Once Ye Shi retreated, it was half a month. During this half month, Ye Shi first continued to integrate the Fire Talisman and raised his cultivation to the realm of a six-star martial artist.

Then, according to what Mu Chen said, he first took Jiuzhuan Body Refining Fluid, and then took the medicinal pill. Under the action of the two, Ye Shi's cultivation level successfully broke through to the eight-star martial artist realm. It took a few more days to consolidate.

Ye Shi was busy cultivating, and Mu Chen was also busy.

He has to make cakes for Jing Chiyan, help Xiong Wei to make wine, and refine the Fire Talisman to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction. He has to learn inscriptions and keep up with the progress of the Inscription Academy. He has to study the formation method and increase his knowledge. He had to cultivate hard to ensure that he would not be held back by his cultivation. In addition, he had to find another way to make money.

Although the flame talisman sold well, it was never Mu Chen's rule to put eggs in the same basket. Moreover, the flame talisman should not be sold too much. Rareness is the most expensive thing to sell. Too much and it's worthless.

In the training room, Mu Chen took the Yuan Spirit Liquid and kept running the Yuan Force. His cultivation was progressing too fast, and his foundation was a little unstable. Therefore, during this time, Mu Chen had been compressing the Yuan Force in his body. Although his cultivation had not improved a bit during this period, the Yuan Force in his body was several percent stronger than it was ten days ago.

"Ru Ge, has your little junior brother left the customs?" Jing Chiyan asked.

Xin Ruge shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"I'm really serious about my cultivation this time! Before, when he couldn't see Mu Chen for three days, he struggled, but this time he retreated for more than ten days, and he changed his mind!" Jing Chiyan muttered.

"Uncle, this is a good thing!" Xin Ruge said.

Jing Chiyan nodded and said, "It's a good thing, I finally know how to make progress."

Jing Chiyan sighed lightly, Ye Shi retreated, and Mu Chen didn't come to deliver the cakes, he could still grab Ye Shi's cakes before.

This dead boy, Mu Chen, only showed his face at the beginning of Ye Shi's retreat and gave himself a big cake. After that, even the figure disappeared, and he didn't know at all that gift-giving needed perseverance.

"Uncle, I heard that Mu Chen was venting medicine in Xiong Wei's wine." Xin Ruge said.

Jing Chiyan smiled wickedly and said, "I heard that Mu Chen did a good job!"

Hua Shu assured Xiong Wei well, turned around, and sold Xiong Wei without hesitation.

There was a lot of uproar about Mu Chen's release of medicine to Xiong Wei, and many were jealous that Xiong Wei had accepted Mu Chen's mentor as his apprentice, and they couldn't help but feel relieved.


"What did Rong'er say in the letter!" Ye Xun looked at Wang Li anxiously.

"Rong'er said that Ye Shi has retreated, and he can't find anyone from Ye Shi at all." Wang Li said helplessly.

"Retreat? Why did this kid suddenly retreat? Could it be avoiding me on purpose?" Ye Xunman said angrily.

Wang Li gritted her teeth, Ye Shi had been active since she was a child, and she had no character, so why did she suddenly retreat?

"This kid has hard wings now, I'm afraid he won't take you seriously at all." Wang Li frowned.

Ye Xun's complexion changed suddenly. They had been in the imperial capital for a few days, and the primeval stones on their bodies had already been spent.

The imperial capital is very expensive. Even if it is not the peak season, they are renting the cheapest house, and it costs 2,000 yuan a day.

Seeing that the primordial stone on his body was flowing out like water, but he couldn't even see Ye Shi's face, Ye Xun's anxiety became stronger day by day.

The colorful life in the imperial capital attracts Ye Xun a lot, but he has no money, so he can only endure it.

Wang Li sighed lightly and said, "I heard that when Mu Yuanfeng came to the imperial capital, several people from the imperial capital's great guilds sent people over to greet him, and the grand occasion was unprecedented."

Ye Xun's face twisted when he heard Wang Li's words.

Unlike the same people, Mu Chen is notorious for his filial piety. He gave Mu Yuanfeng the breaking spirit pill earlier to help him break through the martial arts. After Mu Yuanfeng arrived in the imperial capital, he threw it to Mu Yuanfeng without hesitation. There are dozens of flaming talismans, and it is said that Mu Yuanfeng also has Mu Chen's Primordial Stone Card, which contains at least tens of millions of Primordial Stones.

The same son, but the difference is so big.

When Ye Xun thought of Mu Yuanfeng, his jealous eyes turned red.

The place where Mu Yuanfeng lived, he went to see it from a distance, it was a very beautiful single-family courtyard, and there was an endless stream of people who came to visit every day. Mu Yuanfeng had a great influence on Mu Chen, and Mu Yuanfeng is now very popular .

Ye Xun gritted his teeth. He once tried to publicize that he was Ye Xun's father, but unfortunately, everyone who heard it regarded him as a lunatic and ignored him at all.

"How many primeval stones do we have left?" Ye Xun asked with a frown.

"It's less than 20,000." Wang Li said worriedly.

Ye Xun said with a dark face, "How come there are only 20,000 yuan left, are you shopping indiscriminately again?"

Wang Li's face changed, and she said innocently, "How come?"

Those beautiful clothes in the imperial capital were more expensive than the other. Although she was tempted, she didn't dare to reach out and only bought some cheap rouge gouache. However, it also required a lot of primeval stones.

Ye Xun gritted his teeth, "Ye Shi, if he keeps seclusion..."

Then they will have the people in the restaurant kicked out in a short time. They only have so many primeval stones on their bodies. If they are kicked out, they will not be able to go back to Ye's house.

Wang Li lowered her head. She originally thought that when she got to the imperial capital, she would beg for a sum of money from Ye Shi on Ye Xun's face, and then she would live a good life. Who knows, now that life is getting worse and worse, it is better to live in the Ye family. of comfort.

Her own daughter is also not up to expectations, she has entered the Saint Star Academy, and she doesn't know how to make a fortune, she just wants to ask her family for money.

"What is Rong'er doing, won't he look for Ye Shi?" Ye Xunman said resentfully.

Ye Xun was used to being powerful at home. After coming out, he was angry everywhere, which made Ye Xun really unbearable.

Wang Li smiled awkwardly and said, "Rong'er, I've already gone to Ye Shi, but Ye Shi, isn't this a retreat?"

"Retreat, let Rong'er urge you!" Ye Xun said angrily.

Wang Li lowered her head and said in her heart: Ye Xun seems to be in a state of emergency now. Ye Shi is a disciple of King Wu, and Ye Rong is just an ordinary student. Although both of them are freshmen of Saint Star Academy, their status is different. There are huge differences. Ye Shi is in King Wu's territory. Normally, Ye Rong can't see Ye Shi's face. What's more, Ye Shi is now in seclusion.



Mu Chen was concentrating on drawing the Fulu, surrounded by a circle of people.

Picking up the pen, lightly hooking, one by one, the complicated lines fell on the weapon. As Mu Chen completed the last stroke, the weapon burst into a dazzling light curtain, as if a famous sword was unsheathed.

There was a burst of applause around, "Mr. Mu, you are amazing, you have mastered such a complex second-level inscription."

The speaker was Zhou Yan from the Inscription Academy. Before Mu Chen appeared, he was the best freshman in the Inscription Academy.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'm not very skilled yet."

"Student Mu Chen, you are always so humble." Zhou Yan said with a wry smile, this guy Mu Chen is so good, so good that people can't even think of jealousy, so they can only look up.

Mu Chen smiled lightly, but did not speak.

"Mr. Mu, with your progress, you should be on the verge of becoming a third-level inscription master." A female student asked admiringly.

Mu Chen said disapprovingly, "I'm still far behind."

"It's a pity, if you are a third-level inscription master, then the dean will definitely be happy." Zhou Yan shrugged.

"Why?" Mu Chen asked in confusion.

"Okay, okay, it's all gone, it's all gone." Xia Qingyan came in suddenly.

Mu Chen looked at the person at the door, and Xia Qingyan strode in.

Xia Qingyan looked at the inscription on the weapon, raised her eyebrows, and said, "This is what you drew."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Not bad." Xia Qingyan praised without hesitation, and Mu Chen's face showed a bit of embarrassment, "Thank you Dean for your praise."

"Give you three days to learn to draw a third-level inscription, here are five third-level inscription maps, you can choose one to learn." Xia Qingyan said.

"Three days?" Mu Chen couldn't help frowning.

Xia Qingyan nodded and said, "Yes! Ah! Do you think you have too much time? It doesn't matter, two days are fine."

Mu Chen subconsciously shook his head and said, "No, no, three days are good."

Xia Qingyan looked at Mu Chen with a flowery smile, and said, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you, you have time to cook, make wine, and study some messy things, but you don't have time to learn runes, right?" Qingyan patted Mu Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Mu Chen was suddenly embarrassed.

Xia Qingyan explained to Mu Chen that he would become a third-level inscription master within three days, and then he would leave.

"The dean is really strict with you!" A student couldn't help but said when he saw Xia Qingyan.

Mu Chen said strangely: "It's strange, why is the dean in such a hurry to let me become a third-level inscription master."

"Don't you know? The funding for the Freshmen Academy of the Inscription Academy is closely related to the number of second-level inscription teachers and third-level inscription teachers among the freshmen, especially the third-level inscription teachers. There is a third-level inscription teacher among the freshmen. The overall funding will be doubled, and five days later will be the assessment period." Zhou Yan said.

The quality of the freshmen of the Inscription Academy in the past two days is not good, so that the funds of the Academy are cut, the funds are cut, the students get less resources, and the performance is even worse. In such a vicious circle, the status of the Inscription Academy is getting lower and lower.

"In this way, the Danyuan and Fuyuan are the same." Mu Chen said.

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "Yes! There is a third-level alchemist like Lan Ruofeng in the Danyuan, and the funds must not be small. Originally, the Fuyuan had... However, now you are a member of our Inscription Academy, Mu Mu. Chen, we will explain the reason, how much funding you can apply for depends on whether you can become a third-level inscription master."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "That's it!"

"You have to work hard! The future of our Inscription Academy depends on you." Zhou Yanman looked at Mu Chen seriously.

Mu Chen lowered his head, he was already a third-level inscription master, but he didn't want to be too ostentatious, so he didn't go to the Inscription Master Association for certification.

Not having certified Ye Shi is beneficial. At the very least, Xia Qingyan gave herself five third-level inscription master maps. If you want to buy this thing, it will cost millions of yuan.

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