Lu Yao crossed his arms and looked at the direction of Ye Shi Bieyuan, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Shi has also been promoted to Martial Spirit. This guy has spirit pattern eyes, and I believe that he will soon be a fourth-level array mage. His opponent has one more.

"Junior Brother, your face is not very good! Are you sick?" Yin Zong lazily walked to Lu Yao's side and asked.

Lu Yao restrained the expression on his face and said lightly: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Lu Yao lowered his eyes and felt a chill in his heart. Although he and Yin Zong were both disciples of Kong Kill, their relationship was not very good.

"Junior Brother, you seem to be very afraid of the one named Mu Chen and the one named Ye Shi!" Yin Zong looked at Lu Yao with a half-smiling smile.

Lu Yao's face turned gloomy. This guy, Mu Chen, really put him under such a lot of pressure. From childhood to adulthood, Lu Yao had never met that person, and he could suppress him so much in his skills.

Because of Mu Chen's appearance, his status in the minds of the students of Mingyue Academy has dropped a lot. Ye Shi is also a very tricky fake. Although this person is still a third-level formation mage, I heard that he has contacted the formation method. In a few days, he will be a third-level formation mage.

Yin Zong looked at Lu Yao's face, smiled lightly, and said, "It's just two people who are about to die, Junior Brother, don't worry too much, no matter how talented the dead are, they are just dead."

Yin Zong sneered, and the laughter penetrated into Lu Yao's ears, which made Lu Yao feel extremely harsh. If it wasn't for the pressure of the master, this guy Yin Zong would even want to kill himself.

"There is Senior Brother Lao, Senior Brother has taken action, and Mu Chen's legend will end here. Senior Brother, Senior Brother has an unkind request, I wonder if Senior Brother will agree." Lu Yao lowered his attitude and said.

"Tell me about it." Yin Zong folded his arms and looked at Lu Yao lazily.

Yin Zong's unrestrained attitude made Lu Yao feel a little uncomfortable, "Mu Chen has something in his hand, I hope senior brother can give it to junior brother." Lu Yao said sternly.

"You want a hundred exercises." Yin Zong said with narrowed eyes.

Lu Yao's complexion changed. Originally, the Lu family dealt with the Jin family's acquisition of the Hundred Exercises, but it was unknowing. It was hateful. That idiot in the family regarded the Hundred Exercises as a worthless thing and lived with other things. , a piece was sold.

Over the years, the Lu family has spent a lot of people investigating for the sake of training the body, so that many people associate the matter of the Jin family with their family.

"Exactly." Lu Yao said.

Yin Zong squinted his eyes and said with great interest: "I heard that the Hundred Exercises are related to the treasure of the Nine Stars Martial Emperor, and many are interested in it!"

Lu Yao said with disapproval: "Senior brother is joking, there is really a treasure. The Hundred Exercises have been in the hands of the Jin family for so many years.

"That's right, but there is always a reason for it. Otherwise, Junior Brother, why do you want to find a common body training method?" Yin Zong sneered.

"Senior brother, you've been thinking too much. I just heard that the Jin family's body training book is very mysterious. It can be invulnerable to swords and guns. That's why I'm interested." Lu Yao laughed.

Yin Zong said with disapproval: "No matter how strong the body refining technique is, the level can't be raised, so what can you do? The entire Jin family has been refining the body.

Lu Yao's face was sullen, this guy Yin Zong is really not good at fooling around!

The Hundred Exercises are so troublesome that many people suspect that there is a big problem here. If this guy, Mu Chen, gave him the Hundreds of Exercises, it wouldn't be like this.

Yin Zong looked at Lu Yao, and there was a little playfulness in his eyes, Lu Yao was so nervous about training his body, there must be an inside story, his junior brother is not sincere!

I heard that many families in the French Empire are interested in the Hundred Exercises. If I grab it back and sell it to an auction for hundreds of millions of stones, it shouldn't be a problem. After all, this thing is about a Wu Huangqiang. ah!


Time passed by, and soon it was time to open the secret realm.

A large number of students gathered at the entrance of the secret realm, many of which were unfamiliar faces Ye Shi had never seen before.

Zhuang Yu stood quietly in the field, surrounded by seniors with eight-star and nine-star strength.

Seeing Zhuang Yu, Lan Ruofeng went up to get close, and was sneered away by a group of men beside Zhuang Yu.

Lan Ruofeng was boring, so he had to hide to the side and sullen.

Yin Zong stood in the crowd, his eyes swept around Zhuang Yu with interest, "She's really a beauty, but unfortunately, there is too much garbage around him, I really want to get rid of those unsightly guys, it's a pity , not yet."

When Lu Yao heard Yin Zong's words, he subconsciously frowned.

"The people who entered the secret realm from the Holy Star Academy actually have three-star and four-star martial artists. If such a person is killed, they will not feel at all." Yin Zong said with disgust.

Ye Shi stood beside Mu Chen, looking around anxiously.

"I heard that after entering the secret realm, all the people will be separated." Ye Shi grabbed Mu Chen's hand nervously.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "After entering the secret realm, I will try to find a way to join you as soon as possible. If you encounter danger in the secret realm, you should run away and don't be brave, you know?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I know."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and instructed worriedly, "Even if someone slaughtered the students of Saint Star Academy in front of you, you shouldn't worry about things that should be yours."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I see, Mu Chen, don't worry, I can't take care of myself, and I won't take care of other people's affairs."

"That's good." Mu Chen frowned deeply and nodded.

Because there are a lot of places in the academy, Cheng Wanbai and Xie Danyan, two three-star martial masters, were all allocated a place.

Xie Danyan's face was less savage and more cautious.

Unlike those with the eighth-level aptitude, who can reach the king level or even the emperor level as long as they practice hard, those with the fifth-level and sixth-level aptitudes can only reach that step by fighting for their lives and fighting for the chance.

Although they knew the danger, Xie Danyan and others, who were unwilling to be ordinary, chose to join the secret realm trial.


"The secret realm is about to open, everyone is ready to enter." Lian Chengkong looked at everyone coldly and said.

Everyone quickly lined up in two teams and stepped onto the teleportation array to enter the secret realm in turn.

Ye Shi followed behind Mu Chen and was transported to the secret realm.

Ye Shi landed on a tree and looked at the grass under him. Ye Shi hooked his mouth. His luck didn't seem to be very bad. At the feet of the monster at the peak of Wuling, the monster swallowed it.

Ye Shi sat on the tree trunk, his eyes swept around, and a familiar figure jumped into his eyes.

Ye Shi frowned, he didn't see Mu Chen, he actually found Lan Ruofeng, what is this! Mu Chen didn't teleport to the same place with him, but Lan Ruofeng teleported to him, what kind of fate is this!

Lan Ruofeng's eyes swept around, and he saw the leaves and stones on the tree.

Ye Shi supported the tree trunk with both hands, and swayed his legs leisurely. Seeing Lan Ruofeng's eyes looking over, Ye Shi suddenly smiled wickedly, with his hands across his neck, and made a throat-cutting motion.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Ye Shi, frowned, and flew away.

Ye Shi watched Lan Ruofeng walk away, and smiled silently, Lan Ruofeng was so timid, he was frightened and ran away.

However, Lan Ruofeng is only a sixth-level martial artist, so he should be apprehensive when he encounters a martial spirit like himself.

Ye Shi jumped down from the tree and took a deep breath.

The vitality in the secret realm is very strong. Even if you do nothing, it is a good thing to stay in the secret realm for a month and cultivate for a month.


Ye Shi walked aimlessly in the secret realm, his eyes wandering around.

A tall mountain jumped into Ye Shi's eyes.

Ye Shi's eyes lit up, this mountain seems to be the Yunqing Mountain on the map. Before, the people who came in from the Holy Star Academy found a secret cave in the mountain. Unfortunately, there is a complex formation at the entrance of the secret cave. The people who discovered the secret cave tried their best, but failed to break the formation and returned without success.

After this group of people came out, they told the sect of the secret cave they discovered. For the second time, the sect sent people in. With certain preparations, these people bombarded the formation indiscriminately and finally opened a door. gap.

However, those who entered it found that this secret cave may have been left by a master of formation. After breaking a formation, there is another formation to guard it. That formation is more powerful than the outermost formation. Complicated, those people are already a bit stretched after breaking the first formation, let alone the second.

Ye Shi found the entrance according to the map, and there was a formation guard outside the entrance.

Ye Shi frowned, the outermost formation seemed to have been damaged by something, but as time passed, the formation seemed to have been completely repaired.

Ye Shi looked at the formation in front of him, and his brows couldn't help jumping. The person who could automatically repair the formation and draw such formation should be at least a sixth-level formation mage.

Ye Shi's eyes released a burst of blue light, and the weak points in the formation could be seen.

In the Yeshi space ring, a formation plate was taken out and blew lightly against the formation plate.

A string of runes flew out from the array plate and fell into the array at the entrance. The array made a crackling sound, and then a gap was revealed.

Ye Shi walked in calmly. Inside the array was an empty stone room, and there was another formation on the side wall of the stone room.

Ye Shi heard that the students who entered here in the last session seemed to get a lot of benefits from this stone room. These people guessed that if the magic circle in the stone room was broken, they would get more benefits later.

Ye Shi walked to the formation in the stone room, and just as he was about to do it, a cry for help entered Ye Shi's ears.

"Help! Help!"


Ye Shi frowned, and finally floated out.

A man in black chased behind several Saint Star students with a mocking smile on his face.

Ye Shi saw blood on the sword of the black-clothed man, and wondered that someone had already died in his hands.

Ye Shi clenched his fists, Fu Yuanbao's guess actually came true, Mingyue Academy, there are really masters, mixed in.

The man's strength is unfathomable. He is chasing behind the people of Saint Star Academy like a cat and mouse. His speed is neither fast nor slow, and he obviously did not do his best. This man has a weird smile on his face, and he seems to be enjoying everyone's fear. .

Ye Shi was a little surprised to find that Lan Ruofeng was also among those being hunted down.

"Student Ye, help!" Lan Ruofeng shouted.

When Lan Ruofeng shouted, other students who didn't find Ye Shi at first discovered Ye Shi.

Surrounded by the fear of death, several students followed Lan Ruofeng and shouted, "Help, Classmate Ye, Classmate Ye, help."

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