Mu Chen and Ye Shi walked into the medicine garden one after the other, and many of the surviving students in the secret realm gathered here.

Because of Yin Zong's incident, the relationship between Mingyue Academy and Saint Star Academy was somewhat tense, and the students were divided into two factions.

As soon as Mu Chen and Ye Shi arrived at the medicine garden, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. The students of the Saint Star Academy were all excited when they saw the two of them appear.

In the medicine garden, although Mingyue has far fewer people than Saint Stars, there is a martial arts spirit Lu Yao on Mingyue's side, and Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao are unclear. Therefore, Mingyue's strength, On the contrary, it is stronger than Saint Star.

The arrival of Mu Chen and Ye Shi quickly turned the situation around.

"Ms. Mu, classmates Ye, you are here. It's really nice."

"Mr. Mu, your cultivation has improved again, I'm gratifying to congratulate you!"

"Mr. Mu, I heard that you showed great power and killed an eight-star martial arts expert. It's really amazing!"

"Student Ye, I heard that your array spells are very powerful, and even the eight-star martial arts have trapped you. You are really amazing."

"Student Ye, you and Mu Shaozhen are a perfect match."

Ye Shi looked at the student who said he was a match for Mu Chen, and said with admiration, "You really have vision."

Ye Shi didn't care about the compliments next to him at all. Hearing that he was a match for Mu Chen, he couldn't help but secretly secretly rejoice.

"Ye Shi, you are going too far." Seeing Ye Shi being complimented by everyone, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but jump out.

Zhuang Yu bit her lip, and a feeling of unwillingness surged in her heart. The students of the Saint Star Academy were lukewarm towards him, but they were so enthusiastic towards Ye Shi. Zhuang Yu couldn't help feeling a little jealous and a little aggrieved.

Ye Shi frowned and thought: Lan Ruofeng is dead, when will Zhuang Yu die too.

"Zhuang Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? How can I go too far?" Ye Shi said with a dark face.

"Ye Shi, you murdered the same family, you are a heinous crime." Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi indignantly.

Ye Shi couldn't help feeling a little guilty when he heard the murder of his fellow disciple.

"What nonsense are you talking about, what evidence do you have?" Ye Shi glared at Zhuang Yu coldly. When Jing Feiyue died, only herself and Mu Chen were there, and there was no proof. As long as he killed him and refused to admit it, no one could prove it. He did it.

"Don't think about quibbling, that is, you hurt Ruofeng, and you have always held a grudge against Ruofeng." Zhuang Yu said.

Ye Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was Lan Ruofeng, who surprised him. It didn't matter if it was Lan Ruofeng. Lan Ruofeng and Jing Feiyue were not on the same level at all.

Lan Ruofeng was dead, and the dean might not even move his brows. Besides, Lan Ruofeng was eaten by monsters, and it had nothing to do with them.

"He was eaten by a monster, what does it have to do with me?" Ye Shi said confidently.

"You've put medicine on Ruofeng, and only Ruofeng can be targeted by monsters." Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi angrily.

Ye Shi said disapprovingly: "How could it be me? You did it, who doesn't know, Lan Ruofeng has an affair with you, you have a sleazy smell on your body, and when Lan Ruofeng gets on you, your physique becomes stronger. Those who attract monsters will die."

Several girls around looked at Zhuang Yu with strange expressions.

A girl couldn't help but burst out laughing. The girl laughed, and everyone around looked at her. The female student was a little embarrassed, but the scene was eerily silent for a while, and then there was a burst of laughter.

A group of female students looked at Zhuang Yu recklessly, with disdain and disgust in their eyes.

The harsh laughter kept getting into Zhuang Yu's ears, making Zhuang Yu blushed.

Zhuang Yu is very lethal to male students, but his charm is of little use to girls.

"Ye Shi, what nonsense are you talking about? Why should I harm Ruofeng..." Zhuang Yu glared at Ye Shi angrily.

"Why? Needless to say, because you are half-hearted, and you are as good as you can. When you see someone you love, and you meet a good one, you can't wait to dump Lan Ruofeng, the unpopular thing, and you can't let him stop it. Your way!" Ye Shi widened his eyes and said with passion.

It is also set in the original text to be vicious cannon fodder, such a person, the meaning of existence is to block the protagonist.

In the original text, Ye Shi likes Lan Ruofeng and forbears Lan Ruofeng everywhere, but now Ye Shi likes Mu Chen. Regarding Ye Shi's behavior towards Zhuang Yu, Mu Chen has been pampering and pampering him, and by the way, he will take care of Ye Shi's aftermath. Ye Shi will naturally not leave any sympathy for Zhuang Yu.

"Ye Shi, you wicked sue first, you are too shameless." Zhuang Yu bit her lip and glanced around.

The students of the Saint Star Academy stood by and watched the play one by one. Facing the ridiculing gazes around, Zhuang Yu suddenly felt sad.

Ye Shi was obviously so bad, he did bad things, and he was beaten up. Why didn't everyone blame him and look at himself like that.

"Ye Shi, the truth is clear, and your true face will be revealed sooner or later." Zhuang Yu said righteously.

"Zhuang Yu, you little bitch, don't think that I don't know your details. I saved you face, so I didn't expose you. You jumped up and down, and you died." typical.

Zhuang Yu frowned and said angrily, "What's the details? I'm not afraid of shadows, so I'm not afraid of you talking nonsense."

"Bah, you are so thick-skinned, your master Shi Ziyu is a spy of Mingyue Academy, and you are a little spy raised by him. You two master and apprentice want to destroy Mingyue Academy, both of you are shameless, one Shameless." Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu coldly.

Zhuang Yu was stunned for a moment, blushing, "Don't talk nonsense, it's not like that."

Master, although I told him to transfer him to Mingyue Academy, but Master is for his own good, Mingyue Academy's resources and environment are better, and after entering Mingyue Academy, you can go to the Holy Land of Central Continent to practice, and you can see more. The vast sky, the Holy Star Academy is too small, it is no longer suitable for his development.

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "You don't have to argue, when you competed in the martial arts competition, Mu Chen's original opponent was a nine-star martial artist, but your master was a stumbling block, so he was replaced by a two-star martial arts like Zhu Xu, your master wanted to kill Mu Chen, it's a pity, Zhu Xu is too disheartened, he didn't endure Mu Chen's three tricks, your master can't lose rice by stealing chickens."

"At the time of the martial arts competition, Mu Chen had already been promoted to the martial arts level. Master felt that it was not respectful to arrange a nine-star martial artist for Mu Chen, so he arranged Zhu Xu for Mu Chen." Facing the suspicious gazes around him, Zhuang Yu was full of doubts. It's an aggrieved explanation.

"Bah, rhetoric." Ye Shi said angrily.

"Enough of Ye Shi, don't be rude." Lu Yao couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw that Zhuang Yu was made speechless by Ye Shi.

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu and said, "Little bastard, you still have the face to explain, look who's standing beside you? You're an eater, Lan Ruofeng, even if you're alive, seeing you and Lu Yao together, Sooner or later I will be pissed off by you, you should get away with him, Lan Ruofeng is alive, and seeing that you and Lu Yao are unclear, I can be pissed off by you again."

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu and said to himself: Mu Chen always thinks that he is small, and Zhuang Yu is not older than himself, but the men around Zhuang Yu have changed one after another.

"Ye Shi," Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi angrily, her heart was full of anger, but Ye Shi was speechless.

The white lotus should be unstained from the mud, and it should be held in the palm of the hand.

It stands to reason that if he was targeted like this by Ye Shi, he should have a pile of real cards, and the cannon fodder attacked him, and he only needed to be a quiet, delicate and beautiful man by the side.

However, Lan Ruofeng, who was supposed to be in love with Ye Shi, was a cannon fodder. Lu Yao's identity made him unable to say more in such a place.

As for those cannon fodder attacks at the Saint Star Academy, Zhuang Yu adhered to the principle that the clean is self-cleaning, and the dirty is self-cleaning, and communicated with Lu Yao with a clear conscience, but other students could not do this.

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu arrogantly, and said triumphantly, "You, what are you, how are you, you are guilty, and you are speechless."

"That's not the case." Zhuang Yu glared at Ye Shi.

"It's not like this, what's it like?" Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu in command like a little rooster with high fighting spirit.

Zhuang Yu turned his eyes for help to Mu Chen, Mu Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, he really didn't understand, after he rejected Zhuang Yu again and again, how did Zhuang Yu have the courage to put his hope away again and again on him.

Ye Shi angrily stood in front of Mu Chen, "What are you looking at? Let's look at your eyes. This is the man of my family. Don't worry about it."

"Enough, Ye Shi, don't be rude." Lu Yao couldn't help but stand up when he saw that Zhuang Yu was scolded by Ye Shi so helplessly.

Ye Shi squinted, looked at Lu Yao, and said with a half-smile, "Little white face, you have to be aggressive and take good care of this guy, Lan Ruofeng is such a kidney-deficiency guy, look down on him, let him be dissatisfied and provoke others everywhere. , don't follow in the footsteps of Lan Ruofeng, your concubine ran away with others, and you still die."

Zhuang Yu's face was dark, Ye Shi said that he was someone who was a cheap bastard.

Lu Yao's face turned blue and white.

Seeing Lu Yao's face, Zhuang Yu couldn't help lowering her head.

"Don't worry about Ye Shao." Lu Yao said coldly.

Ye Shi snorted coldly, "I don't want to worry about it either, but if you're not attractive enough, Zhuang Yu will always stare at my Mu Chen, and I'm very troubled."

Ye Shi held his head high, looked at Lu Yao with suspicion, his face stained with a bit of sadness, obviously distrusting Lu Yao's strength.

Lu Yao's face was dark, looking at Ye Shi, he couldn't hide the murderous look in his eyes.

Mu Chen looked at Lu Yao, his heart darkened, Lu Yao was killing Ye Shi.

In the original text, both he and Ye Shi died because of Lu Yao, this person is probably more difficult to deal with than Lan Ruofeng.

"Zhuang Yu will not have anything to do with Mu Chen in the future." Lu Yao looked at Ye Shi coldly.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "Oh, that's good." Ye Shi looked at Lu Yao meaningfully, and said solemnly, "Little white face, eat more and don't make up your body, Zhuang Yu is a bottomless pit that can't be filled, you This look is really not enough."

Ye Shi stood aside and sighed, Lu Yao's face was so gloomy that water dripped.

The students of Saint Star Academy, watching this scene, couldn't help but secretly laugh.

Lu Yao has always had a high-level attitude. The students of Shengxing Academy have long regarded him as disgusting. At this moment, seeing him deflated, all the students can't help but gloat over the misfortune.

Zhuang Yu glared at Ye Shi and said, "Ye Shi, are you enough? You are going too far."

"Hmph, you provoke me first." Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu angrily and said.

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