After Xiong Wei got the magic weapon, he adjusted it a bit, and couldn't wait to go to the Monster Beast Forest to hunt down the king-level monsters.

Xiong Wei is an emperor-level powerhouse, and he is a little stretched to deal with monsters of the same level, but it is easy to deal with king-level monsters.

Xiong Wei killed five in a row, making the king-level monsters in the Monster Beast Forest all at risk.

Xiong Wei was also belligerent in his early years. After being poisoned, he died down and got a magic weapon that he could take advantage of. Naturally, he couldn't wait to try his power.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen followed Xiong Wei, looking for martial arts-level monsters to train their hands.

I don't know if it's because he has absorbed the blood essence of the monster, or because of his natural eyes, Ye Shi's senses are very keen, and he can easily know where the weakness of the monster is.

Although Mu Chen didn't have the ability of Ye Shi's natural eyes, he never forgets it, and he has read a lot of books, and he is familiar with every kind of monster.

With the rise of Xiong Weisha, Mu Chen and Ye Shi were also ruthless characters. Together, they hunted down a lot of five martial spirit-level monsters within a few days.

The strength of Mu Chen and Ye Shi was progressing so fast that they were not solid enough. The continuous and high-intensity battle against monsters greatly improved the situation.

"How do you feel?" After a battle, Ji Feiyan asked Xiong Wei with a light smile.

"Very good." Xiong Wei smiled.

Ji Feiyan sneered and said, "In front of me, you don't have to be brave. This magic weapon is very heavy, so it will be very difficult to carry."

Xiong Wei went ahead and smiled, "How can there be!"

"No? If you have the ability, don't sweat it! Don't always put the hammer on the ground!" Ji Feiyan sneered.

Xiong Wei gave Ji Feiyan a dissatisfied look. Although the magic weapon Ye Shi opened was extremely powerful, it was too heavy to be received in the space ring.

Every time Ye Shi saw Xiong Wei wielding the giant hammer, envy and admiration appeared in his eyes. Only Xiong Wei knew how much effort he had to expend in order to wield the giant hammer "chic".

"Where are Mu Chen and Ye Shi?" Xiong Wei asked.

"Squat down." Ji Feiyan said. These two guys are non-stop, very belligerent.

"The two of them seem to have killed a lot of monsters recently!" Xiong Wei muttered.

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yes!" If Mu Chen and Ye Shi grew up smoothly, they would definitely be ruthless characters.

Ye Shi stood in a mountain forest, looking at a large area of ​​unicorns in the valley, thoughtfully.

"These wolves have been acting together." Ye Shi said with a frown.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! There are five fourth-level unicorn wolves in the wolf pack, and we are only two of us. It's too dangerous to face each other."

Ye Shi pouted, looked at Mu Chen, and asked, "Are we going to give up?"

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "It's not easy to find fourth-level monsters alone. Instead of spending time looking for other targets, it's better to find a way to bring this litter of unicorns to the pot."

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, "Do you want to ask Senior Xiong for help?"

Mu Chen said in disapproval, "It's not necessary to ask him for help. Master and his old man are preparing to deal with the emperor-level monsters. There are a few fourth-level little monsters that he doesn't like. We can think of a way already."

"Let's deploy a little more formation to trap these monsters, and then move slowly." Ye Shi suggested.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I think so too."

"Mu Chen, do you think Senior Xiong seems to have lost a lot of weight recently?" Ye Shi blinked.

Mu Chen smiled, the hammer that Ye Shi opened was quite powerful, but the weight didn't seem to be enough.

In front of Ye Shi, Xiong Wei used the giant hammer to make the tiger a tiger. In Mu Chen's opinion, it was a bit like a swollen face and a fat man. He carried a heavy hammer that crushed people all day. It is normal to be thin.

"Probably Senior Ji, teach me well." Mu Chen smiled and said.

Ye Shi's eyes lit up, "Senior Ji, it's amazing."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Okay, let's find a way to deal with this group of unicorns. Killing all these wolves will probably sell for 10 million."

Ye Shi pouted and said, "It's not easy to earn primeval stones!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ye Shi and Mu Chen are both proficient in formation techniques, and they have created a large number of trapping formations, killing formations, and ecstasy formations in the unicorn wolf's territory...

The unicorn wolves quickly realized that something was wrong. A group of wolves were like trapped beasts, rampaging against various formations.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi took various measures to defeat the leader wolf in the wolf pack. It was affected by the ecstasy formation. The group of wolves were confused and it was difficult to form a united front. Even if they heard the call of the leader wolf, they could not come to rescue .

When Xiong Wei and Ji Feiyan arrived, the demon wolves in the one-horned wolf valley were both killed.

Ji Feiyan looked at the corpse of the demon wolf all over the place, and his eyes were full of shock.

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen, his eyes were full of hesitation. The fourth-level monsters that Mu Chen and Ye Shi killed were naturally not considered by Xiong Wei. However, his strength was at the level of Mu Chen. A litter of one-horned wolves only had the chance to escape, how could they be like Mu Chen and Ye Shi, who actually took the family away.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen tasted the sweetness of killing a litter of one-horned wolves. The two of them followed suit and attacked many groups in the Monster Beast Forest. After a period of time, they gained a lot.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi stayed in the Monster Beast Forest for over a month.

During the month in the Monster Beast Forest, the two were basically hunting and killing monsters. Mu Chen occasionally used his spare time to refine the talisman, medicinal pills, and Ye Shi's free time, all of which was spent on body refining.

Mu Chen felt that it was too painful to practice the Baixian Qijue, but Ye Shi felt that he was enjoying it. Suddenly, Yinbi had reached the jade jade level, and Ye Shi's strength had also risen by a star.

For more than a month, Mu Chen's star rating did not rise any more, but Yuan Li was much thicker than before.

After more than a month, several people had to leave the Monster Beast Forest.

Xiong Wei hunted and killed the king-level monster, and finally stepped on a landmine. He accidentally slaughtered the offspring of an emperor-level monster, and was chased by the emperor-level monster.

Tianxin City Courtyard.

"I haven't heard from Mu Chen and the others recently!" Zhuang Yu said with a frown.

After Ye Shi fired the stone hammer, he disappeared, making Zhuang Yu a sigh of relief, but at the same time a little uneasy.

Seeing each other again every once in a while, Ye Shi's cultivation progress will improve by leaps and bounds. Every time Zhuang Yu thinks that he has surpassed Ye Shi, he will be disappointed to find that Ye Shi has rushed in front of him.

"It seems that they followed Xiong Wei and went out to the Monster Beast Forest to kill monsters." Lu Yao said with a frown.

"Monster Beast Forest? I heard that the Monster Beast Forest is very dangerous. If a martial artist goes there, it's a near-death experience." Zhuang Yu muttered.

Lu Yao nodded, "That's right, but Mu Chen and Ye Shi went with Xiong Wei, so the level of safety is naturally higher."

However, there are unpredictable circumstances, and people have good and bad luck. In a place like the Monster Beast Forest, even an emperor-level expert can't say that they can absolutely retreat. It would be nice if they all died in the Monster Beast Forest.

Zhuang Yu's thoughts coincided with Lu Yao's.

"Master Lu Yao, Xiong Wei brought Mu Chen and Ye Shi back."

Knowing that Lu Yao was very concerned about Xiong Wei and others, the entourage got news of Xiong Wei, and immediately came in to report. The entourage's words mercilessly shattered the illusions of Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu.

There was turmoil in the Monster Beast Forest, and Mu Chen and others had to return to Tianxin City for the time being.

Xiong Wei hunted and killed 28 king-level monsters in the Monster Beast Forest for a month. Xiong Wei shot all the monster materials and recorded a total of 1.4 billion.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi's monster beast materials shot, starting with 80 million.

Xiong Wei harvested 1.4 billion yuan, making Ye Shi envious enough.

"Mu Chen, Xiong Wei has earned 1.4 billion." Ye Shi said with his fist clenched.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

No opportunity is as important as strength. Xiong Wei is an emperor-level expert. As long as he wants to, he can earn primeval stones.

Of course, doing anything is risky. For example, Xiong Wei killed so many king-level monsters this time, and provoked an emperor-level monster. If it wasn't for Xiong Wei's quick escape, he might have died. indefinite.

"Hey, is there any other inn in Tianxincheng that has vacancies?" Xiong Wei asked the shopkeeper of the business that bought his monster beast materials.

"Senior Xiong Wei, don't you have a place to live?" The shopkeeper asked hesitantly.

"I don't have a place to live, is it weird?" Xiong Wei frowned and said unhappily.

"Senior Xiong, Tianxin City provides accommodation for every strong emperor of Wuhuang. The strong emperor of Wuhuang can stay in Tianxin City's Xihuangju for free. It stands to reason that when every emperor comes, there will be someone from Xihuangju. Please." The shopkeeper said respectfully.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he said, "It's so good to be a strong emperor of Wuhuang, and there is a free house to live in! It's good, really good." He also wanted to be a strong emperor of Wuhuang.

"Why didn't anyone come to inform me?" Xiong Wei said with a gloomy face. Ji Feiyan's girls must have known it long ago, but the girls didn't remind him, and they were still trying to hide it from him.

"Not every Martial Emperor lives in the Imperial Palace. Some people have a better place to stay, but they don't live there. Senior Xiong, are you not living in Senior Ji's place?" ? It shouldn't be!

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei and said, "Senior Xiong, have you had a conflict with Senior Ji?"

Xiong Wei wrinkled his brows, making a conflict, but not really, it's just that the women in Ji's family are as sturdy as a Ji Feiyan. It's enough for him to deal with a Ji Feiyan. Facing a bunch of women, it's just killing him. what! He was finally promoted to Emperor Wu, but he didn't want to die under the harassment of a group of girls.

"Senior Xiong, are you having trouble with Senior Ji?" Ye Shi asked.

Xiong Wei frowned and said, "No!"

Ji Feiyan, this dead girl, has been pressing harder and harder recently. She insisted that she begged for his life. She talked to him every day to save her life. Saved Ji Feiyan's life, or Xu was also Ji Feiyan, the dead girl Xu.

"Senior Xiong, Senior Ji saved your life!" Ye Shi said solemnly.

Xiong Wei frowned and said angrily, "When will she save my life! Don't listen to her nonsense." This guy Ye Shi hears that wind is rain, and Ji Feiyan believes what he says.

"But, senior, senior Ji, you saved your life! Think about it! Back then, if you weren't chased by senior Ji, and you had a superb ability to escape, how could you be so easy this time? Escape from that emperor-level monster and ascend to heaven! That is a seven-star emperor-level monster!" Ye Shi said of course.

Xiong Wei sullenly glared at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi, this idiot, can save his life like this? Also, does this guy know whether or not he can't show his ugliness!

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