Ye Shi and Mu Chen took the receipt and went to Mingyue Trading Company to take out the contents of the safe.

Mingyue Firm's safe is very famous. He will provide customers with a special box for them to keep things.

To take the box, you need a receipt from the safe. To open the box, you need a password. This password is set by the guest. If the password is wrong, the special mechanism in the safe will spray a special liquid and destroy the box. s things.

"Mingyue Trading Company, it's really too much!" Ye Shi couldn't help saying as soon as he walked out of the business.

The box was stored in Mingyue Commercial Bank eighteen years ago. The storage period was ten years. When they went to pick it up, it had already expired for eight years. Mingyue Commercial Bank charged them a storage fee for eight years. Vomited.

"Okay, it's only 160,000 stone." Mu Chen smiled.

Ye Shi pouted and said, "That's 160,000 yuan! If there are some junk inside, then we won't even be able to get back."

"Don't think so, it shouldn't be." If it was full of junk, Qu Kun wouldn't have taken so much trouble to preserve them.

Ye Shi clutched the space ring and said to Mu Chen, "I don't know what's inside."

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "You'll know when you open it."

Ye Shi flickered his eyes, full of anticipation: "I hope there are some good things in it, and then I will become rich overnight."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "You! It's not so easy to get rich overnight."

"That's right." Ye Shi said a little dejectedly.

The two came out of Mingyue Business on the front foot, and Lan Ruofeng got the news on the back foot.

Since Mu Chen revealed Qing Mingyan, Lan Ruofeng felt more and more strange, so he couldn't help sending someone to stare at Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

As soon as Mu Chen came out of Mingyue Business, he felt like he was being watched. Mu Chen didn't dare to stay elsewhere, so he directly dragged Ye Shi back to the academy.

Because he was worried about extracurricular problems, Mu Chen walked the main road, but even so, when they approached the academy, they were attacked.

When the two men in black appeared, Ye Shi subconsciously responded, "It's Ye Xun's."

Mu Chen frowned in disapproval, how could it be Ye Xun's person, two nine-star martial artists, Ye Xun couldn't afford such a big name!

Just as Ye Shi was about to make a move, Mu Chen took the lead and threw more than a dozen arrays.

The two men in black were clearly in front of them, but they were trapped in the middle of more than a dozen arrays and attacked indiscriminately.

"What is that?" Ye Shi asked in confusion, looking at the strange scene in front of him.

"The third-level trapping formation, the third-level wandering formation, the third-level ecstasy formation, the third-level illusion formation..." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi couldn't help blinking and said, "There are so many, they seem to be trapped."

Mu Chen didn't answer, and again threw dozens of talismans towards the two of them. In an instant, flames flew and explosions sounded one after another.

"What is this?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

"Three-level flame talisman, third-level bursting talisman, third-level expansion talisman..." The so-called expansion talisman is to double the power of the talisman.

The screams were mixed with the explosions one after another, and they sounded terrifying and unusual, and Ye Shi's face showed a somewhat evil smile.

"Ah!" The flames spread in Ye Shi's direction, and Mu Chen took Ye Shi's hand and swiped it back.

Ye Shi only felt a red glow in front of his eyes, and the hot flames seemed to devour everything.

As if it wasn't enough, Mu Chen threw a dozen more talismans in the center of the flame, and the flame that was ten meters high suddenly rose to more than twenty meters high, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose several degrees. .

Ye Shi's eyes widened, watching this scene in amazement.

"It seems that I can't hear the human voice." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said lightly, "It seems so." They were all burnt to ashes, so naturally they would not hear human voices.

Ye Shi worked hard towards the center of the flame, looked at it, and said, "Are they all dead?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "They should all be dead."

"This time, Ye Xun is going to feel distressed, two nine-star martial artists!" Ye Shi narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly.

Mu Chen turned his head, glanced at Ye Shi, and said, "You really think this person belongs to Ye Xun."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen puzzled, and said, "Isn't it?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't think so, Ye Xun is afraid that he doesn't have such a big face, so please move such a person."

Ye Shi frowned thoughtfully, "That's right!" Just thinking about what Uncle Chen said, Ye Xun sent people to stare at him, and subconsciously regarded these people as Ye Xun's people.

"It's not Ye Xun, who could it be?" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "This, I don't know either, maybe it's Lan Ruofeng."

Ye Shi suddenly widened his eyes and said, "We have no evidence, so don't mess around." Lan Ruofeng might know something, but who would dare to say that no one else knows about Ye Shi's grandfather.

"I see, that damn bastard." Ye Shi said angrily.

"Okay, calm down, let's go back to the academy first." Mu Chen comforted Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded, then suddenly looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Mu Chen, where did you get those arrays from?"

"I made it myself." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi couldn't help widening his eyes, and said, "You made an array plate? How could you make an array plate?"

"When I was free, I just studied the formation method." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and said, "You also studied the formation technique."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Yeah! Actually, many things, many places, have the same goal, many skills, and many paths?"

Ye Shi nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly asked, "Formation and inscriptions, why did you choose to enter the Inscription Academy!"

Mu Chen frowned, the inscriptions were extensive and profound, and the formation method was infinitely useful, but the president of the formation court was a good man, and Mu Chen was worried that he would not be able to withstand the pressure of Lu Han and Song Cheng, so he did not choose the formation court.

"Just choose at random, let's go, let's go back to the academy early to avoid any accident." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi nodded, but couldn't keep up with Mu Chen's footsteps.


Looking at the information in his hand, Lan Ruofeng's face couldn't help but be gloomy.

They failed. Two nine-star warriors went to deal with an eight-star warrior and a five-star warrior, but they failed. From the beginning to the end, Ye Shi didn't have time to take action. Those two people let Mu Chen kill them neatly.

Waste is waste.

"Ruofeng, what's wrong with you?" Zhuang Yu came over and asked.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Zhuang Yu and smiled, and said, "It's nothing."

Lan Ruofeng looked at Zhuang Yu, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Zhuang Yu is an eighth-level qualification. As time goes on, the gap between the two will get bigger and bigger. If he doesn't do something, Zhuang Yu is afraid to be snatched by others.

I don't know what was in the safe that Ye Shi took out from Mingyue Business.

The things that Qu Kun took so much trouble to leave to Ye Shi must not be of ordinary quality.

These things fell into the hands of Ye Shi and Mu Chen, and the two of them must have benefited a lot.

Lan Ruofeng clenched his fists unwillingly, if he continued like this, he was afraid that he would be thrown farther and farther by the two of them.


"You're back?" Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Are you attacked on your way?" Jing Chiyan continued to ask.

Ye Shi looked at Jing Chiyan in surprise, "Master, how did you know?"

Jing Chiyan said with a gloomy face: "The incident happened not far from the academy. I don't think it's hard to know! Someone dares to attack my apprentice, it's really courting death."

Ye Shi pouted and said, "They are already dead."

"Mu Chen killed too cleanly, and burned those two people to ashes. Now, the clues are broken. He should stay alive." Jing Chiyan said critically.

Ye Shiman said with disapproval: "Those two are nine-star martial artists! Mu Chen can handle it, he is already very powerful."

"Che, what's so great about him, he just throws money at it, and with so many arrays, Fu Lu smashes people to death, but then again, his soul power is really not weak, instant hit So many arrays, records, and soul power have not been exhausted." Jing Chiyan nodded with some admiration.

Ye Shi said of course: "Mu Chen is already very powerful!"

Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi's face, Mu Chen was so kind and so kind, and waved helplessly and said, "Okay, you can go down and rest."

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "Okay!"


"Ye Shi." Lan Ruofeng stood on the stairs and called out faintly.

Ye Shi looked at Lan Ruofeng, couldn't help frowning, and said with full alertness, "What do you want to do?"

"Ye Shi, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm here to apologize. I'm so sorry about Ye Rong's last time. Ayu didn't understand the situation and came to trouble you. I'm so sorry." Lan Ruofeng was full of guilt. typical.

Ye Shi looked at Lan Ruofeng and said nonchalantly, "You really came to apologize, that's all."

"What do you think I'm here for?" Lan Ruofeng asked with a smile.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "I thought you were here to rob."

The smile on Lan Ruofeng's face stiffened, and he said, "Stone, you are really joking."

"Don't call me Shishi, we're not that familiar with him, Mu Chen called Shishi." Ye Shi said angrily. The word "stone" came out of Lan Ruofeng's mouth, and Ye Shi felt a panic.

Lan Ruofeng's face froze, "You are so kind to Mu Chen."

Ye Shi said impatiently, "Are you still doing anything? It's alright, just get out of the way."

Lan Ruofeng hurried forward two steps, grabbed Ye Shi's arm, and said, "Ye Shi, in fact, I've never forgotten about you..."

Ye Shi only felt goosebumps all over his body, all of which came out all of a sudden.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Shi gave Lan Ruofeng a disgusted look.

Lan Ruofeng's complexion changed, Ye Shi refused so much, Lan Ruofeng only felt a heat on his face, he felt wronged that he confessed to Ye Shi, but Ye Shi's reaction was like this.

"Ye Shi, do you think Mu Chen is sincere to you?" Lan Ruofeng looked at Ye Shi coldly.

"Of course he is sincere." Ye Shi said of course.

"You were deceived by him. He just wanted to take advantage of you. When you lose your value, he will kick you away." Lan Ruofeng said viciously.

"Shut up." Ye Shi said angrily.

Lan Ruofeng saw Ye Shi's face change, and his heart burst into relief, "Did you think of something?"

"What can I think of, Mu Chen is different from you." Ye Shi said angrily.

"You are too poisoned now, I'm afraid you won't listen to what I have to say. One day, you will regret it." Lan Ruofeng said solemnly.

"I told you to shut up." Ye Shi raised his voice.

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