As the cruise ship approached, Chu Anchen and Yan Ge also saw clearly the situation on Shenzhou Island.

The island is lush and green, with a vibrant atmosphere everywhere.

The houses on the island are basically wooden structures, not too high, but located on the island, they are well-proportioned and have a unique flavor.

The cruise ship slowly docked, and surprisingly, there were no guards guarding the island.

Only after the cruise ship docked, at the exit of the cruise ship, personnel checked the people on the ship again.

As early as when boarding the ship, all people boarding the ship were strictly searched and were prohibited from bringing any weapons on board.

Although there are many rooms on the ship, each room is not connected to each other.

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge were specially invited by Zhuang Tianyi. They and Zhuang Tianyi were in two connected suites.

Other personnel each have their own various suites.

Therefore, throughout the entire trip, although there were many people on the boat, many of them had basically never seen each other except when they boarded the boat.

Fortunately, Chu Anchen had Yan Ge by his side, otherwise, he would have been bored during this long trip.

After another inspection, Chu Anchen and Yan Ge got off the boat hand in hand.

After actually setting foot on the island, Chu Anchen discovered that the land on the Shenzhou Island was also different from ordinary ones.

The land is black and looks extremely fertile.

No wonder the plants on the island grow so lushly.

What was different from what they imagined was that not only was there no strict military defense on the island, but on the contrary, it felt like living leisurely in a paradise.

The scattered houses are inhabited by ordinary residents. In their families, there are old people, children, and young adults working in the fields.

The clothes they wore were different from those worn by Chu Anchen Yange. In comparison, the colors of their clothes were generally brighter.

There are almost no dark or solid colored clothes.

In some houses, the smoke is curling up, setting off the flowers, plants and trees dotted among them. It is like a livable paradise!

This is completely inconsistent with the names like the Shenzhou Island and Tiansheng Shenhui that Chu Anchen imagined!

In Chu Anchen's perception, both Shenzhou Island and Tiansheng Shenhui are mysterious.

They should be powerful and mysterious.

But now Shenzhou Island makes Chu Anchen feel so relaxed and comfortable.

Chu Anchen and Yan Ge even fell in love with this place at first sight!

It's like suddenly entering a slow-paced life here. There are no busy people walking fast for life, no fast-moving vehicles, and no impetuous people.

There are always smiles on their faces. The couples working in the fields always look at each other and smile.

In the house, children laughed like silver bells and circled around the old man.

There are also many children playing and playing under the big tree.

The place is full of fireworks and human warmth.

This made Chu Anchen and Yan Ge, who were originally well prepared to face the coming danger, feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

They originally thought that Shenzhou Island was mysterious and dangerous, and they even made plans to never come back!

If they hadn't been forced to do so, they wouldn't have come.

But now, the Shenzhou Island they saw completely subverted their understanding!

This is far different from the dangers they imagined!

Zhuang Tianyi walked in front of them. He looked at the place he had not seen for a long time, with longing flashing in his eyes.

He saw the disbelief on Chu Anchen and Yan Ge's faces, but he didn't say much.

Once upon a time, when he landed on Shenzhou Island for the first time, he had the same expression.

At that time, his Duo'er was still with him.

They hugged each other tightly as they passed through the fog.

They were also so afraid to let go of each other that they persisted until the cruise ship sailed out of the white mist.

At that time, his Duo'er was still by his side, and they were as sweet as Chu Anchen and Yan Ge.

Along the way, he saw the love between Chu Anchen and Yan Ge.

Every time he saw them, Zhuang Tianyi couldn't help but picture Duo'er in his mind.

His Duo'er has been away from him for a long, long time, so long that if he hadn't looked at the only photo of her left, he would have forgotten her face.

Zhuang Tianyi also forgot many of the scenes when they were together as time went by.

Seeing the scene of the two of them loving each other reminded Zhuang Tianyi of many scenes of their previous love.

This also made Zhuang Tianyi's attitude towards them much better.

At least on the cruise ship, Zhuang Tianyi didn't make things difficult for them.

Zhuang Tianyi led Chu Anchen and they went straight to a hotel.

When approaching the hotel, Chu Anchen felt a completely different atmosphere from the island.

The building in front of me is more like a temporary detention center than a hotel.

There were several well-dressed people standing in front of the hotel, with guns in their hands!

That's a real gun! Chu Anchen has seen it.

Zhuang Tianyi sent Chu Anchen and Yan Ge to the hotel door and left.

After the staff in front of the hotel took over Chu Anchen and Yan Ge, they began to conduct strict inspections on them.

Those people had serious faces and just lowered their heads to check on the two of them without saying anything too much.

Chu Anchen asked tentatively, "Brother, is this hotel specially designed for temporary stays by new people entering the island?"

The woman who examined Chu Anchen looked up at Chu Anchen and nodded, which was rare, as a response to Chu Anchen's words.

But after she responded, she was immediately scolded by a man behind her.

"Watch your words and deeds!"

After being scolded, the woman's hands trembled, and she quickly lowered her head, no longer daring to make any extra movements or words.

Chu Anchen watched this scene quietly and said nothing more.

After entering the hotel, the two were separated.

Chu Anchen was worried about Yan Ge's safety, but at this time and place, they were accompanied by armed personnel, and they couldn't force them.

After reluctantly explaining for a long time, they were taken to their respective rooms.

Before the door was closed, a man dressed like an armed man explained, "If there is nothing, please don't leave the room. There will be a banquet later, and we will notify you to attend."

The attitude of the armed personnel was very respectful, but at the same time, very strong.

After he explained the relevant matters, he closed the door.

Chu Anchen nodded in agreement, and when the door closed, Chu Anchen deliberately leaned against the door and listened.

No footsteps were heard!

He actually stood guard at the door!

This was no different from imprisoning prisoners.

However, the decoration here was very luxurious, and the environment was much better than that of a prison.

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