the blue isolation windows are not closed. ."

   Gao Zhaoming: "Sister, have you been here?"

  Jiang Fuyue retracted her gaze: "No."

   "Then how..." I know so clearly, even all windows are precious.

   "Ah! Look! There are people there, are they doing experiments?" Shigeba interrupted Gao Zhaoming's words with an exclamation.

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw three boys in laboratory gowns on the lawn surrounding a machine, and the machine had a weird shape. There were two metal tubes on the left and right sides of which were tangled up and down. Thread, but the tightness of the coil is significantly different.

   Fanye walked over and asked in a low voice, "Brother, are you doing a comparison experiment?"

  The three boys stopped their movements at the same time. It seemed a bit unexpected, because the skinny girl in front of her looked young and probably hadn’t gone to high school yet, so she could tell at a glance that they were doing a “contrast experiment”.

   But after another thought, Q was never short of genius, so he was relieved.

   "Yes." One of the boys nodded.

  Shigeba: "Why not in the laboratory, but moved outside?"

   "Because I want to charge." Gao Zhaoming has spoken without waiting for the other party to answer.

   "Yes, this machine is solar powered."

  Gao Zhaoming suddenly beamed his eyes: "Brother, is this a deep ocean experiment simulator?"

   "Huh? Are you a student of ocean physics? It's not like it, I'm a little bit younger, and I haven't seen you in professional courses..."

  Gao Zhaoming scratched his head embarrassedly: "I am sophomore in high school this year, and I haven't gone to college yet...but I like ocean physics very much!"

   "No wonder you know about the deep water experiment simulator." The boy smiled friendly, his eyes filled with the kindness of the big brother to the children, "You guys came to visit?"


   Fanye watched for a long time, and she was puzzled: "Is this machine broken? Why is there no response at all?"


  Several boys’ expressions all have varying degrees of embarrassment: "There should be a small problem, we are still investigating."

  At first, they thought they were out of power, and they moved out to fully receive the sun. After two hours of exposure, they still had no reaction at all. A few of them were sweating profusely and became more and more anxious.

  "The turbine has been used for too long, the oil is consumed too quickly, and the heat generated by friction causes a short circuit."

   "Huh?" Several people looked at Jiang Fuyue at the same time.

  (End of this chapter)

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