Six huge fire cloud birds, flying from the sky.

Above each fire cloud bird, there is a delicate attic.

"Senior Lu, why does the dean attach so much importance to the Luoyou Secret Realm! It's just a secret realm." Liu Xueyan asked Lu Yao in confusion.

"Many of the people who came out of the Luoyou Secret Realm have become powerful. It is said that the dean of the Saint Star Academy, Lian Chengkong, had entered the Secret Realm back then, and he was able to advance to the Imperial Rank Master, and he also benefited from the Secret Realm. There are so many reasons." Lu Yao explained lightly with his hands on his back.

"So that's the case!" Liu Xueyan turned her head sideways, looking at the boy in fascination.

Lu Yao is handsome, powerful, humble, and proficient in the art of inscriptions. I don't know how many Huaichun girls in Mingyue College have been fascinated.

Lu Yao has been concentrating on his cultivation all the time, and he is not shy about beauties and beautiful twins, which makes these people even more crazy.

"Sacred Star Academy has not produced any talents in these years. As soon as you go, senior, those so-called talents of Saint Star Academy will definitely feel ashamed." Tong Yaoyao said with a smile.

Lu Yao said disapprovingly: "The freshmen of this year's Saint Star Academy seem to have three eighth-level qualifications, and one of them is a freshman with eighth-level qualifications. It is said that he is proficient in several arts and is very outstanding."

"I also heard that it is said that this new student is called Mu Chen, and he has dabbled in alchemy, talisman, and inscriptions." Wu He opened his eyes and said indifferently.

"I heard that he is a peerless genius, very extraordinary! One inscription technique is enough for me to study for a lifetime, but this person still has time to study so much. I really admire it." Lu Yao smiled.

"You can't chew too much. This guy has learned so much. I don't think he's proficient at all. It's just grandstanding.

Although there are not too many third-level inscription masters in the Moon Empire, the fourth-level inscription master is different. When the technique reaches the fourth level, it has reached the master level.

Lu Yao became a fourth-level inscription master at the age of fifteen. I don't know how many people were stunned. The president of the Mingyue Inscription Master Guild called Lu Yao a genius.

Lu Yao is also the elder of the Mingyue Empire Inscription Master Guild, the youngest elder in history.

"I heard that he has passed the certification of the third-level magician of the Xuanfeng Empire Alchemist Guild, Fulu Guild, and Inscription Master Guild, and his strength is extraordinary." A faint cold light flashed in Lu Yao's eyes.

"In any case, he is not as good as you, Senior Lu." Tong Yaoyao said with a smile.

Lu Yao said disapprovingly: "There are people outside people, and there are heavens outside of the sky. It's not comparable. We won't know until then."

"As soon as Senior Lu makes a move, the so-called genius will definitely flee." Liu Xueyan said playfully.

"Junior Sister Liu has won the prize." Lu Yao smiled at Liu Xueyan.

"I heard that Saint Star Academy, this time recruited two pairs of eighth-level qualifications, and the strength is not bad." Shi Yanfeng shook his fan, his eyebrows a little frivolous.

Liu Xueyan looked at Shi Yanfeng and sneered, "Senior Shi, are you interested in those two pairs!"

Shi Yanfeng turned towards Liu Xueyan and blinked: "Whoever knows me, Junior Sister Liu."

Liu Xueyan rolled his eyes and didn't speak. Shi Yanfeng was seventeen years old and a nine-star martial artist. Originally, Shi Yanfeng was considered a genius, but Lu Yao was too strong. The other geniuses of Mingyue Academy, under Lu Yao's light curtain, changed their minds. extremely bland.


Saint Star Academy.

The four martial kings of the academy and the deans of each academy gathered together, and the expressions of everyone were a little solemn.

"Dean, what do the people at Mingyue Academy say?" Jing Chiyan asked eagerly.

Lian Chengkong's face was gloomy, "Kill that old immortal guy in the air, I want 60 places."

Jing Chiyan smashed the teacup in his hand, and said with a gloomy expression, "It's too much."

There are only 100 places in total. The dean of Mingyue Academy will ask for 60 when he asks for more than half. This is simply a dream, and he obviously does not take them seriously!

Lian Chengkong squinted his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "He doesn't really want that much, he wants so much because he wants to wait for us to bargain."

Jing Chiyan squinted his eyes and couldn't help but scolded, "You immortal guy."

Even Chengkong squinted his eyes, he was also very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it, Mingyue Academy was aggressive, people came prepared, and if they were weak, they had to be slaughtered by others!

"It's too much, the secret realm of Luoyou is in our country, what does it have to do with their French Empire?" Xiong Wei said coldly.

Shi Ziyu let out a sigh of relief and said: "The strength is not as good as people!" Kong Sha brought so many people here, it is impossible to return without success.

Xiong Wei clenched his fists tightly, his face flushed red, if he could be promoted to Emperor Wu, how could the other party be so presumptuous, unfortunately, Mu Chen's flame is only fourth rank.


"Dean, are you looking for me?" Mu Chen walked into the dean's room and asked.

Xia Qingyan nodded, her brows lingering with a bit of worry, "The people from Mingyue Academy are here, and they asked for 60 places to enter the secret realm of Luoyou."

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, frowned, and said, "Sixty, the principal won't agree."

"This is naturally impossible." Xia Qingyan said.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, the people of Mingyue Academy asked for 60 places as soon as they opened their mouths, and the Dean Key agreed, which was too weak.

"They asked for an exchange competition, and through the competition, the number of people who entered the secret realm was determined." Xia Qingyan said.

Mu Chen asked with great interest, "How to compare?"

"Ten students under the age of 20 from each of the two colleges will compete. For every game that Mingyue College wins, Saint Star College will give Mingyue College three places."

"Danyuan, Fuyuan, Inscription Academy, Formation Court, and Refining Academy each send two students to compete. For every game that Mingyue Academy wins, Saint Star Academy will also give Mingyue Academy three places."

If the Moon Academy wins all the games, they will give up 60 places.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Mingyue Academy, you must be very confident."

Xia Qingyan nodded and said, "Yes, in our academy, there is only one third-level alchemist under the age of 20, Lan Ruofeng, and there is no third-level alchemist under the age of 20 in the Talisman, Array Court, and Refining Institute. You are the only magician in the Inscription Academy. It is said that there are no less than two third-level magicians under the age of 20 in the Mingyue Academy and the various art schools. Also, don’t take it lightly, the Mingyue Academy can There is a four-star inscription master."

Xia Qingyan didn't plan to let Mu Chen face Lu Yao, even if Mu Chen was lucky enough to defeat Lu Yao, another second-level inscription master of the Inscription Academy, Ye Shi definitely couldn't beat the third-level inscription master of Mingyue Academy.

In other words, the Inscription Academy can only win one game at most. In this way, Mu Chen will definitely have a better chance of winning against the third-level inscription master of the Mingyue Academy. The reason why Lu Yao is mentioned is to put a little pressure on Mu Chen. Chen went all the way too smoothly, and the road went too smoothly, so it wasn't necessarily a good thing.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, if the rumors are true, only he and Lan Ruofeng have a chance of winning in the academy!

Winning two games means giving up 24 places, which is a disaster.


Danyuan, several high-level people gathered together.

"What do you think of the challenge of Mingyue Academy?" Lu Han asked.

"I see the people in Mingyue Academy, and they don't take our Academy's Academy in their eyes at all." Yan Wu said angrily.

Lu Han sighed lightly. In terms of background, Saint Star Academy is far worse than Mingyue Academy.

"I've investigated, there are three third-level alchemists in Mingyue Academy, but we only have one Lan Ruofeng in our alchemy academy." Even Lan Ruofeng, the chances of winning are not particularly big. After all, Lan Ruofeng is still too young to become a third-level alchemist. Alchemist's time is not long.

If Lan Ruofeng can't win, then both games will be lost, and the entire army of Dan Academy will be wiped out, which is too ugly.

"Perhaps, we can borrow someone from the Inscription Academy." Taishu Ming thought for a while.

Lu Han nodded and said, "I think so too."

Too few talents! He investigated and found that Mu Chen sold eight third-level medicinal herbs in Danding Pavilion, and all eight medicinal herbs contained the aura of strange fire, which meant that these eight third-grade medicinal herbs were all refined by Mu Chen. With this in mind, Mu Chen's alchemy skills should be higher than Lan Ruofeng's.

"Mu Chen, he wants to participate in the competition of the Inscription Academy!" Yan Wu hesitated.

Lu Han shook his head and said, "This is not a problem, the competition time of the inscription and the alchemy is staggered, and Mu Chen can participate in two games."



"President, what should we do!" Huang An looked at Song Cheng uneasily.

Song Cheng said indifferently: "What should I do? Go to the Inscription Academy to borrow someone!"

The Fuyuan Academy has been down and out these years, and the Fu masters under the age of 20 in the academy are mediocre. It is absolutely impossible to rely on these people to win the people of the Mingyue Academy.

Huang An frowned and said, "Is Xia Qingyan willing to borrow it?" That woman has always been stingy!

"It's about the overall situation, she's measured." She just owes that woman's favor, and she will have to deal with it in the future.


"Just what, Dean?" Huang An asked.

Song Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "It's just that even if Mu Chen can win one round, we still have no chance of winning the other."

"It's not bad to be able to win a game, Mingyue Academy is really full of experts." Huang Anman said with jealousy.

"Who said no!" Song Cheng said helplessly.

The Mingyue Academy attaches more importance to the Academy of Arts than their Saint Star Academy, and the family's Fulu inheritance is also more complete than theirs.


"Sister, what are you thinking?" Xia Qingli walked into the room and asked.

"Just now, people from Wuyuan, Danyuan, Fuyuan, and even the Array Court came." Xia Qingyan smiled bitterly.

"What are they doing here?" Xia Qingli frowned and asked in confusion.

"What else can they do? Borrow someone." Xia Qingyan squinted her eyes.

Xia Qingyan nodded clearly and said, "Wu Yuan, Dan Yuan, and Fu Yuan can all understand, but what are the people from the Array Court doing?"

Xia Qingyan shrugged and said, "There are rumors that Mu Chen understands the formation technique."

Xia Qingli squinted her eyes and said, "I've heard this rumor too, but it seems like it's just a rumor!" Mu Chen's alchemy, inscription, and talisman skills were all seriously certified by various trade unions, but , array spells, but not.

"Those guys probably want to be a dead horse and be a living horse doctor." Xia Qingyan said with narrowed eyes.

There are no third-level formation wizards under the age of 20 in the Array Court, and a second-level formation wizard against a third-level formation wizard is a food delivery.

"What is Mu Chen doing recently! I haven't seen anyone else." Xia Qingli said.

Xia Qingyan sighed, this guy Mu Chen is extremely talented, but he is too casual. However, she can't control Mu Chen. In many aspects, Mu Chen has even surpassed her. A genius like Mu Chen, she It cannot be taught, it can only be allowed to develop freely.

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