Ye Xun looked at the two with a cold expression, as if everything was their fault.

Wang Li stood to the side dejectedly, her face a little gloomy.

"Father, you have three million, give me one million." Ye Rong couldn't help but said.

Ye Xun was suddenly angry and scolded loudly: "I raised you so big and sent you to the Saint Star Academy. Until now, you still want to ask me for money."

Being scolded by Ye Xun like this, Ye Rong's face suddenly showed a bit of resentment, "Sacred Star Academy is not a good place, each student in it can read dishes and eat dishes, without primeval stones, living in it. It's like a slave."

Ye Xun glared at Ye Rong angrily, and said, "You still have the face to say that I sent you to the Saint Star Academy in the hope that you would achieve something and revitalize the family, but in the end, you turned into a slave, Can you take a break!"

Ye Rong bit her lip aggrievedly, she didn't want to mix it up like this! There are countless outstanding students at the Saint Star Academy. She doesn't choose at all. If she doesn't choose, she can't get resources.

"Rong'er, it's not easy. Anyway, there are 3 million, you can give her 500,000." Wang Li stood aside and said.

Ye Xunman said angrily: "You shut up, it's all your broom star who proposed to get some fake goods. As a result, you lost your wife and lost your army."

He owed nearly 1.5 million to the casino, and now he didn't know how much he had made. How could he give Ye Rong so many stones.

Besides, there were so many places where he used the money, and three million yuan stone was simply not enough.

Wang Li's appearance is good, but compared with the charming and charming women of the imperial capital, she is more than a little bit inferior.

Ye Xunben also thought that after he got the primeval stone, he would go to pack a courtesan. Now that the primeval stone has shrunk so much, not to mention the package, it is a question whether he can meet him or not.


Mu Chen spent a morning solving Ye Xun's matter, and then dropped by to see Mu Yuanfeng. Mu Yuanfeng entered the country quickly, and he was already a three-star martial arts spirit.

"Father, you really have accumulated a lot of money. You are all three-star martial arts. My son is proud of you." Mu Chen looked at Mu Yuanfeng and smiled.

"It's all thanks to you." Mu Yuanfeng smiled gently.

Cultivation, resources are the most important, Mu Yuanfeng has Primordial Stone in his hand. In the past, he was reluctant to buy a third-level spirit grass. Now he can buy a fourth-level spirit grass. Mu Yuanfeng also spent a lot of money to change a copy. Gongfa.

The imperial capital is such a place, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

Mu Yuanfeng has been suppressed for too long, and his foundation is very solid. Now that he encounters an opportunity, he naturally advances by leaps and bounds.

Mu Ke wrote several times to urge him to go back, but Mu Yuanfeng ignored it.

Compared with his father, Mu Yuanfeng paid more attention to his son. For so many years, if it wasn't for the family's drag, he would have been promoted to martial arts.

Even so, Mu Yuanfeng still has feelings for the Mu family, and every month, he regularly sends a sum of primeval stones.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen with a complicated expression.

"Father, why are you looking at me like this?" Looking at Mu Yuanfeng's expression, he asked with a smile.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said: "Chen'er, how on earth did Ye Xun provoke you, making you spend so much trouble, not only sending someone to seduce him, but also making him owe money to the casino. debt."

"He deserves it." Mu Chen smiled calmly and said indifferently.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen in a dazed way. He didn't know when the son who was always making a fool of himself became unrecognizable. Not only was he talented, but he was also ruthless.

"Chen'er, the Ye family and the Mu family are family friends. If Ye Xun did not go too far, you have to forgive others and forgive them." Mu Yuanfeng frowned, saying, Ye Xun almost almost To become Mu Chen's father-in-law.

Mu Chen held his chin, looked at Mu Yuanfeng, and said with deep eyes: "Father, everything is his own fault, you don't have to pity him, without me, in this colorful imperial capital, a person like Ye Xun who rejoices in meritorious deeds is also a man. Sooner or later, I will get to that step, and I just gave it a push."

Regarding Ye Shi's biological father, Mu Chen didn't talk much to Mu Yuanfeng. Sometimes, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing for Mu Yuanfeng.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen and sighed helplessly, this son, now that he has fully grown up, he can no longer control it, "You just need to be measured."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, and a bit of cold light flashed in his eyes. If it wasn't for Ye Xun's insatiable greed again and again, the lion opened his mouth, why would he do this.

He is very busy, how can he have so much time to waste on garbage.

"By the way, there is something else." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen raised his eyes and said, "What?"

"Someone is investigating the Hundred Exercises, it seems to be a big force." Mu Yuanfeng said solemnly.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Really?"

Mu Yuanfeng nodded and said, "Yeah! The other party seems to have spent a lot of effort to find the Hundred Exercises. In fact, this method is good, but it shouldn't let the other party move the crowd!"

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Maybe this trick will be of great use to the other party."

Is Lu Yao about to appear? The original owner, Mu Chen, died at the hands of this guy! Even leaf stone leaf stone.

Only, this time, I don't know who will kill the deer.


"Uncle Chen, why are you pulling me out?" Ye Shi was dragged forward by Chen Da's arm, full of confusion.

"That bastard, Ye Xun, did you trouble you again?" Chen Da asked Ye Shi with a solemn expression.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! He has something from my biological father, and he offered me 60 million to buy it. I promised him, and he still wanted to give me a fake. Mu Chen got angry. Three million back."

This is not a good thing, Ye Shi said concisely.

"Ye Xun actually has something from your biological father?" Chen Daman said in surprise.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Mu Chen counter-offered three million, is Ye Xunyun?" Chen Da continued to ask.

"Yes! I heard that Ye Xun owes money to the casino, and he will not come out when it expires. There is only one way to die. If not, he is afraid that he will have to deal with us. It's really good luck." Ye Shi said with some joy , Mu Chen said that he was actually a little worried when he said that one shot and two scattered.

Chen Da sneered, looked at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "Stone, do you really think that you are lucky?"

Ye Shi looked at Chen Da puzzled, and said strangely, "It's not luck, what is it?"

"Mu Chen instructed to seduce Ye Xun, and he also instructed the people in the casino to trick Ye Xun." Chen Da sighed lightly.

Ye Shi opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Da in disbelief, "Ah! Uncle Chen, are you mistaken, Mu Chen is not such a person."

Chen Da shook his head and said worriedly: "You! It's too simple to think about everything."

Chen Da didn't know how to evaluate Mu Chen. Mu Chen was qualified, talented, and powerful. He was simply impeccable.

However, the problem lies in this impeccability, can such a person, a young master with a simple mind, be able to hold on?

Back then, Ye Shi's biological father seemed to be such an impeccable person!

Originally, Chen Da thought that perhaps his weakness was his soft-heartedness, but now he found out that Mu Chen was warm and approachable on the surface, but when he touched his scales, he was ruthless enough.

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and his eyes changed, "No matter what kind of person Mu Chen is, he is Mu Chen."

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi helplessly. With Ye Shi like this, it would be impossible for him to guard against Mu Chen. He just hoped that Mu Chen was sincere to Ye Shi. Otherwise, his young master was afraid that he would step up to his mother. After his father's footsteps, thinking of Qu Xinyang, deep worry flashed in Chen Da's eyes.


Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and asked lightly, "Where did you go with your Uncle Chen?"

Ye Shi lowered his head in a guilty conscience and said, "I didn't go anywhere, I went for a walk outside."

"Did you like something?" Although he could see that Ye Shi had something on his mind, Mu Chen didn't get to the bottom of it.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No!"

Ye Shi took out the Yuanshi card, looked at Mu Chen, and said, "Because I only used 3 million Yuanshi to buy my father's broken book, now I have more than 60 million Yuanshi on my card."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "You can keep it. If you like it, just buy it. You're welcome, and don't feel bad for Primordial Stone."

"But, I can't spend that much." Ye Shi said with some distress.

Mu Chen said in disapproval, "It's always useful."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi took out a book from the space ring, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Ye Xun won't lie to me again, this book looks like garbage."

Mu Chen said in disapproval, "You know what material this book is made of."

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, he really couldn't tell what material the book was made of.

Mu Chen looked at the book in Ye Shi's hand and said, "Don't underestimate it, I always think this book is not easy."

"Three million yuan stone, it looks like a bargain. If it is a bargain, it will be a big loss." Ye Shi held the book in his hand and said sullenly.

Mu Chen smiled lightly, 3 million, even if he offered 60 million, Ye Shi would still agree. Only 3 million is really cheap. Fortunately, Ye Xun is a softie. Be stronger, it's really hard to clean up.

"Uncle Chen." Mu Chen walked into the kitchen, and saw Chen Da who was busy and called out lightly.

"Young Master Mu, why are you here? Where's the young master?" Chen Da asked with a smile.

"Ye Shi is discussing with Mu Yuanfeng." Ye Shi would not be Mu Yuanfeng's opponent. It was Mu Yuanfeng who was instructing Ye Shi.

"That's it!" Chen Da whispered.

Mu Chen looked at Chen Da, and there was a bit of strangeness in his eyes. This Chen Da, Mu Chen always had a feeling that he couldn't see through. He was obviously an ordinary person, but sometimes, he gave Mu Chen a kind of feeling. Very dangerous feeling.

"Young Master Mu..." Chen Da lowered his head and called.

"Uncle Chen, what's the matter?" Mu Chen asked lightly.

"Master Mu, if you can, please stay away from him." Chen Da frowned, hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke.

Ye Shi is too determined, his head is too simple, and Mu Chen is too complicated. If he doesn't take advantage of Ye Shi's not sinking deep enough, he will stop himself from the precipice. In the future, Ye Shi may be like his mother and father. Ended up alone.

Mu Chen looked at Chen Da and asked, "Why?"

"I just don't think you are suitable for young master." Chen Da said.

Mu Chen smiled indifferently, took a step closer to Chen Da, and said, "It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not, Ye Shi has grown up, you can't control it, there are some things that should not be known by Shi Shi, Don't talk too much." Mu Chen narrowed his eyes, Chen Da might be doing it for Ye Shi's sake, but it's too much.

Chen Da looked at the bright smile on Mu Chen's face, and suddenly felt that it might be a mistake to take Ye Shi to find Mu Chen.

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